Who's Next? THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewisb Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan • SHMARAK PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY Advertising Manager Editor and Publisher Business Manager HARVEY ZUCKERBERG City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixth day of Adar, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Terumah; Exod. 25:1-27:19. Prophetical portion, I Kings 5:26-6:13. Licht benshen, Friday, March 1, 6:04 p.m. VOL. XLIII, No. 1 Page Four March 1, 1963 How Arabs Have Progressed in Israel Israel is so sharply divided on the question of the existing military rule im- posed as a restriction upon the 260,000 Arabs who form a formidable minority in that country that the motion to abolish the military government was defeated by the close vote of 57 to 56. There prevails the fear that by freeing the Arabs from the military control there will be the danger of strengthening fifth columnists. In due time, the restrictions imposed by military rule undoubtedly will be re- moved, and the last barrier between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel will thereby be abolished. In the meantime, in view of the re- grettable • spread of anti-Israel propa- ganda, on the score of Arab relations, it becomes necessary to emphasize time and again the great benefits which have come to Israel's Arabs as a result of the re- establishment of the Jewish State. - Arab propaganda often has trans- gressed the elementary principles of truth—to an extent of its brazen attempt to introduce anti-Semitic notes in discus- sions of the -relationship between the two peoples. By making the existing condi- tions known- factually the vicious propa- ganda may, let it be hoped, be eradicated. An interesting fact about the benefits accrued to the Arabs from Israeli rule is that, since 1948, when Israel's independ- ence was proclaimed and was established by resisting the onslaught upon the small Jewish state of five neighboring enemy countries, Arab land-irrigation increased 15-fold. The Arabs had used 800-year-old methods of irrigating their lands by means of hand-driven apparatus of using sticks or iron bars, attached to carts driven by mules. In 1948 Arabs in Pales- tine irrigated 500 acres of land. Now, as a result of the opportunities afforded them by a friendly Israeli government, they are irrigating 7,500 acres of land in Israel by modern methods. Contrary to previous sights, Arab women now are seldom seen carrying pails of water on their heads. There are 103 Arab villages in Israel, and more than half of them have had water piped into all their homes by the Israel government. Previously, all the Arab villages secured their drinking water from wells located many miles from their homes. Many revolutionary changes already have - taken place in Israel, where there now function 28 local Arab councils. Illiteracy is disappearing entirely among the Israeli Arabs, and only seldom does one come across an Arab child who does not benefit from the country's com- pulsory education law. There isn't an Arab village in the entire country that does not have one or more kindergartens and the necessary provisions for an ele- mentary education. Compare this with the facts acknowl- edged in a recent statement in Cairo that the Egyptian government had allocated the sum of $36,000,000 to eradicate illiteracy by 1970—admitting that 73% of Egypt's population of 26,000,000 can neither read nor write, Cairo alone ac- counting for 825,000 illiterates! So that all the facts relating to Israel's treatment of the Arabs may be known in all their details, we present here a por- tion of a statement by Haim Mass re- leased from Jerusalem: "The medieval rule of clans headed by a Mukhtar has been replaced by a democratic. ally elected local government. Sometimes the obvious inferiority of services in the Arab sec- tor as compared with those in the Jewish parts of the country is balanced by lavish sub- sidies by the Israel government, out of pro- portion to Arab local councils share in the. state's development budget. "The development program is not con- fined to villages. The Arab town of Nazareth, where during the British Mandate the water portion to Arab local councils' share in the shortage was so acute that large prices were paid for drinking water carried by women from wells in the neighborhood, has had a modern water network installed, for the most part at government expense. "In the formerly all-Arab town of Jaffa an Arab .teachers' seminary has been opened, to provide tutorial staff for the ten existing Arab secondary and 152 Arab elementary schools. Considering that at the time of the emergence of the State there were only two 'secondary schools and 60 elementary schools at the dis- posal of the Arab minority and, having regard to the fact that there has been only a mod- erate population increase in the Arab sector, efforts to improve educational standards of the Arab minority has been most pronounced. "Shimon Landman, Director of the Minori- ties Division in the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, recalls how 10 to 15 years ago Arab women gave birth to their children almost exclusively at home, with the assistance of a midwife or female relative, or at harvest time out in the fields where they happened to be working. Today, every Arab woman, irrespec- tive of her social status, enjoys the facilities of a maternity ward in a public hospital or in one of the two Arab health centers at Tirah and Baka el Gabrieh. In addition, Arab women are entitled to the same maternity grants as paid to Jewish mothers by the Na- tional Insturance Institute for the acquisition of basic requisites for the newborn. Arab women also receive medical attention and advice on child care in Mother and Child Wel- fare stations found in all towns and villages. The Ministry of Health, the Hadassah Medical Organization and the General Workers' Sick Fund see to it that not a single Arab village is left without regular medical services and that not a single Arab child is excluded from the country-wide vaccination and anti-infan- tile paralysis drives.. "Mother and child welfare plays only a small role in the task of bringing emancipa- tion to the Arab woman. The fact that by Moslem tradition wives are purchased for money and valuables appears to be detrimen- tal to endeavours in this direction. Thus, life in the Arab village is characterized by a dual- ity of purpose. On the one hand, Arab women are taught in the village clubs how to read, write; cook, sew and take care of their babies; on the other, they have to work from sunrise to sunset in the fields, and at harvest time little girls are prevented by their fathers from attending school, in open violation of the law whose representatives must tempor- arily surrender to 'tradition.' In the north, where most of the 250,000 Arabs of Israel live, progress has been so rapid that 14 years of Israeli rule have had a greater civilizing influence than the 431 years of Ottoman and British adminis- tration. Illiteracy is disappearing, disease has been stamped out. The Arab village is becom- ing prosperous, more enlightened, more self- conscious and more public-minded. The de- plorable necessity of retaining Military Gov- ernment, indispensable for security considera- tions, cannot do away with the fact that in no Arab country anywhere in the Middle East have such strides been made in so short a time to raise an Arab generation free from the fetters of feudalism and backwardness." 'Before I Forget' Paean of Pride in Sluyser's Stories About Holland Jewry When they began asking for "a Sluyser" in Dutch bookstores, it became evident that "Before I Forget" by Meyer Sluyser, now available in an English translation, published by Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, NY16) had become not only a best seller but one of the sensational books of our time. In a translation from the Dutch by the author, edited and with an introduction by Angelo Cohn, this volume represents a series of reminiscences about Jewish life in Holland before the Nazi era. It is a perpetuation of the nostalgic about a community that has been destroyed by the cruel invading hordes, and it has its elements of tributes to the heroes of the resistance and to the noble souls who created a good life before the criminals invaded the land. Sluyser was himself in the underground forces. A newspaper- man who became known for his writings against the . emerging European curse, he became a marked man when the Nazis ar- rived in his country in 1940. With his wife and two small children, he escaped to England in a small boat. He continued his career as a correspondent, was a Canadian newspaper representative during the war, and upon his return to his homeland, where he found a devastated Jewish community, he recorded his recollec- tions under the appropriate title "Before I Forget." Before the world forgets, his stories will enable people to remember the glory that once emanated from the proud Dutch Jewish community. How appropriate that his stories should begin with a tribute to grandmother, to a paean of love and affection for mother, in the story "My Yiddishe Mama." The eternal Jewish prayer and the eternal Jewish love are marked in this tale. It is no wonder that when readers applied for the Dutch edition of the book they asked for "a Sluyser." The warmth of his Mania stories, the charm of . the narratives, are enriching narrative literature. "Grandmother Gittel died before the Nazis invaded Holland and, blessed be God, she had a grave for herself alone." This is how Sluyser concludes the story "Reading and Writing You Can Learn, But Brains You Can Only Have." In it is explained the stubbornness of the woman who determinedly accomplished her purpose, when she went to visit her daughter in London with scraps of paper via which to get directions, without knowledge of language, merely with will power. Then there is the remarkable shidduch, the marriage of a freethinker with a very frum girl as told in "The Stranger the Couple, the Better the Match." This, too, is a proverb of Grand- mother Gittel that what was considered a difficult match turned out to be a happy marriage. Humor and pathos will be found throughout the book, as in "Two Rich Aunties and Legacies Lost," and in "Being Happy?' In "Gokkie Tarnot, Blessed Be His Memory" we have the mirroring of the war experiences, a recollection by a non-Jewish giant of a man who fought against . Nazism in the underground. It is a story as Master Bille, a Gentile butcher, told it, and as he took occasion in his way to pay honor to the memory of Gokkie Tarpot, whose real name no. one knew but the memory whose kindnesses inspired Bille to risk his life to help Jews Israel's Arabs have been called the of during the Nazi occupation. most fortunate of the Arab peoples. They "This Is Monday" is a very sad tale. It is the story of an share Israel's prosperity but they also idealist, Mr. Monday, who became one of the victims of the Nazis. play a role in the security that must be He was a cobbler who attempted resistance against the Nazis provided for that little and still struggling with a vengeance, but like his fellow Jews in Poland he was state. When the Arabs of Israel will have murdered in cold blood. "Who Told You I Wasn't Burned Centuries Ago?" is another completely abandoned their enmities and will consider themselves, as they should, interesting account of an anti-Nazi — of Zephyr da Costa who detected and exposed SS officers. And, interestingly, Zephyr's full citizens, military government rule favorite record is Sophie Tucker's "My Yiddishe Mama." surely will be abandoned and amity will There is added charm in "Yesterday Never Comes Back" and rule the land- Then perhaps the Arabs in "Jacob the Sleepthief." Israel will share in the great opportunity Sluyser rejoiced over the creation of the State of Israel, and of establishing peace for the entire area his enthusiasm over the great act of historic justice is expressed so that the standards of the Arabs' kins- in the final story, "There Will Always Be a Yiddishe Mama." men in other lands may be elevated and It is an appropriate conclusion to a very great collection of a new era of social justice will rule in the Jewish stories that serve as a paean of pride in the recollections about a life that was so honorable in the Dutch Jewish community. Middle East.