THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue. of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Editor and Publisher Business Manager Advertising Manager HARVEY ZUCKERBERG City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixth day of Av, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Deut. 1:1-3:22. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 1:1-27. Fast of the 9th of Av '(Tishah b'Av) will be observed Tuesday. Licht benshen, Friday, July 26, 7:30 p.m. VOL. XLIII. No. 22 Page Four July 26, 1963 Globke's Guilt: Our Honor Not for Sale There has never been any doubt that Communist dominated East Germany will utilize every chance that comes its way to paint the Bonn government in the basest form. Whenever East Germany will have the opportunity it will depict West Ger- many as Fascists, as still dominated by Nazis, as the tool of the West. Nevertheless, it was in West Germany that former Nazis were placed on trial and many of them continue to be tried for their crimes against the Jews and against Humanity. On the contrary, in East Germany, once one has turned Com- munist, he is apparently immune from accusations and from danger of punish- ment for his crimes. It was not surprising, therefore, to learn that Dr. Hans Globke was placed on trial in absentia in East Berlin and was "sentenced to life imprisonment," and that West Germany promptly accused the East Germans of Communist propa- ganda. These are the facts in a case which suddenly took another shocking turn when Globke, testifying at a Nazi war crimes trial in Wuppertal, in defense of four former SS officers who were charged with mass murder of Jews and others in Nazi-occupied Russia, spoke in terms of compulsion to follow orders. He spoke of soldiers attached to execution squads who "were unable to dodge duty unless they were prepared to be shot them- selves." This reopens the question of "taking orders," which was Adolf Eichmann's de- fense. * * * A very distinguished American Catho- lic, Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Ryan, former Chief of the U.S. Army Chaplains, in a book issued very recently by Random House under the title "A Soldier Priest Talks to Youth." disputed the Eichmann theory of "following orders." In all seriousness Gen. Ryan states in his in- teresting book, which was written for Catholic youth but from which people of all faiths have much to learn, that "a patriot is not the man who says, as Ste- , phen Decatur once did, 'My country, right or wrong, but right or wrong, my coun- try!' If your country is wrong, you must work to make her right, if only because you love her so and it pains you to see her embarked on a wicked course." Then Gen. Ryan proceeded to state: "The men who followed Hitler and Mussolini said 'My country right or wrong,' and we all know the beastli- ness that the Nazis turned loose on the world. Look at Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi official whom Israel hanged in June of 1962 for having done most to organize the slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews during the Nazi persecution. Eichmann's defense throughout his trial was that he was 'following orders'! He pleaded that he was serving his country! Could any man have done his country a greater disservice than to have followed the bloody path that led to the destruction of Germany from the air, and its division into two separate, hostile camps? "No one can place country above conscience, any more than he can place loved ones above conscience. The Church teaches us that the Fourth Commandment, on which patriotism is based, also commands: 'Obey your mother and father in all that is not sin.' The same applies to the father- land: If you saw your father striking a cripple you would be horrified and very quick to plead with him to stop. The same should apply to you if—God forbid—you should find your country bullying a little land or mistreating minorities within its own community. You love the face of your country too much to see it disfigured by brutality or prejudice." * * * Having reopened the issue with his callous declaration about carrying out orders, Dr. Globke has, perhaps inad- vertently, reopened his own case. While the National Guardian is known to be leftist, with leanings favor- able to the East Germans, an article in which it first revealed that the East Ger- mans were to reopen the Globke case Maxims for All Faiths deserves very serious attention. Writing for the Guardian from East Berlin, Edith Anderson described the new "spotlight on There is, of course, only one Decalogue, but there have been Bonn's fascists" and on Globke as follows: and ' A warrant for the arrest of Dr. Hans Josef Maria Globke, closest collaborator of West German Chancellor Adenauer, has been posted all over East Germany. People gather around the large red poster, which has a photograph of Globke in Nazi officer's uni- form, and their faces grow sober as they read the text. The West German State Secretary of the Chancellery Office is wanted "on strong suspicion" of having helped "prepare and carry out fascist laws which led to the mur- der of millions of Jewish citizens and mem- bers of other nations." The trial of the man who wrote an official interpretation of the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws will begin— undoubtedly without the defendant—July 8 in East Berlin, and will continue about two weeks. Of 650 witnesses questioned in pre- trial hearings, 150 will testify in court. Although incriminating documents about Globke have been publicized by the German Democratic Republic for three years, Bonn has ignored them. The Attorney General of the province of Hesse, Fritz Bauer, began "investigatory proceedings" against Globke in 1961, but dropped them. He told the Danish Berlingske Tidende in an interview last February that influential circles in West Germany "don't want any more of their for- mer Nazis to be exposed." Bauer, who had been in a concentration camp himself, declared that Hitler would find "good, fruitful soil for his ideas" in West Germany today. The facts are at hand, and since Globke has not yet learned the realities in humanism by his continued adherence, Eichrnann-like, to the Nazi idea of "fol- lowing orders," there must be acquies- cence to the demand that this associate of Konrad Adenauer, holding the respon- sibility for the framing of the Nuremberg anti-Semitic laws, should be exposed like any other former Nazi chieftain. While it is true that the charges cur- rently leveled against Globke stem from the Communist East German area which is being viewed as an enemy to our sys- tem of government, it does not mean that when a truth emanates from there it is to be ignored. America has a great stake in Ger- many. Our President stated a short time ago that we are prepared to defend the German cities in the interest of the com- mon ideals that have resulted in our mutual interest in the democratic way of life and in the defense of Europe's democratic strongholds. That in no sense implies that we are to continue to tolerate neo-Nazism, that the past is to be forgot- ten. There are higher duties to be respect- ed, and under no circumstances is the human element to be sacrificed. It must be made known that Ameri- ca's honor is not for sale when men like Globke are involved and that we stand ready to receive evidence against Nazi criminals even from East Germans. Decalogues for Our Day written many admonitions on good living, just international national legislation and proper relations among men. In "Decalogues for Our Day," published by Bloch, Rabbi Martin H. Weitz, of the Reform congregation Beth Israel of Atlantic City, has completed an anthology of "Ten Command. ments" for modern living. Indeed, he commences by quoting the Ten Commandments of Sinai, abbreviated from chapter XX in Exodus: 1. I am the Lord thy God. 2. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor thy father and thy mother. 6. Thou shalt not murder. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covet. Then he proceeds to quote decalogues that were penned by rabbis and others on such subjects as Faith, Democracy and Equality, Parents and Children, Partners in Marriage, Youth and Education, Business and Commerce and other subjects related to problems arising in life. In his foreword, Rabbi Weitz states that the Biblical saga of Sinai are fundamental maxims for all faiths. Spokesmen for many beliefs independently attempted decalogues inspired by the words from-Sinai, and his compilation makes use of them with- out evaluation, attaching no priorities, and are offered in this volume as "an inspiration for ideals and values." An introduction to the book by Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, Hebrew Union College professor, commends Rabbi Weitz for turning "to a peerless source of ethical creativity" for "moral inspiration." The variety of subjects covered and the many eras and authors represented are indicated in a number of titles, such as "Ten Rules of Life" by Thomas Jefferson; "Ten Commandments for Parents" by Sam Levenson; "Ani Maamin—I Believe" by Prof. Mordecai M. Kaplan; "Decalogue of the Art of Prayer" by Nahman of Bratzlav, and scores of others. Among the authors of decalogues quoted are Theodore R000sevelt, Robert Ashworth, Dr. Maurice Eisendrath, Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Goethe, Dr. Julius Mark, Norman Vincent Peale and others of various. faiths. Jews and non-Jews. Of special interest is the reproduction at the end of the book of pages from various Bibles, the Hebrew—Textus Hebrai- cus, the Greek, Spanish, Italian, Latin and Anglican versions. A Who's Who giving brief biographical notes of the authors quoted assists the reader in knowing whence the decalogues stem. Yiddish Novel Translater ' Simon s 'In the Thicket' "In the Thicket" continues the life story of Solomon Simon. Begun with his "My Jewish Roots"—both books were published by the Jewish Publication Society of America—the second vol- ume includes the able writer's departure from home to enter a Yeshiva until the time when he arrives in New. York. Ably translated from the Yiddish by Moshe Spiegel, this is the story of a vanished era, of the world in conflict for the enlightened Talmudic scholars in the Old World. Life in Eastern Europe becomes more understandable in this true tale of woe as well as fascination, of the soul-searching by Yeshiva bachurim, of an emerging non-conformity. "In the Thicket" is the story of the struggle between tra- dition and secularism. It is an especially valuable work for our time, with secularism making its bid for high stakes. Solomon Simon has produced another noteworthy novel that is as charming as its predecessor and represents an excellent series in story-telling.