(Continued from Page 1) West Germany as war criminals. Nasser noted that the Arabian- American Oil Co. (after a ruling by American courts) agreed to employ Jews (in New York State only). His radio and tele- vision immediately charged that hordes of Jews were being shipped to Saudi Arabia by ARAMCO. A typical Cairo broad- cast said the "presence of Jews among Arab employees and workers in ARAMCO is no less and perhaps even more serious than the infiltration of Jewish military men . . . This is only a precedent. Oh, Arabs and Mos- lems, if you neglect this—do not rule out the possibility of seeing Jews soon in the outskirts of Medina." Using transmission facilities and electrical current largely fiir.nced by American taxpayers, another Nasser broadcast charged "it has now become certain that American Jews are breathing the air (of Saudi Ara- bia) . .. The Palestine tragedy is being repeated now. The Jews have entered the Arabian penin- sula under the guise of the American Army, American units, and American aid. It uses the Saud family (Nasser's enemies) that these Jews should tread upon Holy Lands . . . Faysal hopes to use these Jews to strike the blessed Yemeni revolution , . . He prefers that the penin- sula be flooded with American Jews . . ." Secretary Rusk has not said a word to Nasser about these racist denunciations of Ameri- cans of Jewish faith who proudly serve in the military uniform of the United States. The State Department is cur- rently concerned lest Congress demand implementation of the anti-bias clause in the Foreign Assistance Law. The Department wants to continue aiding Nasser in hopes of bUying his favor in the East-West struggle. Policy makers have ignored compelling evidence that t h e American taxpayer is forced to indirectly subsidize, through the aid to Egypt, Nasser's continued purchase of Soviet arms, the training of young Egyptian of- ficers in Soviet military schools, and the proliferation of the mis- sile race. American aid enables Egypt to exchange her entire cotton crop for offensive Soviet weap- ons, including jet bomber s, rather than for food which is furnished by America. Is America to continue com- batting racism at home while subsidizing it abroad? Toronto Jewish Leaders to Help Nazareth Arabs TORONTO, (JTA) — An of- ficial of the Israel Young Men's Christian Association an- nounced that two Toronto Jew- ish leaders will have key posts on a committee seeking to raise $425,000 to help build a recrea- tion center in Nazareth for Is- raeli Arabs. Rev. Herbert Minard, general secretary of the YMCA in Jeru- salem, said that John D. Fien- berg, Toronto builder, and Leo Weinstein, retail grocery execu- tive, would assist J. Howard Hawke, director of the cam- paign in Canada. He said that about $17,000 has been raised by public subscription in Israel and that Canadians will be asked to contribute the balance in the two-week campaign. The two Jewish members of the committee are active in Jew- ish communal activities and in fund-raising for the United Jew- ish Appeal, the local Jewish Welfare Fund and other activ- ities. U.S. Jewish Intellectuals Scored for Views at Jerusalem 'Dialogue' SOUTH FALLSBURG, N. Y., (JTA)—Rabbi Emanuel Rack- man, professor of political sci- ence at Yeshiva University, told the 27th annual convention of the Rabbinical Council of America, meeting here, that "the recent dialogue in Israel made it absolutely clear that most Jewish writers and intel- lectuals are creating a distorted image of the basic value of Orthodox Judaism. They have never acquired a firm and thor- ough understanding of the vital power and creative dynamism of religious beliefs and histori- cal truths. "The discussions in Jerusa- lem revealed that these literary scholars are assuming the man- tle of self-appointed spokesmen and leaders for Judaism without justification and reason due to their divorce from and indiffer- ence to Jewish religious com- munity living and the daily problems of religious orienta- tion," Dr. Rackham said. "Because of the misrepresen- tation of these Jewish littera- teurs, the non-Jewish world is denied an opportunity to appre- ciate the overwhelming contri- butions which Orthodox Jews are making in every avenue of modern endeavor such as phys- ics, chemistry, literature, art, culture and music." Rabbi Rack- man added that "Orthodox Ju- daism has managed to resist the encroachments of such alien philosophers as Marxism and Freudianism and to emerge with a more favorable position in the world of general ideas and moral concepts." Avraham Harman, Israel's I Ambassador to the United States, told the convention that "religious ideals cannot flourish and develop in a culture which is oppressive to the freedom- loving inclination of men." Rabbi Abraham N. AvRutick lauded the U.S. Supreme Court decisions banning Bible reading and prayers in public schools. At the same time he suggested the enactment of legislation to grant income tax allowance to parents for tuition for their children attending r eligious schools. He also appealed to President Kennedy to use his good offices to terminate the armaments race in the Middle East. Want ads get quick results! Book Is Published on Nazi Death Camp LONDON, (JTA)—A book about the Kioge death camp where close to 100,000 Jews per- ished has been written by Erwin Martinson, an Estonian writer, and published in Soviet Estonia. The author describes how the last survivors of the Vilna and Kovno ghettoes were put to death in Kloge along with tens of thousands of Jews from Es- tonia, Latvia, Poland, Czecho- slovakia, Germany and Norway. The Torah has made the women equal to men as to all punishments.—Pesachim -43 GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker and Jeweler 18963 Livernois Ave. UN 1-8184 OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. tr—" qt\r""2.$ ,5"--1Ar"--2.3"—•It\r"-- ---1 Strictly Kosher Meats and Poultry KAPLAN BROS. IT'S BAR-B-Q TIME AGAIN! 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AMERICAN SAVINGS Michigan's largest. state chartered savings and loan association • WO. 5-5800 — TH E DETROIT JEWISH N,WS — Frida y, June 28, 1963 Racism Fought at Home—But Upheld Abroad