Phillips-Shotten E ngakeynent Told r '------- °-1 g I , ewry 1 ■ i (9 n tie Stein-Sandweis.s- Troth Announced Air! UJA to Hold Young Leadership Retreat Radomer Aid Society to Hold Games Party A United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Retreat, May 17-19, at the Onchiota Confer- ence Center in Sterling Forest, Tuxedo, N. Y., will feature an intensive three-day consideration of the historical foundations and contemporary meaning of Jewish life. The first of three major 1963 events planned for UJA's pio- neering Young Leadership pro- gram, the Retreat will be led by Alan Sagner of Newark, N. J., chairman of the newly-formed UJA Young Leadership Cabinet. Some 50 cabinet members will be in attendance. Radomer Aid and Ladies So- ciety will sponsor a games night 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Work- men's Circle, 18340 W. Seven Mile. Hostesses are Mrs. Bessie Adler, Mrs. Hyman Waterman and 1VIrs. Fannie Weinman. Pro- ceeds will go to charity. Refresh- ments will be served. Friends are invited. i This Week's Radio and 1 Television Programs 1 i MESSAGE OF ISRAEL Time: 11 a.m. Sunday. Station: WXYZ. Feature: Rabbi Louis L. Mann of Chicago Sinai Congregation will discuss "What Constitutes • Candids • Formals a Good Jew?" * • Movies ALL Your Photography COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR Done in a Distinctive Time: 10 p.m. Saturday. Way For Those Station: WJLB. Special Occasions Feature: "Israel Oasis—Arab Sea," the significance and pro- Michigan has 109,643 miles of gram of Detroit's 15th anniver- public roads and streets — sary city-wide celebration of enough to go around the equa- MISS SHARON STEIN CALL MR. ROSEN 341-4141 MISS _THELMA PHILLIPS Israel's independence, will be tor four times. discussed by Rabbi Leon Fram, Mr. and Mrs. Morris W. Stein Mr. and Mrs...Albert Phillips chairman of the Zionist Council of Huntington Woods announce Of Stoepel Ave. announce the of Detroit. the engagement of their daugh- engagement of their daughter, ter, Sharon Lee, to Dr. Samuel ..Thelm'a- Frances, to Melvin S. TO DWELL TOGETHER H. Sandweiss son of Mrs. David _Shotten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Time: 9:15 a.m. Sunday. Proprietors of Sandweiss and the late Dr. . Rudolph ,Shotten of Monte Vista Station: WJBK (radio and David J. Sandweiss. television simultaneously). The bride-elect is a graduate The - bride-elect is a junior at Feature: Yosef Yaakov, Con- of the University of Michigan. Wayne State University. Her fiance"attends the University of sul of Israel, will discuss the Her fiance was graduated from KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY MARKET Michigan, where he is a junior achievements' of Israel on its the Medical School of the U. of 15th anniversary with Joseph M. and is finishing his intern- in the College of Engineering. • Edelman, director of the Jew- ship at Sinai Hospital. An early ish Community Council Cul- summer wedding is planned. Alpha NU Parents ture Commission, on the topic WE WRAP MEAT FOR FREEZER FREE! "Israel — Perspective After 15 Club Will Meet JNF Suggests Trees Years." Alpha Nu Parents Club will * * * WE DELIVER Planted :n Israel meet •8:30 p.m. Monday at the THE JEWISH HERITAGE CALL Madison Dental Supply, 15888 Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. as Tribute to Mother Wyoming. Special reports from Station: WCAR. Coolidge at 10 Mile — Oak Park committees will be presented. The -Jewish National Fund Feature: Dr. Marie Syrkin, recommends the planting of author, editor of The Jewish trees as a tribute to mothers SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Frontier and professor at Bran- on Mother's Day, May 12. Ap- deis University, -will discuss propriate certificates, bearing "Test of Human Courage—Jew- the names of those honored (or Resistance Under Nazi Op- memorialized) and the names : MIKE GREEN'S 3: ish pression" with Joseph Edelman, of the donors, will be mailed -4- * MUSIC * -lc KOSHER . I director of the Jewish Commu- to the mothers honored, or to * LI 8-4432 • nity Council Culture Commis- ****** ***************4< the relatives of mothers whose Sion. memory will be perpetuated by the planting of trees. PLASTIC FURNITURE C: Local Bowlers Star In an appeal to organizations, lb COVERS N in Bnai Brith Tourney Morris J. Brandwine, JNF presi- MADE TO ORDER dent ' stated: "The Jewish Na Sol Steinbruck of the Marshall- tional Fund is again providing or READY MADE Fox Bowling League was the all- a particularly apptopriate and CALL ANNA KARBAL events winner with 1,359 at the dignified way of honoring LI 2-0874 • 22nd annual national Bnai Brith mother. A • growing tree is a bowling tourney in Cleveland. Hy living tribute to every mother. ■ ■0■11, ■0■0■1.■ ■ ■ ■ Blinder of the Morgenthau Let trees in Israel honor, or League finished third in Class memorialize her. Dinner at DARBY'S is a real treat i "B" singles with a 689 and Sol Brandwine cited the import- Steinbruck finished seventh with ance of trees to Israel's econ- TO 8-4281 2735 W. DAVISON a 679. • Visit Our New omy: "Many newcomers to Is- SKYLIGHT In the "A" Division, W. Sak of ROOM, Cocktail rael are employed by the JNF Closed Monday Free Delivery Lounge and Bar I the Donwtown League had a 690 and Max Kolar of the Marshall- in the planting of the trees. • AFTER Fox League had a 688. In the The more trees that are plant- THEATRE . a! team event, the Oak Parkers of ed, in addition to serving as a Snacks Delight symbol of life. or as a perpetua- LUNCHEON 1. the Brandeis League finished sec- tion of the memory of a loved I ond and the Rockets of the De- A Pleasure troit League finished third. with one, also help the State of Is- the Sourdoughs of the Israel rael in absorbing these new- (Or Parve if Preferred) Res. UN 2-7642 League taking eighth spot and comers into its economy." Certificates for trees planted the NoGoods of the Oak-Wood SEVEN MILE at WYOMING can be ordered from the Jewish League taking tenth. ■ ■ ■0■ L ■ National Fund office, UN 4-2767, or through JNF tree chairmen of affiliated organiza- tions. The JNF office, 18414 Wy- oming, will be open May 12, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PREPARED AND MADE BY MR. & MRS. GRUNT By 1. J. CLARKE COHEN, PAGER & REZNICK DEXTER -DAMSON Prime and Choice BEEF LI 8-6800 . . .,:- M. G • M. : . ,,.............„ HEN C TURKEYS • 1141 11•0 0•11 11.11M1 OUTLET POULTRY 111•11•1.41 1111.00 111111 STRICTLY KOSHER IMIN 0411111111.10.111=11.11•1•10..11.11110(1. 111.0 711. PARTY TRAYS FOR BAR MITZVAHS, CONFIRMATIONS AND ANY OCCASION 0•111•111.041i. BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST SUNDAY ONLY With Purchase YOUNG BEEF LIVER SHOULDER STEAK Lb. 49c Lb. s 1 09 BREAST OF BEEF, trimmed Lb 89 Lb. 65` CHUCK ROAST 6-Lb. Lb. 79` Average CORNED BEEF Lb. 29c LAMB SHANKS GROUND BEEF Lb., 53c 2 Lbs. 97 c • 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. CORNER OF HARTWELL. DI 1-2345 UN 1-9645 Plan Spring Festival at Hawthorne Center The Detroit Department of Parks and Recreation. in co- operation with the Detroit Asso- ciation for Retarded Children, will present a spring festival 8 p.m. May 3 at Hawthorne Recre- ation Center, 18'350 Hawthorne. The public is invited, free of charge. 0 1 4 N7:1; WE DELIVER GRUNT'S MARKET 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT, SUNDOWN TO 2 A. M. FEATURING THE FINEST SELECTION OF SMOKED FISH RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS W E CLEAN Dk Apiottes CITY WIDE and FINE DRAPERY CLEANING • DRAPERIES • WINDOW SHADES • SLIP COVERS LAMP SHADES • BED SPREADS su BURBAN SERVICE WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATIONS SUBURBAN PHONE: ENTERPRISE 7818