Cardinal Bea, Honored at Interfaith Assembly, Calls for Unity of All Men Molly Picon, to Conduct Seder Because of Passover, the Fish- ward. Henry Warshaw, Normandy's er Theater will be dark Monday night and the star in the "Milk manager, states that all tradi- and Honey" production, Molly tional Passover foods will be Picon, and her husband, will con- served and that the entire cast riches." Both unity and liberty prelate, "is the conscious en- NEW YORK, (JTA)—A pow- duct a traditional Seder at Nor- of the "Milk and Honey" produc- are essentials, he said. erful and eloquent plea for the counter of free men, the mutual Earlier, at a pre-dinner press mandy Restaurant, 3004 Wood- tion will be guests at that Seder. unity of all mankind, of all exchange in giving and receiv- races and religions, was voiced ing what each one has, not conference, Cardinal Bea ex- by Augustin Cardinal Bea, merely of material goods but pressed his "hope and desire" president of the Vatican's Sec- also, and above all, of spiritual that the existing Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity will retariat for Promoting Christian find "concrete formulas" to Unity. California Rabbinate foster contacts with non-Chris- He is the prelate who heads tian r e l i g i o u s organizations the organizational work of the Assails Man, Wife for throughout the world. Replying Announces to Its Clientele Ecumenical Council, convened Smear on 2 Rabbis to a question dealing with that at the Vatican last October by That They Once Again Carry LOS ANGELES, (JTA)—The subject, he stated: Pope John XXIII. "The Secretariat as such does Board of Rabbis of Southern He made his plea before a Kosher Dairy Products for Passover not engage in this. It would distinguished gathering of 400 California issued a statement tend to create dangerous and here condemning the distribu- Catholic, Protestant and Jewish harmful confusion. But because TO 8-8655 593 Kenilworth lay and clerical personalities tion by mail of "questionable the representatives of religions and unsubstantiated material" who tendered a dinner for him diverse from Christians have here under the auspices of the which impugned the patriotism demonstrated great interest in American Council for the In- of two rabbis. The statement accused Paul the Ecumenical Council, and a ternational Promotion of Unity and Marion Miller of "outrage- because relations with these Under God and the Internation- ous conduct" in mailing the ma- other religions is bound up with al University of Social Sciences terial_ Mrs. Miller is a candidate the question of unity of all men Pro Deo of Rome. for election to the Los Angeles of good will for the good of The Cardinal's address was Board of Education. humanity, of which I have endorsed in speeches by "The Board of Rabbis of South- spoken previously, we must Rabbi Abraham Joshua ern California has viewed with hope and desire that the Secre- Heschel, professor at the increasing concern smear-attacks tariat will find concrete formu- Jewish Theological Seminary; upon two of its honored mem- las to foster such contacts. I the Rev. Henry Pitney Van bers," the statement said. "We myself formulated this desire Dusen, president of the Union hereby denounce publicly the in a press-conference a year Theological Seminary (Pro- action by Paul and Marion Miller ago." testant) ; Sir Zafrulla Khan, for their outrageous conduct in Professor Heschel, in his president of the United Na- impugning the patriotism of two address, sounded an ominous tions General Assembly, who rabbis, who are well-known and warning of the need for world is a Moslem; United Nations respected in our community." unity. He quoted the Prophet Secretary General U Thant, Isaiah's words: "The envoys who is a Buddhist; and the Understanding Through weep bitterly; covenants are Rt. Rev. Stephen Gill Spotts- broken, witnesses are de- wood, bishop of the African Science and Religion spised, there is no regard for Methodist Episcopal Church. By Dr. Roland J. Gittelsohn man." "Is it not true," he Francis Cardinal STiellman, in "Man's Best Hope" asked, "that God and nuclear Roman Catholic Archbishop Science helps us take our stockpiles cannot dwell to- of New York, delivered the gether in one world?" He bearings in the journey through invocation. evolution. Science and religion called for "a revival of rever- Quoting from the Bible that together enable us to project ence" on the part of all men, `it is not good for man to be the probable future. We see our- quoting Moses' dictum: "I alone," Cardinal Bea said he selves not as the end-result of • have put before thee life and desired unity as "essentially evolution but as a way-station death, blessing and curse. and pre-eminently a human en route to something incompar- Choose life." work—the conscious, free de- ably more -Wonderful. The Rev. Van Dusen, in his . cision of responsible persons to Thus, through science and re- address, told the assemblage unite with other responsible ligion together, we arrive at an that man in this age must an- persons, in order to live to- understanding of meaning in swer the question whether the gether in peaceful harmony." life. We become aware not only forces of faith "both individual The unity He sought, said the of the present as it has evolved and corporate, contribute to from the past, but also of our cure, and if so, how and how LIGHT BULBS! Bright idea foi human responsibility to the fu- much?" The question, he warn- Fund Raising. Three typeset•fam- ture. Neither science nor reli- ed, must be asked in the con- ily packaging, plus 'longer life quality at regular prices, makes gion alone can give us this. text "or a realistic recognition for easy, dignified selling. No risk, no investment, returns ac- Only religion modified by the that the historic religions have cepted. For free Fund Raising insights of science and science perhaps more often aggravated Manual and full information with- tempered by devotion to spir- than alleviated conflict among out obligation, write EL-TRONICS. INC., Solar . Fund Raising Division, Dept. JL 43, itual values can save us or make and between peoples." He told Warren,' Pa. us worth saving. the meeting: "In our day, the call comes to all men of religious faith, both individually, and, so far as their institutions permit, corpo- rately to enter into sympathetic, open-minded, open-hearted, and It is our privilege above all, humble discourse and dialogue, seeking first of all to provide our Jewish deeper understanding, then mu- Customers with tual trust, then genuine fellow- ship, and finally community of conviction and possibly of com- mon action." * C * H I-TEST ROME, (JTA) — Eugene Cardinal Tisserand, Dean of Homogenized Milk the College of Cardinals, in Sweet Cream - Sour Cream the Vatican, expressed the hope that the Ecumenical and Butter Council "would do something FOR THE to demonstrate to Jews the fraternal affection of Catho- lics." The influential prelate. made the statement in an interview in the mass circulation weekly, The Detroit Council of Orthodox Rabbis will super- "Via," in connection with the vise the bottling and distribution of United Dairies the publication of a book, Passover Products, a duty they have undertaken for "Jews, My Brothers," by Father many years. It will be most helpful to us if you will T. Coulap. REMEMBER The Cardinal told the inter- let us know NOW what your Passover requirements of the Cho metz —Grandpa viewer that he had had many The memories of Passovers gone by—the search and sale Choraches—putting on the will be. Place your orders immediately with your poking around the kitchen, making the horseradish and the contacts with Jews since his new suit of clothes and shoes—pockets full of hazel nuts—and almonds—anxiously childhood and that Jews were United Dairies Milkman, Grocer — or phone. waiting for the Seder to start—Uncle Joe and Aunt Sadie were always late—the whole numerous among his father's family together—Grandpa looking like a king propping the pillow on the chair beside friends. He added that Jews him—Grandma tired after baking and cooking all day but "My Malke" my queen, he sent unleavened bread to the called her—the Kiddush and then my turn for "Ma Nishtanah" and the answer give') with Grandpa's voice ringing out over all—the first half of the Hagadah almost ovet4 family and often came to visit. even the bitter herbs tasted so good—Passover it was always "strong"—all were coitt• The Cardinal also remarked pelled to eat it otherwise we could not get the hard boiled egg and salt water—and that he had always been inter- then the meal—nobody, but nobody, could cook better than Grandma—we ate and ested in Jewish cultural life. "I May we take this oppor- ate and then the "Senchen"—and the rest of the Hagadah and some more cups41 remember well meeting Eliezer wine—and the opening of the door—and the stories of how in the old country someone tunity to wish our many Ben Yehudah, who was the re- frightened the whole family by appearing at that door—but best of all the tongs with storer of the Hebrew language which the second half of the Hagadah abound—and the feeling of drowsiness—content- friends and patrons— as it is now spoken in Israel," ment—and the thought that tomorrow the same thing once more A HAPPY PASSOVER he said. He concluded that "it MANISCHEWITZ WINE COMPANY, N. T. would be very useful to have Producers of Traditional Passover Wines more contact with Jews." WHITE STAR DAIRY REJOICE win the spirit of... in the tradition o ........ MANISCHEWITZ ONCE AGAIN . UNITED DAIRIES PASSOVER HOLIDAY UN 1-2800 — UNITED DAIRIES INC. —