2 Jews Commit Suicide in Odessa; Soviet Police Torture Suspected Grave Situation of Algerian Jewish Refugees- Stressed at Paris - Fonds Social Juif •Unifie Parley PARIS, (JTA) — After hear- Some of the facts about the al- leged suicides and the death ing reports showing that the sentences came from Litera- influx of some 125,000 Algerian turnya Ukraina,, a literary mag- Jews into France has created azine published in the Ukraine. problems of "unprecedented Other facts emerged from magnitude," the general assem- Pravda Ukraine, the official or- bly of the Fonds 'SoCial Juif gan of the Communist Party of Unifie, major French-Jewish welfare organization, adopted a Ukrainia. . The reports are full of allu- budget calling 'for $2,225,000 sions which can be interpreted for refugee relief for the cur- only as anti-Semitic in intent. rent year plus the organization's While all the accused had been regular budget of $1,400,000. charged with "currency specu- . The organization also took the lation," there are references to extraordinary step: of _electing charges that some of them "en- to its executive committee six riched themselves through representatiVes Of Algerian Jew- Schechita" — thereby pointing ry. in this country.. This. Was the up their Jewishness. All the *first -time the refugees them- Jewish names are underscored .selves . had been given repre- in the reports. -Sentation on the. FSJU. . The • gravity of the situation, caused by the mass immigration of the refugees; was emphasized by Officials and refugee repte- .sentativeS, among them the UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., ed, they are working only on :president Of FSJU; Baron. Guy (JTA)—Mahmoud Riad, United the use of atomic energy for Rothschild; 'the director-gen- Arab Republic permanent rep- peaceful purposes and on the eral, Julien • Sathuel; •Profes-: resentative to the United Na- development of Egypt's own gong social Workers on 'the : tions, said that one of the aims jet planes. On the other hand, FSJU staff; • arid -spokesmen for of the new federation of Egypt, he accused Israel of develop- the Algerian-Jewish community. Syria and Iraq is to bring back ing the use of atomic energy for EniphasiS was laid by all on into Israel all of the Arab refu- war purposes, declaring that -the 'fact that there .were two gees. He made that statement in ISrael may have ready by this . aspects of Urgent need. One in-, reply to a question at a lunch- year enough material to manu-, VolVes relief. A staff worker re- , eon of the United Nations Cor- facture one atomic bomb every, ported: that, spite of all respondents Association. year. FSJU efforts in . the past, there "When we talk of Arab Will *be a "hard core of at least unity," he said, "we believe Italo-German Pact 5,000 ^ JeWish-Algerian families. that one day we can come to a Who will have- to be considered : for Indemnification real solution of the Palestine "as permanently, socially han-: problem when the real owners Goes Into Effect dicapped, needing constant as- of that land—the refugees—can sistance." (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) go back to their own country." The second problem was R OME— The Italo - German Riad made a long statement agreement, under which the Bonn called "purely Jewish." It in-. in which he acknowledged that government is supplying $10,- volves support for synagogUes: German . scientists are at work 000,000 to indemnify Italian vic- and other religious institutions in Egypt. However, he maintain- tims of Nazism, went into effect where the rites and customs to Tuesday. The pact affects about 20,000 Number of Refugees A GOOD MAN TO KNOW ! Italian deportees to Nazi con- centration camps of which • it is Reported In —Creasing For Some estimated about a third were More Jewish: refugees were Jews. The agreement, signed in settled in the New York area of the 1961, was ratified by the Italian .in 1962 than at any tithe' since best buys parliament last February. the height of the. Hungarian Under the agreement, the refugee program in 1957, it was on new Italian government is to issue a stated by J. decree within the next six Clarence Dav- Pontiacs months implementing the regu- ies, Jr., presi- and lations to govern the payments. dent of the Under the pact, only Italian citi- New York As- Tempest zens who were deported will be sociation for entitled to indemnification pro- New Ameri- portionate to the duration of cans, in a re- their concentration camp inter- port prepared ment. In case of a victim's for the annual AT death, the rules provide that meeting of the "adequate provision" is to be agency on 18650 LIVERNOIS made for compensating his heirs. May 2 at the 'Davies 1 block South of 7 UN 3-9300 Harmonie Club in New York Want ads get quick results! City. The agency, which obtains funds for its ,work from the United Jewish Appeal, aided a total of 1,750 -different refugee families, representing 5,775 in- dividuals, through its various departments last year, he said. In• 19 6 2, he reported, the agency's expenditures for the SPECIALLY settlement and adjustment aid PRICED given to these newcomers was $1,025,760, as compared to $595 $805,570 in 1961 and $601,950 in 1950. The sharp rise in set- Sq. Yd. tlement costs, he noted, was not merely due to the increased numbers aided, but also to the fact that they arrived with few, if any, possessions and initial relief costs per case were conse- ALL WOOL quently higher. In addition, a larger proportion of refugees arriving in 1962 were in tech- Plain or Tweeds nical and professional or busi- ness categories which made job Closely woven which adds to durability and placement more difficult since wear. This is an outstanding value you can few spoke English adequately NOT afford to miss. Many colors to choose enough for immediate place- ment at their own skills. from. An exciting value at only $5.95 a square LONDON, (JTA)—Two So- viet Jews committed suicide in the course of an investigation in - Odessa preceding a mass trial of "economic criminals" which re- sulted in death sentences for at least two other Jews, according to Soviet newspapers received here. There are suspicions that the two who allegedly took their own lives may have died as a result of torture during the in- vestigation—or, possibly, may have been murdered by the in- - terrogators. The two alleged suicides were - named as Yacov Nukhimovitch and Nochum Klarfeld. Those sentenced to death were Falik Fuks and Benjamin Gulko. Return of Arabs to Israel Is Aim of Arab Federation, Diplomat Says 419) Nvutur c'Irtika • Home Estimates • Custom Installation e Convenient Terms ■■ y~ Cleveland Fund Gets $3,733,224 Start .4 • • • • 1 • • • OWI PAI V 7324 WEST 7 MILE Near Livernois UN 1-7980 1 CLEVELAND, (JTA)- Pledges totaling $3,733,224 for 62 per cent of its record-high goal of $6,036,000 were report- ed at the official opening meet- ing of the Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal. NVHL aNIM a3N11 V GNU INOM NMOCI noA T Q zaisdn I J Nan± siZ7* - 111• noA II , FLEET MANAGER SHORE CHEVROLET CO. 12240 Jos. Campau TW 1-0600 Res. LI 8-4119 53. U.S. MOON VEHICLE (ARTIST'S CONCEPTION they're A-OK 25. EXPLORER 1 HEY KIDS! Collect exciting new I NS Packer Pontiac yard. ,410.10a ,sep,u im ubm For -the very best deal—plus . . ,. extra good service, prompt delivery — see. - TEXTURED BROADLOOM had, in the past years, given FSJU a subsidy, he expressed the hope that the size of the subsidy -might be raised this year. be followed will be of the type to which the refugees were ac- customed when they were in Algeria. Leaders of the FSJU voiced high praise for assistance re- ceived fram - many - Jewish or- ganizations around the -world, singling out the American Jew- ish. Joint _Distribution Commit- tee for its - "generous" aid. Fran- cois 1Viissofe, French Minister, for Refugees, addressed • the conference •'and lauded the French Jewish . community's ef- forts to aid the refugees. Noting that the French government 60 DIFFERENT DESIGNS Space .Coins are packed in every Krun-Chee package at 10c and up. 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