9 That Judaism and Christian- ity can make valuable contri- butions to each other's exist- eiice is the contention of the distinguished Jewish scholar, Dr. Hans Joachim Schoeps, in "The Jewish Christian Argu- ment—A History of Theologies in Conflict," published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston (383 Madison, NY17). Dr. Schoeps, who has been called Europe's most important scholar in the field of Jewish- Christian relations, first wrote his book in 1937 and he was able to sell it only to Jews and in Jewish bookstores in Ger- many. He lived in exile as a refugee from Hitlerism, in Swe- den, from 1938 to 1946. His father died in the Theresien- stadt concentration camp, Dec. 27, 1942. His mother was gassed in. Auschwitz in June, 1944. "In view of this experi- ence," he stated in the preface to his second edition in 1949, "I ask myself today whether the period- of religious dia- logue may not perhaps be past; whether, with these senseless exterminations, something quite different has begun. However the case may be, the questions discussed in this book will continue to exist and to be relevant until the end of the world." In the foreword to the third edition, he makes the claim that it is clear that Judaism "is in no better position today than in earlier epochs in its history to assume any unique event to be the ultimate revelation of God." He adds that both Judaism and Christianity "are united in shar- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, May 31, 1963 U) O $6. 00 Pe r Pe rson She rato n Cad illac L161 %.4••• O D IETARY LAWS OBSERV E D O tL O O a) 4- 4- E 0 U 0 co U) O Vi a) TH EO DORE R. U 0 O O E 0 0 0 For Rese rva tions ing a common perspective di- rected toward the future, see- ing that the full truth is yet to come." He sees Jews and Christians today in the same situation: "that of unbelief." Discussing the "absolute in religious his- tory," reviewing the first cen- turies of conflict, the continu- ation of the debate in the Mid- dle Ages, he introduces the views of Saadyah Gaon, Judah ha-Levi, Isaac Troki. He devotes considerable space to the de- bate on an anticipated future in which Philipp van Limborch and Isaac Orobio de Castro were involved, as well as the modern discussants — Moses Mendels- sohn, Saloman Formstecher and Salomon Ludwig Steinheim; and the existential religious di- alogues by Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig and others. Then he turns to the Jewish and Chris- tian realities, asserting that: "This age is no longer an age of the Judaeo-Christian faith; by objective criteria, it is already something differ- ent . . . The dialogue which Christian and Jew have con- ducted with each other and continue to conduct will re- main in the future. But the dialogue has lost its effect upon the world, and will con- tinue to lose its effect, for today Israel and Christianity live upon islands and must carry on their dialogue from one island to the other. Be- tween them both, and around them, swirls the flood of his- tory, seeking to overwhelm even these islands." Because today "quite differ- ent sides of biblical reality are entering into the realm of his- 1,000 Delegates Will tory," Dr. Schoeps believes that Attend Zionist Parley "today an insight is possible which was no longer available in Israel July 11-17 More than 1,000 delegates to the orthodoxy of yesterday," will leave for Israel in 21 planes an insight that "according to most of them of the El Al Air- the nature of its formation the line, and by ship, beginning to covenant is eschatalogical and attend the 66th annual conven- the law futuristic." He believes that both faiths tion of the Zionist Organization. of America which will be held "yet stand it need of fulfill- there July 11 through July 17, ment, especially today, when according to an announcement the majority of Jews in Western by Harold W. Carmely, execu- Europe have fallen away from tive chairman of the Conven- the traditional way of life, and, at best, live according to the tion. Preceding the opening of the law only by intention." Dr. Schoeps arrives at this seven-day convention, delegates will participate, on July 10, in conclusion in his evaluation of a pilgrimage to the Herzl grave the historical developments in and Herzl Museum on Mt. Herzl the Jewish-Christian argument: "The messianism of Israel is at which Dr. Abba Hillel Silver will deliver the main address directed toward that which is to of eulogy on the occasion of come; the eschatology of the Herzl's 59th yahrzeit. A tree universal Gentile Church to- planting ceremony in the Amer- ward the return of Him who ican Freedom Forest under the has come. Both are united by auspices of the JNF will follow one common expectation, that the truth, which we do not the pilgrimage. The convention will open in know, which we can only guess, the presence of Premier David is yet to come, in that hour Ben-Gurion in the Binyaney when the beginning is swallow- Ha'ume (Building of the Na- ed up in the end. At this point tions) in Jerusalem. This ses- all Judaeo - Christian dialogue sion will highlight addresses of ends in the ancient petition of greetings by the newly-elected the Pater Noster: 'Thy kingdom President of Israel, Mayor of come to us,' just as the New Jerusalem Mordechai Ish-Sha- Testament, conscious of its own loin, U.S. Ambassador Walworth unfulfillment, with its conclud- Barbour, Moshe S'harett, chair- ing words, utters the prayer, man of the Jewish Agency Ex- `Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!' And ecutive; and Dr. Emanuel Neu- the Kaddish prayer of the Jew mann, president of the World concludes with the same peti- Confederation of General Zion- tion for fulfillment, of which ists. Dr. Silver, chairman of the no one knows whether it may convention, will deliver the come tomorrow, for the messi- opening. Dr. Max Nussbaum, anic kingdom which, in spite of president of the ZOA, will ren- all deceptions and disappoint- der the presidential address. ments, always is awaited in the day to come with the same fer- vor — morning, afternoon and Canada Received 318 evening of every day of this Jewish Immigrants aeon: "May he bring his king- OTTAWA, (JTA) — A total dom to dominion within your of 318 Jewish immigrants came lifetime and within your days to Canada in the first three and within the lifetime of the months of 1963, compared with whole house of Israel—shortly, 346 in the same period a year within a brief time." ago, data released here by the Thus, he links both religions Dominion Department of Citizen- to the ancient Pater Noster pe- ship and Immigration showed. tition of "thy kingdom come." The aggregate number of im- His thesis is certain to serve migrants into Canada during the as the basis for prolonged theo- first quarter of 1963 was 13,410, logical debate and, as he states as compared with 11,762 in the in his book, the dialogue goes corresponding months of 1962. on. - Schoeps' 'Jewish-Christian Debate' Stresses Eschatological Formula Lr? • swomn• 7 (1 U