Hubert G. Frankel, San Francisco business- man and grandson of the Rev. Jacob Frankel, displays the framed commission given his grandfather on Sept. 18, 1862, when the Phila- delphia rabbi became the first rabbi to serve as a Jewish military chaplain. Frankel is shown being introduced by Walter D. Heller, chair- man, JWB's Armed Forces and Veterans Serv- ices Committee, to a San Francisco dinner at which Northern California commemorated Jew- ish military chaplaincy centennial. At the right of Frankel is Col. Jesse C. Colman, of San Francisco, and Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof, of Pittsburgh, who was the principal speaker at the dinner. Grossman, Co-Founder New York Neo-Nazi Found Guilty of Assault NEW YORK, (JTA) — Louis of JTA, Honored on He appeared for a preliminary Mostaccio, a member of the hearing in Criminal Court wear- Birthday in Israel JERUSALEM, (JTA) — M e i r Grossman, veteran Zionist leader and co-founder of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, was hon- ored by the Jewish Agency ex- ecutive at a luncheon given on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Grossman, who settled in Pal- estine in 1934, was a member of the Jewish Agency executive and head of the Agency's economic department. Among those who paid tribute at the luncheon to Grossman for his manifold activities on behalf of Zionism were Moshe Sharett, chairman of the Agency execu- tive Dr. Israel Goldstein, chair- man of the Keren Hayesod; Yaacov Tsur, chairman of the Jewish National Fund, and Leo Dulzin, member of the Agency executive. Grossman, a noted journalist, was born in Russia and lived in London for many years. To- gether with Vladimir Jabotinsky he formed the Zionist-Revisionist Party which he left later. He also lived for a short period in the United States where he was active in the American Jewish Conference. neo-Nazi National Renaissance party, was convicted in Crimi- nal Court on charges of simple assault growing out of a rally of his party which sparked a riot in Yorkville on May 25. He will be sentenced on July 19. ing his. Nazi-style uniform. He was charged with injuring a detective by hitting him with a flagstaff during the rally. The charge was reduced from sec- ond to third degree assault and then reduced today to simple assault. JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Moshe Sharett, chairman of the 'Jewish Agency executive, reported at a press conference that a complex of socio-economic problems grip- ping the Latin American conti- nent was the main cause under- mining the position of the Jew- ish communities in that area. He made his report on his re- turn to Israel from an extensive tour of the area and a visit to the United States. He said that the economic structure which is under grow- ing pressure was creating a sit- uation affecting the population stratum of which the Jews of Latin America were a part and to which they were most vulner- able. He asserted that anti- Semitic manifestations were an "accompanying factor" which added to the gravity of the Jew- ish situation but that it was not the main problem. While he did not assume that there would be a mass migra- tion from Latin American coun- tries to Israel in the near fu- ture, he added, he did believe that there would be increased immigration from those coun- tries to an extent not previously experienced. He said this pros- pect would pose to both the communities and to Israel a new Zionist test. He emphasized that there was a need to intensify Jewish edu- cational activities in the Latin American communities along with preparing new groups of emissaries and instructors to be sent there from Israel. In response to questions about Zionist developments in the United States develop- ing from charges in the American Zionist Council, he said he believed the Zionist Council was at the crossroads in which "one way leads to decline and complete disinte- gration, and the other can open a new phase of fruitful activity." He said that if the American Zionist Council was to continue to exist, "it must stand on its own feet without depending on outside help." He suggested also that the Council should concentrate on hammering out and following through on a common policy for all Zionist groups and par- ties, serving as a central source of initiative and direction. Pioneer Pediatrician Dr. Abraham Jacobi, a Ger- man-born Jewish physician who settled in New York, was a pio- neer in the field of pediatrics in this country. He also is cred- ited with having invented the laryngoscope. Soviet's Mid-East Atom Bomb Idea Not Workable—Britain LONDON, (JTA) — Lord Privy Seal Edward Heath said the British government had no objection in principle to the formation of nuclear-free zones in certain areas, such as the Soviet Union proposed last week for the Middle East in a letter to the Israel government. Heath added that Britain was not opposed to such zones, if they were set up voluntarily by the states concerned and if the existing military balance was not disturbed by such arrange- ments. He said that, in the Med- iterranean area, niether of these conditions would be met. He made the statement in reply to a question from Laborite Ar- thur Henderson about the gov- ernment's position regarding the Russian proposal. (The 'U.S. State Department had responded to the proposal the day it was made, by calling it a propaganda gesture aimed at ousting planned Polaris sub- marine.) Turks Study Israeli Training for Blind A team of 10 Turkish teach- ers are spending several weeks at the Jewish Institute for the Blind in Jerusalem studying Israeli methods of training per- sons handicapped by blindness. Jacob Igra, director-general of the Institute, Israel's main cen- ter for rehabilitating the blind, said that the faculty of the In- stitute had arranged a special series of lectures for the Turk- ish group. v ,••••• ■ ••• ©1963 P Lorillard Co. First Lady Of Hadassah Henrietta Szold lived an amazingly varied life, but she is best known as the founder of Hadassah. Yet a contemplation of her life and work reveals her as one of those rare spirits whose abnegation and dedica- tion to others offers hope to the human race. Born on December 21, 1860, in Balti- more, Maryland, Henrietta began her career as a teacher. She devoted herself to social work and the Americanization of Jewish immigrants to this country. That would seem to be career enough for one lifetime, but, in 1893, Miss Szold became editorial secretary of the Jewish Publica- tion Society. She worked as a translator and editor for the next twenty-five years. When she was almost 50 years old, Miss Szold's-life changed dramatically. During her first visit to Palestine she wasappalled by the disease and squalor she saw. She .• • •. • • 4 • • • • • • •••• decided to do something about it. Her idea was to install a district nursing sys- tem in Palestine. That idea was the beginning of Hadassah, which first founded the American Zionist medical unit. OLD Fit:rens GOLD Once again, when Hitler came to power, Henrietta Szold ..saw a human need. It was apparent that the rescue of Jewish children from the Nazis was most urgent. Though she was now 75, Miss Szold be- came the director of the Youth Aliyah movement. Through her efforts as head of the Aliyah thousands of JeWish children were saved and brought to Palestine. In 1945, Miss Szold's life and work ended. Social worker, Zionist, editor, founder of Hadassah and rescuer of Jewish children from the Nazi gas chambers, Henrietta. Szold lived a full and useful life. The world First with the Finest Cigarettes is better for her passage through it. through Lorillard research SPIN 4.• • 1 3 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, June 14, 1963 Show Document That Launched Jewish Chaplaincy Socio-Economic Problems Threaten S. American Jews, Sharett Reports