24 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 19, 1963 — Dangerous 'Kosher for Passover' Pope's Encyclical Jewish Congrees Opposes Leasing Tuna Retrieved Before Eaten Here Hailed by Chief N.Y. School for Beth Jacob Use Rabbi of Paris Health officials in six cities, Detroit among them, searched grocery shelves over the past weekend after the. Food and Drug Administration in Washington, D.C., warned consumers not to eat any tuna fish from cans bearing a red and white label reading, in part, "Dagim-white tuna-Kosher for Passover —net wt. 7 oz." or those with blue and white labels of the Dagim company. Tuna in these cans is contaminated and may be "highly dangerous," the FDA said, and has been shipped to New York, Pittsgurgh, Chicago, Cleveland, Augusta, Ga., and Detroit. Above, Michael Bade, chief of the Wholesale division of the. New York City Bureau of Food and Drugs, points to code letters on cans, "WY2" or "WY3." It has been reported by Detroit officials that all suspicious cans shipped here have been accounted for and unconsumed. Twenty cases were received by a Detroit rabbi who then distributed them among nine families. All cases were recalled. FDA officials would not disclose the rabbi's identity. University of California Gives Date for End of Fraternity Bias (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BERKELEY, Calif.—All fra- ternities and sororities on the seven campuses of the Univer- sity of California were ordered Wednesday to drop discrimina- SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS ■ . Your front wheels took an awful beating on the winter ice. Have them aligned now and save your tires. $795 Most Can There Is Only One 7-MILE MEN DOTA Shell Service Don't Fuss—Don't Cuss Cali Us UN 2-9558 Free Pickup & Delivery tion clauses by Sept. 1, 1964. President Clark Kerr, in is- suing the order, noted that many chapters of the 56,000- student university have charter clauses banning members of minority groups. He said that such chapters will not be al- lowed after the deadline to re- fuse members for reasons of race, religion or national origin. He added that enforcement of the policy, which was adopt- ed by the university board of regents in 1959, will be in the hands of chancellors and deans. British Party Congress Urges Anti-Bias Law LONDON, (JTA)—A resolu- tion calling for British legisla- tion prohibiting incitement to racial hatred was adopted by the annual Cooperative Party Congress, held at Scarborough. Previously, the meeting heard charges from a Jewish delegate, Samuel Karson, who said that anti-S e m i t i c discriminations were being practiced in the British Labor Party, the trade union movement and the co- operative movement. Karson said that some golf clubs in Scotland refused to ad- mit Jews. He alleged that one Scottish land-owner had sold land only on condition that it must not be resold to Jews. Other delegates shouted, "Shame, shame." Karson de- manded: "I want to make these things impossible" in Britain. The University of Michigan was the first -to send a visiting football team to play in the Rose Bowl, in 1902. Michigan won, too, 49-0. (Continued from Page 1) remains a fact that Pope Pius XII, during the war, did not pro- test against the persecution of the Jews." He said Dr. Leiber had cited only "certain sen- tences" from his book. He de- clared that, while Pope Pius XII had, in individual cases, given protection to Jews being persecuted by the Nazis, "the head of the Church kept silent as long as the death factories in the concentration camps re- mained in operation." Chief Rabbi of Israel Endorses Pope's Call for Ban On Nuclear Weapons JERUSALEM (JTA) — Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim endorsed the ,call of Pope John XXIII, in his encyclical, for a ban on nu- clear weapons and the gradual reduction of the nuclear arms stockpiles toward general dis- armament. The Chief Rabbi said that those goals were worthy of the active and sympathetic support of the Jewish people. The Chief Rabbi cited the Pope's statement that the time had come for the heads of religions and the world's spiritual leaders to as- sume the initiative in curbing the drive for nuclear weapons dominance to secure humanity from disaster. Poland Bars Newsmen from Ghetto Memorial NEW YORK, (JTA) — New York State legal authorities have been asked for a ruling on whether the New York City Board of Education is allowed to lease public school class- rooms for use by a Jewish paro- chial school. Dr. Bernard E. Donovan, act- ing superintendent of New York schools, said he had asked for a ruling on the issue from Dr. Charles A. Brind, counsel for the State Education Depart- ment. The move is favored by the applicant for the lease, the Beth Jacob Schools, and is op- posed by the American Jewish Congress and the Public Edu- cation Association. Beth Jacob Schools had of- fered to lease six classrooms in Brooklyns Public School No. 105, a building with a capacity of 1,934 pupils and an enroll- ment of 940. Donovan said he had approved the rental previ- ously, but had asked the City Board of Education to delay ap- proval until a ruling had been obtained from State authorities. According to the American Jewish Congress, the rental would set a "dangerous prece- dent" which would "threaten to establish religious segregation in the public schools." The Con- gress objection added: "Mingling public and paro- chial or private school children in the manner suggested here is LAWN SPRINKLING * Systems * bound to have unfortunate ef- fects on both groups of children. Religious or other symbols that may characterize the children's or the teachers' garb or their facilities would add to the con- fusion.' Ben Zvi Resumes Duties - JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Presi- dent Ben-Zvi left Hadassah Hos- pital April 11 after 10 days of examinations and a checkup. He conducted the Passover Seder at the hospital with Mrs. Ben-Zvi and the family. After a few days' rest at home, the President resumed his official duties, starting with official receptions for newly named ambassadors from Brit- ain, Australia and Peru. The evil inclination craves only the prohibited.—Yerushal- mi, Yoma 86. Nobody UNDERSELLS GREAT LAKES FENCE CO. DON'T EVER FORGET IT ! ! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL CONTROLS F.H.A. TERMS REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FREE SURVEY AND ESTIMATE (Continued from Page 1) ASK FOR radio and TV commentators, had planned on going to Warsaw "Morrie Sherman" for the occasion. They said they Sales Manager had confirmed hotel reservations a month ago. One of the top pro- 16540 GREENFIELD ducers, Girdon Reece, said "they sHoive, APRIL VE 6-6080 just don't want British televi- sion there. This must be one of SHOWERS the silliest examples of discrim- CALL TODAY ination ever." LAWN SPRINKLING SYSTEMS 341-4410 It was learned that some Polish-Jewish ex-servicemen in this country have also been de- nied visas for the occasion. Only one British correspondent has been allowed to cover the ghetto revolt commemorative exercises. This man happens to be in Po- land now—for an entirely differ- ent reason, according to the Polish Embassy here. Polish Visas Refused to Three Members of the Israeli Delegation TEL AVIV (JTA) — The Is- raeli delegation to the com- memorative exercises marking the 20th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto rebellion, was considering the possible cancela- tion of its scheduled trip to Warsaw, because some members General Admission of the delegation have been re- fused Polish visas. $L25 Per Day for 72 Days $000 The Israeli delegation was 72 Days $5000 scheduled to leave for Warsaw SEASON PASS under the chairmanship of for- mer Attorney General Gideon RAWNIRsE\ YOU SAVE $40°° Hausner, the chief prosecutor in the Adolf Eichmann case. The delegation was to represent jointly the World Federation of Polish Jews, Yad Vashem, the Israeli-Poland Friendship Com- mittee, the Partisans Organiza- tion, the Organization of Per- sons Injured during the Nazi Persecutions and the Ghetto Fighters Museum. However, it was learned, three members of the Israeli Poland Friendship Committee were refused visas. Zvi Kleman- tinovsky, chair man of the Friendship Committee, said: "For years, we have been mak- ing efforts to foster good' rela- tions between the two countries. I Please send me NUMBER . season passes for which I am enclosing o I Now, I don't know what to say." sonopr atzey order for ($50.00 for each 72 day ,111 season Visas have been issued to three members of the Friendship Com- I PLEASE PRINT I mittee: Klemantinovsky, Shlomo I NAME Gal, former Israeli Consul in I STREET ADDRESS Warsaw, and Dr. Chaim Drob- I . CITY ..2ONE STATE kin. However, with others being THE DETROIT RACE COURSE banned, it was uncertain wheth- I MAIL TO: 28001 JN 4-11 SCHOOLCRAFT • LIVONIA, MICH. er these three will go to Poland. LAM MI mu au ma aim ow us OM MI MI all INS MB 1111 111111 r w MD a GREAT LAKES FENCE -