Arab propaganda about al- leged Israeli territorial designs had misled President Dwight D. Eisenhower into believing this canard. In "The Or- deal of Power — A Political Memoir of the Eisenhower Years," pub- lished by Athe- neum (162 E. 38th, N.Y. 16), Emmet John Hughes makes this revelation. Hughes, who was Eisen- hower's adviser Eisenhower in the 1952 and 1956 political campaigns, and was the former President's White House assistant for a year during his first term in office, believes that Eisenhower was: "the politiCally inexpert leader who made his unhappiest bluh.d- ers- when he deferred to the counsel of men of greater ex- perience;" "the soldier easily awed by great civilian names;" "in world affairs, the unabashed believer in - conciliation and compromise;". "among all Presi-. dents for at least a generation, the one least interested in his- torical theories or political -ab- stractions." EmphasWng, that he "liked" and respected him," he adds that Eisenhower was "the man of strong will—who reserved his greatest force for keeping unwanted things from being done;" that he (Hughes) "grew to meet his (Eisen- hower's) only in deepening dissent;" that: "He came, in his own way, to seem to me as toughly defiant of 'the terrible simplifier' as the world in which he lived — and with which he grappled with so odd a mixture of force and weak- ness • Israel's role in the Sinai Cam- .19 paign of 1956, and the Jewish State's alliance with France, dis- turbed Eisenhower. When the former President prepared his note to Ben-Gurion during the Sinai Campaign in 1956, he was "between trips up and clown hospital corridors for his tests and X-rays," and he commented: "Israel and barrium make quite a combination." Hughes, referring to that ex- perience, states in "The Ordeal of Power:" "The whole Middle Eastern scene obviously leaves him dis mayed, baffled, and fearful of great stupidity about to assert it- self. 'I just can't figure out what the Israeli think they're up to . . . . Maybe they're thinking they just can't survive without more land . . . But I don't see how they can survive without coming to some honorable and peaceful terms with the whole Arab world that surrounds them.' . . . . And pondering the reports of French complicity from Paris, his concern gets heated. 'Damn it, the French, they're just egging the Israeli on—hoping somehow to get out of their own North African troubles: Damn it, they sat right there in those chairs three years ago, and we tried to tell them they would repeat In- dochina all over again in North Africa. And they said, "Oh, no! That's part of metropolitan France!"—and all that damn nonsense.' " Then came the report of the State Department ordering Americans out of Israel and Jor- dan and Egypt, and it was fol- lowed by the report of the Hun- garian revolt. Hughes states at this point: "His affectionate regard for the British makes him incredu- lous. 'I just can't believe it,' he keeps saying. 'I can't believe they would be so stupid as to invite on themselves all the Arab hos- tility to Israel.' And in terms of British relations with Wash- ington: 'Are they going to dare us—dare us to defend the Tri- partite Declaration?' " (He was referring to the British-French- U.S. "basic document" for joint action in the event of threats to Israel's borders as specified in the 1950 armistice). It was at that point that the President said he'd "better get out of here," as he headed for the doors to the terrace of the hospital, adding, "or—de- spite all those doctors—these things will have my blood pres- sure up to 490." It became apparent that "the crisis could end only in the flat terms of a choice between po- litical and personal destinies: either Nasser must fall—or Eden must fall. And the President brought discussion to a close with the tart commentary: 'All I can say is—it's one hell of a way to conduct a world election.' " The rest is well known—the withdrawals from the Suez, the President's famous TV speech, the warning to Israel. Hughes' story is a valuable his- torical addendum to that signifi- cant episode in the history of our time. following a survey of the kosher market. The survey found that about 2,000 kosher products of more than 400 companies were now being produced under the rab- binical supervision of the Union of Orthodox Congregations of America. The figures were com- pared by the financial daily with "only 1,000 producers and 225 companies four years ago." Many of the largest food producers in the United States were listed as making kosher products American food manufacturers "are adapting modern process- ing techniques to the ancient rituals that govern the prepara- tion of kosher foods." The Wall Street Journal re- ported that a number of new kosher kitchen able to serve 3,700 people. The Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington stores 15,000 pieces of chin and 300 pots and pans in its recently opened kosher kitchen, the fi- nancial daily also reported. SOLD OUT ! THE BEE KALT DELUXE ADVENTURE TOUR TO THE ORIENT and AROUND THE WORLD IS ALL SOLD OUT ! HOWEVER .. . Hitler Manufacturer of Airplanes Reported Working for Nasser WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rep. Samuel S. Stratton, New York Democrat, announced that he had requested the Secretaries. of State and Defense to investigate reports that Prof. Willy Messer-. schmitt, one of Hitler's leading aircraft designers, was working with the Egyptian government to develop a Mach-2 jet fighter in violation of the West German constitution. It is well to trail a rich man. If you are planning a trip to these fabulous places in the near future, feel free to come in—or call us— and discuss the matter with one of our three . Orient and Around-the- World specialists ! FOR INFORMATION, RESERVATIONS or BROCHURES BEE KALT TRAVEL SERVICE 296 No. Hunter Blvd., Birmingham, Mich. DETROIT PHONE: JO 6-1490 BIRMINGHAM PHONE: MI 6-2170 —Baba Kama 92. — MAN- SIZE FLAVOR! Satisfies the whole family! Pillar Rock Red Sockeye Salmon also available In flat half cans. Hearty appetites all around your table will agree: Pillar Rock prime red salmon is the reddest, juiciest, meatiest salmon in all the world! FREE, nationally famous colorful 23- recipe booklet. Tells how to make many intriguing gourmet dishes. Salmon chowder. Salmon curry. Tetrazzini. Pasta. Salmonburgers. Salmon cornbread. To receive your free salmon booklet, write your name and address on the back of a Pink Beauty or Pillar Rock label and send today tot The Jewish News, 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich. PILLAR ROCK FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON For the finest in pink salmon —buy Pink Beauty Salmon. Ben-Gurion, Goldmann Confer on Education So what? JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Dr. Nahum Goldmann conferred for two hours Sunday at the Prime Minister's holiday re- treat. One of the topics discussed was use for Israel educational projects of part of a $13,000,000 education fund planned to be set up by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. It was believed the two Jewish leaders also re- viewed the status of Israeli- West German relations. They're just as delicious and just as strictly vegetarian this way. In fact, the only mistake you can make is not having more Heinz Kosher Vegetarian Beans in the house when they start asking for seconds. Which they always do. Want ads get quick results! Every label carries the Qu seal of approval of THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA. 9 - THE D ETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 19, 19 63 Hughes' Book Reveals Eisenhower Report Increasing Demand for Kosher Food in United States NEW YORK, (JTA)—The de- under that supervision. hotels in New York have sepa- Misled by Arab Charges of Alleged mand for kosher foods in the The survey cited the availabil- rate sets of dishes and cutlery United States "has been increas- ity this year of foil-wrapper kosh- for kosher affairs and that when steadily in recent years," the er dinners of chicken, beef and the 46-story New York Hilton Israeli Quest for More Territory ing Wall Street Journal reported turkey as an example of how opens in June, it will have a