17-A—LOTS FOR SALE 50—BUSINESS CARDS SOUTHFIELD Washington Heights Sub. Large lot. All improvements. Must sell. WO 5-3896 or 626-6708. Plumbing and Heating, all types of plumbing, water heaters, base- ment toilets, second floor bath- rooms, all types of installations. Free estimates. British Home Secretary Appeals to Jews on Racial Incitement Issue Mrs. Eisendrath Dies After Long Illness Mrs. Maurice N. (Rosa) Eisen- LONDON, (JTA) — Henry by Lord Walston, who said he drath, a leader of Reform 19—OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Brooke, the British Home Sec- could not understand how Bri- Judaism and the wife of the MASTER PLBG. retary, appealed for Jewish tain could seek to guide other president of the Union of First Floor Office Space DR 1 -4634 DR 1 -341 5 understanding of his opposition nations when not only racial American Congregations, died at Reasonable Rental. Inquire at to legislation outlawing public discrimination, but actual in- July 3 after a long illness, at incitement against racial and citement to racial hatred, was Mount Sinai Hospital , New ZEMAN'S BAKERY DRESSMAKING permitted to go unchecked in York. religious groups. 12945 West 7 Mile cor. Sorrento As the wife of the leader of the country. The bill would All Kinds of Alterations UN 2-9300 He told the House of Com- strengthen existing provisions the c en t r al congregational Call for Appointments mons that he had no desire to of the Public Order act, but it body of Re- be the first Home Secretary to does not specifically make in- form Judaism, UN 3-8283 26—LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE introduce into British law a con- citement to religious or racial she a c co m- 1 71 75 ROSELAWN cept that "some of my fellow p ained him ATTENTION BUILDERS EPOR BETTER wall washing. call citizens are to be singled out for hatred a criminal offense, on countless James Russell. One 'day service Five • choice building sites in Lord Chancellor Dilhorne, special protection because of visits in this TO 6-4005 526 Belmont. beautiful Lake Angelus Golf View Estates on Walton Blvd. the race to which they belong." speaking against the amend- country a n d A-1 PAINTING. paperhanging, in- just beyond Silver Lake Road. ment, asserted that its approval terior, exterior. Immediate serv- abroad. In "I would ask my friends of would make a criminal offense Lots average 80 to 100 ft. in ice. Guaranteed. Reasonable. UN width. Surrounded by two lakes 1958 she was the Jewish community and else- of any words used in private 4-0326. and a golf course. Paved roads, with Dr Eis- where to think whether a sort conversation which were held water and gas. Private beach endrath on for residents. Priced for quick of racial division within society to constitute an offense. sale. Call Otto Schultz. an internation- is what they really desire," he A REPAIR SPECIAL GORDON WILLIAMSON al peace mis- said. He spoke in moving for a sion which COMPANY second reading in Commons of International Body $3.00 19180 GRAND RIVER took them on changes in the Public Order bill Formed to Plan for a five-month KE 2-3400 which would strengthen penal- All make sewing machines, tour of the ties for incitement to religious Monument in Dachau SAGINAW BAY. Year round home. vacuum cleaners and irons. No Far East. They or racial antagonism. Completely furnished. Must sell. BRUSSELS, (JTA) — An charge for home estimates. Store VE 6-3242. hours 9:30-:700. This special will The bill was an outgrowth of International Committee for a Mrs. Eisendrath met with re- last for only 2 weeks. New and a series of rallies sponsored by Dachau Monument has been ligious and political figures, rebuilt sewing machines for sale. 26-A—LAKE PROERTY FOR Britain's three fascist and neo- formed here under the presi- including General and Mrs. RENT Nazi movements which sparked dency of Arthur Haulot, Belgian Chiang Kai-Chek, Prime Mini- wild rioting in London's Tra- High Commissioner for Tourism ster Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime 869-6464 CHARLEVOIX. Boulder Park. Lux- falgar Square and in heavily- and former President of the Minister Robert G. Menzies of urious home and guest house, completely equipped. 1 or 2 Jewish sections of the city last International Commit tee to Australia, and Occidental . and months. LI 5-6289. Oriental spiritual leaders. PAINTING and decorating, plaster- year. The Home Secretary had develop the project. Mrs. Eisendrath gave up a ing. Repairs. Work on job. Low previously rejected demands for The new committee expects cost. Best work. UN 4-8534. 30-A—INSTRUCTION legislation specifically making within a few weeks to choose promising career as a concert HEBREW TUTOR. Experienced wo- ALL CARPENTER work. Porch such incitement a criminal from four designs for a monu- pianist to devote herself to her railings, steps, floors, partitions, man teacher. Remedial. LI 8-2070. front doors. Kitchen cabinets offense. ment to remind humanity of the husband's endeavor. Born in and cedar closets. Work myself. REMEDIAL Reading Specialist. In- degredation and deaths meted Bonham, Tex., she spent her He said that for some years, 342-1880. dividualized instruction. By ap- childhood in Okla hom a. A "small fascist groups" had been out by the Nazis in one of their graduate of Milwaukee-Downer pointment. KE 7-9115. first concentration camps in holding public meetings and 55—MISCELLANEOUS College, Mrs. Eisendrath did that they had dwindled to three Germany. Two of the designs 40—EMPLOYMENT TURN YOUR old suits - shoes into groups "because they tended to are from Yugoslavia, one from post-graduate work at the Uni- . she cash. DI 2-3717. quarrel among themselves." He West Germany and one from versity of Chicago where m specialized in the field of music An Unusual Opportunity contended that "practically no Britain. as a pianist. Folowing her mar- 57—FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD one" had gone to those meet- For The Right Man The monument is scheduled riage she lived in Charleston, GOODS AND FURNISHINGS ings and that "contempt is to be inaugurated April 29, W. Va., and Toronto, Ontario, An agency with 500 present policy GREY Renaissance carpeting. 70 much the best treatment for 196.5, the 20th anniversary of the where h e r husband occupied holders, over one million dol- yards. 2 purple upholstered chairs. their intolerant, malignant and liberation of the camp. The first lars of insurance in force. Sales pulpits. Grey • drapes. 342-2117. rejected doctrines." committee decided last year at experienced preferred. Excellent In Toronto, Mrs. Eisendrath a meeting in Luxembourg to He asserted that the hate fringe benefits. Guaranteed salary. served on the Lieutenant Gov- groups "badly misjudge the erect an international memorial ernor's Commission on Hous- Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Community Groups British people" and that the at the site of the death camp. ing, and as vice-president of Donate to New Hebrew existing law was fully effective. Since that time, the government the Cana d i a n Council of Down River Branch However, he said, the results of Bavaria promised to Prepare Women and of the Women's In- Call Ed Kasperek for app`t. Memorial Chapel of the rally-sparked rioting had the camp, build a new museum ternational League for Peace Spurred on by strong commun- provided that the Public. Order on the camp premises, and re- DU 3-3450 and Freedom. In the U.S. she ity enthusiasm, officers a n d Act was "not severe enough in locate before the end of 1963 had been actively engaged in board members of the Hebrew its penalties — hence this bill. the refugees still living there. the work of the World Council WOMAN living in Blackstone Manor desires a woman companion for Benevolent Society (Chesed shel of Women, National Council of • Wed. and Sundays. 548-0825. Emes), builders of the new He- Grossinger Golf Tourneys Jewish Women, and American EOTJSEKEEPER. Part - time. Call brew Memorial Chapel at 26640 British Lords Drop Guests at the Grossinger board of the World Union for after 6:00 p.m. 537-6663. Greenfield, near 11 Mile Rd., Amendment to Outlaw Country Club, Grossinger, N.Y., Progressive J u d a is m. After Oak Park, are convening for will be able to team with out- Rabbi Eisendrath assumed the 40-A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED periodic progress report meet- Racial Incitement standing pros this summer in presidency of the UAHC in ings as the structure nears com- LONDON, (JTA)—An amend- a series of pro-amateur golf 1943, they moved to Cincinnati MAN with scrap business experi- pletion. ence wants job. 5484628. ' ment to the Public Order bill tournaments that will be held and in 1951 to New York City. Although numerous community to make uttering or publishing at the resort. Before each tour- Mrs. Eisendrath began her 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES organizations have displayed an of words constituting an incite- ney, the pros will hold a free career as a m u s i c i a n, with extreme interest in the need for ment to hatred on grounds of golf-instruction clinic for the studies under the noted pianist, Woodland Lake this Orthodox chapel by making religion, race, or color, a crimi- guests. There'll also be sweet- Mossayee Boguslawski, a n d Trailer Court treasury gifts to the Hebrew nal offense, was proposed and heart tournaments, hole-in-one herself taught piano during the Full permit for 44 more recrea- Benevolent Society, there are withdrawn during consideration contests, and other competition early years of her married life. tion building laundromat. 478 feet. Grand River and Hacker also a great number of individual of the bill in committee in the for links enthusiasts. The Gros- In Toronto, Mrs. Eisendrath Road frontage for shopping contributors. center. 1,000 families within mile House of Lords. . singer 18-hole championship organized the Red Cross chap- circle. 900 ft. beatiful lake front- Organizations which have al- The amendment was offered course is in superb condition. ter of the Sisterhood of Holy age ($50,000.) home, 4 car garage. ready pledged or paid contribu- Blossom Temple during the MUST SELL tions toward the building of the Second World War; was chair- OWNER, GEORGE OLMASHY new chapel include: man of the Committee on 8005 WEST GRAND RIVER Aesculapian Ladies Auxiliary, Aes- Housing and Slum Clearance of CORNER HACKER ROAD culapian Pharmaceutical Associa- BY HENRY LEONARD tion, Berdech-Keshenev Society, BRIGHTON the Local Council of Women of Brezner Aid Society, Center Busi- Canada, and was a member of nessmen's Club, Chesed shel Emes- Ladies Auxiliary, Cong. Gemiluth the Board of the Toronto Sym- 50—BUSINESS CARDS- Chassodim-Women, Cong. Mogen. phony Orchestra. Abraham, Eastern Ladies Society, ENU TILE DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. UN 1 -5075 L SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter work, no job too big or small. BR 3-4826. Ll 5-4035. NEW METHOD — Carpets cleaned; walls washed, by machine. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. KE 5- 8470—KE 8-1778. LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, VE 5-7453. LARKINS MOVING AND DELIVERY SERVICE Also Office Furniture. Any time. Reasonable. 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 Sprinkler Systems Installed and Repaired. Reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. References. NOTTINGHAM SPRINKLERS 527-5044 Equality Club, First Hebrew Cong. of Delray, Cong. Gemiluth Chasso- dim, Goodfellowship Women's Aux- iliary, Hebrew Ladies Aid Society, JWV Yetz-Cohen Post, Friends of Knights of Pythias, Maccabees Mat- tathias Tent, Northern Frog. Ladies Society, Osthovtzer Friendship So- ciety, Progressive Ladies Aid So- ciety, Rochel Laya Stepin Aid So- ciety, Twelfth Street Mothers Club, Vladimeritzer Emergency Relief Or- ganization, Chaim Weizmann So- ciety, Workmen's Circle Branch 460E, Yiddish Folks Farein, Zamosc Tamoshover Prog. Society, Berez- nitzer Aid Society, Bialistoker-West- ern Aid Society, Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel Tikvah, Detroit Fruit Ven- dors Protective Association, Good- fellowship Club, Jericho Lodge, Pinsker Prog. Aid Society, Radomer Aid and Ladies Society, Rovner- Lachowitzer Society, Turover Aid Soc., Yeshivah Beth Yehudah and Zhitomer Prog. Aid Society. Rabbi Israel I. Rockoye, execu- tive director, may be reached by phoning TY 6-1686 for infor- mation. Morris Dorn is president of the Hebrew Benevolent Society and Hyman Mitnick is fund-rais- ing chairman for the new chapel. Only part of one's laudable qualities may be told in his face.—Erubin 19 Dr. M. Rosenblueth, Veteran Zionist, Dies "Listen to him! With my people suffering 3000 years of persecution and misery . . he wants I should be emotionally secure." cop, 1963, Dayenu Productions TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Dr. Mar- tin Rosenblueth, a veteran Zion- ist and former representative in the United States of Israel MM- istry of Finance, died here Sun- day at the age of 77. He was the brother of Pinchas Rosen, the former Minister of Justice. Born in Germany, Dr. Rosen- blueth served successively as director of the Cophenhagen of- fice of the World Zionist Organ- ization, representative of the Keren Hay e s o d in Central Europe and director of the Lon- don office of the Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews. He came to the United States in 1940 when he was named director of information of the United Palestine Appeal and represented the Israel Fi- nance Ministry in New. York from 1949 until his retirement in 1961.