6 THE DETR OIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, February 8, 1963 -- Nazi's Extradition Refused in Italy Protests in U. S. Senate Against Barring (Direct JTA Teletype Wire whether the Bologna public to The Jewish News) JTA-Jewish NewsCorrespondentFriedman ROME—A Bologna court re- attorney would appeal the From State DepartmentNearEastHearings jected Wednesday a West Ger- court's refusal. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The-Jewish News) WASHINGTON.—The barring of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent from a State Department briefing on t h e Palestine Arab question was raised in the United States Senate Wednesday. The incident occurred on Jan. 28 when Milton Fried- m a n, chief Washington corres p ondent of JTA, was denied admis- sion to a brief- ing held by Robert C. Strong, direc- tor of the State Department's Friedman office on Near Eastern Affairs. Friedman, on seeking admis- sion to the briefing, was inform- ed that attendance was by invi- tation only. The correspondent was informed. that Strong had personally prepared the list of correspondents to be permitted attendance and that a JTA rep- resentative was not desired be- cause the briefing was only for American media. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Friedman are fully accredited to the Department of State. The press section of. the Department made it clear, how- ever, that it could not overrule Strong and tell him what cor- respondents he was to see. Strong himself, in a discus- sion with the JTA correspond- ent, said bluntly that he did not approve of material Fried- man had written on the Mid- dle East, criticized Friedman for what hi said was use of information f r o m Congres- sional sources which he said reflected unfavorably on State ' Department policies, and com- plained that Israeli diplomats had used news items reported by the JTA as the basis for discussions with his depart- ment. to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency." The Senator added that he had been assured by the State Department that "there was no anti-Semitism involved in this matter." The Pennsylvanian quoted to' the Senate from a report on the incident by Merriam Smith of United Press Inter- national, the Dean of the White House Correspondents Corps. Smith described the JTA correspondent as "a proud birthright American" and de- scribed the Jewish Telegraph- ic Agency as "an s American organization which deals pri- marily with news concerning Jews of many nations. The Agency," he pointed out, "nat- urally carries many. items of news to and from Israel." The Jewish Telegraphic Agency disclosed that it intends to make a full protest to Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk against the action by a State Depart- ment official in discriminating against the Agency and denying it access to news of consider- able interest and concern to the American Jewish community. Agency executives noted that this was the first time it had encountered such difficul- ties in the State Department or any branch of the United States Government. Strong was United States Consul and First Secretary of the American Embassy in Da- mascus, Syria, from 1954 to 1958. He became director of the Near Eastern Division in the State Department in 1961. Workmen's Circle Fetes Bernstein with $7,000 Gift to Home for Aged DODGE Einstein Center Gets Cancer Study Grant . PHILADELPHIA, (JTA) - The Albert Einstein Medical Center has announced receipt of a federal three-year grant of $155,496 for its Research Lab- oratories for a study to deter- mine whether viruses cause human cancer. ore° Alter Xnaws No Smart Buyer Pays Retail BIGGEST DISCOUNT See the New 1963 IMPERIAL, CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, VALIANT LEO ADLER 18500 LIVERNOIS 2 Blocks South of 7 Mile DI 1-7000 HISTADRUT INVITES YOU To Hear the Foremost Expert On Soviet- Jewish Affairs DR. JUDD L. TELLER Dr. Teller is a Journalist .. Historian .. Author .. and former political secretary of the Jewish Agency for Israel and of the World Zionist Organization. Joseph Bernstein (second from left), "dean" of the Work- men's Circle of Detroit, hands checks totaling $7,000 to Ira Sonnenblick (right), executive director, Jewish Home for Aged, while Joseph Heideman (left), W. C. treasurer, and Monroe Title, chairman of the W. C. Michigan District, look on. * '5 * The Workmen's Circle of De- troit has presented the Jewish Israel Court Frees Home for Aged $7,000 in honor of Joseph Bernstein, 82, who is Man on Charges He active in both organizations. Gave Jews to Nazis At a special ceremony, Ira TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Zvi Ben- Sonnenblick, executive director Zeev, a former ghetto police- of the Jewish Home for Aged, man in Poland who has since Senator Hugh Scott, Pennsyl- was handed $7,000 in checks emigrated to Israel, was acquit- vania Republican, said on the from the Joseph Bernstein ted in Magistrate's Court here senate floor Wednesday that Scholarship Fund and indivi- of charges of having handed Friedman's exclusion from the dual contributions of Work- over Jews to the Nazis in 1942. briefing was due to the fact men's Circle members to help The judge ruled that after that the State Department "ap- the Jewish Home for Aged in parently disagreed with recent its current drive to raise funds 20 years he could not convict dispatches which the JTA had for a new building in northwest the defendant on the testimony of two women who were young filed from Washington. Detroit. girls at the time and who had He said the incident was While many large donations "more than an affront to an have already been made to the undergone terrible ordeals. The judge said that although American newspaper correspon- Home's new building fund, Son- dent. It is a reflection upon all nenblick noted that this was Ben-Zeev, who was known as the newspapers which subscribe the first donation from any or- Grausam when he was a police- ganization. The Workmen's Cir- man in the Dombrowa Ghetto, been identified by two per- will be honored by a plaque had sons, it was difficult to make DETROIT LIKES ACTION cle over one of the new resident sure that during an action by- AND GETS IT FROM .. rooms. Germans they could notice this Monroe Title, chairman of policeman among so many sol- the Workmen's Circle Michigan diers and policeman. Grausam District Committee, who pre- was acquitted of similar charges sided at the meeting, noted that 10 years ago. E this was the first donation from any organization, The Work- men's Circle will be honored by Israel Parliament a plaque over one of the new Hears Complaint on resident . rooms. Monroe Title, chairman of the Salaries of Members (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Workmen's Circle Michigan Dis- to The Jewish News) trict Committee, who presided JERUSALEM — If salaries of at the meeting, noted the members of parliament are not achievements and enlargement increased soon the point will be of the Home during the past 16 reached at which only persons years and stressed the need for with independent means will be another branch in the north- aide to afford "the luxury" of west area. He paid tribute to serving in the Knesset, Aryeh . AT MURPHY YOU CAN BUY A DODGE 2-DOOR FOR Bernstein's many contributions Beneliezer, a Herut deputy, de- to communal life, including his clared Wednesday during debate activities for the past 20 years on the Knesset budget. for the Jewish Home for Aged. The deputy said that the pay for a member of parliament was Branch 2, LZO, Meets about equal to that of a grade MURPHY Branch Two, Labor Zionist 3 civil servant. David Hacohen MOW A GREATADEAL Organization, will meet 7:30 of Mapai proposed that a study p.m. Sunday at the home of of salaries be made to include B. Z. Freeman, 18005 Indiana. comparison of salaries paid to MURPHY MOTORS Adele Mondry will review "The Knesset deputies with those of 13380 GRAND RIVER Slave." civil servants and with those of BR 3-2180 members of parliaments of oilier Want ads get quick results! countries. $1770 man request for the extradition of a wartime German army major wanted on charges of ordering the killing of 3,000 Jews in Lemberg in Nazi oc- cupied Ukraine in 1941. A. Kroeger, the former major, was arrested last August in Bologna during a visit as a tourist. It was not learned — in a two part lecture series SATURDAY EVENING FEB. 9, 8:30 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING - FEB. 10, 10:30 A.M. 'An Eyewitness Reports On Russian Jewry Today' 'Histadrut's Role In The Ideological Contest Against World Communism' Refreshments Will Be Served Breakfast Will Be Served Both lectures will take place at the Labor Zionist Institute, 19161 Schaefer Hwy. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED — NO ADMISSION CHARGE BE SURE THERE IS A BLUE AND WHITE BOX IN YOUR HOME PHONE UN 4-2767 PLANT TREES IN ISRAEL IN THE NAME OF YOUR LOVED ONES Perpetuate the memory of family and friends .. . celebrate Bar Miztvah . . honor any happy event by planting trees in the forests and Border Settlements of Israel I CELEBRATE J. N. F. SABBATH TOMORROW This Sabbath (Shabbos Shiro) all synagogues will participate in the Jewish Notional Fund Sabbath. Help observe JNF Sob- both by planting a tree in Israel. Your tree gives new life to the soil. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 18414 WYOMING AVE. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO JNF ARE TAX DEDUCTABLE