THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, May 24, 1963 Lenora Cohen Rosenfield's 'Portrait of a Philosopher' — Daughter's Most Impressive Tribute to Prof. Morris Raphael Cohen Mrs. Rosenfield truly deserves highest commendations for the scrupulousness with which she had gathered the material about her father. In her introduction, referring to the Morris Raphael Cohen Library established in his memory at the New York City College, Mrs. Rosenfield quotes. a would-be pupil as hav- ing called Prof. Cohen "a whet- stone to sharpen brains," and the late Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes as having said that in the philosopher's company he felt the presence of a holy man. The daughter does not hesi- tate to refer to her father's idiosyncrasies, and she has gathered many puns . which in- dicate the remarkable sense of humor he possessed, the wealth of stories he told, his love for Hebrew and Yiddish, his readi- ness to tell a Jewish story, his love for books. His youth in Russia — he was born on Tisha b'Ab, July 25, 1880; his experiences in this, country, his devotion to learn- * * ing, his search of himself The volume is a tribute also these are part of a noteworthy to Mrs. Rosenfield's mother, biography. * * Mary Ryshpan Cohen, who died The life story of the man in 1942, whose romantic life with her husband is part of the who rose to be the equal of interesting material in this the greatest philosophers of our book, who had a strong influ- time would be incomplete with- ence upon Prof. Cohen, whose out reference to the love af- passing left him in great re- fair with Mary Ryshpan, or without an account of the in- morse. Mrs. Rosenfield had invited fluence upon him of the Scotch- her brothers, Dr. Felix S. Co- man, his teacher, Thomas Dav- hen and Dr. Victor William idson. Mrs. Rosenfield performs Cohen, to join with her in pre- both tasks well. In her description of . her paring biographical material about their. father after he had father's arrival at Harvard "to passed away • in 1947. The broth- storm the citadel of learning," ers told her the task was hers, and to win his spurs in philo- and she has performed it with sophy and his doctor's degree great skill, producing a real there, in 1906, Mrs. Rosenfield makes interesting background classic. Her brother, Felix, who was reverences, commenting that in a recognized scholar and who, the days when Charles W. Eliot in his student days, was editor was an undergraduate "there of the Columbia Law Review,' were no Jews at Harvard," and and who collaborated with his that during Eliot's presidency father, died in 1953. The sur- at Hafvard, 1869-1909, their viving son, Dr. Victor William numbers swelled and Eliot Cohen, is an experimental phy- "even expressed a wish to be sicist. The author of "Portrait succeeded by Louis D. Brandeis." of a Philosopher," Lenora She states: "The Hebraic and Cohen Rosenfield, received de- Puritan traditions seemed to grees from Smith College, Uni- Cohen to strike a chord of pre- versity of Grenoble, the Sor- established harmony . . ." In the course of her biograph- bonne and Columbia University, and is a member of the Uni- ical account, Mrs. Rosenfield versity of Maryland faculty. quotes her father: "I have al- Author of books on philosophy ways been a Jew, because I was and French literature, she has born and brought up in a Jew- also written extensively for ish family." There is repeated many periodicals. She is mar- evidence in the course of his ried to the prominent Washing, life's story of his love for Jew- ton lawyer, Harry N. Rosen- ish folklore and the Jewish field, and they have one daugh- language, and while he had estranged himself from Jewish ter. religious observances he came Such is the family background close to them later in life when of the eminent philosopher, and he enjoyed Sabbath Eve candle his daughter's book contains a lighting in his children's homes number of letters exchanged and the interest in Jewish things by her parents, the story of the by his grandchildren. role of Mary Ryshpan played Cohen took an interest in re- in the life of the philosopher ligion and in ethics and he who became her husband and worked closely with Semitics many references to the children Professor C. H. Toy, author of and to distinguished authors, "Judaism and Christianity" and government leaders, judges, an editor of the 1905 Jewish philosophers and others who Encyclopedia. Harvard, Mrs. had befriended Morris Raphael Rosenfield states, "was the Cohen. leading university center for This reviewer met the emi- Semitic culture in the country nent philosopher through the — five professors 40,000 books late Fred M. Butzel whom he and a Semitic Museum donated had befriended. There 'must by Jacob H. Schiff. For his ad- have been a correspondence be- vanced students Toy originated tween the noted Detroit leader Harvard's Semitic Conference, and the philosopher, and it is in which Cohen was vice presi- regrettable that they have not dent." • * been made. available for Mrs. • Cohen became interested in Rosenfield's book. The only Michigan men referred to in the the messianic concept. He be- book are Profs. William Haber friended the noted anthropolo- and I. Leo Sharfman, who were gist, Prof. Franz Boas, to whom befriended by Prof. Cohen dur- he applied for data on "the idea ing his visits at the University of a messiah or redeemer in of Michigan. folklore, especially among the Literally thousands of stu- dents who have benefited from the genius of Morris Raphel Cohen, in the courses they took under him when he was pro- fessor of philosophy at the Col- lege of the City of New York,. worship him as one of the great figures of our time and as one of the outstanding philosophers of this century. But it fell to the lot of his only daughter, Lenora Cohen Rosenfield, to compile a rec- ord of Prof. Cohen's activities that serve as one of the most impressive tributes that could possibly be paid to a man. In "Portrait of a Philosopher: Morris R. Cohen in Life and Letters," published by Harcourt, Brace & World (750 3rd. .N.Y. 17), Mrs. Rosenfield has in- corporated the wealth of ma- terial on, by and about her dis- tinguished father, gathered from his letters, entries in his diary, unpublished manuscripts and material relating to the history of his time. American Indian," and he lec- tured on the messianic idea. He was believed to have been cynical in his approach to Zion- ism, but his daughter denies that he was an anti-Zionist. Ad- miting that he was "not a Zion- ist," that he was condemned for it by his Zionist friends, she quotes from his "A Dreamer's Journey": "I could never bring myself to support efforts to establish a Jewish State which would not be in accord with . the demo- cratic principles of separation of Church and State and equal- ity of civil, religious and eco- nomic rights to all inhabitants regardless of race and creed." To prove her contention, Mrs. Rosenfield proceeds to state: "But neither was he an anti- Zionist. He frequently express- ed admiration for the way in which Jewish pioneers rescued the soil of Israel from long neglect, 'the triumph of mind and soul over the desert.' Zion- ism,' he wrote, 'has rendered the supreme service of increas- ing man's self-respect, and has helped men to realize that they must be ready to give of their own past experience as well as to accept.' His hope for the land of Israel, expressed in 1946 in his last statement of his posi- tion, was for a 'framework of a non-sectarian state that allows equal rights to all—Jews, Chris- tians, Mohammedans, and athe- ists alike'." There are numerous other references to Cohen's attitude on Zionism, and his close friend- ship for Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter points to a closeness to Zionists if not to .Zionism. But as early as 1904 he had recorded in his diary: - "The idealistic-revolutionary being ever secondary to the emotional-longingI know not what it is—the Jew within me. Three peoples live on the East Side—the Orthodox Jews, the Russified Jews and the young American Jews. Of these the last are the least attractive, having no high ideals. The orthodox Jews are the heroes but they are dying. The Russian -Jews have formed the mass of the Socialist movement but it too is losing its vitality. Zion- ism is a spark uniting—strange- ly enough all the three." * * ■ Open International Synagogue at Idletvild Airport on June 23 The International Synagogue to be built at N. Y. Interna- tional Airport (Idlewild) will break ground for its new structure June 23, 3:30 p.m., it was announced by its president, Charles H. Silver, and the president of the New York Board of Rabbis, Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz. The public is invited to the ceremo- nies. The International Synagogue, which is sponsored by the N.Y. Board of Rabbis, will be part of Chapel Plaza located on a 655-foot lagoon in the central area of International Park, ad- joining the Protestant and Catholic Chapels. Chapel Plaza is the first tri-faith chapel development at any airport terminal in the country. Warsaw Survivor's Recollections Ghetto Survivor Exposes Nazism, Defends Irgun, Criticizes Zionists • Dr. David Wdowinski, now a practicing New York psycho- therapist, and a member of the faculty of the New School of Social Research, was a witness at the Eichmann trial in Jeru- salem and he gave evidence based on his experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto. As one of the survivors from that inferno, he describes his experiences in "And We Are Not Slaves," which has just been published by Philosophi- cal Library -(15 E. 40th, NY 16), in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. A leader in the Revisionist ranks and a great admirer and friend of the late Vladimir Jabotinsky, Dr. Wdowinski util- izes this volume to condemn what he calls the appeasement by Zionists and the soft-pedal- ing of issues which adversely affected Jewry. He speaks as an Irgu-nist and he poses such questions as: "Where was American Jewry when their brothers were being butchered by the millions across the sea?" He is at times even more drastic and he accuses those he con- siders indifferent of being assimilationists. While he is extreme in his anger against • Jewish leaders and especially the Zionists, his book nevertheless exposes some of the Nazi tactics, such as the taking of pictures of Jews who were forced to enter places of entertainment and were photo- graphed there so that the Ger- mans could claim that JewS were only out for a good time, when, at that very time, they were being massacred. He quotes other instances of bru- tality and sadism, such as: "Jewish girls were forced at the point of a gun to undress and take shower baths with bearded men.-.. Such cinematic proof was invaluable in . their claim that all Jews were degen- erates." It is regrettable, however, that while exposing the Nazi crimes Dr. Wdowinski is primarily interested in mak- ing a case for Irgun Zvai . Leumi and in criticizing Jew- ish leadership. He could have made a case for thL former without his destructive ap- proach. He is even critical of Gideon Hausner for the manner in which he inter- rogated him during the Eich- man trial, after in% iting him to be a witness. Dr. 'Wdowinski criticizes those who defend the Germany of today, and he contends that "only a radical change in the education of the German youth . . . and the honest attempt on the part of large segments of German society" to crush bud- ding Nazism "can hold out any hope for the family of nations that sometime in the future the barbarism that seems to be in- herent in the pattern of Ger- man culure will be eradi- cated." In the latter years of his life, especially in view of some of the problems that had arisen as a result of the tragedies created by Hitlerism, Cohen • became very active in the Conference on Jewish Relation s, and through this movement, which was financially supported by Detroit Jews as part of a nation- wide set-up, he had befriended Fred M. Butzel. • eel: 'Why should I condemn He had commented on many ditional lore. Later in his life anything in this world when I he defined God as "not only subjects, and of interest even am no longer in it? But don't now is his comment on whether an existent power but an ideal you think that the whole thing Jews should be active in public of holiness, which enables us is rather insane? By the way, life. He was approached on the to distinguish between the good they say that my ancestors, the subject by J. H. Berman of and the evil in men." Wendells, were Dutch Jews.' " Joplin, Mo., and he replied: He befriended many great A month after Holmes' death, "The Jew, as everyone else, should avoid notoriety or what men. He was very close to Felix Cohen recounted the conversa- Milton calls tad eminence' but Frankfurter who was his rooin- tion to the City College 'Cam- it would be disastrous for Jews mate while he was at Harvard. pus.' He used the same words. There are scores of other to avoid taking their proper Albert Einstein became his and part in public life, and if they his family's -friend and many human interest items in the do their work with an excel- interesting stories are related book, anecdotes, historical data, lence that makes them promi- about the visits exchanged be- comments by great personali- nent, so much the better. The tween the Einsteins and the ties, Cohen's views on Jewish notion that we will be safer by Cohens. Mr. Justice Holmes was' and other subjects. Mrs. Rosenfield's "Portrait adopting a position of perman- a friend and an admirer. An cut inferiority has no support interesting story is related of a Philosopher" is an out- in history or human experi- about the latter in a note that standing work, an impressive reads: tribute to a father, a valuable ence." "In 1934 Cohen called on addendum to the study of 20th All his life an agnostic, Cohen disapproved of atheism. Holmes at the request of the century developments. It is a He did not attend religious serv- American Jewish Congress to w o r k eminently worthwhile ices, but he loved to refer . to ask him for a statement on reading and possessing. —P. S. the Talmud and to Jewish tra- Hitler. The Justice, 93, answer-