. -A People Make News Wo m e n 's eittits "A Child Is Waiting," re- Stanley Kramer's searching (More Clubs Page 15) drama, "A Child Is Waiting," unites Producer Kramer with OAK PARK NSHE1 CHABAD Mrs. FLORENCE G. HEL- starring Burt Lancaster and stars Lancaster and Garland and Herman Stein of Far Rock- STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 away, N.Y., has been appointed LER, Glencoe, Ill., a national Judy Garland, opens today at the writer Mann — all fresh from p.m. Saturday at the home of director of the Kosher Certifica- vice-president of the National Mercury Theatre, Schaefer at their spectacular triumph with Mrs. N. Hayward, 24650 Kipling. tion Service of the Union of Jewish Board and a trustee of West McNichols. "Judgment at Nuremberg." It The speaker will be Rabbi N. "'•':f r Orthodox Jew- Brandeis University, has been With "A Child Is Waiting," was for his brilliant job on that Hayward. . ish Congrega- designated as one of the four Kramer, widely applauded for script that Mann won the 1962 • * * tions of Amer- recipients of the 1963 awards his brave and honest treatment "Oscar." NORTHWEST NSHEI CHA- ica, according of the National Conference on of daring subjects, deals with BAD STUDY GROUP will meet Want ads get quick results! to Moses I. Social Welfare for "an outstand- 'mental retardation, a theme 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home euerstein, ing contribution to social wel- never before approached on the of Mrs. Bertha Rubinstein, 17385 UOJCA na- fare." The wards will be pre- screen. Want The Best? Kentucky. Speaker will be Mr. tional presi- sented at the annual forum of "A Child Is Waiting" is a fic- Ask the Folks Who've Had Rubinstein. dent, and Na- the National Conference on So- tional drama which revolves * * * than K. Gross, cial Welfare in Cleveland, May around one particular boy, por- SAM BARNETT MISHKAN ISRAEL SISTER- UOJCA na- 22, it was announced by San- trayed by young actor. Bruce and His Orchestra HOOD will meet 8:30 p.m. Mon- tional vice- ford Solender, conference presi- Ritchey. In powerful and tender LI 1 -2563 day at the synagogue. 14000 W. president and dent and -executive vice-presi- terms it reveals the deeply emo- Nine Mile, Oak Park. Children Stein chairman of dent of JWB. tional effects his life has on the of the religious school will pre- the UOJCA Joint Comthission * * * superintendent (played by Burt sent a Jewish Music month pro- for Kosher Certification. Stein, Michigan's Deputy Attorney Lancaster) of the training school gram, accompanied by Mrs. L. who was educated in Jewish day General LEON S. CO.HAN, of which he attends. Miss Garland, Dzodin. Refreshments will be schools in New York and at- Lansing, is ticket chairman for who portrays a music teacher at served and Mrs. L. Fein, prin- tended Yeshiva University and the annual Jefferson - Jackson the school, and Gena Rowlands cipal of Mishkan Israel schools, the New York University School Day dinner of the Democratic and Steven Hill, as his parents, will conduct a • discussion on of Commerce and Finance, will Party, to be given March 2 at co-star in this film. For fine color movies Purim. Everyone is invited. direct the non-rabbinic aspects the Light Guard Armory, 4400 • * * of your wedding of the kosher certification pro- E. 8-Mile Rd. Vice-President. LOUISE WISE CHAPTER, gram in cooperation with its ad- LYNDON B. JOHNSON will be Call American Jewish Congress, ministrator, Rabbi A. S. Rosen- the guest speaker. * * * Agency Women's Division, will spon- berg. • * * sor a debate on the Michigan Rabbi PHILIP FRANKEL of 20 ORCHESTRAS Constitution 12:30 p.m. Wednes- The Northland Center Cham- Congregation Shaarey - Zedek One to Suit Every Occasion UN 4 - 4346 day at the home of Mrs. M. ber of Commerce has re-elected Lansing, will represent the WO 2 - 4814 Fox Bldg. Beckerman, 22534 Avon, South- BEN PEARL to a second term Jewish Chautauqua Society as field. Mrs. Harriet Phillips and! as president for 1963. Others lecturer at Western Theological Mrs. Kathleen Strauss will pre- are: Sidney Schultz of the De- Seminary in Holland, Mich., -"Quality Doesn't Cost—It Pays!"—Compare—See For Yourself! sent differing viewpoints on the troit Edison and Michael Cooper March 7. He will speak at as- • Bar Mitzvahs • Weddings subjects. Dessert luncheon will of Lane Bryant, vice presidents; sembly at 9:30 a.m. on the sub- • Portraits be served. All are invited. Mrs. Patricia Dickerson of Him- ject "Judaism and the Religious • Candids * * * elhoch's, secretary; Gerald ,O,T 0 G'FrAIP11-1 Member P.P.A. 6 591, YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREEN- Wardman of Detroit Bank & Revival." * * * FIELD SISTERHOOD will spon- Trust Co., treasurer. "The success of our efforts to sor an Oneg Shabbat 3 p.m. * * * build the cultural bridge be- Saturday at the home of Mrs. I. ROSIN will preside tween American Jewry and Is- Ben Weinstock, 14221 Wales, at DAVID one of the workshops at the rael is the best guarantee of Jew- Oak Park. The group will meet regional meeting of the Michi- ish survival," stated ZALMAN March 6 at the home of Mrs. gan Committee on Immigration SHAZAR, member of the Jewish A GOOD TUNE UP Daniel Birnbaum, 24740 Hard- and the American Immigration Agency Executive and head of WOULD HAVE STARTED YOUR CAR LAST WEEK ! ing, Oak Park. Recently elected and Citizenship Conference, to its department of education and BE READY NEXT TIME officers include Mesdames Pres- be held at the Detroit Interna- ident Hyman R. Cohen, Vice- tional Institute, 11 E. Kirby. culture, at a conference of Jew- presidents Joseph Grossman and March 8. The central themes of ish educators, held under the Louis Penfil, Secretaries Joseph the conference will be "The auspices of the Jewish Education Gittleman and Charles Gellman, Century of the Homeless Man, Committee of New York. Shazar iONILY arrived in New York to confer Treasurer Julius Feigelman; Immigration a n d Economic with the Jewish Agency Execu- 595 programmin,, Solomon B. Growth" and "The Resettlement Cyl. Cohen and Joshua Sperka, and of Cuban Refugees." U. S. Sena- tive branch in New York in con- 6 95 8 Cyl. , nection with projects of the de- telephone squad, Wolf Gold. PLUS PARTS tor PHILIP A. HART will be partment of education to partici- one of the principal speakers. pate in the forthcoming Claims • * * Conference, as well as in the DON'T FUSS—DON'T CUSS—CALL US Two American born brothers World Conference of Jewish Or- of naturalized parents received ganizations ( COJO). UN 2-9558 * * * the first Columbia Lighthouse FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Hospitality Houses of Michi- Follow Citation of Merit from United gan announces the appointment States Secretary of Commerce the Luther Hodges, in Washington. of GUY F. FREY as manager of sun to They are Dr. ROBERT and SAM- the Cadillac House Motel, lo- the UEL SCHATTNER, both execu- cated at 'First and Congress tives of the' Chloraseptic Com- streets. Frey, a native Swiss, is pany, Washington. Their parents, a graduate of Swiss hotel and Isidore and Frank Schattner, food training institutions in Zur- On Special Groups of came to this country 40 years ich and the Lewis Hotel Train- ago from Solotwinner in Eastern ing - Schobl in Washington, D. C. Europe. The citation was ex- His experience includes catering and executive maitre d' tended them for their pioneering manager work in recognizing the capabili- of the Beverly Wilshire hotel in ties of the visually handicapped Los Angeles. * * * EXPERT ALTERATIONS ON MEN'S in packaging pharmaceuticals for SCHOENFIELD, 16, son Tel Aviv, Israel distribution to the medical and of PAUL AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schoen- dental. professions. Here you'll find the sunny field, was selected as southern * * * Perfect Individual district winner of the Michigan Side of winter in a dazzling Prof. BENJAMIN M A Z A R, Music Teachers Association an- Fitting setting ... here at the gala President and Rector of the He- nual competition for young resort-center of Israel's ro- brew University in Jerusalem pianists. mantic Mediterranean coast. from 1952 through 1961, received the degree of D'octor of Hebrew Balconied guest rooms, ter- You cannot take a wife away 22155 COOLIDGE, OAK PARK LI 7-1511 Letters, honoris causa, from the from her husband unless he has raced swimming pool, haute Jewish Theological Seminary of Security Charge Accounts Invited no money to meet demands. ' cuisine (especially in the America, at a special meeting of Sanhedrin 22 exotic Maccabean Room !). the faculties. * * * For immediate reservations, just call your Travel Agent or A Boston University professor of romance languages, Dr. SOLO- your nearest Sheraton Hotel. MON LIPP of West Newton, Instant Confirmations Mass., will leave this month to conduct research and lecture in philosophy at Argentina's Uni: Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Showers, Luncheons, All Occasions versity of Cordoba under a Ful- bright grant. IN OUR BEAUTIFUL FOUNTAIN ROOM OR YOUR FAVORITE HALL OR SYNAGOGUE Dr. Lipp, who is a charter member of the Israeli-Guatema- lan Cultural Institute, teaches a course in Latin American Philos- ophy at Boston University's Col- lege of Liberal Arts. We Are Still Featuring OUR FAMOUS KOSHER CARRY-OUT SERVICE WHAT EVERY BM SHOULD KNOW Dave Diamond SID SIEGEL DI 1-6990 AININNIIMINION• 1-MILE MENDOTA SHELL SERVICE 1 20% To 50% OFF SHERATON TEL AVI SUITS • SPORTCOATS TOPCOATS TUXEDO RENTALS RADOM CLOTHIERS, TAILORS, CLEANERS ' 1 CATERING CHOICE SUNDAY DATES AVAILABLE * * SHERATON HOTELS toast to coast in the U.S.A.. in Hawaii, in Canada. in Mexico, in Jamaica, Venezuela and in Nassau; Bahamas. FRANKLIN I. SIDLOW, local sales representative of Creditors Service, Inc., 12730 W. Seven Mile, has been promoted to the rank of major in the Michigan Air National Guard and now holds the position of Wing Staff Information Officer. NO PARTY TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL! 20340 W 7 MILE ROAD SPECIAL PRICES. FOR WEEKDAY LUNCHEONS KBE 8-2642 • 23 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Frida y, February 22, 1963 I Lancaster, Garland Star in Kramer's 'A Child Is Waiting' at the Mercury