Gail Lipson Will Wed Steven Wolf Levinson Made Frank-Pearlman Highland Park's Engagement Told Honorary Citizen Cancer Foundation Enlists Aid of Jewish Community in Annual Education Drive The Michigan Cancer Founda- tion of Greater Detroit, a Torch Drive agency, has named Mrs. David Grosberg as regional chairman of the 1963 educa- tional crusade against catastro- phic disease. Mrs. Grosberg, 19157 Little- field, is • recruiting volunteer women from the Jewish com- munity to help in the dissemi- nation of information as part of the Foundation's annual life- saving program in cancer con- trol. President Kennedy has pro- claimed April as Cancer Con- trol Month. The Foundation has set aside March 24 through April 6 for volunteers to con- tactt their neighbors with ques- tionnaires in a house-to-house survey to determine the atti- tude of the public toward can- cer, the extent of , personal knowledge of the disease and the adequacy of the Michigan Cancer Foundation's cancer control program in Southeast- ern Michigan. The Foundation conducts a program of education against development of cancer, service to cancer patients and their families and financial supportt of "cancer research in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Monroe Counties. Mrs. Grosberg has appointed three women as division chair- men. They are Mesdames Harry Glassman, 16259 Turner; Ju- lius Ring, 19978 Snowden; and Harold Robinson, 18262 Muir:- land. Those who wish to offer their services may contact any of the above women. In appreciation of his serv- ices to the city, Highland Park has named Benjamin Levinson, president of the Franklin Mort- gage Corporation, an "Honorary Citizen. of Highland Park." During a brief ceremony at a Council session, Mayor Storen presented a plaque to Levinson. The 513-year-old POZNAN The inscription expressed the CHOIR of Poland will be pre city's appreciation for Levin- sented to Detroiters for the first son's services, particularly his time at 3 p.m.. Sunday, March counsel and guidance in invest- 31, at Masonic Auditorium. It is ments for the City Employees composed of 50 boys and 25 Retirement System, and wel- men. comed him into the "Highland Park Family." For the past several years, Want The Best? MISS GAIL LIPSON Levinson has invested City Em- Ask the Folks Who've Hod Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Lip- ployees Retirement System SAM BARNETT son of Miami Beach, Fla., an- funds in U. S. government in- and His Orchestra sured FHA mortgages. nounce the engagement of their MISS BARBARA FRANK Levinson has pointed out the LI 1-2563 daughter, Gail Harriet, to Steven Michael Wolf, son of Mr. and initial investment was $100,000 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank of in this type of investment and, Mrs. Morris Wolf of Oak Park. Stoepel Ave. announce the en- Both. -attend Eastern Michigan to date, the City of Highland gagement of their daughter, Bar- Park has invested close to $1 University and he Will.erir011 m bara Sue, to Stuart Terry Pearl- the University of Detroit Dental million in FHA insured mort- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin gages, which earns for the City School in the fall. Employees Retirement System Pearlman of Indiana Ave. The bride-elect is a student at 5 1/4 per cent interest. For fine color movies Mayor Storen also commend- Wayne State University. Her ed Levinson for his wide range fiance is a graduate of Wayne of your wedding ■•■ of services to the metropolitan State's School of Business Ad- FOR THE ULTIMATE ministration, where he-was affili- Call community and beyond. In addi- IN GOOD MUSIC tion to being a leader in mort- ated with Alpha Kappa Psi pro- gage finance, he is a Michigan fessional fraternity. Industrial Ambassador, a trus- And His Orchestra tee of Maryglade College, an Ambassador of Yeshiva Univer- DI 1-1609 sity in New York, and former By Bruce Kriegel legislative adviser for Wayne MOSAIC LODGE, F. & A. M., State University and the Uni will hold a dinner honoring Jun- In an effort to raise funds for • next year's - foreign exchange versity of Detroit. Several years ago, Levinson ior Warden Mitchell Goldstone, student, = the American Field 6:30 p.m. March 20, at the Ma- was in Rome, where he had a sonic Temple. Circuit Judge Paintings Service Conimittee will sponsor personal audience with Pope a Berniuda Day and Work Day Nathan J. Kaufman will be guest John XXIII and received - a Watercolors in: early' May.-•By purchasing - a: speaker. The public is invited, license, -students are allowed to Medal from him for his activi- according to Dr. Nathan Star- Ceramic Tiles wear Bermuda shorts. -The Work ties and contributions to Cath- man, worshipful master. Res- olic institutions and higher edu- Opens Sunday Day consists of students who ervations should be made with volunteer their time performing - cation. Morris Watnick, 17153 Indiana, March 10,2-6 p.m. . is also the recipient of a - He chores and Washing cars in an for a full course steak or fish effort to raise funds for A.F.S. Gold Medal from Wayne State dinner. - through March 27 This year's foreign exchange University and a Citation for student,._ Jogge Szauer, is from distinguished services to Wayne The.True International Touch! State. .e • - Venezuela. One of Levinson's great inter- LondonEnalancle Rehearsals are now being held ests is his work with veterans' for the spring -play, "The Thread groups. Among _many other That Runs So True" which will honors, he has been named ind his 1330.4C. be presented in the school audi- "Man of the Year" by the Michi- torium on March 28 and 29. gan Department of AMVETS, The • east • includes Terry Ab- whom he has served as mort- Hours: Tues.-Sat., 10:30-5:30 P.M. Telephone UN 1-9370 rams, Lori Berman, Sheila Bih- gage adviser for a number of ary, Lynne Kane, Jan Kamienny, years. He has been honored by Jo Anne Katanick, Dorothy the Allied Veterans Council of Kleczynski, Laurie Levine, Sue Wayne County. Losh, Elaine Rawsky, Sema Smith, Lynne Stevelberg, Marla Stevelberg, Conny Van Dyke `Two For The Seesaw' and Diane Warnick. Opens at Mercury Male members include Joe "Two For The Seesaw," the Guerrieri, Richard Kasmer, Neal Herman, Dennis Kosofsky, Bruce heartwarming a n d hilarious Kriegel, Cliff Levine, Neil Nad- story of a square from Nebr2ica ler, Marty Rosen, Mike Salter, and an off-beat doll from Green- Joel Schaumberg and Ben Van wich Village, comes bubbling to Dyke. Terry Littman 'is student the screen via a record run on Takes Pleasure in director and Robert Wurdock is the Broadway stage. Starring Robert Mitchum and dramatic coach. Shirley MacLaine, the picture, Varsity members of the chess filmed in Panavision, which club will be awarded pins in Academy Award nominee Rob- recognition of their outstanding ert Wise dire c•t e d, opened record (6-0-1) during the past Wednesday at the Mercury The- season. Varsity members in- ater, Schaefer at McNichols. the Appointment of clude Leonard Schnider, Allen Mitchum plays Jerry Ryan, Russel, George Sternbach, Larry the slightly square guy from Shulman, Jerry Shatzman, Ron Omaha, who's never really seen Atlas, and Paul Weiss. a girl like Gittel Mosca before Dr. Elroy Woolf recently ad- —Gittel being a gal who can be Be a guest at your own Seder! dressed the Medical Careers most quickly and aptly describ- Leave the cooking to us! Club. Dr. Woolf discussed the ed as someone like Shirley Mac- Formerly of -many phases of dentistry in- Laine. In dramatic terms, Gittel cluding the various different —the gal from the Bronx who BEL-AIRE CATERERS fields of oral hygiene. Al War- lives in Greenwich Village—is COMPLETE TRADITIONAL DETROIT nick, a research scientist for considered one of the greatest PASSOVER FOOD FOR YOUR the Ford Motor Co., recently feminine roles ever written. • As assistant to Mr. Baum towards addressed members of the SEDER READY TO BE WARMED Science Club about some of the the perfection of all social func- new -inventions in medicine and IN SPECIALLY PROVIDED CONTAINER physics. tions . . • whether in the home, DINNER FOR 1 OR 100 DETROIT POST NO. 135 and hall or synagogue of your choice. • Paintings and gouaches of ARRANGED BY CALLING KAREL APPEL will be on dis- LADIES AUXILIARY honored MR. FRED BAUM or SALLY KLEIN play Sunday through March 30 Sam Rapoport, quartermaster; • Bar Mitzvahs • Weddings at Park Gallery, 20090 Liver- Otto Silvers, parade chairman nois. Appel's work is exhibited 1962 convention; Albert Rosen, • Luncheons • Showers or - throughout Europe, Asia, North department commander; Bernard and South America. He is the Miller, JWV champion blood • Confirmations • Banquets holder of the $10,000 Interna- donor with 52 pints; and Morris tional Guggenheim Prize of Simon, past commander, at its ...incnt : . OA Par ig ews potlig NIMM1111• WHAT EVERY BRIDE SHOULD KNOW .. . 1111MINV SAM EMMER SID SIEGEL. DI i•6990 Men's Clubs Elmer Ruff AN 6111ERT cALLUN.13065 . FRED BAUM . Caterers, gfnc. NOW ACCEPTING PASSOVER FOOD annoi,utcinq CARRY•OUT ORDERS UNTIL MARCH 30 SALLY KLEIN JWV Activities EL EL 7'5544 7-0270 awards