T Map Teaches Serious Lesson Need More Than Lip Service to Ban Genocide Editorials Page 4 Vol. XLI I I, No. 21 Jabotinsky's Remains Belong in Israel NEWS NA I C I— II GA.N1 A Weekly Review Senator Hart's M. E. Position of Jewish Events Commentary Page 2 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Printed in a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35,July 19, 1963 $6.00 Per Year; Single Copy 20c Zionists Make Cultural Work Major ZOA Objective in U.S. Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News U1 Council Resolves to Ban All Forms of Intolerance GENEVA, (JTA)—Two separate resolutions, one calling for elimination of "all forms of religious intolerance" and the other urging elimination of "all forms of racial discrimination" were adopted unanimously, by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, now in session here. A third resolution, entitled "study of discrimination in respect of the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country," was adopted by a vote of 14-2, with one abstention. This resolution was • aimed, at least in part, against the Soviet Union, which had fought against it. The Russians were also opposed in the debates to the resolution dealing with religious freedom, while favoring the draft guaranteeing elimination of racism. However, they voted for both the religious and racial drafts, when it came to the voting. In an address to the Council, Adlai E. Stevenson, chairman of the United States delegation, expressed. his satisfaction with the "central role of human rights in all our affairs." However, he declared he felt "we have put much too narrow a construc- tion on the term 'human rights'." He urged that all "civil rights" be considered, including -"the right to free speech, and free press and free assembly and freedom of religious practice." Election of Seven Deputies Heartens Argentinian Jewry- BUENOS AIRES, (JTA)—Seven Jewish deputies were elected to the Argentine Parliament in the national elections, according to provisional returns. Other Jewish candidates also may have been elected in provincial Senate and Chamber con- tests. The returns caused a general feeling of optimism among Jewish groups. It was noted that extremist groups were soundly beaten. The new Jewish deputies are Manuel Belnicoff and Hugo Minsk, from Buenos Aires for the winning Union Civica Radical del Pueblo party; David Schapira, from the Buenos Aires prov- ince, for the Union Civica Radical; Mauricio Fischer, from Cor- dova Province, for the Union del Pueblo Argentine party; Oscar Murmis, from Buenos Aires; Leon Patlis, from Buenos Aires for the Democratic Progressist party; and Eduardo Schaposnik, from Buenos Aires for the Socialist Democratic party. Belnicoff headed the Union Civica Radical ticket in Buenos Aires. • TEL AVIV — Dr. Emanuel Neumann, former president of the Zionist Or- ganization of America, proposed Tuesday, at the ZOA 66th annual convention here, an eight-point program for the American Zionist Movement. He told the 1,000 delegates and guests attending the first ZOA convention in Is. rael that ZOA leaders were not only great Americans but that he also saw no contradiction—"not the slightest"—between their Zionism and their Americanism. Dwelling on what he called the "unique nature of Jewish identity stemming from our past history and Jewish statehood as a spiritual fact, he stated that "we look on Israel as the destined centerand focus of our life as a sacred altar on which the ancient flames kindled by prophetic souls may glow again as a beacon for us and for all mankind." Referring to a recent Senate inquiry into the activities of the Jewish Agency as an "agent," he said that "we American Jews are not an agent of Israel. In the deepest and truest sense, the State of Israel is our agent if such a banal word can be used for an ideal so sublime, for Israel is executing a sacred trust on our behalf." He set forth a program calling for the education of fellow Zionists and all friends of Israel to a fuller and clearer realization "of the nature of our Jewish identity of the meaning of Jewish nationhood and its implications in thought and action."' Second, he urged_ the continuation and expansion of all practical programs of aid to Israel. He said: "It will not be enough for us to regard ourselves as teachers and preachers of Zionism, leaving the hard task of fund-raising to others. There can be no place in our ranks for shirkers." Third, he proposed renewal and intensification of efforts to inform the American people of the critical problems Israel faced in economic development, international relations and above all its urgent security problems. His other points included fostering and spreading knowledge of Hebrew development of Zionist youth movements to reach "ever larger circles," encour- agement of Aliyah, "moulding and shaping" the character of the American Jewish community and keeping open and developing lines of communication between Israel and Jews outside of Israel. Jacques Torczyner, chairman of the ZOA national advisory board, asserted that "the continuous weakening influence" of the World Zionist Organization dur- ing the past 15 years had resulted in the erection of an "invisible wall" between Jewish youth in Israel and those outside of Israel. He said that while Jewish youth outside of Israel had not been afforded the inspiration of spiritual aspects in terms of cultural ties with Israel, it was Israeli youth which had been alienated from the idea that they were also part of the Jewish people. Continued on Page 32 800 Major War Criminals Await German Trials By JOHN DORNBERG JTA Correspondent in West Germany (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) BONN—The wheels of German justice may turn slowly, but they have not stopped. Eighteen years after the war, the German legal machinery is still grinding doggedly and methodical- ly through the gargantuan task of investigating, indicting and eventually trying more than 800 major war criminals. By the time the statute of limitations takes effect _on May 8, 1965, that number may have been aug- mented by several hundred more. The task of ferreting out the hidden (and not so hidden) Nazis falls on the Center for Investiga- tion of Nazi Crimes, a small agency located off the beaten path in the town of Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart. Since its establishment in 1958, when it became apparent to German judicial officials that a vast number of war criminals had not been prosecuted either by the occupation forces or local authorities, the center has exposed 1,000. Of these, 135 already have been tried. A small group, whose names and whereabouts are known, escaped the reach of German law because they enjoy the protection of South American and Arab . governments. About 150 have been or are about to be indicted and face trial within the next few . _months. The remaining 600 are still under in- vestigation by local prosecuting authorities all over the Federal Republic. When he assumed the directorship of the agency in 1958, Stuttgart Prosecutor Erwin Schuele esti- mated that the center's work would be completed in one to two years. Nearly four have passed, and if it weren't for the 1965 deadline, it might never end. There are numerous reasons for this protracted, slow-moving procedure. First, decentralized handling of cases before establishment of the Ludwigsburg agency served only to complicate matters. Second, many of the defendants were held as prisoners of 'war in Russia and ifot repatriated until after 1955. Third, locating witnesses and finding evidence has proven difficult. Fourth, and most important, each trial has brought on new cases because the testi- mony of _ witnesses invariably leads to the implica- tion of additional suspects. "Every trial," a spokesman for the Federal Re- public explained recently, "has brought to light new clues which have led to new indictments." Of the 17 major war crimes trials held in 1958, the year the Ludwigsburg center was being planned, a half dozen resulted in evidence against a dozen new defendants. This pattern has continued to date. Even in the most recently completed case—the seven-month-long trial of Georg Heuser and 10 other defendants accused of murdering 31,000 Jews in the Minsk area—a new name cropped up: Karl Vialon, number two man in West Germany's Fed- eral Ministry for Development Aid. Nor should one overlook the fact that some important war criminals, by assuming false names and literally going into hiding for almost two dec- ades, have successfully evaded detection and cap- ture. Nevertheless, given time, the Ludwigsburg team hopes to bring them all to trial eventually. "The statute of limitations "doesn't bother us," said the Schuele's deputy, District Attorney Klaus Werner. "By then, we'll have everyone of them." In Wuppertal, four members of Einsitzliomman- do Six of Einsatzgruppe C — accused of murdering 4,512 Jews in the Donets Basin in the Ukraine—are in the defendants' dock. Two of the men, Walter Helfsgott, 52, and W. Pohl, 49, served as police officials in Duesseldorf and Dortmund until arraign- ment on war crimes. Robert Mohr and Theodor Groever, both 53, were high police officials during the Hitler regime and worked in Ruhr area bus- inesses until their arrest. The two cases expected to be the most sensa- tional—the Auschwitz and Hungary complexes—will be tried in Frankfurt soon. The chief defendant in the Auschwitz case, Rich- ard Boar, 51, the concentration camp's last com- mandant, died in jail last month, but 23 of his cohorts, including Baer's adjutant—the adjutant to Rudolf Hoess, the camp's first commandant—mem- bers of the camp Gestapo; doctors; pharmacists; various guards and Josef Klehr, 58, leader of the gas chamber command, will be on trial. To prepare th case, Frankfurt prosecution officials have inter- viewed and questioned more than 1,300 people. Some 250 witnesses are expected to be called. The "Hungary Case" involves_ SS Lt. Col. Her- mann Krumey, 58,. Adolf Eichmann's deputy in Hungary, and Otto Hunsche, 51, a high-ranking civil servant in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt who served as Eichmann's legal advisor. Krumey, a prominent citizen and drugstore proprietor in Korbach near Frankfurt until his arrest in 1960, is charged with 437,402 counts of murder and extortion for his in- volvement in the plan to trade the lives of Jews for military trucks. Hunsche, a lawyer, has already been convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for aiding and abetting murder. In the Hungary Continued on Page 32