THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July 5, 1963 *wish Heritage' Impels Strongest Efforts to Aid Negroes Secure Just Rights, NCRAC Parley Resolves (Continued from Page 1) He said the statement might be introduced before the Coun- cil ends its labors, but his own feeling, based on personal ob- servation, was that the bishops would rather avoid the issue than face it. Father Weigel had predicted that the process of removing phrases from the Catholic liturgy derogatory to the Jews would be continued. He said American Catholics were showing a greater readiness to enter into discus- sion with members of other faiths and a greater readiness to consider the feelings and sentiments of non-Catholics. He urged on the Jewish community relations officials a policy of "patient progressism" in their discussions with American Cath- olics. • Lewis H. Weinstein, chairman of the NCRAC, said in a per- sonal statement that it was "dis- quieting to hear from Father Weigel that although the major- ity of Catholic bishops would undoubtedly favor a statement by the Ecumenical Council against anti-Semitism, political considerations might prevent such a declaration." He said that Father Weigel's statement that concern over the attitude of the Arab states to Israel might be the deterrent to such a declara- tion "is entirely inconsistent with the great moral basis upon which ecumenicity is founded." "Even if the denial of the statement against anti-Semit- ism were deemed expedient, a conclusion that seems com- pletely irrelevant and unrealis- tic," Weinstein asserted, "it is our hope that Father Weigel's . tentative prediction will be contradicted by positive action from the Ecumenical Council. Jewish groups, which have been among those in the fore- front in the battle against genocide, against discrimina- tion and segregation and against denial of equal oppor- tunity to any person because of race, color, religion or eth- nic origin, look to their broth- ers of all religious . faiths for the thrust upward to the reali- zation of these goals." (Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, director of interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Commit-- tee, in a comment in New York - on Father Weigel's disclosures, recalled the statement by Cardi- nal Bea that "the greatest chal- lenge to our generation is the problem of group antagonism and it is the primordial duty of all groups of mankind to unite for the purpose of overcoming hatreds of the past." He ex- pressed the hope that the bish- ops of the Catholic church "will continue to advance the great ecumenical movement of inreas- ing understanding.") NCRAC concluded its annual plenary session Sunday with an appeal to American Jews "to reaffirm our wholehearted •par- ticipation in the current struggle for human rights" and to give full support to the fight t h e American negro is making for equality of rights and an end to all forms of discrimination or segregation. NCRAC declared that "our Jewish heritage and our common humanity" impel Jews to a re- newed commitment to do every- thing possible to secure "imme- diate justice and full citizenship rights for all Americans every- where." The resolution admonished American Jews to "eliminate any vestiges of discrimination in our own institutions and to strive to make them exemplars of equal opportunity." It called for "di- rect in% olvement" by all com- ponents of the NCRAC "in the struggle to make America com- pletely free." In a parallel resolution, the plenary session called on the United States Congress to enact the civil rights program proposed by President Kennedy "without delay and without weakening amendments." It urged state and local legislative bodies to enact comprehensive measures banning discrimination in employment, education, housing and places of public accommodation, and to establish administrative agencies with sufficient powers to enforce these prohibitions. In its call to the American Jewish conununity to support the Negro battle for rights, NCRAC affirmed that "as Jews, we react with special sensitivity to the Negro's de- mands. We too have stood be- fore the oppressors demanding freedom. We too know the in- exorable power of a righteous ideal. We too have buried our martyrs. Bitter experience has taught us what tragedy there is in a community of well- intentioned men who, through indifference and apathy, be- come accessories to the de- struction of a people's rights." Another resolution warned that three "radical proposals" to amend the United States Con- stitution brought under assault the federal system and the posi- t.ion of the Supreme Court "as the foremost guardian of indi- vidual liberties." It charged there was a "well planned cam- paign" to put the amendments over "with deliberate silence and almost no public awareness.' NCRAC welcomed the Supreme Court decision on prayer in the schools as "a victory for religion and for religious freedom." Another resolution called for maximum aid to public schools_ It warned that Government aid to religiously-controlled schools "would do a grave disservice to both religion and public educa- tion." The . Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, a constitu- ent of the NCRAC, abstained from vocing on this resolution. In other resolutions, on na- tional questions, NCRAC called for speedy ratification of the United Nations genocide con- vention, removal of the "rac- ist national origins quota system of our immigration code," and renewed its opposi- tion to compulsory Sunday closing laws. On the international front, the conference greeted Pope Paul VI on his election. It reported an intensification of anti - Semitic policies on the part of the Soviet Union, charging that "Soviet courts and so-called legal proc- ess have become instruments of anti-Semitism." NCRAC called on the United States to give "firm security guarantees" to the countries in the Middle East and to maintain vigilance to preserve the arms balance. It urged the Administra- tion and Congress to ensure that American economic aid was not diverted and misused by the Arab governments to acquire offen- sive weapons and to undertake aggressive aid ventures. It urged a firm policy to end Arab "boy- cotts, blockades and belliger- ance" and appealed to the Gov- ernment to use its influence and power to bring all parties to the peace table. NCRAC expressed hope for the "successful outcome of dis- cussions now being pursued be- tween our own committee and that of the Bnai Brith Anti-Defa- mation League with a view toward an agreement that will lead to resumption of coopera- tive relationships between the B n a i Br it h Anti-Defamation League and ourselves." Lewis H. Weinstein was re- elected chairman of NCRAC for the coming year. J e wish organizations were lauded here by a Negro leader for the "support" they have been giving to the Negro community in its civil rights struggle. The praise was voiced by Roy Wil- kins, executive secretary of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, addressing the NCRAC. "The entire Negro Community in America," Wilkins said, "has been living under conditions that prevent the Negro from demon- strating his innate ability or any other ability. The Negro rejects the idea that you have to win citizenship. You do not win cit- izenship; you win freedom." "I hope the Negro is going to act wisely. I hope he is going to use some statesman- ship in this trouble. I hope he is going to assume his obli- gation as a citizen and to emu- late the performance of the Jewish group. I hope in the long road ahead, he like the Jewish group, will make con- tributions to the arts, to sci- ence, to the professions, and to social movements. I hope the Negro will assume his rightful position of productive citizenship." Leo Pfeffer, general counsel of the American Jewish Con- gress, told the delegates that any compromise on Federal aid to parochial schools would not buy peace. "Any assumption that acceding to some but not all of the demands of the Catholic church will mark the end of the struggle is unrealistic," he warned. He said that even the accept- ance of proposals by Sen. Abra- ham Ribicoff in his six-point package on such aid would not bring to a conclusion the cam- paign for full and equal federal aid to these institutions. "We should not oppose a legitimate demand solely because the Cath- olic church favors it, or because a by-product of its enactment may be some aid to parochial schools," he urged. He said that most Jewish bodies "reject the claim that federal funds may be given to parochial schools to finance the non-religious subjects taught there because we assert that all instruction in the parochial school is religiously oriented." The question of whether "avowed" Communists, fascists Peace-Keeping Force in Middle East Is Voted Approval by UN Assembly UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., (JTA)—A resolution to finance the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East—sta- tioned between Egypt and Isra- el—for the second half of 1963 was approved at the fourth spe- cial session of the General As- sembly by a vote of 80 to 11, with 16 abstentions. Israel voted for the resolu- tion, one of seven approved this week by the Assembly's Fifth (Budgetary) Committee. All of the Arab states except Lebanon, which also voted for the resolution, abstained. Isra- el also voted in favor of the resolution providing for financ- ing of the UN operation in the Congo for the second half of 1963. The package plan of the sev- en resolutions would authorize the expenditures of $42,500,000 for both peace keeping opera- tions for the rest of 1963. Of the total approved for both op-. erations, $9,500,000 was ear- marked for UNEF, which is stationed in the Gaza Strip and in the Red Sea area. Soviet representative Nikolai Fedorenko said that the resolu- tions relating to the financing of the operations of the UN forces on the Egyptian Israel front and in Congo were re- garded by the Soviet Union as unacceptable. He declared that these resolutions could not im- pose any financial obligations on member states, inasmuch as these operations were not in conformity with the provisions of the Charter. Rabbi Jacob Segal Represents Jewry at International Festival Under the Charter, the Soviet delegate argued, the Security Council had exclusive compe- tence in matters involving the maintenance of international peace and security, including related financial questions. The resolutions were "a direct ex- pression of the policy of the Western Powers, by-passing the Security Council and violating the Charter," he said. and hate mongers should be barred from speaking on col- lege campuses was debated at the plenary session by Mor- ton L. London, Jewish War Veterans national commander, who favored such a ban, and Sidney Lorder, president of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota, who op- posed it. Larder, an attorney, expressed the view that "a university stu- dent group has a right to invite controversial speakers within limitations set up by the univer- sity to ensure that the whole truth is presented and not just a distorted segment." He said such speakers should not be banned by pickets, placards or censorship nor by pushing or violence, but rather "by erposing those same students to the truth so graphically and so forcefully that the students will be revolted by the Rockwells and their co- horts." "This does not imply a polite debate" he stressed. "This sug- gests the right to answer at the same time and as soon as the other speaker concludes, by tell- ing and showing graphically to the same audience what the Nazis and the Communists have done and are doing." 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Warning that God must not At Leading Deiicatessens, be left out of public life lest Supermarkets & Restaurants corruption a n d immorality should predominate, Rabbi Se- gal declared that "with God democracy becomes the politi- cal translation of religion." He WILNO-'KOSHIER SALAMI • FRANKFURTERS• • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA urged that, before it is too late, there should be a rekindling of Distributed in Detroit & Michigan by: decency and brotherhood "which JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit—Tel: UN 2-5822 proceeds from God."