17—HOUSES FOR SALE 26-B—WANTED LAKE PROPERTY HUNTINGTON WOODS THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 1 SACRIFICE 2 BEDRM. COLONIAL Separate dining room, fireplace, basement. Recreation Rm. Responsible business man and family desires to rent Cottage, somewhere secluded or isolated within 70 miles of Detroit. All or part summer. 40—EMPLOYMENT JOB FOR woman in exchange for room and board, some wages. More for companionship. Kosher kitchen. BR 3-2353. 'Len,gyel's Biography of Ataturk Depicts Middle East's Development Emil Lengyel, the eminent is part of this story. Woven foreign correspondent, author into it is a description of how of a number of important vol- the former use by the Turks of L. RAIMI JEWISH lady to dive in. Cook one umes on Middle Eastern and the Koran's script, the complex UN 1-1094 meal. Light housekeeping. More for European events, has authored Arabic with hundreds of letter PENN REALTY LI 8-1900 companionship. VE 5-3049. (AFTER 6 P.M.) UN 2-5406 an interesting biography for forms of Ural-Altaic origin into DIRECTOR young readers on "the life of the 26 letters of the Latin FOR SMALL DAY CAMP 30-A—INSTRUCTION the hero of the Middle East," alphabet. OAK •PARK SACRIFICE WRITE AGE, EXPERIENCE, which has been published by Lengyel states that "he lifted BAR-MITZVAH, Hebrew Bible, Yid- REFERENCES, SALARY. 2 bed. br . den, firepl., base., 2 1A- John Day Co. (62 W. 45th, NY the University of Istanbul out dish, English, experienced teacher. WE 4-1793. BOX 573 car gar. 2 biks. to Syn. $12,900 36) under the title "They Called of the doldrums, measuring its Him Ataturk." THE JEWISH NEWS MATHEMATICS. Chemistry, P h y s- work with eastern standards. PENN REALTY LI 8-1900 ics Tutor. High School, College. 17100 W. 7 MILE ROAD It is an impressive work An intolerant regime in Ger- All methods. Expert, effective. LI DETROIT 35, MICH. about Mustafa Kemal, the first many was persecuting the Jews 1-2645—UN 1-9173. saleslady for an es- President of the Republic of and Mustafa Kemal invited MATHEMATICS Tutoring. High school EXPERIENCED TRACEY-7 MILE tablished lamp and gift shop. Must Turkey, who was named Ata- German scholars of the Jewish teacher. B.S.-M.S. degrees. 13 years qualify. Write Box 572. The Jew- experience. VE 7-8736. Immaculate 4-bedrm., 2-bath face faith to his country. ish News. 17100 West Seven Mile turk, Father of the Turks. brick bung., 2 bedrms. dwn., 2 Road, Detroit 35, Michigaan. His mathematics teacher first GERMAN TUTOR. High School, Col- In the course of his analyses bedrms. up. Separate breakfast lege. Experienced. Reasonable. VE rm. Gas heat. 2-car gar. 1 blk. to named Mustafa Kemal, which of historical developments, 8-9695. Shule and shopping. UN 4-4600. 41—CONVALESCENT HOMES means Perfection. Finding his Lengyel gives an account of the way in his country's army, seek- emergence of Israel after the 40—EMPLOYMENT PETOSKEY GERIATRICS ing changes in the role of Tur- Israeli forces had defeated the AND CARE CENTER key which became known as the armies of all the Arab states. 22131 WHITMORE. Oak Park. 3 bed- Overlooking Little Traverse Bay room face brick - ranch, finished sick man of Europe, Mustafa His biography of Ataturk is, in at Petoskey on US-131 $150 WEEK recreation room, near schools and New fireproof accommodations later earned the titles of The a sense, the Story of the Middle synagogues. Immediate occupancy. for retired, elderly, and convales- RETAIL SALESMEN Victor, Great Leader, and final- East since World War I. "They $15,900. LI 6-5531. Open Sunday cent persons. Complete therapy. 2-5. R. N. Supervision. Kosher kitchen Paid even while in training, if ly that of Ebedi Sef—Eternal Called Him Ataturk" is, in addi- you qualify. Experienced in Fur- provided. Rabbinically supervised Leader. tion to being an interesting OAK PARK niture, clothing, insurance, shoes, with religious services. Jewish jewelry, vacuums, etc. Company Nursing personnel. Phone 347-4611 He was born in Salonika, and biography, a fine addendum to SUSSEX in business over 50 years, located or write for brochure. Etkin built, 3 bedrooms, 18x37 from there he operated at the the history of the Middle East. near Oak Park. swimming pool, paneled recrea- beginning in seeking the over- tion room. 15 foot bar. Enclosed APPLY IN PERSON, 10-6 50—BUSINESS CARDS summer room. First time offered throw of a decadent govern- Cleveland Campaign SUNDAY ONLY Owner. ment. Describing S a 1 o n i k a, LI 6-1805 NORTHLAND INN Lengyel wrote: Goal Is $6 Million DRESSMAKING OAK PARK, Sussex. Etkin built, 3 "Numerous nationalities oc- NORTHLAND SHOPPING CLEVELAND, (JTA)—A goal bedroom or 2 bedroom and den. All Kinds of Alterations Ph bath, excellent condition. New cupied different quarters on of $6,036,000, highest in its his- CENTER drapes, good carpeting. By Owner. Call for Appointments the hillside. Some of them tory, has been set for this year's Close to schools. LI 8-4954. ROOMS 143-144 were Greeks, proud of their Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal. If unable to come over, call UN 3-8283 KE 8-4050 — 883-3111 great heritage; fair - haired The 1962 campaign realized the 17175 ROSELAWN 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE Macedonian Slays from the record total of $5,828,487. FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. country of the north; fiery- CORNER Gardner and Wales, Oak Stress in solicitation is being Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547. Park-2 lots, sacrifice to close CAREER eyed Albanian mountaineers 'estate. TU 5-9240. from the northwest, and Jews placed on the need of obtain LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing OPPORTUNITY Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason. BLOOMFIELD Township. Morningside whose ancestors had found ing $706,000 in plus money. This able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339 Heights Sub., Charrington Road cor- 2 Salesmen needed for a real sanctuary here after having extra giving, according to the VE 5-7453. ner. Private owner will sell rea- live wire organization repre- sonable. UN 2-4600. been expelled from Spain. campaign leadership, is neces- senting the largest company FOR BETTER wall washing, call They spoke a Romance sary to make up for the losses James Russell. One day service. of its kind in the world. Be- TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. tongue, Ladino, and continued due to deaths, removals from ginning earnings in excess of 18-A—STORES FOR LEASE $750 per month. Opportunity to consider themselves Span- the city, and other causes and NEW METHOD — Carpets cleaned; STORE for lease. 20x75. On 7 Mile- walls washed, by machine. Work to advance into management iards. They formed the largest to provide some additional sup- Greenfield. KE 2-3686. guaranteed. Free estimates. KE 5- within 6 months. Our experi- port for certain essential local single group in Salonika." 8470—KE 8-1778. enced managers earn in ex- Lengyel depicts Ataturk as and national services. Official cess of $20,000 per year. LARKINS MOVING 19-F—VACANT BUSINESS having influenced many Middle dates of the campaign have If you are between 25 and 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE AND DELIVERY SERVICE Eastern rulers who aimed at been set at April 25 to May 16. years of age, and have at imitating his efforts to revolu- Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld is least 2 years of successful Also Office Furniture. BOOMING NORTHLAND tionize and modernize their general chairman of the cam- sales experience in the direct Any time. sales field you may •qualify. countries. As a leader of the AREA ! ! Reasonable. paign, with Arthur Dery, Ed- 3319 GLADSTONE Young Turks he brought about ward Ginsberg, and Maurice Greenfield at 10 Mile. Access on TY 44587 Phone 562-53 1 0 both streets. Next to new bank. the change in the Turkish Saltzman serving as general co- 62,430 square feet. In the heart f o r confidential interview 1. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter language into Latin characters, chairman. Rabbi Lelyveld term- of high density apartment district with Mr. Zaritsky. Monday work, no. Job too big or small BR the abandonment of the wom- Prefer to build for a rated tenant, ed the record goal an achiev- 3-4826. LI 54035. and Tuesday only. 10 A.M. to might consider sale. en's veils, the westernization of able sum and reported that a 4 P.M. PAINTING — Decorating. Free esti- his country. UN 1-0346 - UN 4-8735 very encouraging beginning had mates. Reasonable. LI 7 5639 KE He describes the changes that been made at several pace- 8-1047. 40—EMPLOYMENT took place after World War I: setting Initial Gifts sessions. 40—EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL Painter needs work. Inside and outside. Special prices "The victorious Allies decided for vacancies. Immediate service. that the Middle Eastern Arab References. All work guaranteed. regions should be broken up Name 'Zweig' Streets TO 6-5485. VIENNA, (JTA) — The town into several units and set up as 'mandates' under the vic- councils of Leipzig, Dresden and 55—MISCELLANEOUS torious powers, Britain and Chemnitz in East Germany have TURN YOUR old suits - shoes into France. These units were Syria, adopted resolutions naming Experienced preferred. Best commissions and profit sharing plan cash. TU. 3-1872. Lebanon, Transjordan, Iraq and streets after the German-Jewish in the city. Leads furnished and floor time. Ask for Mr. GROSS. Palestine. The latter was also writer Arnold Zweig on the occa- Chernobol Rabbi Story to become a 'homeland of the sion of his 75th birthday. Martin Buber tells a story of Jewish people' without affect- the Rabbi of Chernobol as a 17350 LIVERNOIS ing the Arabs' rights." It was by young man. He was a great ad- establishing the Turkish Repub- mirer of the Baal Shem Toy and lic that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk once when the latter got into saved his country from obliv- his carriage for a ride, asked if ion. he might come along. Thus, when Mustafa was at For the first time science has found "If you can tell me," said school he received the name a new healing substance with the as- the Bal Shem Tov, "the differ- `P erf ectio n.' During the tonishing to shrink hemor- ence in the sequence of prayer World War he became known rhoids and ability to relieve pain — without in the Lamentations of Mid- as the 'Hero of the Darda- surgery. In case after case, while We have room for honest business men, truly experienced in night which bears Leah's name nelles.' After the Turkish War gently relieving pain, actual reduc- (shrinkage) took place. Most selling real estate, or a woman who carries a brief case, ready to and that which bears Rachel's, of Liberation his countrymen tion make big money. amazing of all — results were so thor- you may came with me." Our expansion opens new opportunities! began to call him Gha71— ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to Do you really qualify? The young man quickly - an- Victor." be a problem!" The secret is a new swered: "What Leah effects Then Call JULIAN FRANK The birth of the new Turkish healing substance (Bio-Dyne®)— dis- with her tears, Rachel effects nation under his leadership is covery of a world-famous research 19345 LIVERNOIS DI 1-9090 This substance is now avail- with her joy." described in the Lengyel bi- institute. in suppository or ointment form Frank & Grossman, Inc., Realtors The young man was allowed ography. The manner in which able called Preparation H®. At all drug to get into the carriage. he fashioned the New Turkey 'punters. $400 Dn. EXPERIENCED women for phone work. Profitable. KE 4-6355 — 534- 7284. J. WM. KLEM . . - WANTED Real Estate Salespeople OR — ttl GROSS REALTY Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain Experienced Men Ready to Make Real Money HAVE A SHARE IN THE NEW BUILDING!! Send Your Contribution to THE NEW HEBREW MEMORIAL CHAPEL Chesed Shel Emes THE ¶ehrew Oertevolent Society BUILDING FUND MIR '?t1.1 1D11 Being Built At 26640 Greenfield, Oak Park , 2995 Joy Road, Detroit 6, Michigan TY 6-1686 . AIMINIMEMMEN011 • .1 • ki ■■