Detroiters at Miami Conference Avern. Cohn Urges Adams' Election April 1 Avern Cohn, in a statement in specific Michigan neighbor- 1949; chairman of the City Char- ter Commission, Sault Ste. Ma- issued this week, strongly en- hoods. .'Paul Lincoln Adams has a rie, 1951. dorsed the candidacy of Paul L. "Of all positions in the public Adams for the Michigan Su- long record of public service in- preme Court judgeship, to be cluding two terms as Mayor of service which he has held, Paul voted on- April 1'. Cohn said Sault Ste. Marie 1938-1942, dur- Adams particularly enjoyed the Adams is "a highly qualified at- ing which time he led three opportunity to serve as a Re- torney who can run on his 27- successful attacks on power gent of the University of Michi- year record as an experienced rates; director of Civilian De- gan. The North _Campus .and, lawyer, Attorney General and fense in the strategic Soo area greater emphasis on research at Supreme Court Justice." Cohn 1941-43; member of the Michi- the University came to fruition gan Social Welfare Commission during his tenure of office." added: "In each step of his career, which runs through three de- cades, Paul L. Adams has proven his out- . Awing Miami Beach who attended the Israel standing -lead- Bond Conference inaugurating the Year of Redemption Cam- ership, hig de- dication to the paign were from left: Mrs. Tom Borman, Mrs. Irwin I. Cohn, ginaw Mrs. Charles Grosberg, hostess at a reception for Detroiters; preservation Mrs. Paul Zuckerman and Mrs. Theodore Bargman. The dinner of human PONTIAd4 4ICHIGAN that highlighted the conference was attended by 86 Detroiters, rights; and his courage to DODGE - DART and 80 were guests of the Grosbergs at a reception. fight for jus- DODGE TRUCK BARNEY TEAL tice for all PAUL NEWMAN 338-4541 Sales Mal President against power- THE HOUSE SERVICE IS BUILDING ful interests. "While a member of the Michigan Su- Ghetto and concentration munities. Members of Detroit's Ghetto preme Court. camp survivors, distinguished personalities associated with dis- Commemoration Planning Com- a position to placed persons immediately after mittee are Rabbi Morris Adler, which he was the liberation, and a specially Mrs. Morris Adler, Harold Berke, appointed in. , prepared artistic program will Hy Crystal, Henry Fox, Sam 1962, Justice be featured in Detroit's 20th an- Freedman, Max - Fridman,. Abe Adams wrote Paul Adams niversary program of the War- Friedman, Mrs. Morris Friedman, and supported many opinions saw Ghetto Uprising, to be held Norman Gitler, Movsas Goldof- which proved that he under- 8 p.m. Sunday at Cong. Adas tas, Benoit Gorge, Moshe Haar, stood the problems and aspira- Shalom, •it was announced by Harry Karniner, Rabbi Max Ka- tions of all people. With his col- Full Factory Equipment Irving Pokempner, chairman, pustin, Dr. Schrnarya Kleinman, leagues he was the spokesman Including Heater! and Sidney M. Shevitz, co-chair- . Benjamin M. Laikin, Louis La- of social conscience and a guar- man of the. Council's Culture Med, Jack Malamud, Morris dian of legal values. To Justice Immediate Delivery ALLEN CHARNES Commission, under whose aus- Malin, Emanuel Mark, Mrs. Mi- Adams, the Michigan Supreme chael Michlin, Leo Polk, Mrs. Court was a constitutional pices the city-wide event is be- Sonia Popowski, Alex Roberg, shield protecting everyone, the ing presented. Pokempner and Shevitz reaf- Martin Rose, Jay Rosenshine, weak and the strong, the help- firmed that Detroit will continue Irving Schlussel, Meyer. Schneid- less and the powerful. "To safeguard the rights of its tradition of observing this er, Sol Selman, Edwin • Shifrin, event in accordance with the David Sislin, Philip Slomovitz, all Michigan citizens to buy Wolf Snyder, Mordecai Teiler, property and live in peace any- Jewish calendar date, which a generation ago, occurred on the Zvi Tomkiewicz, Mike Watzman where in the State, the Attor- ney General forced real estate eve of Passover in 1943. This and George M. Zeltzer. Tickets may be obtained from associations from- setting up il- tradition of following the- Jewish No Smart Buyer Pays Retail calendar date, they pointed out, organizations and from the Coun Regan screening practices which made it impossible for numer- is in conformity with Jewish cil. 163 Madison, WO 2-6710. "Testament From the Ghetto,:" ous ethnic, religious, or nation- holiday celebration with the an- nual celebration of Israel's inde- a new brochure containing ac- ality groups to acquire property pendence which also follows the counts of personal experiences Jewish calendar rather than the and literary and historical docu- ments pertaining to the Warsaw Boston JeWish Appeal general calendar. IMPERIAL, CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, As a consequence, this now Ghetto Uprising and to the gen- Raises $1,380,000 VALIANT traditional city-wide observance eral situation of the Jews under BOSTON, (JTA)—The Com- is arranged annually by the Cul- Nazi domination, has just been bined Jewish Appeal of Greater ture Commission of the Council issued by the Culture Commis- Boston reported that nearly on the Sunday evening immedi- sion. DI 1.7000 Pokempner announced that $1,380,000 had been pledged in 18500 LIVERNOIS ately preceding the first Pass- 2 Blocks South of 7 Mile over seder, when the remnants the material included in the advance of the 1963 campaign, of the Warsaw Ghetto survivors booklet might be useful in the a record amount for that stage revolted against the then seem- -p r epar a tion of organizational of the: drive. • ingly invincible German Army programs regarding the uprising. Those interested in the bro- in April 1943, on the first night of Passover. chure may obtain a free copy by The Detroit program has been writing to the Culture Commis- arranged in conjunction with sion. similar programs throughout the So do they greet a bride in world in tribute not only to the Warsaw Ghetto fighters but to Palestine: "Not powdered, not those who revolted against the rouged, not embellished, yet full Nazi terror in Vilna, Bialystok, of grace." —Kethuboth 17. and other European Jewish com- ■ Council Sponsors 20th Anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising '63 PONTIAC and TEMPEST . . . ALL MODELS creo Adler U(nows BIGGEST DISCOUNT See the New 1963 LEO ADLER 1963 HISTADRUT CAMPAIGN CLOSING BY HENRY LEONARD YOSEF YAACOV Israel vice-consul CANTOR REUVEN FRANKEL JULIUS GINSBURG Chicago community Leader Associate Cantor Shaarey Zedek THURSDAY, MARCH 28 8:30 P.M. MORRIS L. SCHAVER AUDITORIUM 19161 Scheafer Hwy. For Reservations phone UN 4-7094 Doyenu Productions Refreshments Donation $1.00 •