THE DETROIT JEWISH- NEWS — Friday, March 22, 1963 - 22 Molly Picon to Be Guest of Women's General Solicitation Division Thursday Molly Picon, star of the smash Broadway musical about Israel, "Milk and Honey," will be the guest of the women's general solicitation division of the 1963 MOLLY PICON pledge cards will be the worker's admission ticket to Molly Picon," Mrs. Brandwine said. The general solicitation divi- sion raised more than $67,000 in the 1962 Allied Jewish Cam- paign. Mrs. Brandwine said it is ap- propriate that the star of the musical about Israel should ap- pear before Allied Jewish Cam- paign workers. More than 50 per cent of funds raised in the Allied Jewish Campaign are al- located for the rescue of op- pressed Jews overseas and their resettlement and rehabilitation in- Israel and other free lands. Mrs. Brandwine spoke with equal pride of the work the Allied Jewish Campaign finances in Detroit. "Our Jewish Family * Bromedar DATE-NUT ROLL® MADE WITH DROMEDARY... THE WORLD'S CHOICEST DATES! The on the label means it's kosher... Also enjoy fROMEDAR V CHOCOLATE-NUT ORANGE-NUT BANANA-NUT ROLL . , and Children's Service served more than 500 families each month where serious maladjust- ments were adversely affecting family life. The agency oper- ated, for the first year, the She- ruth House for treatment of adolescent girls with emotional problems," Mrs. Brandwine said. "Each month the Jewish Home for the Aged provides total care for more than 300 old peo- ple. The campaign helped fi- nance summer camping for 900 children and completely fi- nanced camp vacations for 130. Sinai Hospital's Shiffinan Clinic had almost 50,000 visits." MRS. SAUL NOSANCHUK Mrs. Brandwine said "we are going to make Molly our first Marcia Ellen Kollenberg be- and only honorary general soli- came the bride of Saul Nosan- citation worker." chuk in a ceremony performed by Rabbi Jacob E. Segal March 10 at Kozin's Restaurant. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kollen- berg of Curtis Ave. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Dr. ABBA HILLEL SILVER Mrs. Boris Nosanchuk of Wind- of Cleveland, world Zionist lead- sor, Ont. er and a major architect of the Gary Nosanchuk served his State of Israel, has been selected brother as best man. Shirley- to receive this year's Louis D. anne Kollenberg served her sis- Brandeis award of the American ter as maid of honor. After a Zionist Council. The presentation honeymoon in Mexico, the new- of the award will be made by lyweds will reside in Riverside, Irving Miller, AZC chairman, at Ont. the New York celebration of Israel's 15th anniversary, in Lin- Want ads get quick results! coln Center, April 28. • * People Make News Allied Jewish Campaign, at a workers' rally, 1 p.m., Thursday, John Roosevelt received a March 28, at the Jewish Center. special certificate from Hadas- Mrs. Morris Brandwine, gen- sah, the Women's Zionist Or- eral solicitation chairman, said ;aniza tion of more than 600 women are ex- America, pay- pected to turn in pledge cards .ng tribute to that Thursday. "Completed he late Elea- rior Roosevelt and a nnounc- Molly Picon Will i n g Hadas- sah's partici- Chair Tag Days pation in the for Deborah Hospital establis hment Molly Picon, star of the Yid- of a $250,000 dish and English stage will be Eleanor Roose- honorary chairman of Detroit's John Roosevelt velt Memorial annual Tag Days in behalf of Scholarship Foundation. The Deborah Hospital .on April 5, 6, fund is being set up by Youth and 7. Aliyah, international child res- Under Miss Picon's leadership cue movement, of which Mrs. more than 100 members of two, Roosevelt was world patron. local chapters of the national Hadassah is the official repre- chest disease center in Browns sentative of :Youth Aliyah in Mills, N. J., will solicit Tag-Day the U.S. * * contributions in support of its free, non-sectarian program *of NATHAN CHANIN, an out- care and treatment for persons standing figure in Jewish life with tuberculosis, operable heart for nearly half a century, has disease, or operable lung cancer. announced his retirement as The groups that will partici- general secretary of the Work- pate in the Tag Days are the nien's Circle, national Jewish Miriam Bensman Detroit Chap- fraternal and cultural organiza- ter, Mrs. Toba Rothchild, 18497 tion. Chanin, whose 75th birth- Wisconsin, president; and the day was commemorated last Mirban Detroit Chapter, Mrs. year, said he plans to continue Elsie Mitchnick, 28476 Selkirk, his associations with the Work- Southfield, president. Mrs. Doris men's Circle and other organiza- Greene, 16232 Wisconsin, a mem-. tions in Jewish life. He has long ber of the Miriam Bensman been a leader in HIAS, Bonds Chapter, will be local Tag Day for Israel, and the Jewish Labor chairman. Committee which he helped to Deborah Hospital will also be found. Benjamin Gebiner, Assist- the beneficiary of a theater ant General Secretary for 25 party the two chapters will spon- years will become Executive sor at the performance of "Milk Secretary. * * * and Honey" on April 4, Mrs. Greene - announced. Tickets may DR. MAX LI LICHTER has be obtained from Mrs. Mae been reappointed to the Council Gaines at 861-1130, or Mrs. Rita on National Security of the Millman. American Medical Association and as chairman of the Council's Committee on Disaster Medical Care. * * IRWIN NATINSKY, 14100 Greenbrier, Oak Park, left for Boca Raton, Fla., where he will be honored by the John Han- cock Mutual Life Insurance Company at its annual Presi- dent's Club Business Confer- ence. A member of the Motor City District Agency in Detroit, Natinsky is among 246 of the Company's 7000 - member dis- trict agency field sales force who qualified for membership in the President's Club on the basis of outstanding sales records during 1962. * * Mrs. MORRIS SATIN, 239 Central Park West, has been named chairman of the 36th annual spring donor luncheon of the Yeshiva University Wo- men's Organization to be held at the Americana • Hotel, New York, March 25. Dr. MIRIAM K. FREUND, American Jewish historian and former president of Hadassah, will be honored for "outstanding contributions to Israel and the American Jewish community." League of Children's Orthogenic School to Present Dr. Barahal Vows Spoken DR. MAX K. NEWMAN, psy- chiatrist, will be the director- of the department of physical medi- cine for the non-profit South Macomb Hospital to be con- structed at 12 Mile and Hoover roads at a cost of $5,000,000. * * * PHILIP E. HOFFMAN of West Orange, N.J., has been appointed chairman of the cam- paign cabinet of the national welfare fund cities division of the American Jewish Commit- tee's nationwide Appeal for. Human Relations, A. M. Sonna- bend, committee president and national general chairman of the appeal, announced. JOSEPH ROSS is the Detroit member of the campaign cabinet. * * * Two of Long Island's promi- nent rabbis, GILBERT KLA- PERMAN of Congregation Beth Sholom, Lawrence, and EMAN- UEL RACKMAN of Congrega- tion Shaarey Tefila, Far Rock- away, will be honored by the South Shore Jewish Community at a testimonial dinner, April 28, at the El Patio, Atlantic Beach, in recognition of their congregational and community leadership and for significant service to many local and na- tional religious and philan- thropic endeavors. * * * Dr. MOISES GOLDMAN, of Buenos Aires, chairman of the South American Executive of the World Jewish Congress, left on a round-the-world trip to visit communities in many lands, in- cluding India, Iran, Japan and Hong Kong. Dedicate Ford High Additions Thursday Newly completed additions to Henry Ford High School, 20000 Evergreen, will be dedicated at ceremonies 8 p.m. Thursday in the school's new auditorium. Bertha Robinson, principal, will address the gathering. A madrigal vocal group, under the the direction of Harry Bunnel and Milton Aptekar, music de- partment head, will perform "Dedication Song" written by Joel Siegel. Facilities new to Ford in- clude an 1,139 seat auditorium, double g y m n a s i u m, music rooms, swimming pools, physics laboratory, business and draft- ing equipment and a language laboratory. Dr. George Barahal, professor of educational and clinical psy- chology of Wayne State Univer- sity, will discuss "What Is An Emotionally Disturbed Child?" at the op en meeting of the Women's League for the Children's Orthogenic School 12:30 p.m. April 2 at the school,: 10235 West Seven Mile. Dessert lunch- eon w ill be served. He is a mem- ber of Michi- g a n State Board of Clini- cal Psycholo- Barahal gists, and a director of the Pro- fessional Advisory Board of the Orthogenic School. Sidney Graber, director of the school, will speak also on its status and aims. Mrs. Bernard Moray is pro- gram chairman, assisted by Mrs. Max Handler and Mrs. Allen Kramer, social chairmen. HOTEL PALMER 16809 LIVERNOIS Across from U. of D. Overnight Guests, $3.50 up Sheldon Rott Weekly Rates $11.00 and $12.00 and his ORCHESTRA "Music As You Like It" HOME: OFFICE: LI 7-0896 Comfortable Clean Rooms Maid Service - Phone Service Homelike Atmosphere LI 5-2737 UN 1-1304 when you core enough to remember . . . CANDID ART photography of distinction by HERMAN JAFFEE LI 2-6373 Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs • Home Portraits Member Northwest Professional Photographers Guild Twelfth Annual ANTIQUE FAIR and ART SHOW 32 OUTSTANDING EXHIBITORS AND ART SHOW 100 FINE MICHIGAN ARTISTS March 24, 25, 26 -- 12 noon to 10 p.m. every day OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SPONSORED BY TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD Merton and Manderson Roads Tea Room — Lunches — Dinners — Snacks Admission 50c Free Parking Known from Coast to Coast 35 YEARS SERVING THE BEST IN DINNERS 5 fo 10 p.m. - BREAKFAST T a.m. LUNCH 11 a.m.-3 p.m. AFTER THEATRE SPECIALTIES PIANO BAR COCKTAIL LOUNGE I . • ADDED ATTRACTION Party Banquet Rooms For All Occasions OPEN 7 DAYS 20231 JAMES COUZENS BR 2-0644 Within Walking Distance of Northland AT GREENFIELD FREE PARKING