Supreme Court Reserves Rule on School Prayers • Prof. Gordon Zahn's Study Reveals Extent of Catholics' Endorsements of Nazi Wars Because churches concurred that there was "suppression of munism is given as part of his WASHINGTON, (JTA) The able. Kerpelman answered tha t in the demand that citizens in Catholic organizations and spir- reasoning for his pro-war atti- United Slates Supreme Court, it seemed to him that such a Germany should be obedient to itual activities. tude. after two days of hearings, took practice would not impinge on their government, there was Another resistance figure to "Nevertheless, -members of under advisement this week the the First Amendment to t h e only a minimal revolt against issue of whether classroom use Constitution, but that it was no t Nazism by churchmen and their the Catholic hierarchy did as- whom an interesting chapter is sume a significant role in mar- devoted is Archbishop Conrad of Bible reading and recital of involved in the Maryland case flocks. the Lord's Prayer violated the before the court. How are people to react in shaling the support of the Cath- Groeber of Freiburg (Breisgau), Constitution. A decision is ex- Kerpelman charged that the times of war in which their olic population and bolstering who began as a Nazi and who the war morale of the Catholics was known as "the 'brown' pected before the close of. the Lord's Prayer had been "tol - government is involved? current Supreme Court term in erated and blinked at for so long This question is posed in all in active service and on the bishop" — "der' 'braune' Bis- June. that it is now a tradition. • A frankness and its various as- front," Prof. Zahn writes. He chof." He became an anti-Nazi quotes the charge by E. I. Wat- after a number of years' pro- The issue involves two case matter that one generation does pects are approached in relation kin that "the German bishops Hitler activities. to the Nazis in a most challeng- not have the courage to question appealed from state courts i n tarnished. the luster of their Because too little material is Maryland and Pennsylvania. A must be questioned by another." ing book, "German Catholics noble resistance to Hitler's tyr- available about him, another and Hitler's Wars," - by Prof. total of 66 Jewish organizations Justice Black noted that, if the anny at home by giving their acting as "friends of the court,' prayer were approved, it would Gordon Zahn of Loyola Univer- flocks to understand that it was Catholic anti-Nazi, Bishop (later had intervened, holding that open the door to greater use of sity (published by Shedd and their Christian duty to fight for Cardinal) von Preysing of Ber- Ward, 64 University Place, the triumph of the Nazi anti- lin, is mentioned only casually. such public school exercises classrooms for religious rites. A chapter is devoted to the Kerpelman maintained that NY3). were unconstitutional. Attorneys- Christ." Catholic Military Bishop, Franz Here are especially relevant general of 19 states argued on practices could not be "some- what" religious. He said an statements by Prof. Zahn that There were Catholic oppo- Josef Rarkowski, whose support the other. side. observance was either religious nents to .Hitler and they are for Hitler "reached a peak of throw light on the author's re- Henry W. Sawyer, an attorney dedication and .enthusiasm." listed in Zahn's book. . or it was not. He said, how- search into the Catholic re- representing a Unitarian couple Prof. Zahn's "German Cath- ' ever, he would agree to con- actions to Hitlerism: Mr. and Mrs. Edward L "Few names will outrank olics and Hitler's Wars" is one ' pulsory study of religion. He "If we assume a German Schempp, who have two children. that of Clement August von of the most revealing books in Abington High School in saw nothing wrong in objec- Catholic were in doubt as to Galen, the Bishop of Muen- about the Nazis and their Pennsylvania, maintained that tively teaching the history of the moral licitness of serving ster, in any roll of honor reg- crimes. Dr. Zahn expresses the the Pennsylvania law that per- religions. What he objected to, in Hitler's wars, one source to istering • the names of oppo- hope that a similar study will mits Bible reading was just as he told the court, was "a re- which he would be expected to nents of Hitler and his Na- be made among Protestants. unconstitutional as the New ligious ceremony with the ap- turn for guidance would be the tionalist Socialist regime," ■ 01•111111.■ 04•111.0.111104 pastoral directives and other of- Dr. Zahn states in the chap- ■ York State Regents Prayer ban proval of the school." The states whose attorneys gen- ficial statements issued by his ter devoted to this hero of the ned by the Supreme Court last Dinner at DARBY'S eral joined in their brief are own and the other German resistance. This chapter is year. is a real treat Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, bishops . . . sub-titled with a quotation Attorney Philip H. Ward, rep- Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, "But . the logical reconstruc- from this "Lion of Muenster": resenting the Abington Township I Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mis- tion of the situation faced by • Visit Our New SKYLIGHT School District, sought to con- sissippi, New Hampshire, N e w the individual Catholic who was `It is better to die than to sin" ROOM, Cocktail —"Lieber sterben als suendi- vince the skeptical justics that Jersey, New Mexico, North Caro- also a citizen of Hitler's Third Lounge and Bar Bible reading in Pennsylvania lina, Rhode Island, South Caro- Reich is not as simple or one- gen." • AFTER was for "moral" rather than re- lina, South Dakota and Tennes- sided . . . As a German citizen, Also: "Like Bishop von Galen, THEATRE ligious purposes. Snacks . . . see. Their joint brief urged the he was subject to the full range Michael Cardinal Faulhaber, the Delight Justice Arthur J. Goldberg high- court to sustain a decision of secular social controls organ- titular head of the Bavarian LUNCHEON interjected that "the Bible, if of the Maryland Court of Appeals ized to induce him to conform hierarchy, has earned the A Pleasure anything, is the greatest re- that found the Bible reading to the demands of the war ef- world's sincere respect for the ligious document the world has measure to be constitutional. fort. The Nazi totalitarian state integrity and bravery he dis- ever had. But you read it not Res. UN 2-7642 "Reversal of the decision in formally required such behavior played in opposing Hitler and I for what it is but for some- this case," the 19 states argued, and enforced its requirements his policies." But Faulhaber did SEVEN MILE at WYOMING thing else." Justice Hugo L. "will require by necessary impli- by exercising (or threatening to support the war and anti-Com- Black commented that the most cation the prohibition of a 11 exercise) its power to inflict productive years of Christian- public acknowledgments of the the penalties of imprisonment ity were enjoyed when the gov- divinity and the theistic concept and even death for any overt See this smash Broadway Hit ernment did not enforce re- of our origin and end." A re- refusal to conform . . 1 i g i o n, while Christianity's versal would also "by necessary concerning the warm, tender "To stand alone against this worst years occurred when the implication impoSe upon t h e flood, to reject the demands of love affair of Gittel Mosca, a government was linked with police an atheistic or at least this organized totality of social religion. agnostic concept of our origin controls, would have required kookie Jewish girl The other issue arose from an 'and end and will itself consti- an extraordinary degree of he- appeal from a Maryland court tute the establishment of re- roic self-determination . . . from the Bronx and filed by Mrs. 1W. E. Murray of ligion," the brief declared. "An alternative system of a lawyer from Baltimore, concerning daily read- * * * values might perhaps have been ing of the Bible in public schools. Omaha ! PROVIDENCE, R.I. (JTA)— found in the stirring challenge Mrs. _ Murray, describing herself ,A bill to provide textbook aid to voiced by Bishop von Galen: as an atheist, said through her parochial and other non-public `It is better to die than sin!' If MIRISCH PICTURES & ROBERT WISE PRESENT attorney, Leonard Kerpelman of school pupils was signed into the German citizen who was Baltimore, that the school open- law this week by Gov. John H. Christian, and particularly if he ing prayer was a religiods cere- Chafee, with prospects of an were Catholic, had been con- mony and that her son had suf- early court test of the new law's vinced that Hitler's wars were fered injury for choosing not to constitutionality. The governor unjust wars and that participa- PRESENTEE) IN ASSOCIATION WITH SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS. INC UNITED ARTISTS RELEASE participate. She claimed the-boy said he believed the measure tion in them would be, at the Popular Prices—Bargain Prices to 6 p.m. (Except Sun.) was spat on, assaulted and ostr• "meets the constitutional re- very least, materially sinful, it CONTINUANCE cized. PERFORMANCES quirements set forth by the would have been possible for During the hearings, the Jus- Supreme Court. him to find in the teachings of Matinees Every tices displayed unusual interest Mrs. John W. Lenz, chairman the Church the inspiration upon Wed., Sat., Sun. in the case, eight of the nine of the Rhode Island Affiliate of which such a refusal to serve justices entering into active the American Civil Liberties would have been based and questioning and debate on the Union, announced that the local maintained . . constitutional issues. Justice Pot- board had voted unanimously to "But it is clear that German ter Stewart, the lone dissenter support a test case in the courts Catholics were not so convinced. in the decision outlawing the if the governor signed the bill. Their actual behavior, on the FREUD IS "A SUPERB DRAMA, New York Regents praye r, In Washington, Protestants and contrary, exhibited a near unan- AN ENGROSSING FILM, PENETRATINGLY clashed with Justice Hugo L. Other Americans for Separation imity of support for Hitler's DIFFERENT... MAKES CINEMA HISTORYI" Black, author of the majority of Church and State indicated wars." LIFE MAGAZINE ruling. Dr. Zahn states that this does it also would test the constitu- Most Baltimore parents, said tionality of the law. not mean that the alternative Justice Stewart, "would like to systems decided in favor of the FEUD IS "A BOLD, DRAMATIC, MOMENTOUS, have this prayer for the exercise secular,. and he adds that even TASTEFUL DARING AND FASCINATING FILM Free Nazi Convicted of their religion." Justice Black if the secular controls had not THAT EVERYONE WILL ENJOY!" responded: "They want to use of Killing 600 Jews been "operative or effective," the taxpayers' money to carry CROWTHER, N. Y. TIMES "German Catholic behavior, to FRANKFURT, (JTA)— out their religious exercises." the extent that it, was respons- Chief Justice Earl Warren • com- Otto Hunsche, 51-year-old for- ive to the controls exerted by FREUD "—BORN INTO A RESPECTABLE WORLD— mented that, if Christian prayer mer SS captain who was sent- the leadership of the Catholic were legal in Maryland schools enced last July to a term of Church in Germany, would have TORE AWAY ITS MASK OF SEXUAL INNOCENCE. —then Buddhist rites would pre- five years at hard labor on evidenced the same pattern of NEVER AGAIN WOULD THE WORLD PRETEND sumably be acceptable by public conviction of complicity in the full conformity to the demands THAT SEX DID NOT EXIST" wartime murder of 600 Hun- of the national war effort." schools in Hawaii. N. Y. HERALD TRIBUNE Thomas B. Finan, Attorney garian Jews, was released on There were, Prof. • Zahn General of Maryland, said to probation. He was one of the states, "the very few who, Justice Warren "this is a case late Adolf Eichmann's aides in after thinking about the prob- of theism against non-theism." HU hga ry. " lem, recognized the conflict The Frankfurt provincial of values arising from the in- The Chief Justice interrupted: "Hold on. There are millions court issued a ruling to that justice of the nation's cause of theists who oppose these effect for Hunsche, who also and then chose what they re- prayers and I • am sure they had been a leading official in garded as obedience to God would deny your contention. the Nazi Reich security Office, in preference to obedience to For example, we have a brief despite objections raised by the the unjust demands of the here from the Synagogue Coun- prosecution. He must now re- Nazi Caesar." cil of America and the National port to the police twice weekly. Dr. Zahn shows that the Cath- Community Relations Advisory Both the defense, which olic Church, after a brief honey- . Council. They represent a num- asked for dismissal of the in- moon of comforting assurances ber of important religious dictment, and the prosecution designed to forestall religious organizations." which had demanded a life opposition while the amassing HERL1E Justice Goldberg inquired sentence, appealed the five-year of power proceeded," was one L TO. 8-8300 whether a period of silent prayer term. The appeals are still of the victims of the internal trans-lux WOODWARD AT SIX MILE. would be constitutionally accept- pending. policies of the Nazi regime, and 1 041 .111111.0.1•11.1 11.0.11111.1.11M ffialliNE TWO FoR ME SEESAW MEG STARRING CLIFT SUSANNAH YORK 'LARRY PARKS SUSAN KOHNER •EILEEN Krim