WASHINGTON—A group of 16 Christian clergymen, a rabbi among them, advisors to the religious foundations at Purdue University, appealed Tuesday to President Kennedy to include in the 1964 Foreign Assistance Legislation a clause to deny aid to any nation dis- criminating against American citizens because of race, creed or color. Such discrimination has been a common practice of Arab League nations against Ameri- can Jews. The letter was signed by the Rev. Ellsworth E. Koonz, .presi- dent of the Purdue Campus Ministers, on behalf of 14 fellow clergy, and Rabbi Gerald Engel of the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion. The signators called on the President "To inspire the Ameri- can people with your leadership by including the Foreign As- sistance Act of 1954, Clause 106, Arrests Mark Talks by Rockwell at Chicago U., Mosley in London CHICAGO, (JTA) — George Lincoln Rockwell, head of the American Nazi party, addressed a group of 275 students of the University of Chicago here Monday night at a campus meeting heavily guarded by police. The students were ad- mitted by invitation only. Two persons were arrested for disorderly conduct at the meeting and a non-student member of the Jewish War Veterans was asked to leave Growth of Yeshiva U. Cited in Tributes to Dr. Samuel Belkin MIAMI BEACH (JTA) — The growth of Yeshiva University in New York over the past two decades, from an enrollment of 850 students to 5,200, with an increase in faculty members from 94 to 1,200, was described here as a "remarkable achieve- ment" credited to Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of the institu- tion. Dr. Belkin was the guest of honor at a reception tendered him here by several hundred national and Florida leaders participating in a week-long series of events centered about Yeshiva's $30,000,000 develop- ment program. The number of constituent schools of the university, it was pointed out, has grown in • the 20 years from four to 17; the budget has increased by 400 per cent from $444,000 to $19,- 000,000; and the physical plant has developed from one build- ing to four major teaching cen- ters valued at $31,000,000. `Rehabilitate' General Slain Under Stalin LONDON, (JTA) — Soviet General Jacob Shmushkevitch, twice awarded highest Com- munist honors as a "Hero of the Soviet Union" and top com- mander of the Soviet Air Force during World War II, was "re- habilitated" in a eulogy in "Red Star," organ of the USSR armed forces, 21 years after he had been murdered during the Stalin purges of prominent Jews, according to a Moscow dispatch received here. General Shmushkevitch was the son of a poor Jewish shoe- maker in a small Lithuanian town. He joined the Red Army in 1918 and rose to great heights as military strategist and administrator. Among other distinctions he held was that of candidate for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR. He disap- peared in 1942. "Red Star" hail- ed his memory as a "genius" who had been a victim of the "personality cult" — meaning Stalinism. IF YOU TURN THE T•glie •I 1-.7 UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN r,adede , r ‘" 1 Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. when it was found that he had entered with false credentials. Rockwell, who was laughed at and jeered through a good part of his address, told the group that he was an admirer of Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Black Muslim sect. * LONDON, (JTA) — Street clashes broke out at the close of a meeting addressed by fascist leader Oswald Mosley, in the town hall of Kensington, a London suburb. After Mosley left the hall, some of his followers unfurled banners and began shouting at members of the anti-fascist Yel- low Star movement, which sponsored a protest rally across the street from the town hall. Individual members of both groups left the meeting places and tangled in street fighting. Scores of police, some with dogs, broke up the main clashes but scuffles continued in shop doorways before the fighting finally was halted. Four men were arrested. A policeman was hurt when he moved into action against five Mosley followers attacking a Yellow Star mem- ber. 3 Israeli Arabs Stand Trial on Espionage Charge JERUSALEM (JTA) — A trial was opened before the District Court here of three Is- raeli Arabs charged with main- taining contact with Egyptian intelligence in the Gaza Strip, and recruiting other Israeli Arabs for espionage activities. The Arabs, aged 19, 22 and 24 respectively, are alleged to be key members of a spy ring. One of the accused, Nashf Said, described as the head of the gang, who speaks Hebrew fluently, has admitted crossing into the Gaza Strip three times, once with a 16-year-old Jewish girl friend. A fourth member of the ring. Huhmad Hemed, who is already serving a four- year prison term, admitted un- der cross examination that he was recruited by Said. Israel Investors Corp. Earnings Set Record NEW YORK (JTA)—The Is- rael. Investors Corporation, an American investment firm with holdings in more than 20 Israeli companies, last year earned a record total of $647,866 in net income on its investments. Company holdings totaled more than $15,000,000 at the end of 1962, compared with $10,000,000 a year earlier. Cash dividends paid by the company in 1962 totaled $4.50 per share, compared with $4 in dividends paid in the previous year. The Israel Investors - Cor- poration, ,which has some 4,700 stockholders, has investments in Israeli firms in the fields of banking, chemicals, textiles, oil and gas, investment, shipping and utilities. (Paul Zuckerman, Detroit Jewish leader, is a member of the board of directors of Israel Investors Corp.). (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) which Congress passed last year, to demonstrate to the world at large that Americans do not want foreign nations which re- ceive our aid to differentiate between American citizens be- cause of race or religion." The letter declared that "un- less the budget proposals for 1964 include this Anti-discrimi- nation clause as part of the Foreign Assistance Act your ad- ministration's effort to me- morialize Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation will be considered by many at home and abroad as a mockery and a major conces- sion to bigotry." The administration has made known in its 1964 budget pro- posals submitted to Congress to omit the clause in the 1963 law pertaining to Arab bias against Jews passed by Congress. The clause gives the President authority to withhold foreign aid to such nations but does not make this action mandatory. The Purdue clergymen also said they asked "urgently" that the anti-bias clause not only be included in the executive de- partment's proposed budget for 1964 "but that you in the future use the people's mandate to help end discrimination against American citizens that is still taking place in some foreign lands receiving American aid." They added they wanted to hear from the President "re- garding this vital issue of re- ligious and racial discrimina- tion," and said also that they hoped "to share" the Presi- dent's requested reply "with collegians participating in the second annual Purdue Confer- ence on International. Affairs." The coference will be held in West Lafayette, Ind., the cam- pus site, March 14-16. LONtION— Two BOAC air- crew members were flown home from Israel Monday and sus- pended from duty pending an inquiry into charges they ex- hibited violently anti Semitic behavior in an Israeli hotel bar. Their flight captain ordered them out of Israel after they were accused of insulting Jews in the bar. Patrons complained that the BOAC men cursed Is- rael and shouted at them: "You should all be driven into the sea. You have no right to exist." - Banned for Anti-Semitism Theodore Ledy, manager of the Avia Hotel near Lydda, said that he had agreed with BOAC "to keep quiet" about the inci- dent, but that it was "leaked to Israeli newspapers by a custom- er at the bar." He added that there was "no fighting and no damage done, but it is still a serious matter." A BOAC spokesman .in Lon- don said: "We did not try to hush up the matter", and added that the inquiry would get un- derway as soon as the two men whose names were not disclosed returned to London. WE POINT THE WAY TO ABOVE AVERAGE EARNINGS plus EXTRA BONUS DAYS Every Month Italian Neo-Nazis Seek to Publish Anti-Semitic Book E COtt4 (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) ROME—Informed sources re- ported here Wednesday that Italian neo-Nazis have been try- ing to find a publisher willing to print 30,000 copies of the viciously anti-Semitic "P 1 o t Against the Church." The neo-N a z i s reportedly were ready to provide an imme- diate advance cash payment of $30,000 to $40,000 for the order. They want that many copies for distribution in the next election campaign. Jewish sour c es indicated doubts that any reputable pub- lishing house technically capa- ble of such a publication job would accept such a bid. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Get the most from your savings a higher than average 4% current rate. Come in or save- by mail. We pay the postage both ways. Current Rote Downtown: CADILLAC SQUARE Corner RANDOLPH Northwest: 13646 WEST 7 MILE Corner TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Northwest office open Thursday Night till 9 Downtown Friday till 6 11th ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES UNHEARD • ' IIN1hOURI HISTORY -VALUABLE COUPONS I 1 I I I I I I Just ITIE NEW € ENCYCLO PE D LA A Published Reg. $12.50 WITH COUPON $ 49 C Only 1 to Customer 14K GOLD CHARMS AND BRACELETS, $10 - $100 I I I I I I I I I I I I Just Published I "The Man Who 1 Played G-d" By Robert St. John Reg. 5.95 $3 Value 55 With Coupon I I I I I 50% _ OFF SPITZER'S HEBREW BOOK & GIFT CENTER 18294 Wyoming i block N. of Curtis UN 3-0543 or UN 3-1557 Open Saturday Night and All Day Sunday „aNNENsi 5 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 1, 1963 Two BOAC Aircrew Members 16 Purdue Clergymen Urge JFK Include Anti-Bias Provision in Foreign Bill