viAnti-Semitic Episodes Involve I ,. , Morgctoi..USSR,'GOrmany,.'EOgimttl, . z.Krtishhev D isclaimer Refuted (Direct •JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) The Guardian, in its editorial, against the Soviet system." The recorded by the Soviet press their conviction two months ago LONDON — Street clas.h es said: "Of course there is anti- worshippers, the paper said, since 1961, when the big judi- for their religious- activities. broke out Monday night at the Semitism. There has never been had "protested against the be- cial "anti-terror" campaign was Dr. Prinz wrote that the trial close of a meeting addressed by a time in modern . history when havior of the Israeli diplomats." launched, and death sentences of the Bahai members appeared Russia and all other countries The meeting, according to the Fascist leader Oswald Mosley in were handed out. So far, ob- to be a violation of the United O the Town Hall of Kensington, in Eastern Europe were truly S o v i e t periodical, discussed servers here have noted, at Nations Genocide Convention, free of anti-Semitism—not even E-( a London suburb. "what goes on behind the walls least '75 percent of the approx- which Mci'occo has ratified and when the Red. Army fought its of the synagogue." Charges imately 100 Russians given the which commits all signaftries After Mosley left the hall, victorious civil war battles A to some of his followers unfurled under the command of Leon were made that the Jews there death sentence in the campaign prohibit any act within –its ter- were occupied mainly with "di- against "economic crimes" have ritory intended to destroy in banners and began shouting at Trotsky (who was a Jew), nor members of the anti-Fascist 25 years later when the Nazi viding honors as well as with di- been persons bearing Jewish whole or in part any racial or Yellow Star Movement which extermination of Jews found all viding the proceeds of the com- names, all widely publicized in religious group. sponsored a protest rally across too many Russian helpers. A munal cash-box." The periodical the controlled Russian press. German Judge Accused the street from the Town Hall. solid and apparently irreducible, asserted that two members of Leningrad Paper Urges of Anti-Semitic Remarks; the synagogue's board of trus- Individual members of both basic element of Russian anti- Expulsion of American for Stays on Bench tees, identified as Reich and groups left the meeting place Semitism never disappeared." KIEL, (JTA) — The Schles- Bronstein, had "demanded that Charging Anti-Semitism and tangled in street fighting. LONDON, (JTA)—Joel Pich- wig-Holstein Justice Ministry the house of worship be closed Scores of police, some with AJC Charges Russian as a center of conspiracies, ney, a 25-year-old Chicago stu- announced that Heinrich dogs, broke up the main clashes Jews Are Scapegoats swindling and foul attacks dent who • has been studying in Krause, a judge here, will have but scuffles continued in shop Russia on an exchange pro- to- face disciplinary action on NEW YORK, (JTA) — The against the Soviet people." doorways before the fighting American Jewish Committee gram, was accused by a Lenin- charges of having made strong- The mass meeting reportedly finally was stopped. Four men challenged P grad youth newspaper of "whis- ly anti-Semitic remarks public- r e m i e r Khrush- were arrested. A policeman was chev's denial of anti-Semitism turned into "an attack against pering to strangers in the ly. • hurt when he moved into action in the SovietUnion, and the trustees of the synagogue." streets of Leningrad about dis- The Kiel public prosecutor against five Mosley followers accused the Soviet regime of Finallly, three other board criminations against Jews in said he will examine the members—named as Schechter, attacking a Yellow Star mem- a policy of making the Jews Kleiman and Riesel—presented Russia," according to a Moscow charges from the standpoint of ber. dispatch received here. The penal law. Judke Krause mean- in Russia scapegoats for its in- The Guardian of Manchester, ternal economic problems. In a resolution calling for the shut- newspaper, Smyena, called for while is continuing his judicial down. The resolution was Britain's leading Liberal organ, the Committee statement, A. M. passed, stated the Kiev report, the expulsion of Pichney. Link- duties. challenged assertions by Pre- ing his allegel "anti-Communist Sonnabend, its pr e s i d en t, mier Nikita S. Khruschev that charged that Jews were serving "and the building, on Russky ravings" with charges of "spec- Berlin Hails New Play Street, is now being used as a there was no policy of anti- "to bear the brunt of public dis- ulation," the customary accusa- Showing Vatican Attitude Semitism in the Soviet Union. content for. the low standard of school, School No. 27, with lion against Jews in the USSR Toward Naii Crimes eight grades." BERLIN, (JTA)—A new play The newspaper declared edi- in recent years, S'myena stated by Rolf Hochhut, "The Deputy," and shortage of goods in torially that what Khrushchev living the USSR." In addition, he Chilean Chief Justice Orders that Pichney should be "kicked dealing with the attitude of the "cannot claim is that the 'pro- stated, Jews, "as a vulnerable Extradiction of Nazi out of the country. Vatican to Nazi crimes during gressive' Soviet Government minority," are being used "as Who Killed 97,000 Jews `Doctors Plot' Seen by the Second World War, was per- does anything to discorage or SANTIAGO DE CHILE, formed here for the first time suppress manifestations of loath- the object lesson to show how (JTA)—Justice Rafael Fonte- Yevtushenko as Opening seriously the state regards eco- Feb. 23: The play met with an some anti-Semitism." cilla, presiding Judge of Chile's Stalin Drive vs. Jews nomic crimes." PARIS, (JTA) — Soviet poet enthusiastic reception. Khrushchev, in a letter to Supreme Court, ruled that Wal- The statement further charged ter Rauff, former SS officer ac- Yegveny Yevtushenko said in Brazilian Jewish Scientist Lord Bertrand Russell, the full text of which was made public . that "in singling out Jews for cused by. West Germany of hav- an interview that the late Jos- Gets Award Honoring Monday, stated categorically economic offenses, p u bli .c 1 y ing muredered 97,000 Jews eph Stalin's campaign in the Lebanese Settler that "There is not and never branding them . as Jewish by during World War II, must be "doctor's affair," in February SAO PAULO, Brazil,(JTA)_ has been an anti-Semitic policy their affiliation with the syna- extradited in accordance with a 1953, was so well done that he A prize established here last in the USSR because our multi- gogue—the only remaining Jew- request from the - Bonn Govern- believed the Jewish physicians year, in memory of a Lebanese national, Socialist State ex- ish institution in the Soviet ment. His attorneys immedi- to be guilty. The poet, in the settler, was awarded to a Jew- cludes the possibility of such a Union — punishing them more ately- appealed the decision, and interview with the French week- ish . scientist, Dr. Bernardo Leo policy. Our Constitution pro- harshly than non Jews in more the court promised to hand ly, France Observateur, added Wajchenberg, specialist in dia- claims equality, regardless of responsbile positions, and shoot- down a final ruling next month. that he realized then that the hetes at the Municipal Hospital nationality and race. Advocacy ing a disproportionate number Rauff, who is 56, was arrested trial of the doctors "was being of Sao Paulo. of racial or national discrimina- of them, the Soviet Government here Dec. 5, on the request of used to launch an anti-Semitic The "Nami Jafet" prize, tion is punishable by law. Our shows it is possible to condemn the West German Government. campaign." His wife, however, named after one of the founders Stalinist policies while practic- motto is: Man to man is friend, In favoring his extradition, Jus- said that she never believed of a Lebanese family that set- comrade and brother. In the fu- ing them with regard to Jews. tice Fonticella handed down a that the accused doctors were tied in S'ao Paulo, honors Dr. ture, I will continue (in that The recent closing of the Lvov 64-page decision, d'e c l a r ing guilty of the charges that they Wajchenberg with a "diploma spirit) with all persistence and synagogue is one more illustra- there were enough documents, were responsible for the deaths of gratitude for exceptional tion of how the Soviet Union is witnesses and other proofs to of some of Stalin's associates. work in his field of research." consistency." Khrushchev's letter to Lord pulverizing the Jewish religious justify sending him back to Moroccan Jewish _ Leaders Dr. Wajchenberg also received Russell was in response to a community and terrorizing its Germany to stand trial on the See Cabinet Members 500,000 cruzeros ($700). Jewish citizens." protest written by the philoso- war crimes charges. However, About Anti-Semitic- Drive German Rocket Expert pher about the large number of CASABLANCA, (JTA) — A For Nasser Escapes Death The Soviet authorities have Justice Fonticella specified that death sentences imposed upon compelled the congregation the man must be tried only for delegation of the Jewish Com- Attempt Linked. to Arabs Soviet Jews recently, after the of what is believed to have those murders for which he was mittee of Casablanca met with BONN, (JTA) — Baden-Wur- latter had been convicted of been the last remaining syna- responsible. According to the members of the Moroccan Cab- temburg police ordered a 24- "economic crimes." Lord Rus- gogue in Chernovtsy, in the charges made by the Bonn inet, in an effort to obtain a hour bodyguard for Dr. Hans . sell had requeSted clemency for Ukraine, to disband and close Government, he was a Nazi cessation of a derogatory cam- Kleinwaechter, one of the rock- the Jews. the institution, it was learned "specialist" in the use of mo- paign now being carried on et experts who worked with the Lord Russell did not make here. The city, formerly bile gas vans for the annihila- against Moroccan Jewry by West German scientists, Dr. Eu- public the text of his letters to known as Czernovitz, capital tion of Jews. Many Moroccan newspapers. Re- gen Saenger, in developing a Khrushchev, in the belief that of the Rumanian proVince of Russia Sentences Three More sults of the discussions was not mediuM-range missile for Un- disclosed. his intercession might be more Bukhovina, one had one of Jews to Death for ited Arab Republic President effective if he did not publicize the largest Jewish populations `Economic Crimes' The meeting was decided on Gamal Abdel Nasser. Dr. Klein- his views. He disclosed, through in Eastern Europe . The Jew- at a special session of the com- PARIS', (JTA) — Five more waechter survived an apparent an aide, that he had been in ish population of the city is Russian defendants, three of mittee at which Leon Banza- murder attempt two days ago, touch with the Soviet Premier estimated at between 40,000 them presumed to be Jews, quen, honorary president of the when four men allegedly tried on the Jewish question since and 50,000. have been sentenced to death Federation of Jewish Communi- to shoot him near his home in last year when he, with Prof. by the Soviet Supreme Court, ties of Morocco and a former Loerrach, a few miles from the A report on the closure of the Martin Buber and Francois after being found guilty of al- Cabinet Minister, presided. Swiss border. Mauriac appealed to Khrush- synagogue was published in the leged "economic crimes," Mos-- American Jewsh Congress Last September, another rock- chev for clemency for Jews sen- January issue of "Voyovnichy cow dispatches to the French Protests Persecution of et expert who had worked on Ateist," (Militant Atheist), of- tenced to death for "economic Bahai in Morocco the UAR missile project, Dr. ficial organ of the Ukrainian press reported. crimes," The three presumed Jews NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Hans Krug, disappeared from Institute for Dissemination of The Soviet leader conceded were listed as I. Zinger, Y. Ka- American Jewish Congress pro- his home in Munich, although in his reply that there were Scientific Knowledge on Athe- zakevitch and S. Koruptkin, tested against the persecution police have not mentioned any Jews among those sentenced to ism, copies of which were re- The five men were convicted by • Moroccan authorities of link between the two incidents. ceived here today. The story death, but insisted "the West- of having made "illegal prof- members of the Bahai faith in Shortly before his disappear- ern press admits that, among made clear that the action was its" from the sales of office that country as a violation of ance, Dr. Krug made a rendez- forced upon the congregation those punished, there are peo- equipment, according to the religious freedom. In a letter vous with a man believed to be ple of different nationalities." by "3,000 loyal atheists" who Sovietskaya Rossiya, which to Ali Benjelloun, Moroccan an Arab. took over the edifice for a mass- He stated that death sentences charged that the "several dozen Ambassador to the United Police said that Dr. Klein- had also been imposed on "Rus- meeting. defendants" made more than States, Dr. Joachim Prinz, na- waechter's assailants used sians, Byelorussians, Georgians Participants at the meeting, $2,000,000 in such profiteering tional president of the Con- three hired cars, one of which and Ukrainians." "We appre- the publication reported, during the past five years. gress, expressed the group's was found abandoned later. A date your humanitarian con- charged that "Israeli diplomats" Western observers in Moscow "deep distress" that three Ba- revolver and the papers of one siderations," he told Lord Rus- had visited the synagogue at cited by the French press were hai believers had been sen- Austrian and three Arabs, all sell, "but humanity is incon- various times, "offending Soy- quoted as saying that the trial tenced to death, and others to living in Vienna, were found ceivable without justice." iet citizens by their attacks was one of the most important lengthy prison terms, following inside the vehicle.