THE JEWISH NEWS Our JTA Correspondent and State Department Viscount Samuel R c) -r i r\A I c 1-1 A Weekly Review Youth Conference Commentary Page 2 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. XLI I, No. 25 Printed in a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35, Feb. 15, 1963 Brotherhood Week Feb. 17-24 $6.00 Per Year; Single Copy 20c Israel Is on Guard Over Iraq Crisis; Jordan Status in Danger Bulletin Scholars From All Media Acclaim !IPS Bible Translation By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ YORK—Admiration for the new style in Bible translation effected in the revisions made by a committee of scholars representing the Jewish Publication Society of America is .emanating from all sources, and the .growing acclaim for the "finished product," resulting from six years of ardent labors was in evidence here Sunday evening, at the Bible presen- tation dinner held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Representative groups of rabbis, •many of them from the Orthodox wing -and including Conservative and Re, form as well, and leaders in authori- tative positions as Bible scholars, at- tended the dinner and joined in the enthusiastic endorsements of the re- vised translation, and it was evident at this impressive event, which was at- tended by more than 700 . people, in- .cluding members of the JPS board from all over the country, including Detroit, that criticisms of the trans- lation are now approaching the van- ishing point. Sunday's event, at which the mem- bers of the committee of translators were presented with Specially in- scribed Bibles, was the first national gathering held for the introduction of the new revised translation. Ac- tually, the initial presentations were made when the first sponsors of the Bible translation fund. 135 Detroiters, NEW . : Continued on Page 5 Israel is reported cautiously on guard over the newly erupted crisis in the Middle East. While the Israeli government is watching the situation with great concern, it is generally believed that the real dangers involve the inner struggles among the Arab states and that if there are any dangers at all to any element in the Middle East, they presumably are over the fate of Jordan. While there has been nearly complete silence over the newly developing situation in Israel, it is recognized that the Iraqi revolution may have a serious impact on Israel's position, especially in view of a growing internal opposition to King Hussein in Jordan. This may be due to a growing pro- Nasser sentiment. Col. Mohammed Aref, _who heads the new Iraq government, after the assassination of Abdul Karim Kassem, is known to be pro-Nazi and the pro-Nasser trend magnifies existing dangers. The Times of London said that there will be "the usual anxiety in Israel over anything that could give Nasser a foothold north and east as well as south" of the country. The paper pointed out . that, while there is jubilation in Cairo over the revolution in Iraq, this is not the case in Syria and Jordan. NEW YORK, (JTA)—The Wall Street Journal reported from Washington that what U.S. policy makers, in the aftermath of the Iraqi coup, "may be confronted with now, they know, is anarchy or explosion" in the Middle East. The paper said Administration officials; scanning the Near 'East horizon were considering the possibility that "the Iraqi upheaval could encourage similar moves by the substantial revolutionary elements—Syria and Jordan to the west, Saudi Arabia to the south, Iran to the east. The paper noted that while the Kassem regime was probably the most friendly to the Soviet Union of any in the region, and the most hostile to the United States, "nevertheless it also had opposed Egypt's ambitious Gamal Abdel Nasser, had served as an effective counterpoise to Egyptian expansionism. Its replacement by pro-Nasser military men could easily, in this volatile part of the world, touch off far-reaching reactions." It said that "still smarting from Syria's breakaway from his United Arab Republic last year, Egypt's Nasser may try to erect a new Arab super-state of Egypt,. Syria and Iraq." It pointed out that "Cairo Radio is . trumpeting the Iraq revolt as a vital step toward Arab unity." The Wall Street Journal warned, however, that a Nasser move would "meet fierce resistance from Syria and possibly even from Iraq whose new leaders may prove more. nationalist-minded than Nasser-minded." It predicted that "Nasser, frustrated by failure to entrench the revolutionary regime in Yemen and encouraged by the apparent friendship of the new Iraq government, might instead step up subversive activities in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, or even take direct •military action against them." The paper also asserted that "general Arab versus Arab. battling might encourage Israel to attempt to straighten out its borders with a little extra territory or even to undertake 'a preventive war' against Nasser himself." According to the Wall Street Journal's correspondent, the Iraqi developments "will almost certainly refuel a behind-the-scenes debate. Long waged within the Kennedy Administration, a minority of officials argue that Nasser remains an untrustworthy conspirator who will, at every chance, waste scarce Egyptian resources in foreign adventures. This minority argues that attempts to restrain him will never work for long and that U.S. aid should be curtailed or ended. JTA Protests Barring of Its Correspondent M. Friedman from Briefing on Near East Brotherhood Week's 'Design for Democracy,' symbol- izing the hopes and ideals of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and its local branch, Detroit Round Table of Christians and Jews, for the observance of the annual amity-inspiring period. Brotherhood Week will be observed Feb. 17-24. See Editorial, Page 4 Special JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News WASHINGTON—The Jewish Telegraphic Agency formally protested Tuesday to Secretary of State Dean Rusk against the exclusion of its Washington correspondent from a State Department briefing on the Arab refugee question, and asked that measures be taken to ensure against a recurrence of the discrimination. The JTA correspondent Milton Friedman was denied admission to a press conference on Jan. 28 by Robert C. Strong, director of the State Department's office of Near Eastern Affairs. Strong said he took objection to JTA reporting of news involving State Department policies and complained that Israeli diplomats had used JTA news reportS as the basis for queries of his department. The protest, made in the name of the JTA's board of directors and signed by Philip Slomovitz, vice president of the Agency, pointed out that the act of discrimination against JTA by an official of the Department of State "served to deprive large segments of the American Jewish community of • information made public by the Department in which they were specially concerned and in which it was in the best interests of American uolicy that they be fully informed." The letter also stressed concern that "such acts of discrimination not be repeated and that representatives of this Agency should not be barred from access to news being made available to other information media. "We are likewise deeply concerned," it added, "over what certainly appears in this case to be an attempt to control the news by denying access to newsmen whose dispatches may not please officials involved." The JTA protest to the Secretary of State also stressed that "we believe that it is not only a discrimination against the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that is involved here but also a limitation on the freedom of the press. We consider it a disservice . to American interests on the whole that they suffer interference with the free and untrammeled flow of information. In this case an element of the American citizenry which has a special interest in the problem considered at the press conference was arbitrarily denied an expression of the State Department's views. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency directly serves some 70 newspapers in the United .States and several thousand Jewish organizations and individuals. "In addition it is a major source of information on developments in this country concerning them to Jewish communities in almost every country of the free world." The letter noted that the JTA had enjoyed "the consistently friendly and helpful relationship Continued on Page 3