24 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 2, 1963 — Reveal Anti-Semitic Literature Is Printed in U.S. for German Nazis Judaism Committed to Negro Fight s Reform Rabbinate Leader Tells Catholic Parley CHICAGO, (JTA) — The rabbinic involvement nor afraid tion Committee in Toronto, BONN, (JTA) —N a z i anti- with the swastika, the German Jewish literature is being print- Nazis were told: "We know that American Jewish community, of community consequences." which also resulted in the in the Germany of today, under which has been involved in the He reported a number of ac- establishment of that city's first ed in the United States and sent Jewish democracy, there is no quest for civil rights for a long tions being carried out current- Human Relations Commission. to the small but vociferous neo- political freedom, and National time, has now developed "a new ly by Jewish groups on the na- The rabbi felt that the "in- Nazi organizations in West Ger- Socialist activity is being sever- sense of urgency regarding in- tional as well as the local levels. crease" of Jewish activity in He called attention to the behalf of the Negroes' cause is many, it was revealed here by ly punished. But we beg you equality to the Negro," a rep- to believe that there is a re- resentative of the Reform rab- formation of a rabbinic task- due to the fact that "American German authorities. vival outside Germany. We binate told a Catholic confer- force of Orthodox, Conserva- Christendom has increased the A spokesman for West Ger- have united with the Nazi move- ence here. tive and Reform rabbis by the degree of its own involvement." many's Solicitor General's of- ment in the United States and Synagogue Council of Ameri- This view was expressed by "Jewish efforts have been fice in Karlsruhe has announc- other countries, and we are be- Rabbi Balfour Brickner, direc- ca, for participation in peace- given real impetus by the new ful r a c i al demonstrations. inning the struggle for our tor of the Commission on Inter- tri-faith activity," he said. ed the arrest of three individu- Jewish lay readers, he said, "While organizations, national- als in whose possession police ideas for the liberation of the faith Activities of the Union of are increasingly joining picket ly, have been willing to be in world from Jewish domina- American Hebrew Congrega- found 100 reprint copies of the tion." lines and sit-ins, and . broad tions, in an address before the the vanguard of the civil rights * * * "ritual murder" issue of Julius programs of grass-roots com- National Catholic Conference program, locally, Jews have munity action are undertaken LONDON, (JTA)—The City for Interracial Justice. Streicher's obscenely anti-Semi- heretofore felt that theirs was by Jewish community coun- not the responsibility to be the Judaism, said Rabbi Brickner, tic hate sheet, "Der Stuermer." Council of Oxford voted to cils. deny a permit sought by Sir is committed to the Negro cause first in a community to take the The paper, dated May 1934, has Oswald Mosley for a meeting both theologically and morally, Rabbi Brickner also reported initiative. This attitude is still been reprinted in the U.S. by he wanted to hold in the Ox- advocating human equality "be- that Jewish congregations are prevalent. The Jewish commun- the National States Rights ford Town Hall. cause it is right." At the same conducting drives for funds to ity will move only as fast and Party for distribution in Ger- The leader of the British time, he noted, "the security of assist the Negro cause in vari- as far as their Christian neigh- many, the Solicitor General of- fascist movement was backed in the Jewish community is in- ous cities; the Philadelphia bors. Therefore, I cannot too fice said. his request by one member of extricably bound to the securi- Jewish community, as an ex- strongly emphasize the advan- Documents found in the pos- the Council, Mrs. Olive Gibbs. ty of all groups, since practices ample, has adopted a program tage of inter-religious action." session of two of the arrested She held that the permit should of discrimination and segrega- grant of $25,000 to cover "a He admitted that there still men led investigators to believe be granted because, she said, tion against others are a direct variety of actions;" a congre- exists a gap between the pro- there is a close relationship "since fascism stands for . the threat to the status of the Jew- gation in another city raised nouncements and recommend- between neo-Nazi groups in suppression of freedom and for ish community." $1,300 at a Friday evening Sab- ations of national agencies West Germany and the recent- political, religious and racial T r i-f a i t h clerical participa- bath Service for the Southern and what "the individual ly established World Union of discrimination, to suppress tion in civil rights demonstra- Christian Leadership Confer- members of a specific Jewish National Socialists, headquar- their freedom is a move in their tions, he said, has shown that ence; and over $5,000 was raised community are willing to ac- ters in England. The names of direction." "Jews are neither hostile to by a congregational Social Ac- cept and initiate." He stress- the three men and the place ed, however, that, in his opin- where they were arrested, has ion, this picture would be the not been revealed by the Solici- same within the ranks of tor General's office. Protestantism and Catholi- search of accommodation were table outside a Bogota cafe, By S. J. GOLDSMITH The spokesman • said, how- cism as well. (Copyright, 1963, exploited and made to pay ex- Hitler saying: "Come on, Rach- ever, that there may be a Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) man, your move." The allusion * * * orbitant rents. LONDON—Who would have connection between the three is, in the first place, to the fact This kind of thing was go- LOS ANGELES (JTA)—The and an unidentified British thought that the Profumo story that both of them are dead, yet ing on for years in London subject believed responsible might, after all, turn out to some people believe them still Board of Rabbis of Southern and all over England, while for the distribution of Nazi have a Jewish aspect? It seemed the government tried to find to be alive. But there is an un- California issued a statement posters in Frankfurt, Munich impossible as the story un- a remedy without changing dertone in that cartoon (know- expressing "profound sympathy with the Negro community in and Freiburg during the lat- folded. There was Jack Pro- the law, and the Opposition ing the cartoonist I am sure he Greater Los Angeles in its ter part of June and all of fumo, the. ex-War Minister, who intended it) and it is this: Rach- protested vehemently. struggle to achieve full emanci- July. Headlined "Germany first denied, then admitted, im- Peter Rachman was not the man plays right into_ Hitler's pation and equality." The Board Awake!", the German-langu- proper association with a lady hands. Of course, neither the only one, perhaps not even the age posters bore a "mast- called Christine Keeler. There worst, of this type of landlord. cartoonist, Trog, nor the New represents Conservative, Ortho- head" indicating they had was the girl herself, good to To be sure, he was a repulsive Statesman, are inclined to in- dox and Reform rabbis. "As Jewish religious teach- been printed by Conn Jor- look at but with her reputation type, though people say he was vent anti-Semitism. It is true, dan's Nazi movement in Eng- slightly sullied. There was Dr. quite charming outside busi- perhaps even truer than Trog ers we are deeply concerned land. The address given on Stephen Ward, in whose home ness. He was, we are told by knows, as good cartoonists feel about the problems of discrimi- the posters was "National they had apparently met. There his former friends, generous a situation before they know it, nation and injustice which af- Socialist Movement, 74 was the cryptic figure of Eu- and always ready to help a man that the Rachman case is bound flict our Negro neighbors," the gene Ivanov, Soviet naval at- Princedale Road, London to affect the Jews as a group. statement said. "Our own his- tache, who seems to have had in need. He was, too, intelligent As a matter of fact, Kingsley tory of suffering from preju- W. 11." seems. and good company, it the same interest in Miss Keeler Martin, the former redoubtable dice and persecution has made "The events of the 1930's as Profumo (the security aspect This combination is not new. us particularly sensitive to the were a major achievement," the is still being looked into by Now, it so happened that editor of the New Statesman, plight of oppressed peoples now retired but still writing, has posters said. "Those days will Lord Denning, a High Court Peter Rachman, married to an everywhere. come again. We have united Judge, who will produce his re- Englishwoman, aged 42, small, warned all concerned that the "We call upon the political, with other countries." Copies port next October). fat and balding, took up with Rachman episode may increase anti-Jewish feeling and fan civic, business and labor lead- of the poster were first dis- Such is the logic of Diaspora a young girl of 18, one Mandy ers of this great metropolitan covered in Frankfurt, where life and minority existence that Rice-Davies, installed her in a latent animosities. It is no use arguing that this center to act with dispatch in they had been pasted on the the shadow of a Jew soon ap- nice apartment, gave her minks door of the Orthodox syna- peared on the horizon, and at- and diamonds and a Jaguar is unfair; that Rachman is one answer to the grievances voiced gogue; the home of Dr. Isaac tention was switched for the sports car, and kept her in a of hundreds of such sharks, and by Negro leaders through elimi- E. Lichtigfeld, the Hessian moment to him—with the ex- style she was not accustomed only a very few of them are nating segregation and inequali- Provincial Rabbi, and the house pected results of anti-Jewish to. This lady was a friend of Jewish; that if Jews are to be ty in the social, educational and of Hesse's outspoken anti-Nazi whispers in some respectable Christine Keeler, and.a habitue blamed for Rachman, they ought economic spheres of community attorney general, Dr. Fritz circles, and loud anti-Jewish of the various parties that were to be given credit for "good" life. We call upon the members propaganda by Nazis and Fas- going on in the flat of Dr. Ward, Jews. Logic does not enter into of our congregations to act in Bauer. it. Rachman has been made into all their business and social According to the West Ger- cists. One can easily imagine and in his country cottage in the symbol of this rent racket. contacts with their fellow citi- Buckinghamshire. Thus, when what is being said about it in man Solicitor General's office, Even quality newspapers write zens in the Negro community the same Briton suspected of some of the lower middle class the police started probing the about the "Rachman Empire,' in accordance with the moral affairs of Ward, they inevitably tennis and golf clubs, where the poster distribution, may and the B.B.C. mentions his imperatives of our religious also have been responsible for Jews are not admitted (the top came across the name of Mandy background. He cannot defend tradition." Rice Davis (not accused of any clubs do admit Jews, of course; swastika smearings on the crime, to be sure) and from her himself because he is dead. foundations of Hitle r's old they have no racial bias; and in and other people learned about Whatever some stupid people this respect, they differ from Eagle's Nest on the Obersalz- Peter Rachman, his arrange- say to the contrary, Jewish Israel-Bound Ship berg near Berchtesgaden. The American exclusive clubs). I used the term "shadow" ment with her and his acquaint- bodies are impossible to switch, Averts Gaza Strip; swastikas were accompanied by because the Chevra Kadisha anship with Ward. for the simple reason that the the slogan in English, "Hitler Jew in question, one Peter Soon the vulgar press was in would soon spot it. Rachman is 600 Voyagers Saved was Right." full cry after the dead Rach- the source of all evil. And you TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Six hun- Rachman, is dead now. He Reports reaching here in- man. Here was a foreigner, a know the rest. dred ship passengers, most of died of a heart attack in No- Anglo-Jews are rather sensi- them Israelis, on the way to dicate that John Tyndall, sec- Jew, an operator of shady real vember, 1961. retary general of Jordan's However, his soul goes march- estate deals, the lover of one of tive. They are forever touchy Israel, were narrowly saved movement, has announced in ing on—like the soul of John the ladies mentioned in the and apologetic. They still labor from entering a port in the London that his organization Brown in the famous martial Ward case, a friend of Ward under the impression that, if all Gaza Strip, the Israeli Coast Jews were nice people, the Guard announced. was responsible for the pos- song. himself. No popular newspaper neighbors would have nothing ter action in Germany. He Peter Rachman was the son The passengers included 150 reportedly indicated that of a Warsaw Jewish dental sur- could resist the story. On top to say against the Jews when they foregather to gossip be- new immigrants on the way to of it, the Opposition used the thousands of German-langu- geon. He came to England with known facts of the Rachman hind the lace curtains. There this country. age handbills had been print- the Polish forces when they got Coming from a Southern are exceptions, naturally. But case as a stick to beat the ed for distribution in the Fed- out of Russia under the Stalin- government with. One labor it takes character and flair to European port on a Turkish eral Republic. Distribution of S i k o r ski agreement. He was be a "take-it-or-leave-it Jew." ship, the Iskadrun, the captain politician, generally a sensi- Nazi literature, and display- eventually demobilized, and Such Jews are few and far be- of the vessel missed the lights ble chap, went as far as to ing Nazi emblems, is illegal with his 60 pounds gratuity he suggest that Rachman may tween. of the Haifa port, due to fog, went into the real estate busi- in the Federal Republic. British Jews live now under and continued southward. He ness. This was the time when not be dead, after all; that * * * t h e Conservative g o v e r n- bodies had been switched in the shadow of Peter Rachman. saw the lights of another port LONDON, (JTA)—Colin Jor- ment decontrolled rent and the hospital where he was "Every time I see his name in and, thinking he had reached dan's National Socialist Move- gave landlords more scope for supposed to have died; that print, I feel weak in the knees," Haifa, was about to enter that ment has assured German neo- their operations. By various Rachman was still running said an old lady. When I told harbor. Nazis of support from a world- means, legal and dubious, heart- overcrowded rooming houses her that I honestly could not Meanwhile, the Israeli Coast wide Nazi movement united less landlords crowded old from some hideout, perhaps care less, and that the non- with American Nazis "for the houses with colored tenants, from some Latin American Jews do not apologize for Pro- Guard was searching for the liberation of the world from made life for the other inhabi- republic. fumo, Keeler and the others, Iskadrun. The Coast Guard Jewish domination," in a leaflet tants intolerable and thus This • idea has inspired the she said that I, too, was an anti- made radio contact with the secured by the Jewish Tele- pushed them out. They con- New Statesman cartoonist to the Semite. But she was good Iskadrun just in time to pre- graphic Agency here. verted whole districts into following effort: Hitler and enough to add that I don't cause vent its entry into G a z a, guiding it to Haifa. In the leaflet, embellished places where colored people in Rachman playing chess at a her anxiety. A Jewish 'Hero' in the Proftuno-Keeler Scandal