Watchina the Gathering Storm THE JEWISH NEWS incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chicmicle commencing with issue. of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, &Deb., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager Business Manager Editor and Publisher +64:4 • 45 411 0444. HARVEY ZUCKERBERG City Editor - Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sevententh day of lyar, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Lev. 21:1-24:23. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 44:15-31. Lag ba-'Omer will be observed Sunday. Licht benshen, Friday, May 10, 7:22 p.m. VOL. XLIII • No. 11 Page Four May 10, 1963 'An Historic Event for Jewry' Under the above heading, on Oct. 8, 1937, the writer of these editorial col- umns, in a similar capacity as' editor of the weekly that preceded The Jewish News, authored the following editorial: "The formation of the Jewish Community Council of Detroit is an historic event for our community, and the impressive assembly at which the foundation was laid for this unify- . ing instrument justified the expectations of its founders. "It was a great gathering, and the sin- cerity with which spokesmen for a majority . of Detroit Jewry assumed their responsibil- ities under the new community set-up is a tribute to our people. Even in their fondest expectations, the organizers of the movement did not dare imagine that anything as splen- did and immense in community achievement would be reached as a result of an unified community movement. "The devotion displayed in the formation of the Council provides encouragement in the further expectations that the pressing community problems will be dealt with seri- ously and unselfishly. There are issues which affect us internally; there are Jewish needs that have to be attended to; there are nu- merous outburst of discrimination against Jews in employment, in universities, on prac- tically every front. It is a program that will tax the energy of the most devoted group of leaders. Heretofore this program has been divided between numerous groups of indi- viduals._The brunt of responsibility was car- ried by the Detroit section of the American Jewish Congress, by the Bnai Brith and by a handful of individual men and women. Through the Council, these efforts will have to be coordinated. Being coordinated, it is certain that better results will be achieved. . • "The formation of the Jewish Community Council is the happiest occurrence in the life of the Jewish community of Detroit. May this new central organization continue to gain in strength, in order that our people may have the voice of an organized public opinion that has not been heard effectively until now." Next Monday evening, at the celebra- tion of the 25th anniversary of the Jewish Community Council, the record accumu- lated during the quarter century of the Council's existence will be evaluated and our community will be able to judge whether the predictions made in our edi- torial of 25 years ago were justified. * * * One fact is certain: the need for a "unifying instrument" for civic-protective activities existed then and must be per- petuated. There still are occasions .when we have only semblances of unity and when efforts to consolidate Jewish activi- ties are frustrated. But in the main the unifying procedure has been effective and vital, and the Council's leadership is to be congratulated on the earnestness with which it pursues the tasks of making the Jewish Community Council a vital instru- ment for good for Jewry and for all citi- zens of Detroit. May this work go on unhindered, and may the hands of the Council leaders be strengthened in all tasks aimed at creat- ing good will, at furthering Jewish cul- tural activities and at assuring such good understanding among all elements in our population that will lead towards genuine amity in Jewry and among all Americans. Time for Realism in Middle East The concerted action proposed in both houses of our Congress to put an end to Nasser's threats to Israel and to prevent his aggressive activities in the Middle East is an indication of a measure of courage that is long past due. While the legislators who have intro- duced measures to ban further assistance to the United Arab Republic if Nasser continues to jeopardize the peace had acted similarly on several occasions dur- ing the past few years, the current firm stand taken by U. S. Representatives and Senators, under the leadership of Con- gressman Seymour Halpern, Senator Jacob K. Javits and a number of their associates is• most heartening. * * Special note should be made of the warning by Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska that the time for "noble declara- tions" has passed, that the Nasser "police state" must be denied further aid and that there should be an end to condoning the work of former Nazis, many of them criminals, who- are assisting the UAR in its aim to destroy Israel. Will these admonitions, appeals and warnings be heeded? Until now they have been ignored by the State Department. Let us watch and hope for better devel- opments as a result of the current Con- gressional attempts to assure justice in the Middle East. While the new Nasser threais are .recognized as being tantamount to "an- other Munich," it is most fortunate that some misguided analysts of the situation look upon the latest action in Congress as being based on domestic political fac- tors. Judging 'by the attitude of the State Department which opposes any restric- tions on American aid to Nasser, this could be considered a valid view. But the issue involving interference with Israel's right to existance has dragged for a number of years, and legislation similar to that introduced in Congress by members of both parties, and by some who represent districts with very few Jewish voters, has been recognized as an expression of protest against anti-Ameri- can as well as anti-Jewish practices. If a firm stand is not taken against the anti-Israeli program of the UAR, it may result, as Senator Dirksen has warned, in a World War. On that basis, those who would appease Nasser would do well to take another view into the existing situation before they act hastily in rejecting the protestations expressed in Congress against the .aggressive ac- tions of the UAR. • A Wise Decision President Kennedy is to be com- mended for having abstained from send- ing what had been considered a tradi- tional greeting to the American Council for Judaism, whose convention, held last week-end, again demonstrated the de- structive character of this group of self- hating Jews. For a number of years, this anti-Israel Council had been receiving messages of greetings from our Presidents—including Truman and Eisenhower. It was our pain- ful duty on all such occasions to criticize the White House staffs for having yielded to pressures from a wealthy but self- hating Jewish group that sought endorse- ments from our Chief Executives. By refraining from sending such a message, our President has shown that there is proper caution in the White House in dealing with groups that seek to destroy humanitarianism and decency in Ameri- can society. Definitions of Religious Reality Dr. Kohn's Collected Lectures In 'Evolution As Revelation" A noteworthy collection of lectures, by one of the distinguished leaders of the Conservative movement, Dr. Jacob Kohn, Rabbi Emeritus of the Los Angeles Sinai Temple and now Dean of the Graduate School of the West Coast branch of the Jewish Theo- logical Seminary, has been published by Philosophical Library (15 E. 40th, NY16), under the title "Evolution as Revelation." In these essays, Rabbi Kohn pursues his task of showing that "God is Being, not Process." He asserts that "if we equate the cosmic process with God, it would be the process of the becoming of God, as the growth of a tree is the process of the becoming of a tree. So the evolution of life is not itself Life but the suc- cessive changes of the physical universe through which Life comes to be, to develop and to survive." He proceeds to show "how the evolution of life reveals, in the human perspective, the nature of God. He is its unchanging source, but all change insofar as it has structure and direction and is therefore process and not chaos, is of His creation. Change becomes the means by which the Being of God communicates with the mind and understanding of the creature man." Commencing with a definition of reality, Dr. Kohn examines physical dilemmas of the physical universe, describes "God as the Whole," referring to instances in medieval and modern thought, asserting that "every fact has its place in the being of God, in the world of the actual, in the field of existence"; and discusses rationalism and the intrusion of irrationality. His essays deal with the cosmic, with the Levels of Being and the higher level of man's freedom. He devotes an interesting lecture topic to prayer. Stating that "it depends on how many human beings join in the prayer and the commitment," he de Glares that prayers, "with full commitment and devotion to the ends envisaged, can themselves become the vehicle of their ful- fillment." Uttering the prayer that "we become the masters of evolu- tion and not its slaves and dupes," he concludes: "The Kingdom of God from the humanist and rationalist point of view is simply the progressive and increasing rule by the human spirit over the animal man . . . The opportunity (to become masters of evolution) may be an act of God's grace—an answer to man's deepest need. How we shall act in the fact of this opportunity is now man's high and urgent •responsibility." Pre-Herzlian Zionist Activities Centenary of Kalischer, Hess Evaluated in New Focus Issue Focus, the Journal for youth leaders published in Jerusalem by the Youth and Hechalutz Department of the World Zionist Or- ganization, "is intended to provide background material on aspects of life in Israel. for activists in youth movements." Its latest issue again contains much valuable historical and literary material that will be found of great merit not only by youth leaders but by all who are active in Zionism and by those who are interested in historical data relating to Israel. Of special interest in this issue is the essay "The Centenary of a Zionist Classic" by Israel Klausner, who reviews the historic merits of the pre-Herzlian Zionist activities of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, author of "Drishat Zion," and Moses Hess, author of "Rome and Jerusalem." The Hebrew texts of "Ein Gadi Poems," by Abraham Broides, and their English translations by I. M. Lask, enhance this work. Moshe Sharett's "The Meaning of the State of Israel," "The Prehistory of the Halutz Movement" by Simon L. Kirschenbaum, a story "Kumzitz" by Daniel Halevi and N. D. Gross' "Israel Youth Movements and the Outside World" complete this valuable com- pilation.