• ig-Delidow Troth Announced. Il People Make News Three elementary public schools in New . York have be- gun instructions in the Italian language, it was announced by Assistant Superintendent Trucla T. Well, New York City Board of Education. BENJAMIN LEV- INSON is coordinatot - of Italian- Zuckerman Announces Atlantic Utilities Enters Gas Field Paul Zuckerman, 14471 Liv- ernois, chairman of the board of directors of Atlantic Utilities Corporation, which heretofore was engaged in the construction, ownership and operation of water-treatment and sewag e- disposal plants and water-dis- tribution and sewage-collection systems, announced that the company is expanding into the Dr. Joshua A. Fishman, Dean American Playwright Forum of New York produced and pre- of the Y e s h i v a University ' G r a d u ate sented a play by RHODA NA- : - -. - :. — - School of Ed- THANS at the Sheridan Square ucation, will Playhouse on Feb. 18. The play,. take a year's "Cinders in the Sun," received leave of ab- critical acclaini. Miss Nathans, sence, from daughter of the Robert Nathans American Groups Interested in of Manor Ave., is a graduate of :::::.,:,,,,.. August 1963 to September the Teaching of --Italian in the Wayne State University. She is distribution at retail of liqui- 1964, to accept Detroit Community. presently an assistant of publi- fied petroleum and gas as well. * *'•* a fellowship cation for Natural History Mag- Atlantic Utilities Corp. is a at the Center azine at the Museum of Natural LEONARD. GORDON, commun- publicly-owned company whose for Advanced ity affairs associate . on the staff History, NYC. stock is traded Over-The-Coun- Study in the of the Jewish Community Coun- * * * ter. Behavioral cil, will participate in the pro- Members of WSU's Men's Glee Sciences. Dr. gram of the Michigan Academy Club participating in the group's Fishnian is of Science, Arts and Letters at Midwest Concert Tour, March 6 to 60 For roam Men one of 50 lead- Kalamazoo on March 22. Gordon 24-30, include RICHARD APTE- ':,.;?:::.: ing educators to present a . has been invited KAR, 18080 Strathmoor; MAR- MISS ARLENE. WOLBERG Dr. Fishman and social sci- paper on "Community Consensus SEVEN MILE At EVERGREEN SHALL FORSTOT, 18978 Prai- Mr. and Mrs. Loyed Wolberg rie; DENNIS GREEN, 26425 entists. invited to study at the Formation Case Analysis," based on his research into the of Northfield Blvd., Oak Park, Coolidge, Oak Park; LARRY Stanford, Calif., Center. * * factors influencing school bond announce the engagemet of their Elegant Bar Mitzvah Suits KATKOWSKY, 24449 Santa Bar- tiara, Southfield; and BOB MIL- LAWRENCE S. KUSHNER, and millage votes in Oak Park daughter, Arlene, to Norton Deli- With The ROYAL Fit dow, son of Mrs. Pearl Delidow LER, 18523 Edinborough. student at the Hebrew Union during the past decade. * I of Mark Twain Ave. A June 9 College, Cincinnati, 0., has been • * * SAUL P. FRIEDLANDER, accepted to Phi Eta Sigma, uni- MAURICE A. BETMAN was wedding is planned. head of the Scientific Bureau versity honorary scholarship elected president of the Special Agents Association of the North- Rosenwald Post Holds of the Israel Ministry of De- fraternity. * western Mutual Life Insurance Purim Games Night . fense, was awarded a $2,530 CARLA LIPSIG, 17 - year - old Co. representing all Northwest- grant by the Rockefeller Foun- Rosenwald Post and Ladies dation for the completion of student at Brandeis University, ern Mutual Agents in South- Auxiliary, American Legion, will research at the Graduate Insti- was chosen co-winner in a na- eastern Michigan. hold their annual joint Purim * tute of International Studies in tional essay contest on "Youth's games night 8:30 p.m. March 27 TRY LAVAL'S SUPER-SET Geneva, Switzerland, on "The Challenge in the Labor Market Borman Quarterly Dividend at the Beth Yehuda, 17556 Wy- BEER SHAMPOO American Factor in German of the 60's" in connection with The directors of Borman Food oming. "Hair Just Loves It" Foreign and Military Policy, j the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Stores, Inc., at its quarterly - Refreshments will be served Department of Labor. meeting declared a cash divi- and prizes awarded. Friends are 1939-1941." • Grooms, adds extra body * * • * * . dend of 121/2c per share, to be invited. Proceeds go to charity- • No after sprays or wave sets needed EPH L. LEVIN, commander DR. LEON FRAM of Temple paid on April 10, to stockhold- • Eliminates oil . . . removes of the Nilva-Dansky Post of the Israel will be among a contin- ers of record of the company dandruff AAA GRADE Jewish War Veterans in Minne- gent of American friends and at the close of business on • Cleans and conditions the hair ALL HUMAN HAIR WIGS apolis, has been elected first members of the Hebrew Union March 18. • Contains protein PLUS . . . Save up to 50% healthful chairman of the newly estab- Board to depart March 23 for Usually $175 First Choice of Women lished Minnesota Council of the convocation of the Hebrew NOW $87.50 Guaranteed National Whle. Drug Co., Dist. Veterans Organizations, a co- Union College—Jewish Insti- Laval's Super-Set Myerlon Synthetics $30 Limited Time ordinating unit for veterans tute of Religion Biblical and Beer Shampoo on Sale Information WO 1-0270 EL 7-4682 Phone KE 7-8440 activities. Archeological School March 26 A state-wide promotional sales 4.0011\o/1.010%.00%• ■ •••••••••• ■ ••"111- * * ,1: in Jerusalem. campaign is now in progress for * * DR. MORRIS EPSTEIN, edi- the all-new Laval's Super-Set tor of the World Over and di- SYLVAN CAPPELL, 16, a stu- rector of public relations for dent at the Bronx High School Beer Shampoo. With more and more retail the Jewish Education Commit- of Science - in New York, and tee of New York, has been ARTHUR SHAPIRO, 17, who at- outlets now handling the prod- elected president of the Ameri- tends Central High School in uct, the Laval's Super-Set Beer can Jewish Public Relations Philadelphia, won first and sec- Shampoo should find a ready Society, the professional associ- ond prize, respectively, in the market amongst the consumer. What does it do? Laval's Su- ation of public relations direc- Westinghouse National Science tors and personnel employed in Talent Search. Cappell gets a per-Set Beer Shampoo cleans and Jewish communal service. $7,500 scholarship to the college conditions the hair for perfect of his choice. Shapiro receives wave sets—tested and approved in beauty salons for two years QUALITY WORKMANSHIP LICHTIG INSURANCE a $6,000 scholarship. * and now bottled in attractive, AGENCY has been appointed a COMPETITIVE PRICES DAVID LIPPITT, local agent containers to the retail trade. general agency by Bankers Na- for Indianapolis Life Insurance In connection with the sales tional Life Insurance Company, according to William F. Good, Company and a member of the campaign now in progress, the agency vice president of the Werner, Meisner, Lippitt and Laval Laboratories will send 25 DON'T FUSS-DON'T CUSS-CALL US Montclair, N. J., based company. Sanfield Agency, has been cited full size eight ounce bottles of ALLEN D. LICHTIG has been as "Man of the Year for 1962" Laval's Super-Set Beer Shampoo UN 2-9558 in the insurance business since in his Agency. Lippitt was to the first 25 women who send 1922 and, before joining Bank- awarded this honor in recogni- in a post card or letter to the FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY ers National Life, was associat- tion of his "outstanding sales Laval Laboratories, 1406 David ed with Dominion Life Assur- record and meritorious service Broderick Tower, Detroit 26. ance. WILLIAM B. LICHTIG to policy-owners. His achieve has been in the insurance busi- ments are exemplary of the high- ness since 1958 and, before est standards of the professional . joining Bankers National Life, life underwriter." was also associated with Domin- Rabbi ELI M. LAZAR, a ion Life Assurance. * * * fourth generation rabbi in a Wayne County Democratic family of rabbis serving the Chairman DAVID TFBENBOM American Jewish community, announced that the Wayne will become the 714th rabbi and County •Democratic Committee graduate of the Rabbi Isaac has endorsed the millage and Elchanan Theological Seminary bond proposals placed on the to receive "Semicha" from Dr. April 1 ballot by the Detroit Samuel Belkin, president of Board of Education. This action Yeshiva University and Dean of was taken after a majority of the Seminary, at the three-day the executive boards of the six Torah Semicha (ordination) Con- 'Congressional District Organiza- vocation, March 16-18. * * * tions voted to support the two DR. RALPH D. RABINO- proposals. PRINCETON SHOP KE 3-4310 - -,4) SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS. To Round Out Our Services We Have Added • WHEEL ALIGNMENT and • WHEEL BALANCING 1-MILE MENDOTA SHELL SERVICE ELAINE JEWELRY O., ** * RABBI AARON BENDER of 90 Maross Ave., Mt. Clemens, a graduate of Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theologi- cal Seminary, will take part in a three-day Torah Semicha Con- vocation, March 16-18, it was an- nounced by Dr. Samuel Belkin, president. * * MERTON J. SEGAL, 24261 Gardner, Oak Park, with Segal Agency offices at 801 W. 11 Mile, Royal Oak, received the "Leader's Volume Plaque" at the General Agents' Business Conference held recently by the Bankers Security Life Insurance Society of New York. VITCH, director of Hawthorn Center, will speak on "Children. and The Threat of War" at a luncheon sponsored by the De- troit Women for Peace in honor of MRS. LINUS PAULING noon March 21 at Carl's Chop House. Men are invited also to make reservations with Mrs. Abby Krystall, UN 2-1946. * * CAPT. LEONARD M. SHLAIN, MC, serving in Sau- mur in southwestern France, will assume command of the 61st General Dispensary. Capt. Shlain, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shlain, 25241 Gardner, Oak Park, commands the 192nd Medical Detachment. NOW LOCATED AT 1= 999 LIVERNOIS Just South of Seven Mile Road DI 14511