Maj. Gen. Ryan Rejects Eichmann 'Following Orders' Theory, Opposes Intermarriage in Advice to Youth Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Ryan, former chief of the army chap- lains, who spent many years in combat areas, has received many honors, among them the annual citation award of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- gregations of America. His ex- periences with the men in the armed forces qualify him to an unusual degree to offer advice to our young men and women on the problems that face them in every day life. He does it with a keen sense of humor, with candor and with a deep •understanding of issues that face our youth in "A Soldier Priest Talks to Youth," pub- lished by Random House. As the title denotes, the ap- proach is that of a Catholic, but the advice is applicable to all faiths, and, ignoring the Christological aspects, this book serves a most valuable purpose. Because of his distinguish- ed army career, it is especial- ly interesting to note that Gen. Ryan disputes the Eich- mann theory of "following orders." He declares in all seriousness that a "a patriot is not the man who says, as Stephen Decatur once did, 'My country, right or wrong, but right or wrong, my country!' If your country is wrong, you must work to make her right, if only because you love her so and it pains you to see her embarked on a wick- ed course." Gen. Ryan proceeds to state on this score: "The men who followed Hitler and Mussolini said 'My country right or wrong,' and we all know the beastliness that the Nazis turned loose on the world. Look at Adolf Eich- mann, the Nazi official whom Israel hanged in June of 1962 for having done most to or- ganize the slaughter of 6,000,- 000 Jews during the Nazi per- If you like CHEESE KREPLAC H You'll love MEATLESS CHEF BOY-AR-DEE CHEESE RAVIOLI Just heat 'Wean secution. Eichmann's defense throughout his trial was that he was 'following orders'! He pleaded th:t he was serving his country! Could any man have done his country a greater disservice than to have followed the bloody path that led to the destruc- tion of Germany from the air, and its division into two sep- arate, hostile camps? "No one can place country above conscience, any more than he can place loved ones above conscience. The Church teaches us that the Fourth Commandment, on which pat- riotism is based, also com- mands: 'Obey your mother and father in all that is not sin.' The same applies to the fatherland. If you saw your father striking a cripple you would be horrified and very quick to plead with him to stop. The same should apply to you if—God forbid—you should find your country bullying a little land or mis- treating minorities within its own community. You love the face of your country too much to see it disfigured by bru- tality or prejudice." The numerous anecdotes and case histories related by Gen. Ryan illustrate the points he makes in admonishing his read- ers to confront the problems posed in life today with cour- age and with dignity and honor. "Will You Be Chaste, or Chased?" is a frank and sober chapter that points to the dan- gers of "going steady," reviews the "dating" problems and em- phasizes that when one begins to look for a life partner it is chastity rather than chasing for enjoyment that finally emerges as the major intention for mar- riage. Many ethical questions are tackled by Gen. Ryan. While he credits the Christian Golden Rule principle as being in "its final, perfect and positive form," he does give credit to Hillel, "who lived a few years before Jesus _ appeared on earth," as having uttered the Golden Rule by relating the famous story: "One day Hillel w a s accosted by a pagan who asked to be taught the whole Jewish Law in the time he could remain standing on one foot, and Hillel Replied: `What is unwelcome to you, not to your neighbor. This is the whole law; the rest is merely, commentary." There is sound advice on love and marriage, and a strong posi- tion is taken by Gen. Ryan against mixed marriages. He poses many questions on the intermarriage theme and he warns of impending trouble from marriages of people of differing faiths. Telshe Yeshiva Starts Construction of $2,000,000 Dorm CLEVELAND, (JTA) — Con- struction has been started here on a new modern dormitory building for •Telshe Yeshiva which was struck earlier this year with a tragic fire that took the lives of two students, de- molished one dormitory build- ing and led to the closing of the others at the school. The new building, which will house 400 students, will be the first phase of a rebuilding pro- gram which will include the construction of other dormito- ries, a beth medrash and other facilities. The building program will be financed through a na- tionwide campaign for $2,000,- 000. Hear family, guests, cheer for that real Italian flavor created by famed Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Tender little macaroni pies...filled with tangy Italian Cheese...simmered with savory tomato sauce and cheese... seasoned the real Ital- ian way. So much tastier and With what measure you mete, easier than the frozen kind. So much thriftier, too—costs only it shall be measured to you.— As ye judge so shall ye be about 15c per serving! judged.—Sanhedrin 100. United Synagogue's Convention Speaker Isaac Toubin to Speak at Hillel Day School 5th Annual Dinner Brandwine, Abraham Bor- The Hillel Day School of Morris man, Tom Borman, Norman Cottler, Metropolitan Detroit will ob- Sol Dann, Israel Elpern, Rabbi Her- serve its Fifth Annual Founders bert Eskin, Cantor Nicholas Fenakel, Nathan Freedland, Ben Goldberg, Day Dinner June 26 at Adas Nathan Goldin, Rabbi Benjamin Gorrelick, Dr. Morris Greenberg, Shalom Synagogue. Rabbi Irwin Groner, Herbert L. Har- The guest speaker will be mis, Frank Holtzman, Morris M. Isaac Toubin, executive director Jacobs, Morris Karbal, Paul Keiman, Mrs. Arnold Kass, Judge Ira G. Kauf- of the Ameri- man. Judge Nathan Kaufman, Mrs. Leon c a n Associa- Kay, Jerome Keywell, Mrs. Bella tion for J e w- Kozloff, Philmore Leemon, Rabbi Moses Lehrman, Dan M. Le Vine, ish Education. Louis Levitan, Jack Malamud, Meyer A graduate of Millman, David Pollack, Mrs. Morris Schaver, Rabbi Irving Schnipper, the Jewish Harry Schumer, Sidney Shevitz, Rabbi Theological Jacob E. Segal, Nathan Shur, Eugene Seminary, Sloan, Wolf Snyder, George Spoon, Phillip Steinman, Wilbur Stein, Saul Toubin has Waldman and Mrs. Milton Weiss. served as exec- To arrange for dinner reser- Prof. ALEXANDER SCHEI- utive director vations, call the Hillel D a y BER (r.), director of the Hun- of the Ameri- School office, LI 8-8224. garian Rabbinical Seminary in can Jewish Budapest, is greeted by Congress, with Issue Orthodox GEORGE MAISLEN, president which he •was ... of the United Synagogue of associated for Braille Prayerbook America, on arrival in New 14 years. NEW YORK, (JTA) — The York at United Synagogue's Included i n. first Orthodox Jewish Prayer- invitation. Prof. Scheiber will t h e program Toubin address the United Syna- will also be a brief tribute hon- book was issued in English and gogue's golden jubilee conven- oring Harry Cohen, community Hebrew Braille. It contains tion at the Concord Hotel, leader, on his 80th birthday, for Daily, Sabbath and Festival Kiamesha Lake, N. Y., in No- a lifetime of devoted service to Prayers. Arranged by the Jewish Braille Institute in five vol- vember. Jewish causes. umes of encyclopedia-size, the Milton Marwil is chairman of Prayerbooks in Braille are gifts the dinner committee, and Abe World Jewish of the United States and Can- Kasle is honorary chairman. adian affiliates of the Women's Congress Protests Associate chairmen are Max H. Branch of the Union of Ortho- Goldsmith, Abe I. Morrison, Al- dox Jewish Congregation of Nazi Conference bert Posen and Sherman Sha- America. The volumes will be (Direct JTA Teletype Wire piro. to The Jewish News) distributed to the Jewish blind Other members of the Dinner throughout the United States, PARIS — The staging of an international SS gathering in Hosts Committee include: Canada, Israel, and other coun- Rabbi Morris Adler, Norman Al- Munster Essel during the week- lan, Rabbi Emanuel Applebaum, Mrs. tries. end and against a planned SS rally in September in Hamlin evoked sharp protests at a con- ference of contingent organiza- tions of the European executive of the World Jewish Congress. The staging of such interna- tional rallies by groups dedi- cated to maintaining and foster- ing of the spirit of Nazism and to serve as sources for a Nazi- Fascist revival was the topic of one of many reports considered Served at bar mitzvahs, brunches, barbecues, by the delegates in a review of the worldwide connections be- tween such groups. The delegates were presented with new evidence of the exist- ence and activities of an inter- nationally -,linked network of Nazi - Fascist and anti - Semitic groups in many countries. The reports emphasized warnings given by the World Jewish Con- gress at its European confer- ence last December concerning on crackers, canapes, cucumbers, the international m o ve men t whose major goal is the spread- ing of the spirit of Nazism and hatred to undermine Demo- cratic systems throughout the world. * * * W. Germany Asked to Ban Scheduled Reunion of Nazis BONN, (JTA)—Two groups, the International Committee of Dachau Concentration Camp In- itiates and the German-Jewish Study Association, protested the holding of a rally next fall by former members of the Nazi S. S. in the German town of Hamlin. The Dachau committee urged the West German government to ban the meeting and in- structed its subsidiary councils in various countries to ask their governments to bar for- mer members from traveling to Hamlin for the rally. in salads, sandwiches, smorgasbords, n4ii§ga,.v with boiled potatoes, chilled tomatoes, or straight from the jar. Downtown Synagogue Will Dedicate . Torah The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue, 1442 Griswold, will hold a special ceremony to dedi- cate a Torah crown at Sabbath services 8 a.m. Saturday. The crown was donated to the con- gregation by Mr. and Mrs. Irv- ing Smith. A kiddush following services will honor members of the Zide family. If you have reproved some- one and he has not heeded you, pick up a wall and throw it at him.—Baba Kama 92. VITA HERRING IS CATCHING ON FAST