M. E. A • i Nassensm i Protests Against C risis s Strs (Continued from Page 1) sought to drive King Hussein being endangered by the mass- tion would urge the President selves utterly helpless. sion of its own funds for a mili- "to reiterate the unalterable op- Israel's derense forces, he off his throne and by the pro- ing of declared aggressors along tary build-up, including acquisi- position of the United States said, have the power to repulse jected new Arab federation of its eastern borders. Related Stories on tion of Soviet arms and use of Government to use of force or any attack or aggression, Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Pages 2, 9, 10, 12, 25 German missile technicians. the threat of force among any whether it comes from one or Yisroel Galiii of Achdlit Gaud defended air to Egypt, of the states in that area, for the trio of Arab states which Avodah summed up Tuesday stating that Israel has received the purpose of violating or al- indicated interest last month in night the attitude of his party, an average of $410 per capita tering frontiers or armistice forming a tripartite United which is a member of the cur- in American aid while Egypt lines, or for any other purpose Arab Republic. This is true, he rent coalition government, by N. Y. publisher wants books on all subj has only received an average of which would threaten the peace said, despite the fact that the stating that if Israel found fiction, nonfiction. No fee for professiona opinion. FREE: Brochures that show haw you Arab armies have undoubtedly itself abandoned by the great book $26 per capita. He said also that and stability of the area." can be published, publicized, sold; tips article reprints on writing, publiajgfik Israel had gotten $900,000,000 Myer Feldman, D e p u t y progressed, and notwithstand- powers, it would have no choice and contracts. Write Dept, 23E from the United States since the Special Counsel to President ing Egypt's reception of a but to put into effect measures beginning of the aid program, Kennedy told a conference stream of Soviet arms and Rus- to prevent its security from OXPOVTION OD PARK AVE, S., tf, and Egypt had only received of the American Israel Pub- sian instructors, while German $600,000,000. lic Affairs Committee Sunday scientists are improving the He said assistance to Egypt that the United States was training of the Egyptian army kept her from being totally de- committed to the integrity of and the quality of its weapons. "However, Ben-Gurion Dexter Chevrolet pendent on the Soviet bloc, en- Israel and did not intend "to abled America to maintain sit on the sidelines if there stressed, "the only sure victory For Personalized Service is prevention of war. Israel's friendly relations with Egypt, is any threat." SEE or CALL President Kennedy was asked policy is therefore directed and encouraged Nasser's concen- tration of the last few years on to clarify the Administration's toward this end through con- peaceful development. He said pclicy regarding Israel's secur- stantly strengthening the deter- that cutting off aid to Egypt ity, in view of the new situa- rent power of its army and se- 534-1400 20811 W 8 MILE would throw the country into tion in the Middle East pre- curing the moral and political support of all the forces in the cipitated by open t h r ea t s the hands of the Communists. The White House worked on against Israel voiced in the dec- world concerned, as we are, for a response to the unexpectedly laration of the new tripartite the maintenance of peace in the 38th Annual Spring Concert strong attack on the Adminis- United Arab Republic, com- area. The Premier added that Detroit Jewish Folk Chorus, tration's policy toward the posed of Egypt, Iraq and Syria, he believes that peace will HARVEY SCHREIBMAN, by Rep. Leonard Farbstein, come when "our neighbors will United Arab Republic in Con- Conductor New York Democrat. realize their folly," and that it gress. The New York Congressman will be the kind of a peace from "DI NAYE HAGODE" The response, it was learned, expressed in the letter his dis- which the Middle East and the Commemorating the 20th Anni- will take the form of letters satisfaction with a statement entire world will benefit. Warsaw Ghetto of the versary Uprising from the White House to one or made earlier by W. Averell Recalling Israel's continued more members of Congress, to Harriman, Under Secretary of peace efforts since the State GUEST ARTIST: further amplify the President's State, regarding the employ- was established, the Premier CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH views. ment of German scientists in noted that all • the attempts The State Department mean- Egypt for the development of "have been met with Arab "THE BALLAD FOR while sought to gain support for rockets which, Farbstein had hostility and with proclama- AMERICANS" defeat of the amendment pro- stated, "could lead to war." tions of the intention to de- Youth Chorus—Yiddish, Eng- Cantor Orbach posed by Rep. Halpern. Terming Harriman's attitude stroy Israel." He referred to lish and Hebrew Folk Songs The State • Department was a "hands-off" policy, Mr. Farb- last month's Cairo announce- stung by criticism voiced in Con- stein fold the President that ment about the tri-power pact SUNDAY, MAY 19TH, 8 P.M. gress by Senators on the Foreign Harriman's expressed "d e e p for forming a new Arab Fed- SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL, MASONIC TEMPLE Relations Committee and others. and continuing interest in the eration which said specifically Sen. Paul H. Douglas, Illinois security of Israel" is canceled that the Federation's aims TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM MEMBERS OF k THE CHORUS Democrat, • warned - of "road- "by the apparent negative po- include a military alliance to OR CALL: DI 1-9231 or BR 2.0330 blocks" State Department career sition taken by him." He also insure "the liberation of Pal- officers might use to block a pointed out to the President estine. policy fair to Israel. He charged that the April 17 announce- The Prime Minister sharply that "the Foreign Service, under ment in Cairo, for the forma- criticized Britain's Lord Privy all Administrations, has tended tion of the Arab Federation, Seal, Edward Heath, who last to be pro-Arab." formally pledged the new Fed- week told the House of Corn- Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon eration to "liberate Palestine." mons in London: "We have no Russia has sold to Egypt, reason to assume that the Arabs Democrat, made an even broader attack. He said "the policy which within the last two months, contemplate an attack against has been developed concerning about 80 anti-aircraft missiles, Israel." "It is inconceivable," Non-members the Middle East by the Kennedy as well as 80 sidewinder-type said the Prime- Minister, "that Members Administration cannot be recon- missiles usable with Soviet- Mr. Heath did not read the $72 per FOUR-WEEK $52 per ciled with the basic, historic- m a d e MIG - 21 jet fighter terms of the treaty between period period PERIODS ideals of American f or e i g n planes, according to a report Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Does he by Marvin Kalb, diplomatic not believe this political decla- policy." • MUSIC Rep. Ogden Reid, New York correspondent here for the ration of the Egyptian Presi- GAMES DANCE Republican, former American Columbia Broadcasting Sys- dent and the representatives of SWIMMING JULY 1 -.26 Ambassador to Israel, introduced - tern. DRAMA the Iraqi and Syrian Govern- SPORTS In addition, Kalb reported— ments? I doubt whether many a resolution in the House of Representatives urging the Pres- attributing his information to British subjects who are con- II ident to reaffirm American in- authoritative sources—the So- cerned with world peace will Children 9:30 JULY 30 - terest in Middle Eastern peace viet Union has supplied Egypt identify themselves with the Grades to 4 p.m. AUGUST 23 and to "declare the intention of with technological assistance for Lord Privy Seal's statement." to to 6 Mon. thru Fri. the development of 30 to 50 the United States Government— Ben-Gurion listed Israel's upon the request of any state ground-to-ground missiles built achievements during the last 15 NATURE -CAMPCRAFTS trans ports- JEWISH CULTURAL in the area which considers itself in Egypt. It is not known, he years, despite being "under OVERNITES tion ACTIVITIES threatened—immediately to take said, whether Soviet technicians siege, weighed down by heavy are manning the missile sites. action, both within and outside security burdens." In the face For information about Day Camp or other children's the United Nations, to prevent The 80 anti-aircraft missiles, of such burdens, he noted, Is- summer activities, call DI 1-4200, ext. 49. reported Kalb, are set up rael succeeded in "solving many such violation and to preserve the peace and stability of the in four locations—in_ Cairo, in of its problems in a pioneering Aswan, and at both the north- spirit," also finding the ability area." Rep. Reid's proposed resolu- ern and southern terminals of to assist new and developing the Suez Canal. countries in Asia, Africa, Latin Kalb, who only recently took America and the Mediterranean over the Washington post for basin. CBS was, until coming here, the On Sunday, David Ben- Moscow correspondent for the Gurion proposed that the network, and is considered one United States and the Soviet of the topmost experts on So- Union should jointly guaran- Nobody viet affairs in this country. He tee Israel's territorial integ- added, after his brief report, rity. In an exclusive interview UNDERSELLS that, thus far, there has been with CBS news producer Don no comment from the State De- Kellerman — for broadcast GREAT LAKES partment regarding the , Soviet- Wednesday over WCBS - TV, Egyptian armament collabora- New York — Ben-Gurion said FENCE CO. tion. He viewed the develop- there can be no stability in ments as posing "a distinct dan- the Middle East as long as ger of upsetting the Arab-Israeli President Nasser of Egypt military balance." DON'T EVER maintains a state of war with Ben-Gurion Addresses Israel in violation of the FORGET IT Parliament on Security; United Nations Charter. Wants to Prevent War Ben-Gurion deferred until JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Prime Monday his reply to criticisms ASK FOR Minister David Ben-Gurion, ad- of his government's foreign dressing the Israel Parliament policy. "Morrie Sherman" Virtually all participants in Monday on the government's Sates Manager foreign policy, said that he be- the discussions which followed lieves that it is the intention of the Prime Minister's Knesset MANUFACTURED BY 16540 GREENFIELD Col. Nasser, Egypt's ruler, to statement earlier this week de- attack Israel. Ho we v er, he manded a clear stand by the YE 6-6080 pointed out that the position of government on the threats 7741 LYNDON AVENUE the Jews in Israel is not like posed by the volatile situation DETROIT 38, MICHIGAN in Jordan where supporters of the position of the Jews under the Nazis, who found them- President Nasser of Egypt have WRITERS' NOW AT JOEL SLOAN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER DAY CAMP FENCE Top c 4030:ail cctivatatitto2/ •TOPS IN PERFORMANCE! •TOPS IN VALUE! . SOBERMAN & MILGROM CO. GREAT LAKES FENCE