Muscular Dystrophy Association Men's Clubs of 4 Will Conduct Door-to-Door Drive Congregations Will Offer Free Cookbook for Low Salt Dieters Who Miss a Tasty Meal .... ............................................................................................ Hold Golf Outing Men's clubs from four Detroit area congregations will join for their annual golf outing on June 18 at the Tam O'Shanter Country Club. Hosts for the occasion are the Men's Clubs of Temple Beth El, Temple Emanu-El, Temple Is- rael and Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Members of each club and their friends have been invited to participate. Activities- planned for the all- day outing are golf from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; swimming in the heated • Tam O'Shanter pool; , The Muscular Dystrophy • Association. will hold a state- special golf contests and enter- wide, door-to-door fund-raising drive on Tuesday evening. tainment. Committee members planning the campaign are, from left, Highlighting the day's events Mrs. Jack Stein, Mrs. Sam Hamburg, president of Pisgah will be a dinner and program at A special diet guide and cookbook for low sodium diets Chapter of Bnai Brith; Patty Duke,_ who won an Oscar for her 7 p.m. Awards and special prizes has been prepared by the makers of Fleischmann's Unsalted role in "Miracle Worker" and the national youth chairman will be given to winning golf- Corn Oil Margarine. It was prepared to assist those on low for Muscular Dystrophy; and Mrs. J. D. Manning. ers, and the club with the win- sodium diets in the planning and preparation of tasty, nutri- ning foursome will receive the tious and interesting meals. The cookbook reveals subtle culi- annual golf outing trophy. nary techniques which can be used to significantly compensate Tickets are available at any for the lack of salt as a seasoning. For free copies, send name of the participating congrega- and address to the Jewish News, 17100 W. Seven Mile, Detroit tions. Non-golfers wishing to at- 35, Michigan. tend are not assessed for the A study of the prevailing a qualified teacher in 1962 was cost of golfing. practices in 12 metropolitan $4,400 to $5,100 in municipal German-Israel Ties Earl Ruby - George Marcus Jewish communities in the public schools, as against $3,200 Urged in Bundestag United States underscores the to $5,000 in Jewish schools BONN, (JTA)—Prof. Carlo gap between Jewish school sala- throughout the country. Schmid, Social Democratic mem- ries and those in general edu- Full - time employment in a CONG. ADAS SHALOM MEN'S cation. Jewish school normally means CLUB has installed Jack H. Kauf- ber of the Bundestag, lower Entitled "Salary Scales for 20 hours of teaching and extra- man as president. Other officers house of parliament here, and I I Full-Time Teaching," the study curricular activities in after- are Dr. Louis Beresh, Morris Ze- a vice-president of the body, told was prepared by the American noon schools or 25 hours in all- lenko, vice-presidents; Donald parliament that West Germany The NAME To Remember Association for Jewish Educa- day Jewish schools. A licensed Nusholtz, treasurer; Jonathan D. should establish diplomatic rela- For Quality CLEANING tions with Israel. "It is wrong," tion, a national service agency, Hebrew teacher generally has Hyams, William Schmittel, secre- Detroit and Suburbs and the parent body of Bureaus had a bi-cultural and bi-lingual taries; Joseph Koenig, honorary he said "not to establish diplo- DRIVE IN AND SAVE of Jewish Education in 43 com- training which in aggregate president; Ben Bayer, Charles matic relations with Israel for credits and hours of study ex- Benjamin, David Dunsky, Wil- fear of the Arab states." munities. Ask About Our The 12 communities studied ceeds requirements for a gen- liam Farber, Emanuel Feinberg, were Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, eral bachelor's degree. STORAGE PHOTOGRAPHY by Arthur Gellman, Leo Genser, $4 9 Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, BERNARD H. The study of 12 communities Aaron Kutnick, Carl Lichtenstein, BOX Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapo- revealed that there is a wide Henry Operman, Herman Raskin, per box—Including $250 FREE Insurance lis, New Haven, New YOrk and gap between the salaries of Malcolm L. Rivkin, Louis Rose, No Charge for Minor Repairs Rochester. Detailed breakdowns teachers employed on a full- Saul H. Rose, Philip Rossen, and Replacing Common Buttons are given of the salary provi- time basis in Jewish schools and Daniel Shapiro, Louis Weinstein, KE 1-8196 sions in these communities, the prevailing salaries for teach- Dr. Theodore Winshall, Moe Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings DRAPERIES OUR SPECIALTY supplying important data on the ers employed in general educa- Yolles and William Zimmerman. * * * TAKEN DOWN and REHUNG working conditions and profes- tion in the same communities. CONG. BETH MOSES MEN'S I sional circumstances under The wage inequity is even more which they apply. pronounced in suburban town- CLUB will hold its final Sun- Call for Pick-Up and Delivery The range of maximum salary- ships and villages. The report day morning worship service and his for a qualified teacher in 1962 calls upon communities to de- and brunch of the season 9 a.m. 863-0400 ORCHESTRA was $6,800 to $8,650 in the mu- velop more r e a l i s tic salary Sunday at the synagogue. A 18135 Livernois at Curtis "Music As You Like It" nicipal public schools, as com- schedules and offers guidelines meeting will be held 9 p.m. HOME: OFFICE: pared to $6,000 to. $7,000 in.the to assist Jewish school boards Wednesday. The Club's fourth LI 7-0896 LI 5-2737 Jewish schools. The highest in arriving at such schedules. annual father and son brunch Want ads get quick results! will be held 11:30 a.m. to 2 p m maximum wage for a qualified June 9 at the synagogue. For teacher in Jewish Schools was Plan Federation when you core enough to remember . . . tickets, call Jerry Kohn, KE about equal to the lowest maxi- 5-6345. mum salary in the public school. Leadership Seminars The m a j o r i t y of Jewish The problem of how best to Principal Maritime State schools fall into the lower stra- involve newly-emerging Jewish Opening of the St. Lawrence tum of starting salaries for community leaders in the cam- teachers.. The densely populated paign and year-round• activities Seaway in 1959 made Michigan Jewish communities of New of their local federations will the principal maritime state on by HERMAN JAFFEE- York, Cleveland, Miami and be explored at two upcoming the nation's fourth seacoast. Boston, pay starting salaries of meetings sponsored by the Now 80 percent of the world's LI 2-6373 between $3,200 and $3,750. The Council of Jewish Federations merchant fleet can reach Michi- Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs • Home Portraits gan's seaports. range of beginning salaries for and Welfare Funds. Stuart A. Handmaker of Louisville, Ky., chairman of the CJFWF's National Committee on Leadership Development, announced that two geographic- ally separated subcommittees of INVITES YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN TO INSPECT his group had been appointed to meet within the next month to OUR CAMP GROUNDS, ADDITIONAL BUILDING AND consider a fresh approach to MINIATURE GOLF COURSE DURING OUR this vital community problem. To facilitate participation from community representa- tives and committee members all over the country, Handmak- er said that the meeting for fed- erations and welfare funds in the eastern half of the country will be held today at the of- fices of the CJFWF, New York, and the other for the mid-west- ern and western sections at the Hotel Knickerbocker, Chicago, on June '16. The latter will be attended by Mrs. Esther Appel- man of Detroit. Study Underscores Gap Between. Public, Jewish School Salaries MEN'S CLUBS I COBO INER Sheldon Rott CANDID ART photography of distinction . . TOTEM POLE. DAY CAMP OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1943u-from 1 to 5 P.M. at 47300 WEST 12 MILE ROAD Leader's experts profession- ally clean your carpets in your home with Bigelow's ex- clusive Karpet-Kare method. Refreshments Served--Bring Your Friends (In case of rain, OPEN HOUSE will be held on the following SUNDAY, June 9, 1-5 p.m. Polish Orphanage Named for Martyr LONDON (JTA)—The munic- ipal orphanage of the city of Wroclaw, Poland, was named for Dr. Yanusz Korczak, the Jewish physician who looked after the children in the War- saw ghetto during the Second World War, and perished with them, it was reported here from Warsaw. DIRECTIONS: way at Beck Grand River Expressway to Beck Road—Leave Express- Road—OR: James Couzens to 12 Mile Road, West on 12 Mile to Address (2 Miles West of Novi Road.) Look for signs at camp. For Further Information Call LI 6-6174 G73