Purely Commen tary Hordes the 'Hasid' . . . Arab Boycott—Americans Will Not Be Intimidated By Philip Immigration Slomovitz Body Thwarts L iberalization "In this connection, we draw your attention to the noteworthy William Hordes—Imbued with Ideals fact that under the effective Israel Boycott Regulations, failure Hasidic rabbis have taught us in their ecstasy that true to submit the required documents within a period not to exceed WASHINGTON, (JTA) — ideals are eternal. that man's visions make dreams sublime, August 20, 1962 will automatically lead to taking action against Chairman Emanuel Celle'' of that humanity can be lifted to great heights by noble purposes. your firm, as provided for by the said regulations. The Hasidim were not alone in expounding the nobility of "Finally, we do hope that you will extend sympathetic under- the House Judiciary Committee ideals and visions, but their role comes to mind in viewing standing of the compelling considerations which render these has failed in an attempt to lib- the dedicated and devotional services of William Hordes, who measures mandatory. It is also our sincere hope that you will eralize his Immigration Sub- has just marked his 70th birthday. find it appropriate to maintain your commercial relations with committee. Hordes is a Hasid. In the last few years he has made one the Arab countries." Following the d e a t h - last of his major interests the movement known as Khabad, known The Minnesota firm did not apologize, refused to cringe, and by its initials of the words Khokhma, •Bina, Daat—Wisdom, its president, Howard M. James, wrote as follows in his reply month of Chairman Francis E. Walter of the Subcommittee. co- Understanding, Knowledge. He has become a true Hasid not I to the belligerent Arabs: author of the discriminatory merely by supporting the movement but by living it, by his "The information you have, to the effect that we are McCarran Walter Act, Rep. Cel- interest in the synagogue and its liturgy. establishing a subsidiary manufacturing plant in Israel, is cor- Indeed, by organizing a class in Talmud recently, he has rect. The plant is now under construction there and we will ler tried to enlarge the Sub- committee. That would have en- become a propagator of knowledge, anxious to encourage learn- produce measuring devices and do metal finishing when it is abled him to add members favor- ing, himself a participator in discussion groups intended to completed. ing elimination of biased fea- arrive at the truths of life and at the background of historical "We were invited by the Government of Israel to come tures in the immigration laws. developments. Celler proposed at a caucus there for that purpose. After a thorough investigation by us of Hordes' love for culture was evidenced by the gift he and the market potentials, the capabilities of the people, and the of the Democratic members of his wife Bella made to the Jewish Publication Society for the generally favorable business climate there, we decided to avail the Judiciary Committee that presentation of copies of the Torah—Five Books of Moses—in the Subcommittee be enlarged their new JPS translation, to 175 Michigan libraries. The syna- ourselves of their many advantages. "We have found them to be a friendly, industrious, forth- from five to seven members. gogue gifts indicate their devotional interests. Rep. Michael A. Feighan, Ohio With Israel as their chief ideal, the Hordeses are marking right, and intelligent people, interested only in making a Democrat, would have replaced modern, productive, and suitable homeland for a people, who the septuagenarian celebration with a major gift — for the Walter under the seniority rule establishment of a sports arena and a playground for children until 1948, had been homeless. They have, through almost and was known to share Wal- superhuman effort, made a desert 'bloom.' It is our opinion in an area where newcomers from many lands have just been ter's narrow views on immigra- settled in Israel. This project is being realized through the Jewish that they wish to live at peace with and trade with their Arab tion. Feighan fought the move neighbors as well as the rest of the world. People of Jewish National Fund. Even on the score of Israel Hordes is not parochial to expand the Subcommittee in his preference for a single party. Through Hadassah his name extraction have been and are now contributing more than their and gained enough support that proportionate share to the artistic, scientific, industrial, and is being inscribed on the Wall of Healing at the Hadassah- Celler concluded that a vote of social achievements which the world now enjoys. Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. the full Committee would favor "Scherr-Tumico, Inc., is a non-Jewish corporation, the ma- Gifts such as these on his 70th birthday reveal the richness the Feighan position. jority owners and principals of which are of British extraction of a good life. An unselfish devotion has gained for the Hordeses The construction of the Sub- and are third-generation Americans. We have therefore not the blessings of an entire community which now wishes them entered into the agreement with the Government of Israel for committee and its chairmanship many years of good health in which to carry on their work reasons of sentiment. Had the Arab states extended us the is deemed vital to the Presi- of kindness and of sharing their earthly goods with their fellow same invitation and the same ensuing cooperation, we would dent's new immigration bill. men . have given such an overture equal attention and consideration. There have been reports that * Celler also wanted to make "We are not impressed by your threats of intimidation himself chairman of the Immi- Americans Won't Be Intimidated and coercion through boycott and blacklist. If the Arab states gration Subcommittee. But Cel- Independence Day is a proper time to evaluate not only had progressed industrially and scientifically to the point where ler stated he had no intention Freedom as such but also those who abuse it, the evil-doers who your markets were lucrative for our products, we would still not of trying to assign himself to would deprive others of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit be impressed. the Subcommittee. of happiness. "The effort you are expending in fomenting hate and strife No other people has gained as much from the worldwide with your neighbors can better be used to bring something of trend towards liberty than the Arabs. A dozen new states, substance for your people, that they may have the advantage Poll Windsor Jews created since World War I. are in the Arab orbit. They are of a better standard of living. Cease your war with the Israelis on Needs of Aged receiving hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid from the and you will find this corporation and most all of America WINDSOR, Ont., tJTA)—The United States. They are offered many advantages to keep them ready and anxious to extend to you a welcome and helping Jewish Community Council hand." out of alliances with countries behind the Iron Curtain. launched a door-to-door survey It is hardly to be expected that a self-respecting American of the needs of the JeWish aged Yet, they pursue abusive policies. They begrudge Israel a mite of land for the escapees from holocausts, including those would act otherwise. But Howard M. James, president of Scherr- in Windsor: Tumico, went a step farther than many of the Americans who created in Moslem countries. The Council made a public They do more than that: while benefiting from American have refused to be browbeaten by Arab war-mongers: he offered appeal to Jewish residents to aid, they would destroy anyone who shows friendship for Israel. wholesome advice that there be an end to an unnecessary war answer questions of canvassers The arrogance with which the Arab boycott is pursued proves and that, instead of conducting a war on Israel, the Arabs as candidly as possible as "a should strive for higher standards of living for their people. tool to help us plan more effec- the point. Would that they could apply this lesson and accept good tively." Canvassing is being con- ADL has just made miblic an exchange of correspondence which points to the haughtiness of Arab haters of Israel on the advice! There is so much need for amity, and the Middle East ducted under auspices of the one hand and the refusal, on the other hand, of a courageous can use lots of it! But war-mongering remains mankind's scourge, League of Jewish Women, which American firm to be intimidated by the League of Arab States. and the League of Arab States; Office for the Boycott of Israel recruited the canvassers froth Writing for the latter's Secretariat General, Central Office insists upon fanning the flames of hatred! People who have various Jewish women's organ- gained so much liberty seek to impose suffering upon others! izations. for the Boycott of Israel, P. 0. B. 437, Damascus, Syria, Dr. Abdul Karim El-A'Idi, the boycott office's commissioner general, informed the Scherr-Tumico, Inc., St. James, Minn.: WJC Plans to Hold "We wish to inform you that we have acquired reliable information to the effect that your company has subscribed in Parley on Worldwide the establishment and the ownership of a plant in Israel for the Nazism, Anti-Semitism By NATHAN ZIPRIN production of mechanical; optical and electronic precision measur- The ramifications of interna- ing devices. Editor, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate tional anti-Semitism and Nazi- "In this regard, we draw your attention to the fact that the Fascist movements will be dis- Dialogue in Israel Arab countries are still in a state of war wih. Israel. Therefore, as A year ago this columnist had words of praise for the dia- a measure of self defense and with the view to safeguarding the cussed at a global gathering of rights and the vital interests of the Arabs of Palestine, the Arab World Jewish Congress leaders logue in Israel under the aegis of the American Jewish Congress. countries strictly adhere to a set of boycott regulations directed in Montreux, Switzerland, Aug. This year it seems the architects of the confrontation fell into the pitfall of inviting dialecticians who by their very public record at Israel. In brief, these regulations prohibit any Arab . from having 11 to 13. any dealings whatsoever with any Israeli person or business, or The meeting has been sum- could not be expected to contribute positive thinking on matters with foreign persons or firms maintaining such dealings with moned by Dr. Nahum Gold- of Jewish concern. A dialogue of course is not a one-sided record- Israel. Violations of these regulations entails the blacklisting of mann. president of the World ing. But that is what the dialogue in Israel was in fact, if the violators in all Arab countries with the result that • all commercial Jewish Congress, and the par- press reports gave accurate recording of what Philip Roth, Max transactions with such violators are banned. ticipants will include Samuel Lerner and Leslie Friedlander had to say. Philip Roth, despite "However, before any action is taken against your firm, we Bronfman of Montreal, WJC his sick tendency to deprecate Jewish characters in his works, deem it necessary that we contact you directly in order to ascer- vice-president and chairman of is in the judgment of this writer one of the finest novelists in tain the nature of the dealings of your firm with Israel. This will the North American executive; the country, but that very fact should have served notice on the have to be done in the form of a declaration duly signed before I Israel M. S'ieff of London, vice- sponsors of the dialogue that that young man was lacking in the competent governmental authorities and should also bear a I president and chairman of the competence to limn an image in depth of the American Jew. final authentication to the signature of the authorized representa- !European executive; Dr. Arieh Moreover, had Mr. Roth been honest with himself he would have tive of your firm appended thereto by the closest Consulate or Tartakower of Jerusalem, chair- disqualified himself as expert the moment he received the invita- Diplomatic mission of any Arab country. The required declaration ! man of the Israel executive; Dr. tion. It is unthinkable that the sponsors of the event would not will have to contain complete answers to the following questions: 1Joachim Prinz of New York and have frowned upon his appearance if he told them in advance he said impudently in Jerusalem — that he did not (Detailed questions asked whether Scherr-Tumico had now, or Dr. Max Nussbaum of Los An- what consider himself a Jewish intelectual and that the main passion had in the past, branch factories, assembly lines, general agencies, geles, co-chairmen of the Amer- of his life was to write fiction and not to be a Jew. or head offices, in Israel; whether it had ever granted Israelis ican section of the World Jew- patent rights; whether it now, or ever, owned shares in, assisted, ish Congress. or represented any Israeli firm.) The Canadian Jewish Con- Mixed Marriages What is the Jewish intermarriage rate in the United States, "If, in the light of the answers to the said questions, it turns gress will be represented by out that you have any dealings with Israel in the aforementioned Lavy M. Becker, national chair- readers ask. Very frankly, our affluent Jewish community has forms. then under the Israel Boycott Regulations, now in force man of the CJC foreign affairs no records available on one of its most serious confrontations. The in all Arab countries, the name of your firm will be blacklisted committee, and Monroe Abbey, meager information available shows that the rate is 10 per cent, in all these countries. Consequently you will be denied access Q.C., immediate past chairman with men showing a greater predilection towards mixed marriages to the extensive Arab markets and all transactions with your of the CJC executive committee. than women. However, the rate seems to be alarming on a geo- Also attending the meeting graphic basis. In some areas of the country, particularly in the business will be banned. "We earnestly hope that you will choose to keep your com- will be Alex L. Easterman, Dr. hinterlands of America, the intermarriage rate is said to be of mercial relations with the Arab countries in good standing, rather S. Roth, Dr. A. Steinberg of alarming proportions. One county in California some years ago than to impair your free access to the Arab markets. If you London, Armand Kaplan of showed a rate of 37 per cent. What is the intermarriage rate in decide to adopt this course,. then you will have to repudiate any Paris. Dr. Gerhart M. Riegner New York City? No one seems to know definitely, though the standing agreement between your firm and any Israeli firm or of Geneva and Dr. Maurice L. guess is anywhere between 7 and 8 per cent. However, people business within the aforementioned forms. You will also have to Perlzweig and Dr. Nehemiah familiar with Jwish life in New York City are hesitant to accept those figures, placing them closer to 15 per cent at the minimum. Robinson of New York. furnish us with documentary evidence to this effect. . . . On the Record