Detroiters Will Be Honored at Seminary, Yeshiva U. Exercises SYNAGOGUE SERVICES OAK-WOODS YOUNG ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 7:50 p.m. to- day and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Sperka will speak on "The Dedication of the Levites." The Bar Mitzvah of Bruce Aaronson will be observed. NORTHWEST YOUNG ISRAEL: Sabbath services 7:30 p.m. to- day and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Prero will speak on "The Pillars of Human Existence." TEMPLE BETH JACOB OF PONTIAC': At Sabbath services 8:30 p.m. today, Rabbi Conrad will speak on "The Mark of a Stiff-Necked People_" CONG. BETH MOSES: Sabbath services 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Schnipper will speak on "Seeking Sta- tus." The Bar MitzVahs of Edward Feinstein and Robert Weinstein will be observed. TEMPLE ISRAEL: At Sabbath services 8:30 p.m. today, Rabbi Syme will speak on "The Ideal Jewish Child." At Sabbath services 11 a.m. Saturday, the Bar Mitzvah of Donald Jerome Sak will be observed. CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Sabbath services 7:45 today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "The Symbol Of Light." The Bar Mitzvah of Jeffrey Neal Freedman will be observed. CONG. BETH TEFILO EMANUEL TIKVAH: Sabbath services at 7:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Levin will speak on "The Burdens of Leadership." CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Sabbath services at 7:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "Who Is to Carry the Community's Burden?" The Bar Mitzvah of Danny Stein will be observed. ISAAC AGREE DOWNTOWN SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 5:15 p.m. today and 8 a.m. Saturday. At 5 p.m. Saturday, Rabbi Noah M. Gamze will hold a class in Pirke Avoth (Ethics of the Fathers) to be followed by services at 5:15 p.m. CONG. B'NAI DAVID: Sabbath services at . 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Kerry Lafer will be observed. BETH ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 7 p.m. to- day and 8:40 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs Of Steven Zack and David Neil Warshausky will be observed. CONG. BETH JOSEPH: Sabbath services at 7:45 p.m. today and 9 Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Edward S. Brooks will be observed. BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE: Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m. to- day and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Robert Scheuer and Stephen Gerald Kaplan will be observed. CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Sabbath services at 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvahs of Elliot Shevin and Kenneth Monash will be observed. CONG. BETH EL: Sabbath services at 5:30 p.m. today and 11:15 a.m. Saturday. CONG. B'NAI MOSHE: Sabbath services at 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. If you like CHEESE KREP LACH You'll love MEATLESS CHEF BOY-AR-DEE CHEESE RAVIOLI Hazaz. Jerusalem, Israel; and Judah A. Joffe, noted linguist and book collector of New York City. The Seminary's Distinguish- ed Service Medal will be awarded to Rabbi Louis M. Levitsky, spiritual leader of Oheb Shalom Congregation, South Orange, N.J., who for more than 23 years has served as director of two of the Sem- inary's extension departments, The Seminary School of Jew- ish Studies and the Women's Institute. Sherill N. Cohen, 18919 Cherrylawn, will receive the bachelor of arts degree from Stern C of I e g e for Women, Yeshiva University's undergrad- uate school of liberal arts and sciences for women, at the uni- versity's 32nd annual com- mencement exercises Thursday on the Danciger Campus, 185th St. and Amsterdam Ave., New York. 41 00000000000••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e • • 0 • • • • • • • AMERICA'S No. I ,,,..„:,, • v. -:.. - • 100% PURE • • ZION 4,, • • /1 BEEF PRODUCTS • • ---,--, • • • • • • r iN •• • • . . . only the finest in taste and • • quality from Kosher Zion • . . made fresh doily in our new, modern, clean, stainless steel kitchens, u n d e r strict U. S. Government inspection and Or- thodox Rabbinical Supervision. • • • • • • • • • KOSHER * I - Z* koit,„„. .. -i, , /01/. O rh rn Cy ci) re co • • • • • • • • • • • ANO PASSED 8T • • DEPARTMENT Of AGRICULTURE • • EST. ZION Cri • iirS NSPECT. *E0 N\ :SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO • x t11- CHICAGO 8, ILL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e • • Four Young Israel Branches to Hold Annual Meeting Rabbi Ephriam H. Sturm. di- rector of the National Council of Young Israel, will be the guest speaker at the annual Young Israel banquet Sunday evening at Young Israel of Northwest Detroit. The four branches of t h e Young Israel movement in met- ropolitan Detroit are co-sponsors of this culminating function of the spring season. The newly elected presidents of each branch will extend greetings. The theme of this year's banquet will he "Unifying The Efforts of The Traditional Jewish Community." Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka, spir- itual leader of Young Israel of Greenfield, will deliver the in- vocation, and the guest speaker will be introduced by Rabbi Samuel H. Prero of Northwest Detroit. On the local scene, the Young Israel program emphasizes Sab- bath study groups and week day cultural and recreational activi- ties for more than 450 boys and girls. The Young Israel youth program is available to non- members. Just heat 'Wean Beth Abraham Will Present Youth Awards I-lear family, guests, cheer for that real Italian flavor created by famed Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Tender little macaroni pies...filled with tangy Italian Cheese...simmered With savory tomato sauce and Cheese...seasoned the real Ital- ian way. So much tastier and easier than the frozen kind. So much thriftier, too costs only about 15c per serving! Cong. Beth Abraham will hold a youth awards program follow- ing services and a breakfast at the synagogue, announces Frank Leiderman, education and youth director. The program will be dedicated to the memory of Willie Opperer, late youth commissioner. The religious school is now ac- cepting enrollment, according to Morris Davis a n d Milton Freeman, chairmen. For infor- mation, call UN 1-6696. Classes are conducted for children, 4-17. — John E. Lurie of Detroit will receive a plaque at the 69th commencement e x e r c i s e s of The Jewish Theological Semin- ary of America. Seven hon- orary degrees will be awarded, and 65 students will receive de- grees in course at the com- mencement, which will take place on Sunday in the Louis Marshall memorial quadrangle of the Seminary, Broadway at 122nd St., New York. Lurie will be honored for the endowment of the Lurie Brothers Foundation Scholar- ship in the Seminary's Rabbin- ical Department. Principal of the fund was contributed by Lurie. and his brother, the late Nathan Lurie, and the income from the endowment will be used in perpetuity to help pay the costs of educating spiritual leaders. Seven honorary degrees will be awarded at the exercises. The recipients are Rabbis Abraham Burstein, secretary of the Jewish Academy of Arts and Science; Morris S. Good- blatt, Cong. Beth Am Israel, Philadelphia, Pa.; S. Joshua Kohn, Cong. Adath Israel, Tren- ton, N.J.; Israel Lebendiger, Cong. Avavath Israel, Liberty, N.Y.; Ludwig Roeder, Temple Israel, Uniontown, Pa.; Chaim f lAN n14, sUck‘k IN TOMATO SAUCE 57, AA 1.3 44E3W ‹Ill'-mwt•f4- No, they don't come this way.You still have to do a little work. Like opening the can, putting the beans in the pan, heating them. But your reward is instant. Everyone digs in, most of them yell for seconds.And you have two rea- sons to be pleased with yourself. (1) Heinz (strictly) Vegetarian Beans are strictly deli cious. (2) They're good for people. Big on proteins.So be a hero.Tonight. WSHER AND PAREVE—THE HEINZ VEGETARIAN BEANS LABEL BEARS THEuO SEAL OF OF THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA. APPROVAL •