Rabbi Dresner's Book Touches on Aspects of Jewish Life; Charges of Funeral Violations Disputed High German Official Admits Signing Nazi Orders Against Jews COBLENZ (JTA)—Dr. Fried- erich Karl Vialon State Secre- tary to the West German Fed- eral Ministry of Economic Co- o p e r at i o n, admitted in open court here _ that, during World War II, he had signed docu- ments, "in the absence of my superior," having to do with the confiscation of the property of Jews being then annihilated by Nazi commandos. He appeared as a witness in the trial of Georg Heuser, a , former leader in the Nazi SS, and 11 co-defendants, being tried for the mass murder, in White Russia, of about 170,000 men, women and children, including 35,00040,000 Jews. Vialon's appearance as a wit- ness came after two efforts to put him into the case had been made by the defense. Charges against him had been sent to the court in a "brown book" sup- plied by Soviet authorities. Un- der oath, he conceded that the documents supplied by the So- viet Union "were not falsified." He said he was, indeed, a high official in the Riga office of the Reich Commissioner for Eastern Territories, but maintained he knew nothing about the exter- mination of Jews. Many aspects of Jewish life ing to established traditions, are touched upon in a series of Rabbi Dresner asserts that "it is essays by Rabbi Samuel H. Dres- inhuman to require that the ner, in "The Jew in American grief-stricken mourner `go shop- Life," published by Crown (419 ping' for burial arrangements, and criminal to urge him to Park Ave. S., NY 16). spend large sums on the funeral, Dr. Dresner deals with the which Jewish law tells us must Sabbath question, with issues re- be as simple as possible." lating to child training, with the Declaring that "present-day Jew and alcoholism and the Jew in a Christian world, as well as abuses of funeral and mourning Seek OK on Israel moved some of the Extradition Pact nearly a score of other vital practices rabbis and congregations of issues. WASHINGTON (JTA)—Pres- Springfield to action," Ortho- Of primary interest in his dox, Conservative and Reform ident Kennedy asked the Senate book is the issue dealt with becoming equally concerned, to ratify an extradition treaty under the title "The Scandal Rabbi Dresner lists the follow- with Israel that was signed last of the Jewish Funeral," a mat- ing as the adopted Soringfield Dec. 10. The treaty covers mu- tual extradition agreements in- ter to which he has given con- regulations: volving individuals charged with siderable attention and which 1. In keeping with Jewish tradi- has resulted in the adoption of tion which teaches the equality of non-political offenses of a crim- men, and that therefore there inal nature. an important set of principles all should be no distinction at time by the community of Spring- of death between rich and poor, there will be one uniform casket field, Mass.,, where he serves used VISIT our GALLERIES for all funerals. This casket as rabbi of Congregation Beth will be draped with a cover of the See the world's largest collection 'TOPS IN of exciting custom hardware, also congregation. El. lighting fixtures and wall panel- 2. In keeping with- the above tra- PERFORMANCE! ing from the four corners of the no flowers will be permitted In the' initial essay, "Rome and dition, at funerals. Instead, friends and rel- world. atives will be encouraged to con- America," which is based on •TOPS IN tribute to the charities of their con- WOMEN'S CLUBS Gibbons' "Decline and Fall of gregations and other worthy causes. For an exciting lecture pre- the Roman Empire," Dr. Dresner 3. The oasket will remain closed at VALUE! senting, "Jewels" for your all times. The living should be points to many faults in Ameri- helped home, a decorating program to remember the departed to present at your next club ca's way of life which could as they were in life, not with the me et i n g. No obligation or of death. MANUFACTURED BY parallel the situation that led to image solicitation. Call Miss Sharon, 4. Out of respect to the departed, KE 7-1100. Rome's decline, and he admon- the body should never be left alone; SOBERMAN & MILGROM CO. shomer (guard) should remain ishes us that "ours is a society a with the departed at all times until • custom 7741 LYNDON AVENUE galleries prosperous but uneasy," that "re- the funeral. During this, period should be recited. KE 7-1100 24200 Telegraph ligion in our time must be a Psalms DETROIT 38, MICHIGAN 5. Rather than engage in idle con- Open Mon.-Wed. 8-5; Sat. 8-4 challenge to live not in terms of versation, visitors to the place where Tues. & Thurs. Eves. 'til 9 p.m. the departed reposes should be en- what each can get out of the couraged to - recite from the Book of world, but also in terms of what Psalms and other literature which be made available for this the world will get out of us"; should purpose.. that religion "must cease being 6. According to Jewish tradition, is not required to visit the funeral convenient and comfortable . . it with all these parlor prior to the funeral, or that it must discipline, set standards, the family be available for such visits at the funeral parlor. It is, make demands . . . cry out that however, a mitzvah to be present at you'd expect our country stands between dic- the funeral service - and to visit the during the shivah period. tatorship and freedom and that family 7. No special gloves shall be pro- . . . every citizen has an obliga- vided to the pallbearers. Meals provided by mourners to cost more than it does! tion to strengthen this land by for 8. those attending shivah services should be discouraged as an impo- loyal and devoted service." sition on the family. In "Going to Synagogue," Rabbi Dresner concludes with Rabbi Dresner compares the the plea: Catholic and Protestant re- "The chaos which characterized sponses to a poll showing that, Jewish life in the past is slowly disappearing. A crystallization is respectively, '74 per cent and 42 now taking place on many, levels: per cent of them attend re- in the organization of Jewish com- munity councils, the raising of the ligious services whereas only 27 level of Jewish education, and, per cent of Jews gave an af- above, all, in the emergence of the as the central institution Dial the exact warmth you want, in the firmative answer, and he as- synagogue of the Jewish community. It is high serts: "We boast that we have time that the synagogue took action room you want. Turn the heat down in in an area of life where Jews are given prayer to the world: per- helpless victim s, re-establishing roams not in use—lower heating costs. as electric light standards of burial and mourning haps we have given it away!" in accordance with the law and 4 0w— He concludes with a plea: spirit of Jewish tradition." (The charges listed by Rabbi "We Jews in America have Dresner are not applicable to many synagogues—great and Detroit, responsible funeral beautiful synagogues endowed directors and community lead- with endless prayer books— ers declared here. They assert- and for us here it is no prob- ed that traditions are scrupu- lem to enter these synagogues lously adhered to and that or use the prayer bobks and You get full use of ALL floor space. pressures upon mourners never Torahs. There's none taken up for fuel WITH ELECTRIC HEAT, ALL OF THE are resorted to. On the cont- "The Jews of the past knew HEAT IS USABLE—NONE GOES trary, they state, every effort UP A FLUE. storage, chimney. how to survive adversity and is made to provide comfort for persecution. mourners and to assist them "Will we Jews of America in living up to Jewish laws). know how to survive prosper- (Rabbi Dresner, when contacted by this reviewer about a report that ity and freedom? Springfield congregations had not "I pray in my heart and approved the code he had formu- lated and which has been quoted soul that we shall." above from his book, replied: In "The Scandal of the Jewish ("The Reform, the largest Ortho- dox and my own Congregation (Beth Funeral," Rabbi Dresner charges hpersoev atvhee eghnt psouttes ... a voef aped Turn a dial and the heat's on that there are "common flagrant um e h w hen and where you want it. quently modified as I indicated in a violations of the law and spirit footnote. The essential modification No tvaiting for heat to build of Jewish tradition in regard to has been in some oases to 'recom- a single casket and a cover. up elsewhere in your home. burial and mourning," that there mend' No cold spots or drafts, no blasts of hot air. . . . A congregational meeting was are pressures in the selection called which voted to rescind these rules in my own congregation. of expensive caskets, that fu-. They had the power only to recom- neral parlors often are trans- mend • this to my board, and the There's little to wear out, board upheld these rules. The rules formed into fashion shows. are very much in effect, partly nothing to rust out, no and partly recommend- Quoting Jewish laws and point- mandatory ed. The Jewish Community Council `TopC im,13 Plccuatatitteei ADVANTAGES ELECTRIC HEAT ROOM-BY-ROOM CONTROL clean and QUIET MU SPE! 1 pia EFFICIENT! crept heat! Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the as- tonishing ability to shrink hemorr rhoids and to relieve pain — without surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduc- tion (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all — results were so thor- ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne®)— dis- covery of a world-famous research Institute. This substanCe is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H®. At all drug counters. has announced the appointment of a committee to look into the estab- liShment of a communal Jewish funeral" home which, of course, would solve all problems. Our own congregation has appointed a spe- cial committee to bring in a report after six months as to the effective implementation of our rules, that is, those parts which are on a recom- mended basis. You can be sure that the multi-million dollar funeral in- dustry is not going to take what we are doing here lying down. They have batteries of lawyers and an endless amount of public relations machinery and propaganda to throw at us, and they are using it con- stantly. Nevertheless, the tide is beginning to turn. I can name four or five communities already in which real concern has already taken the form of clear-cut expression, Bos- ton, Chicago, Minnesota and other areas are beginning to act. . . . The fat is going to be in the fire, and the sooner we meet this matter head-on the better." • —P.S. burners to replace. EASY ON THE BUDGET* . lowest upkeep! How much will it cost to heat your home electrically? YOur cost of operation can be spread over II months with an adjustment in the 12th month. A qualified Electric Heating Contractor will gladly come and estimate the cost to install and operate electric heat in your home. It may surprise you how easily you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of electric heat. ask DETROIT EDISON