40—EMPLOYMENT 50—BUSINESS CARDS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER DRESSMAKING All Kinds of Alterations Call for Appointments Sale of $19,750,000 in Israel Bonds Announced at Miami Parley Honoring lie MIAMI, (JTA) — A total of $19,750,000 in State of Israel UN 3-8283 Bonds was sold to launch the 196'3 campaign for State of Is- 17175 ROSELAWN rael Bonds, it was announced at FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service. the concluding session of the in- - $150 WEEK TO 6-4005 526 Belmont. augural conference for Israel Bonds meeting in Miami Sunday. RETAIL SALESMEN LARKINS MOVING The results of the initial phase Paid even while in training, if AND DELIVERY SERVICE you qualify. Experienced in Fur- of the 1963 campaign were an- niture, clothing, insurance, shoes, Also Office Furniture. nounced by Dr. Joseph J. jewelry, vacuums, etc. Company Any time. in business over 50 years, located Schwartz, vice-president of the near Oak Park. Reasonable. Israel Bond Organization, who 3319 GLADSTONE APPLY IN PERSON, 10-6 estimated that cash sales of Is- TY 4-4587 SUNDAY ONLY rael Bonds since 1951 would pass I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter the $600,000,000 mark within the NORTHLAND INN work, no job too big or small. BR 34826. LI 5-4035. next few days. NORTHLAND SHOPPING A highlight of the conference, CENTER CLOTHING alterations. Expert fitter. 20 years experience. 864-1768. which opened the drive to sell ROOMS 143-144 PAINTING — Decorating. Free esti- $75,000,000 in Israel bonds dur- If unable to come over, call mates. Reasonable. LI 7-5639—KE ing 1963 to help finance de- KE 84050 — 883-3111 8-1047. velopment and immigrant absorp- tion, was a celebration of Is- 41—CONVALESCENT HOMES 55—MISCELLANEOUS rael's 15th anniversary. Trygve PETOSKEY GERIATRICS TURN YOUR old suits - shoes into Lie, first Secretary-General of cash. TU. 3-1872. AND CARE CENTER the United Nations, was the Overlooking Little Traverse Bay guest of honor. More than 1,500 at Petoskey on US-131 57—FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD New fireproof accommodations Jewish leaders from the United for retired, elderly, and convales- GOODS AND FURNISHINGS States and Canada attended the cent persons. Complete therapy. R. N. Supervision. Kosher kitchen SINGER Sewing Machine. Like new. conference. provided. Rabbinically supervised Button Roles, Designs and Zig-Zag. Another of the principal with religious services. Jewish Take bn same $4.10 payments as Nursing personnel. Phone 347-4611 speakers was Lord Edwin Her- original contract or only $33.10 will or write for brochure. handle. VI 6-7896. bert Samuel, Viscount of Car- mel and Texteth, noted edu- Automatic Zig Zag S e wing 40-A--EMPLOYMENT WANTED Machine. Must sell, unclaimed cator and authority on Israel, department store lay-a-way. Dial who told the conference: "I to put on buttons, designs, blind MIDDLE-AGED woman desires baby hems, button holes. Yours for sitting.-Days. UN 1-1905 or 356-1548. have lived in Palestine and $3.96 per month or only $42.16 total. Israel for 45 years. When I SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER desires part-time position. General office- CALL am there, I am quite happy payroll, taxes — diversified experi- LAY-A-WAY DEPARTMENT about the situation in the ence. Mature, responsible. UN 4-7889. Middle East. Only when I come KE 5-0283 to America and people ask me 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES so many anxious questions do Partner Wanted for Established SS Man Will Stand I begin to feel anxious too. ready to wear store within 100 But, in reality, there is no miles of Detroit. No investment Trial in W. Germany cause for anxiety. Israel, under required. Write Box 574, The (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, can to The Jewish News) Jewish News, 17100 W. 7 Mile GIESSEN, West German — well look after itself." Road, Detroit 35, Michigan. Giessen officials anounced Tues- Paying tributes to the United day that Edward Lucius, a for- Nations, to Trygve Lie, and to 50—BUSINESS CARDS mer .SS man, will go on trial another of the speakers at the FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. March 25 on charges of the mur- event, Sen. Hubert H. Humph- Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547.. der in 1942-43 of three Jews in rey, deputy majority leader of LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing the Czortkow ghetto in occupied the Senate, Lord Samuel ex- Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason. pressed appreciation for the help able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339 Poland. VE 5-7453. given Israel by the United NEW METHOD — Carpets cleaned; The University of Michigan States, and noted that Israel now walls washed, by machine. Work helps other "less fortunate" coun- guarantee Free estimates. KE 5- admitted its first class of- seven tries in Asia and Africa. 8470 —KE 8 d-. 1778. students in 1841. He pointed out that Israel is 40—EMPLOYMENT 40—EMPLOYMENT "one of the few new states in Asia and Africa that has suc- .,ceeded in remaining a democ- racy," stressing that Egypt, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan and Ghana "have all degenerated into dic- 0 R 2 WOZEN tatorships, often under soldiers." Experienced preferred. Best commissions and profit sharing plan But, in Israel, he emphasized, in the city. Leads furnished and floor time. Ask for Mr. GROSS. "the Knesset, the Parliament, is still supreme." Asserting that there will be no peace in the world without 17350 LIVERNOIS a free and independent Israel, for elderly kashrut observing man. Home of one of Detroit's most prominent leaders. Reply Box 575, The Jewish News, 17100 W. 7 Mile, Detroit 35, Mich. Lie declared that "history will record the establishment of the State of Israel as one of the happiest decisions of the free world." He paid tribute to Is- rael's achievement in developing its economic structure with the aid of Israel bonds, and stressed the significance of Israel as an example and guide to many of the underdeveloped nations of the world. The year 1963 was hailed as a dramatic turning point in Israel's economic develop- ment by Samuel Rothberg, na- tional chairman of the con- ference, who said that it would mark the beginning of the redemption of the first Israel bonds issued 12 years ago, when Ben-Gurion made a spe- cial trip to the United States to float the first issue. Start- ing May 1, the State of Israel will pay out to holders of 1951 Savings Bonds a total of $24, 500,000 in principal and inter- est during 1963 alone, it was announced. Other • principal speakers at the Israel 15th aniversary cele- bration included Abraham Fein- berg, president of the Israel Bond Organization; Lawrence G. Laskey, chairman of the execu- tive committee; and Morris W. Berinstein, member of the na- tional executive committee and board of governors, and former general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal. Humphrey said that the more advanced nations of the West should "follow Israel's example of sponsoring prograrris of direct technical assistance and training in underdeveloped countries of Latin America." Abraham Feinberg pointed out that the entire world, and par- ticularly the new nations of Asia and Africa, are watching Israel's development of new scientific techniques to increase food pro- duction and reclaim desert re- WOW gions. This is of special impor- tance, he said, to those parts of the world w h o s e limited re- sources cannot cope with their population explosion. Mrs. Arthur J. Goldberg, wife of the Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, emphasized that assistance to Is- rael helps "carry out the grand design of our American foreign policy." "In the Israel Bond cam- paign, we not only help Is- rael," she said. "We also, as citizens, play a vital and sup- porting role in the advance- ment of our nation's grand design for freedom." Mrs. Jan Peerce, chairman of the Israel Bond National Wo- men's Division, stressed the con- trast between Israel's economic position today and its situation at the time the Israel Bond drive began 12 years ago. She presided at a conference session inaugu- rating the 1963 campaign of the National Women's Division of the Israel Bond • Organization. The session also witnessed the premiere of the Israel-Interna- tional Fashion Show. Liberal Party Rejects Herut Plan for Merger TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The Lib- eral Party was on record as al- most totally opposed to the pro- posal of the rightwing Herut party calling for a united parlia- mentary faction as a first step toward unification. The stand was taken in a stormy six-hour session of Lib- eral Party leaders who rejected the proposal by 42 to eight votes. More than 30 of the leaders took part in the debate and almost all of them opposed the proposal. Izhar Harari, a Liberal Knesset deputy, asserted that the Herut Party had lost any ideological backbone, and was trying to strengthen itself through the uni- fication plan. BY HENRY LEONARD W A NT E D Real Estate Salespeople GROSS REALTY YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 25 THRU 35 Here is the opportunity of a lifetime-- ,-No experience necessary. Accent not a handicap. If you are personable, young and can sell yourself to people, willing to work hard, we have a position for you, with an immediate earning potential of $20,000 a year. Only men who want to get into management, need apply. We are a National company, with branches in many states. Due to our tremendous expansion program, we need men who will prove themselves capable of stepping into management, within a year. Apply in Person Jack Moncarz "All right, Sidney, now you show me YOUR ALBEE KING HOMES, INC. 40750 Michigan Avenue Purim noisemaker ..." Wayne, Michigan PArkway 8-1400 AN:v Y r „..) C.,,. /...nar∎ PAM*. HAVE A SHARE IN THE NEW BUILDING!! Send Your Contribution to THE NEW HEBREW MEMORIAL CHAPEL She' Ernes — nnN "All CDT Being Built At 26640 Greenfield, Oak Park Chesed THE Webrew &nevolent Society BUILDING FUND 2995 Joy Road, Detroit 6, Michigan TY 6-1686