UNITED. NATIONS, N. Y., (JTA) — A set of principles that would guarantee to all per- sons everywhere in the world, including the Soviet Union, full- est rights of religious freedom and practice was adopted here by the - Subcommission on Pre- vention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. A number of the principles aimed at some of the Soviet Union's discriminations against Jewish religious rights and prac- tices—such as denial of the right to bake matzoth for Passover and the right to educate rab- binical candidates or send them abroad for rabbinical training. However, the Soviet represent- ative on t h e Subcommission, Boris S. Ivanov, voted for all of the clauses, in the draft principles which were adopted unanimously by the group of 12 social and political scientists, attorneys and jurists, all of them serving as individual experts not formally representing their governments. The draft principles now go to the Subcommission's parent body, the Commission on Hu- man Rights, which will convene at. Geneva in March. They were adopted after another exchange of accusations between Morris B. Abram, the United States expert on the group, and Ivanov. Abram referred briefly to one form of Soviet discrimina- lion against Jewish religious rights by noting that the So- viet government ordered the closing of the synagogue at Lwow last November. Ivanov replied by charging that the United States discriminates against Negroes. One of the principles aiming directly at current anti-Jewish discriminations practiced by So- viet authorities included, with- out mentioning either matzoth or the USSR, the following: "No one shall be prevented from observing the dietary prac- tices prescribed by his religion or belief. The members of a re- ligious belief shall not be pre- vented from acquiring or pro- ducing all materials and objects necessary for the performance or observance of prescribed rit- uals or practices, including die- tary practices." Going further to aim at the fact that the Soviet govern- ment controls the means of producing matzoth, the next clause stated: "Where the gov- ernment controls the means of production and distribution, it shall make such materials or objects, or the means of pro- ducing them, available to the members of the religion or be- lief concerned." This article aimed also at Soviet bans against the making of prayer shawls, phylacteries or the He- Israel Is Source of Encouragement to Other Lands at UN Science Meet (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) GENEVA—Israel's success in harnessing limited water re- sources can be a source of en- couragement to other arid coun- tries, a United Nations - spon- sored conference on science and technology was told here Tues- day by an Israeli water expert. That appraisal was offered by Aaron Wiener, engineer of Is- rael's "master plan" for nation- wide irrigation at the UN Con- ference on the Application of Science and Technology for Less Developed Areas. More than 1830 technical papers have been submitted to delegates from 103 member-nations who are meeting for two weeks to hammer out a pattern of aid to the underdeveloped countries. Wiener, director general of Israel's Water Authority, told the conference that by planning its water resources policy Israel had succeeded in creating dur- ing the past decade "a flourish- ing modern irrigated agricul- ture supplying more than 70 per cent of the food consumed" by the population "and contribut- ing significantly to the exports of the country." He said that Israel had made available and would continue to make available all the water needed for its mush- . rooming towns and industries. He added, "that this can be done in an area of water scarcity can hold out some encouragement for other arid countries." The Israeli water expert went on to warn against undue opti- mism about proposals for fresh- ening salt water and making it work for man, adding that "arid countries labor under a natural handicap which in the present state of their knowledge cannot be overcome. "Proclamations are made from time to time prophesying the end of water shortages in arid countries by desalination of sea water or other panaceas," he said. "Though these might hold some promise for the fu- ture they have no significant large scale application within the usual time range of our planning." Israeli Minister of Education Abba Eban arrived here from Jerusalem at the. head of a 20- member delegation to partici- pate in the conference. Eban, who has been desig- nated by the UN Secretariat General to serve as one of the three senior vice-presidents of the conference, is scheduled to deliver the final address at the closing session on Feb. 20. Eban was met at the air- port by senior officials of the UN Secretariat. Recalling that the UN Con- ference closely follows ,a simi- lar conference held at the Weiz- mann Institute of Science in Rehovot last year, Eban told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on his arrival here that he believed the Conference "can have far- reaching results in bringing to- gether Israel and the newly in- dependent African and Asian countries." The Israel delegation is sched- uled to present a total of 33 papers at the conference. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) brew calendar necessary for the accurate scheduling of tra- ditional Jewish holidays and observances. Taking account of the fact that Soviet authorities have placed hindrances in the training of rabbinical candidates in t h e USSR, that no Jew wishing to study for the rabbinate is al- lowed to go abroad for such training and education, and that Jewish children in the USSR do not have religious training but are subjected to atheistic indoc- trination instead, one of the principles stated: "Everyone shall be free to teach or to disseminate his re- ligion or belief in public or in private. No one shall be com- pelled to receive religious or atheistic instruction, contrary to his convictions or, in the case of children, contrary to the wish- es of their parents and, when applicable, legal guardians. No group professing a religion or belief shall be prevented from training the personnel intended to devote themselves to the per- formance of its practices or ob servances, or from bringing teachers from abroad necessary for this purpose. When such training is available only outside the country, no permanent limi- tations shall be placed upon travel abroad for the purpose of undergoing such training." In general, the principles held that "everyone shall be free to adhere, or not to ad- here, to a religion or belief" and that "anyone professing any religious or non-religious belief shall be free to do so openly without suffering any discrimination on account of his religion or belief." MUNICH — "Commandant of Auschwitz," the book contain- ing the notes made by Rudolf Hoess during the period he was commander of the Auschwitz murder camp will be published here this week as a paperback. The largest of all the Nazi camps, Hoess was executed at the camp in 1947 after a war crimes trial. NEW YORK, (JTA) — The New York Board of Rabbis, com- prised of 800 Orthodox, Con- servative and Reform rabbis in the metropolitan area, offered to send matzoth to Russian Jewry in time for the next Passover. The Board also proposed an ex- change of rabbis between the American Jewish community and the Jewish communities in the Soviet Union. The matzoth offer and the sug- gestion of a rabbinical exchange were made by Rabbi Israel Mow- showitz, after the board re-elect- ed him to the presidency of the botly at its 82nd annual meeting last week. A new anthology of Russian literature is designed to "afford outsiders glimpses of the people through the eyes of the coun- try's most perceptive and artic- ulate writers." In "Russians Then and Now," which Macmillan will publish in April, Avraham Yar- molinsky has made a representa- tive selection from three cen- turies of Russian writing about Russians. Dr. Yarmolinsky, author of "The Road to Revolution," is a distinguished historian, translator and scholar specializing in Slavic studies. IF YOU TURN THE cycler' i UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN Fada e rd," I. Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. 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For Complete Information Call 538-4350 7 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Frid ay , Febru ary 8, 1 963 Rudolf Hoess' Notes Issued as Paperback Principles Adopted by UN Body Would Guarantee Religious Freedom in USSR