Federal Aid to Religious Schools Favored at Parent-Teacher Parley PITTSBURGH, Pa., (JTA)- The results of a survey of prin- cipals and directors of Hebrew- day schools throughout the country on the issue of Fed- eral aid to religion-sponsored schools were reported here at the 15th annual convention of the National Association of He- brew Day School Parent Teach- er Associations. Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky, na- tional director of Torah Ume- sorah, the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, told the educators that 86 per cent of the school heads expressing a view on the issue said that they did not feel that such aid might lead to government interfer- ence. Noting that 102 of the schools in 54 cities responded to the Israel Was Visited by 7,000 Germans COLOGNE, (JTA) — More than 7,000 Germans visited Israel last year, a 25 per cent increase over 1961, it was an- nounced by the Israel Mission. Many of the visitors partici- pated in study tours which were arranged by German groups. The groups comprised mainly university student s, pupils of other German schools and members of various youth organizations. DETROIT LINES ACTION AND GETS IT FROM .. questionnaire, Kaminetsky said that "more than half of those who felt that Federal aid might result in interference by the government, favored such aid nevertheless." Ninety per cent of those responding to the gen- eral question of Federal aid to day schools, he stressed, "expressed a preference for such aid for the secular portion of the curriculum," and 87 per cent also favored Federal aid for the development and expan- sion needs of the schools. The purpose of the survey, he declared, "was to determine the views of the leading Jewish day school educators on issues vital to their daily tasks and mounting responsibilities." In this connection, he noted, near- ly 90 per cent of those who re- sponded expressed the view that Federal aid would make an in- tensive Jewish education avail- able to many more than the 50,000 currently enrolled in the Labor Minister Tells Parliament Israel Will Have Full Employment (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Labor Minis- ter Yigal Allon told parliament Tuesday that Israel could look forward to full employment dur- ing the coming year but that Israel had both short range and long term problems of effective manpower utilization. He said that the prospects of full employment were contingent on manufacturers responding to Organize Moroccan Jews- in France PARIS, (JTA)—A provisional Association of Moroccan Jews now living in France announced it planned to call a mass meet- ing next month of all Moroccan Jews in France to form a per- manent association and elect of- ficials: The provisional association was established by a number of one-time leaderi of 1Vioroccan Jewry. They said the new asso- ciation will cooperate closely with French Jewry in defend- ing the rights of its members. The new association will coordi- nate its efforts with existing French JevVish organizations, par- ticularly the' Fcfpntl.s Social Unifie, the major Jewish social welfare organization. . NOW AVAILABLE Thru Your Representative: MRS. ALFRED LINDENBAUM LI 5-8385 Detroit The digest contains many fine articles of Jewish interest written by scholars, Rabbis, etc. The Jewish Digest is a MUST for every Jewish home! Subscription rates: 1 year, $4.00-2 years, $7.50 3 years, $10.00 Call Mrs. Lindenbaum NOW! —ELECT— JOHN V. HEALY COUNCILMAN * Lower Detroit's Crime Rate * Improve Street Lighting * Effective Youth Commission * Make Detroit a Convention City * Make Cobo Hall Profitable * Encourage Convention Accommoda- tions. Vote—Mon., Feb. 18th—No. 34 on the Ballot '63 PONTIAC and TEMPEST . ALL MODELS AS LOW AS $2023°° Jewish State Museum in Prague Opens Show on Nazi Persecutions VIENNA — The Jewish State Museum in Prague has organ- ized an exhibition of documents of the Nazi persecution of the Jews in occupied Czechoslo- vakia, according to the Folks- timme, the Warsaw Yiddish newspaper.- On display are documents and pictures of the deportation of the Czech Jews. Included are Boston Jewish Agency some 200 photographs taken by the SS during the deportations. Gets Research Grant Pictures taken at the Terezin AT MURPHY YOU CAN BUY . BOSTON, (JTA)—The Corn- Ghetto were reported to make A DODGE 2-DOOR FOR bined Jewish Philanthropies of particularly shocking impact. Greater Boston has received a grant of $60,000 from the Perm- Son of British War anent Charity' Fund of Boston to help launch a program of Hero Takes Place of basic research and planning re- Nazi Party Chieftain MURPHY lated to a number of problems LONDON, (JTA) — The son mew A GREATADEAL of community-wide importance, of a former British Royal Air it was announced this week by Force hero in the Second World DODGE Benjamin Ulin; president of War boasted that he took over MURPHY MOTORS the CJP. the leadership of the British 13380 GRAND RIVER National Socialist movement BR 3-2180 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds for a after the group's leader, Conlin stronger America. Jordan, was jailed several months ago for his Nazi ac- tivities. Michael Slatter, son of the late Air Marshal, Sir Leonard Slatter, said "I am proud to be During Jewish Music Month . a member of the National So- cialist movement and I admire Hitler as a great man." The fine monthly — "The Jewish Digest"—whiCh is writ- ten in the style of the Readers Digest is Keep Detroit Moving! the government's policy of en- couraging competitive imports by introduction of more efficient production rather than by losing out to such competition and cur- tailing production. He said another factor in the projection of full employment was that Israel would not he shut out of foreign markets. He emphasized that Israel was suffering from a lack of trained workers and that the number of young apprentices learning trades was dangerously low. He added that the speed of techno- logical progress made it impera- tive that a study be undertaken now on what kind of manpower would be needed in the next five to 10 years. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Jewish Digest Available 275 Jewish day schools in this country. The 400 delegates attending the two-day conclave represent some 200 Hebrew day schools in 7' cities throughout the United States and include school administrators, princi- pals, teachers and parents in the Hebrew day school move- ment. An affiliate of Torah Umesorah, the National Asso- ciation of Hebrew Day School PTA's was created 15 years ago to strengthen parent groups and to develop closer liaison between the Hebrew day school and the homes of its pupils. Includes full factory equipment; Sales Tax; and '63 License. MILT LEVIN I immediate Delivery ALLEN CHARNES BARNETT PONTIAC - 14505 MICHIGAN Berez rneesncpealeje r. TI 6-1122 $11770 AT BORENSTEIN'S RECORD SALE . . . . 1 /2 OFF Reg. $5.00 Records Reg. $4.00 Records $ 00 S 50 NOW &a NOW • • • • • • Choose From: Jaffa Yarkoni Shoshana. 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