For the Crimes They Committed Trials of Nazi Criminals (Continued from Page 1) Case, he again faces charges of homicide arising from different actions. Some additional defendants, whose names have not yet been released, may be implicated in the Hungary trial. According to Frank- furt District Attorney Dr. Hans Grossmann, at least 50 witnesses will be called against Krumey and Hunsche. In Munich, former SS General Karl Wolff, 62, Heinrich Himmler's chief-of-staff, has just been indicted for the murder of 306,000 Polish and Italian Jews. Wolff was arrested only a year ago, shortly after publishing his memoirs. Until then, he had been leading a prosperous life as an ad- vertising agent. He became well known at the end of the war for helping to negotiate the surrender of the German forces in Northern Italy. At the - Nuremberg trials, where he was one of the key prosecution witnesses, he was the only SS officer permitted to wear his general's insignia in court. Allied judges referred to him kindly as a "misfit" in the Nazi terror organization. In Limburg, Prof. Werner Heyde and two other doctors are expected to face trial this summer for their leading roles in the Nazi euthanasia program which, prosecution officials say, cost the lives of 100,000 Germans. In Essen, prosecutors are investigating former members of Einsatzkommando 7 of Einsatzgruppe D. In Braunchschweig, a case is being prepared against former members of the SS cavalry regiment, and in Frankfurt, investigations are continuing on former - members of Police Battalion 306, responsible for the liquidation of Jews in the Pinsk area in Oc- tober, 1942. Two other major cases were completed within the last few weeks. One concerned the Heuser group which resulted in penitentiary terms ranging from 31/2 years to life imprisonment. The other in- volved 12 former guards at Kulmhof Concentration camp, accused of murdering 150,000 Polish, Austrian, Czechoslovakian and German Jews. Six of the 12 defendants were acquitted, the other six received sentences ranging from 3 1/2 to 15 years. All told, according to the Federal Justice Min- istry, 10,000 Germans have been convicted of war crimes since 1945, and 5,000 of these were tried in German courts. The others faced military govern- ment tribunals. Many Germans believe the trials should be terminated and a general amnesty for war crim- inals be declared. They view the recent spate of proceedings as "neo-denazification." Some have based their recommendation on ending the trials on the feeling that the court proceedings focus attention on a few notorious men and create an atmosphere in which "everyone else can feel exonerated for any moral responsibility for the actions of the Third Reich." The official goyernment position, as published not long ago in the Bulletin, is this: "These defendants are on trial for the crimes they have committed, not as representatives for the German people. The German people are not a nation of murderers. But all Germans have a varied form of responsibility. The Third Reich was predi- cated on spiritual and moral corruption . . . " The light sentences in some of the cases have also evoked criticism in Germany and abroad. Some of the prison terms, Prosecutor Schuele recently remarked, "are the equivalent of 10 minutes in jail Per murder." But part of the answer lies in the nature of the German penal code which has no death pen- alty and which limits penitentiary terms to 15 years, even for murder, whenever evidence is not all-conclusive. How, many observers have asked, can one expect judges who themselves are tainted with a Nazi rec- ord, to pass judgment on war criminals? Although 153 of the 159 most notorious jurists wandered into retirement a year ago, others who performed the Nazi regime's work of terror, remain. Yet, incon- gruous as it may seem, some of the most severe penalties for war crimes have been imposed by judges with very shady pasts. It is difficult to ascertain how the majority of Germans feel about the current wave of trials, but the most ecouraging view was published recently in Duesseldorf's conservative Rheinische Post. Com- menting on the Heuser case, the paper said: . . . There can be no excuse for what happened in Minsk 20 years ago, and it would be cheap, indeed, to place all blame on the "system" of the time. That system was a criminal one, true, but it required criminals to make it as gruesome and effective as it was. "There were so many criminals available that our courts today are still preoccupied with them: in Koblenz, in Munich, in Nuremberg; in Freiburg. The legacy of Nazism will hover over our people for many years because there were so many so eager and willing to commit those crimes. They must be punished. There is no way of circumventing that responsibility." First ZOA Convention in Israel Inspires Increased Interest in Cultural Programs (Continued from Page 1) He said this had happened because Jewish youth in Israel were under the constant bur- den of the struggle for eco- nomic independence and - se- curity and had no time to look toward the outside Jewish world. At the same time, he said, Jewish youth in the U.S. was enjoying unprecedented economic prosperity and was taking Israel for granted while becoming more integrated into an isolationist environment. Asserting that there was a strong tendency toward as- similation among Jewish youth in the U.S., he called for an intensified educational and cultural program and indirect intimate cooperation between Israeli youth leader- ship and Jewish youth out- side of Israel to assist the Zionist movement to develop leadership for the future. The delegates heard Y. Foe- der, director of the Bank Le- umi, and M. Stern, director of Rassco, report on economic conditions and investment po- tentials in Israel. Leon Dultzin of the Jewish Agency reported on measures to encourage the immigration to Israel of middle class Jews. _ M. Kaplan, president of Or- ganization of Americans and Canadians in Israel, called for an increase in Aliyah mainly of youth and professional. Rep. James Roosevelt, Cali- fornia Democrat and eldest son of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt, stressed that the Soviet Union must be called upon by the United States to help guarantee the integrity and security of Israel, along with the similar guarantees it had already given to the Arab nations, in a convention ad- dress at ZOA House. Referring to the greeting sent to the ZOA parley by President Kennedy, asserting that "the integrity and security of Israel and of all other free nations in the Middle East" is a matter of concern to the United Staates, Roosevelt said: "If Israel is to survive, the U.S.A. must convince the Com- munists and the Arab world that the full strength of our military and economic re- sources are behind the achieve- ment of peace between Israel and her neighbors — that we truthfully mean that these re- sources are totally pledged to guarantee the integrity and se- curity of Israel, and that we shall welcome the aid of the Communist countries in achiev- ing this aim in a context that will bring the same integrity and security to all free nations in the Middle East." In view of "recent news," said Roosevelt, "it is plain that Russia and other Communist nations are making very sure" by aiding Egypt with modern weapons, that the integrity and security of the Arab states is guaranteed. "It is important, therefore," he continued, "that the American people under- stand that, if there is to be integrity and security for Is- rael, there must be the same determination by the non-Com- munist nations to give the same assurance to Israel which the Communist nations are express- ing to others." Should , an invitation for discussing Arab-Israeli peace be declined, said Roosevelt, "it must be made clear that we are not afraid, but deter- mined, to take whatever steps are necessary — mili- tarily and economically — to prevent the strength of Is- rael's apparent enemies from reaching a point where ag- gression would be too invit- ing to resist." Abraham Goodman, of New York, prominent ZCA leader, told the convention that the ZOA House "bridges the gap between Israelis and Ameri- cans." He disclosed plans for the expansion of ZOA House and its activities, including the establishment of a USA-Israel Institute for Research, and for studies to be conducted in America and in Israel. Former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion called on American Jews to intensify their efforts for the survival of Israel and of Jewry abroad through a three-pronged p r o g r a m. He spelled out the program as one including deeper Hebrew edu- cation for the younger Jewish generation in the United States, deepening of "personal iden- tity" with Israel, and strength- ening the "unity of the Jewish nation." "Only through these three efforts," he said, "shall we be able to survive both in Israel and in the Diaspora." He was making his first pub- lie address since he resigned from the Premiership as the principal speaker at a dinner conducted here by the ZOA convention, honoring Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, of Cleve- land, on the latter's 70th birthday. Dr. Emanuel Neumann pre- sided at the event. Other speak- ers included United States Am- bassador Walwourth Barbour; Eliahu Elath, president of the Hebrew University; Joseph Saphir, Liberal member of the Knesset; Joseph Serlin, also a member of Parliament; and Rabbi Max Nussbaum, presi- dent of the ZOA. More than 800 delegates and guests, including leading Israelis, attended the gala event, which climaxed the ZOA convention. Lauding Rabbi Silver's work as a Zionist, Ben-Gurion told the assemblage that Dr. Silver, who is honorary president of the ZOA, began his Zionist ca- reer "not with the Basle Pro- gram, nor with the Balfour Declaration, nor with the Unit- ed Nations resolution for parti- tion of Palestine, but with God's promise to Abraham: 'To thy seed I shall give this land.' " Dr. Silver noted, in reply, that Abraham was in his seventies when he received the Divine command. "He was not told," said Rabbi- Silver, "exactly where to go but simply to 'move on to the land which I shall show you.' I suppose that is a good command to follow at any stage of one's life — in trust Enlargement of UN Councils' Membership Supported by Israel UNITED NATION S, N.Y., (JTA)—Michael S. Comay, chief of the Israeli delegation to the United Nations, said that Israel had consistently favored en- largement of the organs of the UN for wider membership. He spoke at a meeting of the UN Charter Revisions Committee whch voted to set up a nine- member sub-committee to try to reach an agreement on a recommendation to the next General Assembly. Ambassador Comay said Is- rael favored expansion to take account of the many new UN members, particularly those from sub-Saharan African. and faith to keep on going, confident that the true way will be shown by Him Who is the Light of the World. And that is exactly what I intend to do." Yosef Almogi, Minister of Housing and Development, told the ZOA delegates that the Israel Bond drive must be in- tensified in the United States, so that "we can drive out the desert in the Negev and drive in industry and housing there." He called for further private investments in Israel. Dr. Israel Goldstein, former president of the ZOA, now a resident of Israel, told the con- vention that, since the estab- lishment of Israel 15 years ago, 1,150,000 Jews have come to Israel at a cost of $1,750,000,- 000. He said that 55 per cent of the costs of transportation and resettlement of these im- migrants were covered by Jew- ish contributions from outside Israel, mostly in the United States. JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The 66th annual convention of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica, the first in Israel, opened here with a tribute by Moshe Sharett, chairman of the Jew- ish Agency executive, to "the magnificent record" of Ameri- can Zionism. After the first two days' sessions here the conven- tion moved to Tel Aviv. Greeting the 1,000 delegates and guests on behalf of the World Zionist movement, Shar- ett said that the American Zionist movement had at sev- eral critical junctures in the history of Zionism proved "a tower of strength" and helped to achieve decisive victories. He lauded the contributions of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver "whose dynamic drive and determina- tion played such a signal part in the epoch-making break- through of the movement in 1947." Dr. Max Nussbaum, ZOA president, said that with the exception of "an infinitesimal group," the entire American Jewish community was friendly toward Israel, but that the Zionist Organization was the only entity whose support for Israel was one of commitment. Israel President Zalman Sha- zar said that twice American Zionism led all Jewry in an effort that saved Zionism. The first time was when the politi- cal future of Palestine was de- cided at the Versaille Confer- ence at the end of the first World War and the second was at the end of World War II when American Zionism had a fateful role in the fight to bring about the re-birth of Is- rael. He told the delegates that Israel was again in a crucial period of threatening dangers and gigantic problems and that "we dare hope that in this third time too you, together, with all friends of Zionism, will come through once again." Dr. Silver said that while the primary Zionist objective had been achieved and Israel was an accomplished fact, the need for defending Israel politically and militaryily will never dis- appear, at least not in this generation. He warned- that Israel would not be able to escape political tensions and pressures of the region and that danger lurks on its bor- ders. "Our work is not over by any means," he added, "and • those who would rely in all future emergencies on the in- stand response of the unorgan- ized so-called friends of Israel — whose commitments are so vague and whose staying power so uncertain — are not wise guardians of the best interests of the State of Israel." President Kennedy extend- ed his greetings to the con- vention. His message read: "The holding of your meeting in Israel is appropriate for an organization that has con- tributed so much toward the establishment and develop- ment of that nation. You may take justifiable pride and sat- isfaction from your activities in interpreting American in- stitutions and the American way of life to Israel and in helping convey to a sense of Israel's needs and aspirations to Americans. "In the Middle East, as well as in other parts of the world," the message continued, "the policy of the United States is based on the maintenance of peace and the preservation of freedom. The integrity and se- curity of Israel and of all other free nations in the Middle East is a matter with which we can properly concen ourselves. I feel sure that your delibera- tions will advance these ob- jectives."