German Scientists' Activities for Nasser Protested in U.S., Israel VIENNA, (JTA)—Prof. Otto The notes were presented ons against the Jewish people." cial tribunal in this country. (Continued from Page 1) The editorial declared, in Jukelik, the Austrian citizen ar- * * * through the Israeli ambassadors it was, it would be too small to the developing controversy rested with an Israeli at Basle in these countries to the For- (Copyright, 1963, produce fissionable materials Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) eign Ministry in each capital. over the presence of West recently on charges of having for warheads. German scientists and techni- "threatened" a German scien- * * * JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Wide- * * * cians in offensive weapons tist employed on Egypt's pro- spread and compelling doubts WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Two GENEVA, (JTA) — Georges in Israel about the "new Ger- Congressmen, a Democrat and a development in Egypt, that gram for development of non- Brunschwig, one of Switzer- many" of the postwar world the West German govern- conventional weapons against land's most prominent attor- erupted in a unanimous parlia- Republican, voiced demands in ment "should not hesitate Israel, has been registered offi- the House ior closer scrutiny of neys, received permission from mentary resolution demanding publicly to put this question" cially in this country as a "coun- the Swiss authorities to confer immediate action by West Ger- West Germany's NATO role as to the scientists "before it is selor" fOr the Egyptian govern- a result of German collaboration in jail with Joseph Ben-Gal, many to put an end to contribu- to morally compelled to do so." ment, federal police disclosed. the alleged "Israeli agent" ar- tions by West German scientists with the Egyptian program mass de- rested for "threatening" the to Egypt's advanced offensive develop weapons of struction for use against Israel. daughter of a German nuclear weapons program. Rep. Leonard Farbstein, a scientist now working in Egypt The resolution action follow- member of the House Foreign on the development of non- ed a major policy statement in Affairs Committee, charged conventional weapons. the Knesset by Mrs. Golda Meir, The Largest Selection of Brunschwig, who is presi- Israel's Foreign Minister, mak- that Bonn was trying to "hide dent of the Federation of ing the same demand. Her behind a cloak of spurious legal- Passover Items Swiss Jewish Communities, statement was approved by the ism all too reminiscent of the `laws' of the Nazi era under told the Jewish Telegraphic Israel cabinet after changes had Agency he will visit Ben-Gal been made in it to strengthen which Germans said they were in the Lonhof Prison at Basle, its condemnation of West Ger- `only doing their duty.' " He said that German moral matur- 7 Mile at Schaefer probably in the company of many. ity was now in doubt at the very Dr. Wieland, the Swiss public The parliamentary storm was time that the Germans are bold- prosecutor. touched off by the arrests in The attorney could not see Basle, Switzerland, of two al- ly demanding stronger influence Ben-Gal until now because, un- leged Israeli agents, Joseph in NATO and nuclear weaponry. Rep. Seymour Halpern, der Swiss law, a suspect in jail Ben-Gal, an Israeli, and Prof. New York Republican, said is not entitled to legal advice Otto Jukelik, an Austrian. that West Germany had "de- during the "first stage" of his The Knesset resolution ap- faulted on a grave moral re- interrogation by police. Ben-Gal pealed to "enlightened world sponsibility by permitting Ger- and an Austrian scientist, Dr. public opinion" for aid and mans and German interests to Otto Jukelik, were arrested charged that the goal of the help Nasser effectuate his March 2 on charges of having West German experts in Cairo threats to destroy those es- threatened Heidi Goerke, daugh- was the "destruction of the capees from German barba- ter of the German physicist, Dr. State of Israel." The resolu- rism who now reside in Is- Jens Goerke. Both Goerkes are tion warned that the German rael." now in Cairo. people could not exempt State Department sources Brunschweig also represents themselves for responsibility Ben-Gal on another case—the for continuation of "this vile make known that the Depart- ment is opposed to the prolif- demand by the German govern- eration of military ultimate rnent that he be extradited to work." Israeli authorities have been West Germany for alleged "at- in direct contact recently with weapons, by manufacture or ac- tempted murder" of still anoth- the West German government quisition by either the Arab er German scientist at work on to get Bonn to remove German State or Israel, but stressed that the Egyptian projects, Dr. Hans scientists from participation in the United States Government Kleinwaechter. So far, the at- the Egyptian program for devel- has no evidence that any weap- torney has not as yet been in- opments of non - conventional ons of mass destruction are be- ing produced by the United formed of what proof, if any, weapons. Arab Republic. there is of Ben-Gal's involve- The contacts were carried on * * * rnent in the -Kleinwaechter case. in West Germany through Is- NEW YORK,- (JTA) — The The Kleinwaechter attempt took rael's Purchasing Mission at The 16 in. "Seder" dish bears 6 multi-colour lithos in the place, presumably, at his home Cologne, and have been pursued American Jewish Congress, in a border. Six beautifully potted and decorated bowls rest in the cable to Chancellor Konrad Germany near the Swiss bor- in decorated recesses around the perimeter of the well. The dish in this country through high- Adenauer, called on the West der last month. is beautifully traced and edged in gold, and is obtainable ranking German visitors. German government to halt the Under Swiss Iaw, Ben-Gal either in bone chind or earthenware. Haaretz, leading independent participation by German scien- must first be examined on the morning newspaper, reported tists in the development of "new For This Year's Seder Be the First to Have German charge by the Swiss that Egyptian Preside nt Nasser police department and the had earmarked several million and refined techniques of anni- This Unique Ministry of Justice. He can dollars as prizes for the German hilation" by the Nasser regime "ZALTS VASSER" HOLDER appeal the decision of these scientists, as an incentive to- in Egypt. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, AJCon- agencies, if he finds them un- completion of work in gress president, charged that satisfactory, to the Swiss Fed- ward development and in the "hundreds of German techni- eral Court, the highest judi- rocket perfection of an electronic cians and scientists are working guidance system for missiles. with the Egyptian government Reg. Israel submitted to the on the manufacture of bacteri- IF YOU TURN THE United States, Britain, France, ological weapons, chemical poi- $ 5 .0 0 Belgium, Holland and Switz- sons and the utilization of atom- erland notes similar to the ic waste materials for military NOW UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T ones submitted to the West purposes. We do not suggest the FIND A FINER WINE THAN $375 German government on the German government approves activities of the German nu- or condones this use of German clear scientists in Egypt in talent. Yet we cannot under- developing non - conventional stand the professed inability of 4_ weapons. Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. the German government to pro- tect itself from being drawn into Nasser's avowed intention -3 Compartment Reg. $2.50 to finish the job that Hitler NYLON TWEED began: the destruction of the Foam Rubber Backed Dur- Matzo Covers . . $11 25 To s' so sq. yd. able. SPECIALLY PRICED Jewish people." * * • Reg. $3.50 KARLSRUHE, (JTA)—The West German public prose- Israel Seder Plate . • . cutor was disclosed to have Full Size—Not Miniatures instituted proceedings against Just Received A Large Selection Of "unknown persons" in con- nection with the death in SEDER PLATES Cairo of five persons killed With Explanation in English to Help You and seven severely injured Prepare the Seder Item in Cairo from explosives sent to West German scientists For the Children working there. $1.25 PESACH SONGS P. L. The injuries and deaths oc- 99c $1.50 Passover Sewing Card Reg. curred when parcels addressed Reg. $1.50 Passover Lace Together Games 99c to the scientists exploded on opening. Two parcels and a let- For a Free List of the Numerous Passover Stop in ter were received in Cairo from Products — and Food Items for the Holiday — that a Hamburg mailing address. The letter reportedly was 'ad- Are Only Available at BORENSTEIN'S including a dressed to Dr. Wolfgang Pilz, a complete line of Passover Cosmetics and Drug West German rocket expert who Items. disappeared from Munich last JUST ARRIVED: year. A German woman secre- ISRAELI MATZOS AND MATZO MEAL tary in Cairo lost an eye when CHOCOLATE AND CANDIES 10c and up she opened a letter addressed HAGGADAHS Hebrew and English to one of the German rocket ex- perts working for the Egyptian government. * * * awlec. rk Co NI IPAIX IN V CI, STUTTGART (JTA) — The , one of West. Stuttgart Zeitmig 13535 W. 7 MILE at SCHAEFER 7324 WEST 7 MILE Germany's leading dailies, warn- • Home Estimates Near LivernoiS DI 1-0569 or DI 1-3268 • Custom Installation ed tthat "not a single German • Convenient Terms UN 1-7980 rocket expert" should be re- Open Saturday Evenings and All. Day Sunday sponsible for "producing weap- ^ SEE AT BORENSTEIN'S . L '2" N■ BORENSTEIN'S BOOK di MUSIC STORE