THE JEWISH NEWS A Glorious Chapter incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with ism( of July 20, 1951 Member American. Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Roan, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager HARVEY ZUCKERBERG City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-sixth day of Nisan, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Lev. 9:1-11:47. Prophetical portion, II Samuel 6:1-7:17. Licht benshen, Friday, April 12, 6:59 p.m. VOL. XLIII. No. 8 Page Four April 19, 1963 Vital Need for Revived Jewish Humor In an article on "Jewish Humor," in the current issue of the Jewish Journal of Sociology, published in London semi- annually by the World Jewish Congress, Dr. Salcia Landmann reaches some un- usual conclusions. In Israel, he believes, "the joke as a weapon is out of favor and moribund." Then he asserts that in the two regions in which Jews live in large numbers, in the United States and in Russia, they are "vulnerable minorities, exposed to vary- ing degrees of anti-Semitism," and "in both areas they sorely need their Jewish humor if they want to preserve a sense of proportion, but in both instances one essential ingredient for the creation of Jewish humor in its most brilliant form is increasingly lacking: the formal Tal- mudic training of Jewish youth." For all of us who recognize the vital need for a good sense of humor as an essential for survival—not necessarily in our survival as Jews but as human beings —Dr. Landmann raises a puzzling prob- lem. Are we so pressed by anti-Semitism in this country that we need a joke to sustain us? And—is our position com- parable to that of Russian Jewry? He is right in saying that there is a lack of the Talmudic ingredient in the process of the creation of the Jewish joke today, but that is as true of Israel and any other part of world Jewry as it is of us. Yet, what Dr. Landmann overlooks is that Israel, confronted by so many prob- lems created by the differing varieties of Jews, who sometimes become more chal- lenging to each other than they would be in the normal process of meeting up with non-Jews, may be in greater need of humor than any other segment of world Jewry. * • * * In Russia, the joke - would have to be told surreptitiously, and therefore the resort to it there is inapplicable to us. But Dr. Landmann has more to say on the problem. He writes: "It is not easy to establish what is going on behind the Iron Curtain, and we cannot tell how the young Russian Jew bears up against present conditions without being able to find light relief in Jewish humor. But we do know of the American Jew that, at the slightest provo- cation, he seems to rush off to have him- self psychoanalyzed. Psychoanalysts also teach their patients, in the final analysis, to endure the seemingly intolerable and to come to terms with reality. But with the help of humor the same result can be achieved more easily, more quickly, and more pleasantly." * Now the London author himself acts in the role of a psychoanalyst! It must be admitted that he is right about the rush to the analyst; and the plethora of jokes about psychoanalysis attests to the increasing resort to the psychiatrists and the truth of Dr. Landmann's reference to the American Jew's complexes. - What Dr. Landmann has failed to indi- cate is that, unfortunately, what we have had of Jewish jokes until now has been the stage variety and the distortion of Yiddish stories. We seem to have forgot- ten the good material that was produced by Sholem Aleichem and we have not created a new form of humor — except the negative and self-degrading. In his conclusion regarding American Jewry's analytical trends, Dr: Landmann seems to be unaware of one fact: that our youth are less inhibited, that they are more normal and have not been affected by the tragic aspects of pogrom eras. They have a better chance to produce a genuinely good humor and perhaps we can look to them to create for us a new form of joke that will arouse wholesome laughter. Israeli Arabs' Impressive Gains Declaring that nomadic life is unsuited to modern conditions, the government of Israel announces that it is settling 9,000 Arab tribespeople in northern Israel, who were roaming aimlessly until now, in vil- lageS, and that they will be employed as manual laborers. Israel is providing for each family of hitherto nomadic Arabs a house and a small garden, at a cost of $2,333-1,000 pounds—to be payable half in cash and half on a 25-year government loan. This is only one of the latest declara- tions by Israel in its program of improv- ing the status of the Arab population. It has also been announced that the Israel Ministry of Agriculture is settina up a 6 regional agricultural center in Nazareth and of its 31 employees 25 will be Arabs. Undoubtedly, there are complaints against Israel, especially over the enforce- ment of militarily administrative functions affecting the movements of Israeli Arabs within the state. But Israel is hardly to be blamed for enforcing them, especially in view of the recurring threats to her secur- ity from the neighbors who surround her and because of the threats of a possible de- velopment of a fifth column that could destroy the state. * * Many of the benefits enjoyed by the Israeli Arabs have resulted in the raising of their standard of living, the best indi- cation of progress being the increase in income tax payments by Arabs — from 1,300,000 Israeli pounds in 1959 to 1,630,- 000 pounds in 1961 and even greater increases for 1962 and 1963. Of added interest in the efforts to ce- ment Arab-Jewish sentiments among Is- raelis is the establishment in Haifa of the Jewish-Arab Youth Center, which was created with the $50,000 memorial fund set up in tribute to the late Barnett Palinsky of New York. Mrs. Palinsky at- tended the opening of the center, and the introduction of the cooperative venture was formally welcomed by Haifa's Mayor Abba Khoushi. It is hoped that obstacles in the way of Arab-Jewish fraternal rela- tions can be established through such ventures. * These are the factors that point to the anxiety of the Israel government to uplift the Arab minority and to instill among them a spirit of loyalty towards the state of which they are now Israeli citizens. Equally as impressive as the economic gains made by the Arabs in Israel is the gain the Arab community is making edu- cationally. In his report to the university's board of governors, Eliahu Elath, presi- dent of the Hebrew University in Jerusa- lem, showed that of the 921 students who were graduated last year 112 were Israeli Arabs and Druze. This is a large and impressive percentage and it offers a most encouraging hope that the Arabs who shared the advantages of Israel's great university will help in the estab- lishment of the best relations between Arabs and Jews—first in Israel and then throughout the Moslem world. Rosenberg's 'More Loves Than One' ' The Bible Confronts Psychiatry ! Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg views the Old Testament's teach- ings, moral law and philosophy as meaning "people, too." He affirms that the biblical spirit "has been a major influence in helping me to see people as more than objects of biological or psychological study—more than anonymous members of a social or economic mass or class." , In his new book, "More Loves Than One—The Bible Confronts Psychiatry," published by Thomas Nelson & Sons (18 E. 41st, NY 17), Dr. Rosenberg does not necessarily deal with psychiatry, "although it is concerned with" the questions he touches upon, "it is a book about man and his highest hopes and needs— his will to .love and to meaning." As a natural sequence, Rabbi Rosenberg commences by evalu- ating "Freud's Legacy," and while conceding the massive positive contributions made by Freud, but he challenges their "supreme validity," stating: "One may indeed accept his scientific method- ologies without being overawed into adopting his philosophy of human nature or his theories of personality structure." Basing his study upon biblical lore, Dr. Rosenberg states, in a chapter entitled "God, Love and Justice": "Love is commanded in the Old Testament because it is linked to service, to demands made upon us to fulfill our lives in the lives of others . . . The Old Testament understood what we like to forget: man needs not a love that will serve him but a love that can unleash his locked-up longings to serve. Only in serving can we be served, for only in risking our love without thought of its return, is it truly returned." Thereupon, Dr. Rosenberg devotes his story to an evaluation of love that needs links with community, to love and the family, love and conscience, the love of husband and wife and of parents and children. He also concerns himself with brotherly love, and in all instances he quotes the Bible appropriately, thereby enrich- ing his readers' knowledge. Rejecting many Freudianisms, Rabbi Rosenberg asserts that the Old Testament cannot accept many of the newly-offered in- terpretations and blueprints for our society and declares that "for its part, the human self emerges only in compunity. It cannot exist apart from it in abstract, 'splendid isolation,' because both partake of the divine nature and both emerge only as they en- counter and meet God . . . The Old Testament teaches that both the self and the community are dependent upon each other, and both upon God. This attitude is at heart of the idea of the covenant which sees each self as a spiritual entity, whose relations to community are unique because they are holy. They are made holy by means of the loving, ethical concerns which each self shares with the community in a common trust." He adds: "There is in process the rediscovery on the part of religionists that when 'love' is made into a religion, without benefit of 'principles, policies and procedures' it becomes dif- fused and platitudinous and therefore dangerous. And at the side of this reevaluation of the place and function of love in the life of religion, important revisions of orthodox Freudian teachings are also being undertaken. Psychiatrists, no less than theologians, are unhappy with what 'love' has done to, man and society, and they, too, are exploring the possibilities of newer dimensions." It is in the "rediscovery" of "newer' meanings", Dr. Rosen- berg states, that "they are rediscovering the connectedness of man to community" and they "no longer see society as man's enemy." "In the end," Rabbi Rosenberg concludes, "this is the su- preme truth about the old-new love we still need: it brings us to a full meeting with someone not ourselves,. and thus gives us the fulfillments of relatedness to man, to conununity and to God. When we know who our 'relations' are, we can see ourselves, as we must, as members of the same family. We be- long to man, to comnmnity, to . God. Instead of running away from these, the old-new love will bring us back, back to our `family,' thus back to ourselves. We will discover ourselves as we find our task and as we come to know the Taskmaster. • And in those moments of -discovery we will learn to respond to life by becoming responsible, for our life, and to life's Creator. Then we can .meet and bear defeats and frustrations, for we will know and we will feel that we walk not alone." Thus, this confrontation with psychiatry and resort to biblical lore serves as a guide for many who have been frustrated. Rabbi Rosenberg handles his subject with great skill in his new book.