Top Washington Social Item of the Year Kennedys and White House Staff Take Note of Jimmy Feldman's Bar Mitzvah By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1963, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Jimmy Feld- man, whose Bar Mitzvah was recently honored by President Kennedy and celebrated by the White House staff, performed his duties with New Frontier vigor. Jimmy asked not what the Bar Mitzvah could do for him, but what he could do for the Bar Mitzvah. A quiet dignity exemplified America's first Bar Mitzvah boy, to have his confirmation marked by an informal White House holiday, a personal gift from President and Mrs. Kennedy, and the dancing of a freilich hora by members of the White House staff, Cabinet, Supreme Court, Senate, and diplomatic corps. New Frontiersmen of all faiths danced in a huge circle, hand in hand, with Israeli diplo- mats and ladies of 'the sister- hood of Jimmy's temple and Jewish kids from the neighbor- hood. Jimmy is the son of Myer ("Mike") Feldman, an original member of Kennedy's personal brain trust, who serves in the White House as Deputy Special Counsel to the President. Kennedy could not come to, Washington's Temple Sinai or to the reception because he had . 0, Announcements April 6 — To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloan (Sheilah Star- man), 1962 Stratford, a son, Andrew Edward. * * 'C: April 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Alan. J. Block (Elaine D. Horo- witz), 17250 Greenfield, a daughter, Erika Lynn. , * * April 3—To Dr. and Mrs. Sid- ney L. Stone (Betty Reiss), a son, Daniel Br ian. * * April 2—To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Rosen (Barbara Stone), 29561 Fairfax, South- field, a son, Richard Mark. * * * March 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kline (Beverly Joyce Brown), 29775 Everett, South- field, a son, Glenn Allen. * * - March 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Al Stotsky (Bena Stalrit), a son, Mark Jacob. * * March 21—To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Landsman (Phyllis Sil- ver), 9185 Prevost, a daughter, Rhona Helene. • * March 15 — To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levitsky (Muriel Comi- sar) of Northend Ave., Oak Park, a son, Howard Keith. Recommended by Physicians RABBI LEO GOLDMAN Expert Mohel Serving in Hospitals and Homes LI 1-9769 LI 2-4444 CERTIFIED EXPERT MOHEL RABBI Israel Goodman FE 4-4149 FE 4-8266 Serving in Hospitals and Homes REV. Marshall L. Goldman MOHEL Serving at Homes and Hospitals DI 1-9909 to make a speech that day in Chicago. But Jimmy Was thoughtfully presented with a beautiful framed lithograph of the White House, inscribed by hand, from "his friends, John Kennedy and Jacqueline Ken- nedy." Feldman, in addition to his important Presidential staff duties on legislative and execu- tive matters, is Kennedy's per- sonal consultant on Jewish and Israeli affairs. Reliable reports have linked him with the de- cision to provide Israel with the Hawk missile and a number of anti-bias actions on the do- mestic scene. He made two trips to Israel within the last year. After the last visit, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion described Feldman as "the kind of man I can 'talk to." Among the guests and hora dancers were members of the President's inner circle, his special assistants and personal aides Lawrence F. O'Brien, Kenneth O'Donnell, Henry W. Wilson, Jr., Dick Donahue, Ar- thur Schlesinger, Jr., and Pierre Salinger. One saw such personalities as Postmaster General J. Edward Day, Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman, Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz, David E. Bell, director of the Agency for International De- velopment; Jerome B. Wiesner, chief scientific adviser to the President; Manny Cohen, Secur- ities and Exchange Commission- er; Mortimer M. Caplin, Direc- tor of Internal Revenue; New- ton Minow, chairman of the Fed- eral Communications Commis- sion; Walter W. Heller, chair- man of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, members of Congress, and others. Supreme Court Justice Ar- thur Goldberg served as an informal toastmaster, making amusing remarks at the fes- tivities. He emerged as one of the most vigorous hora dancers. Other close personal friends of the Feldmans were on hand —Ambassador Philip Klutznick, Abraham Feinberg, Robert R. Nathan, Martin Agronsky, Is- rael Ambassador Avraham Har- man and Israel Minister Morde- chai Gazit. Noting that his father never had a chance to be "Bar Mitz vahed," Jimmy said he was glad that they were "Bar Mitzvahed" together. Feldman, from the age of 6 to 15 attended a non-sec: tarian Philadelphia institutional school for "poor male orphans." There were no religious instruc- tions of facilities for the penni less students because of the stipulation of the school's phil- anthropist benefactor. Feldman learned the He- brew alphabet on his own and taught himself to read a prayer book. He became a self- respecting Jew, injecting Tal- mudic insights into his legal orientation, and developed a strong affinity for the State of Israel and Jewish humani- tarian traditions. Rabbi Eugene Lipman, who officiated at the Bar Mitzvah ceremony at the age of 13, the essential concept of the Bar Mitzvah pertained to deeds. One is a Bar Mitzvah automatically on his birthday, said the Rabbi, even without a symbolic cere- mony. The real meaning comes from Jewish identification and participation. So Feldman, the Jewish personage closest to the President, was in a real sense Bar Mitzvah even before stand- ing in front of the ark of the covenant with his son. Sharing graciously in the cele- bration was Mrs. Feldman. Her father helped found Har Zion Synagogue in Philadelphia. The Feldmans were married in that synagogue. Mrs. Feldman is vice-president of her Temple's sisterhood. Jimmy's pretty sis- ter, 15-year-old Jane, attends the Temple's religious classes. Two Philadelphia ladies look- ed at- their grandson's unprece- dented "White House" Bar Mitz- vah with understandable pride. One was Mrs. Bella Feldman, Feldman's mother, the other, Mrs. Gizella Moscowitz, mother of Mrs. Feldman. Vice - President Lyndon B. Johnson declared this week that despite the rise of two of the greatest tyrannies in history— fascism and communism — the 20th Century may "most accur- ately and aptly be described as the Century of Human Rights." In quietness and in confi- dence shall be your strength. —Isa. 30:15. MISS - JOAN MAYERS At a recent open house Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mayers of Church St., Oak Park, announc- ed the engagement of their daughter, Joan C., to Alan Har- old Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sherman of Univer- sity City, Mo. SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS . Want ads get quick results! Your front wheels took an awful beating on Eric Rosenow the winter ice. Have His Continental Orchestra and Entertainment them aligned now and save your tires. UN 3-7626 0 • i $795 ■ •11.1111110.0 0.10 tl•MM0 0 0101.1)41111101700.01110.00•0•11•100.0 Most Cars Dinner at DARBY'S is a real treat • nai A-it4 There Is Only One Visit Our New SKYLIGHT ROOM, Cocktail - Lounge and Bar! 7-MILE MEN DOTA Shell Service • AFTER THEATRE Snacks . . . a Delight LUNCHEON A Pleasure A ctivities SHOLEM ALEICHEM LODGE will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Speakers of the evening will be Sol Littman, Michigan Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith. His topic will be "Anti-Semitism -- Dead Issue or Live Virus?" Harry Kaminer, provisional chairman, and Phil Kaplan and Alex Got- tlieb, membership chairmen, in- vite prospects and their ladies to attend. Refreshments will be served. * * * PHILIP HANDLER - EAST SIDE LODGE will present its International Revue 9 p.m. Wednesday at the Sholem Alei- chem Institute, with Max Sosin as master of ceremonies. Can- tor Hyman Adler will sing. Featured also will be Israel and Spanish dancers in native costumes. Headliners of the show are to be the "Zomarim" singers and instrumentalists. For reservations, call Louis Wasserman, program chairman, BR 3-3643. * DONALD FOX B.B. WOMEN will commemorate "Adult Jew- ish Education Week" 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, at Temple Beth Yehudah, 17556 Wyoming. Mrs. Jack Friedman, chairman of Adult Jewish Education, will present a skit titled "The Three Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perlin, Daughters." Refreshments will 31778 Summers, Livonia, an- be served. Friends are invited. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Netherlands Jewry son, Douglas, will be observed The Jewish community of the April 20 at Cong. Shaarey Ze- Netherlands, Which dates • back dek. to the 13th century, now num- * * * The Bar Mitzvah of Robert bers some 27,000 persons. Be- Skolnick will be observed 8:40 fore the Nazi occupation during a.m. Saturday at Cong. Ahavas the Second World War, ,there were more than 140,000 Jews Achim. in the country. * * * The Bar Mitzvah of Ralph Passover Greetings Caplan will be observed 8:40 a.m. Saturday at Cong. Ahavas MORRIS FRIEDMAN Achim. & SONS * * * Plumbing & Heating Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Grossman, announce the Bar 24605 John R Mitzvah of their son, Mark Hazel Park, Mich. Phillip, will be observed 10:30 L 1 4-2454 a.m. Saturday at Temple Israel. Lyndon Johnson Gets Human Rights Award from ADL Mayers - She On all Troth Announced Don't Fuss—Don't Cuss Call Us UN 2-9558 Free • 1 I I Res. UN 2-7642 i Pickup Delivery SEVEN MILE at WYOMING Admission Days 9000 $50 00 SEASON PASS 72 Days General $1.25 Per Delifor 72 Bar Mitzvahs I Please send me NUMBER . a ($50.00 for each 72-day season passes for which I am enclosing check or money order for $- season pass). I I I PLEASE PRINT NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY ZONE STATE MAIL TO: THE DETROIT RACE COURSE JN 4-11 28001 SCHOOLCRAFT • LIVONIA, MICH. am o r MOwire,—sewMMIMt=IMIOIMMI orowamamowNA