Playwright Schary Elected Chairman of ADL; nn DL; Keedy Giv en Leacy cr Am ami. 12,000 Canadian Jewish Victims of Nazis Compensated by Germany MONTREAL, (JTA) — During to the appropriate ministers in WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, (JTA) — A a Jewish organization since he The survey said that in the I 1962, Jewish claimants in Canada Bonn." national campaign to raise entered the White House. main, . nationals prodded by in- ! were awarded a total of $4,- $3,940,000 for its activities in A number of pending immi- In presenting the award , - uen la to 711,300 by West German courts gration issues affecting prospec 1963 was launched here this Schultz cited the President's their fixed alumni, opinion have that held fraterni- weekend by the Anti-Defama- firm stand for separation of ties are pri vate associations "of and administrative authorities as tive Jewish immigrants from tion League of Bnai Brith at church from state, persistent congenials" with the right todis- a result of efforts of the United various countries to Canada will its five-day annual meeting. opposition to forces of the criminate—even though state au- Restitution Organization, the Ca- be discussed at a meeting be- tween a joint delegation of the marking the 50th anniversary extremes of left and right, thorities have ruled otherwise of the existence of the organ- expansion of equal employ- and many local fraternity chap- nadian J e wish Congress re- Canadian Jewish Congress and ization. Dore Schary, playwright, ment opportunities through- tens have disaffiliated with their ported. the Jewish Immigrant Aid Serv- The Congress, which repre- ice and Richard Bell, Minister of was elected national chairman out the federal establishment, nationals over the issue. sents the URO in Canada, also Citizenship and Immigration, in of the Lelgue. denunciation of outrages per- reported that as of Dec. 31, Ottawa,- Feb. 15. Paul H. Samplinger, of New petrated against minorities, Texts Are Slanted 1962, the total of funds awarded York, was named chairman of executive orders combating to Canadian Jewish claimants the national fund-raising cam- discrimination and other steps on Religious Histor y, was $23,784,800 and that some Hebrew Corner paign cabinet. Norman Tishman to promote freedom. ADL Survey Finds • 12,000 Jews benefited from the 1-1 was named chairman of the President Kennedy commend- ty erman Nuns Most elementary school social work of the URO in Canada. campaign in New York. Robert ed the Anti-Defamation League The claimants are mostly for- • S. Engleman will head the cam- for "tireless pursuit of equality studies textbooks are "grossly mer refugees and displaced per- m erusa em inadequate in meeting the needs paign in Chicago. Jewish com- of treatment for all Americans" house is an old one and is of American society, because sons from Poland, the largest on The munity funds throughout the and "a lasting and substantial they a narrow street in the Talpiot - single group, Rumania and Hun- Quarter fail to take an objective - of Jerusalem. There are- country are expected to support contribution to our democracy!' view of . religious history and gary, who spent years in Nazi many houses like it, only a new He said the founders of the have "definite sectarian tenden- concenntration and forced labor sign on the door sets it apart from the ADL fund-raising effort. the other houses. "The Abraham democratic legacy of this coun- camps. In addition to their House" is the wording on the sign. Supreme Court Justice Arthur cies." to it is a silver mezuzah. J. Goldberg! was honored at a try were animated by a sense Samuel Dalsimer of New York, claims for compensation for in- Next This is a convalescent home for breakfast session as a man of commitment to test the capa- chairMan of the Bnai Brith Anti- carceration, they may be eligible Nazi victims that was opened a whose life is "vivid testament cities of men for self-govern- Defamation League's program for pension payments because of few months ago by a group of German nuns called "The .Mary ment and political liberty avail- permanent dama g e to their Sisters." In of what the Jew has given committee, said that a survey every room on the wall is a sentence from the Bible. The America and how he has en- able to all the people. He said of 120 leading texts used in the health, the Congress said. kitchen kosher, the young nuns The CJC also reported that . know Hebrew riched this land." He was pre- this was "a great inheritance." nation's elementary s c h o o l s well. sented with a handcraft Me - "I think," he stated, "it is not found that they appear to favor the remaining single most im- "The Mary Sisters" organized as a burden, but a privilege to a religious group in the year 1939. "Protestantism over Catholicism portant problem was that a very ' ien Hitler prohibited nosh.. Protestant lai ge number of victims of Naz- 14.! s reading groups. After have a chance in 1963 to share and Christianity over Judaism," ---2 the war In a ccepting his post, that great concept which they and ignore the pluralistic nature ism are not considered eligible, the isters began actual work. Schary said that he believes felt so deeply among all of our In the year 1949 they built a under West German compensa- that "anyone who achieves people to make this really, as of American life. in Dormstadt, Germany. They tion laws, for any payments be- house The three:year study, "The called it "Land of Canaan" and any measure of success in it was for them, a new world, Treatment . decided help Jews that still sur- of Religion in Ele- cause they were unable to leave vived in to Germany. - any field—business. arts, or a new world for us and, indeed, Iron Curtain countries by Oct. mentary School Social Studies "We are not doing enough to science—has a deep obliga- for all those who look to us." Textbooks," was conducted for 1, 1953, a cut-off date in the expiate the deeds of the Nazis," tion to participate in the they said. "We must go to the Holy West German laws. The Con- Land Kennedy added that that was the League by Dr. Judah J. Har- to help restore Israel." world around him." gress noted that negotiations , what the ADL "has stood for, ris, a New York educator. In 1957 the first two nuns went i Schary is the - f- ourth national for 50 years—that is what this were continuing on an intensive to Israel. They studied Hebrew in Among the conclusions of the b basis by - Jewish representatives an "ulpan" and also learned Jewish chairman of the 50-year-old country has stood for 200 years, study are: custOms. A year later three more cabinet offi- nuns joined them For thr Anti-Defamation League, suc- and that is what this country 1. Textbook authors show anti - with West German two 'ear- - they w ork ed in Tel Ha-Sho mer hos- ceeding Henry Edward Schultz, will continue to stand for." Catholic bias. In their treatment ica s to obtain needed amend- pital. At te h same time, their New York attorney, who held friends in Germany. collected the Leading personages of all of the Reformation, many anti- ments to the law. necessary money to buy a house the position since 1953. His pre- branches of government-4n- Protestant measures of persecu- The CJC revealed that, at the in Jerusalem — this is ;` "The Abra- decessors were Judge Meier eluding Vice-President John.: tion are detailed but similar request of the Conference oh, ham House." Every Friday evening there is a Steinbrink of New York and son, members of the Supreme steps taken by Protestants are Jewish Material Claims Against Shabbat . gathering. In the garden. _ Sigmund Livingston of Chicago, Court and members of the not discussed. The Reformation Germany, it made detailed rep- in front of the house are flowers is presented as a battle in which resentations to the West German planted by the gardener of the who founded the League in Cabinet — attended, together Hebrew University. 1913. with Bnai Brith and ADL the forces of good freed them - ambassador in Ottawa on the On Jewish holidays there are selves from the forces of evil kind of changes needed and that celebrations and the "Mary Sisters" As a' playwright and producer, leaders from all over the speak Hebrew even among them- rather than as a product of the "assurances were received that selves. Schary has used both film and country. peculiar social and political con- our representations were re- stage as vehicles for expressing The event was 'featured Over Translation of Hebrew column pub- laved, with favorable comment, lished of the time. by Brith Ivrith Olamith, Jeru- concern with some of the most coast-to-coast television with a ditions 2. Textbooks as a whole neg- saletn. crucial issues of our time: anti- full-hour broadcast over CBS- lect Jewish history and Judaism Semitism, juvenile delinquency, TV. The program was entitled after the Bible period—modern 7.7 modern-day morality, the coin- "Dinner With the President." Jewish contributions to our so- Pulitzer Prize-winner Mark Van ciety are largely ignored. In ad- munist conspiracy. b, 'nfin4n His work on behalf of better Doren wrote the script which dition, the relationship of Jesus intergroup relations has brought depicted the American effort to the Jews is often portrayed p i ,, pri nivt - Kt? 14,t'' n1;11;1 k.z4i41 him many awards, among them for democracy, freedom and in a manner too . superficial to " p ni equality through folk songs and dispel misconceptions underly- — The One World Award of th - ballet. -it:r•N:n ,4) : 1.7j ,71. 7 ..i p n L? ni,p 1 7r1 nnnt4 American Nobel Center for mg anti-Semitism. 3. While the textbooks studied r-1 1, viDL? iro?; "contributions on the screen to / "-1117 P:t 77.7 international peace," the Thom- s ADL S a s 'Old Grads' stress the importance of religion as Jefferson Award for "dis- Keep Discrimination as a motivating force in past his- . 17r1,4 , 7Pn17r1, * - 1t17L2I tr,71271 V-rT rTT tttg i i i nT4 tory, they treat contemporary re- tinguished service to the corn- , Alive in Colleges 1.5.7r) . 1957 11174 munity" in the production of WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dis- ligion as being primarily a mat- ritg n'27rT ter of church-going, with a limit- such films and as The crimation in college fraternities ed role in welfare services and ,z7k. . -T) L? rtiVx1;:r nii T - ir7.1 Daughter Till Farmer's the End of i s /1, 4." :crr.).:,2. 71 being. kept alive mainly by character -education. The study 114. 7 .1:1 1/pt.?) 7:7x1?tiop4 Time, and one of ADL's first i "old grads"—old-time "defend- said .ntr?? 7/7. i -rsr t?i Judaism is often treat- America's Democratic Legacy I ers of the system" who have ed in that textbooks as "being out- , -ri. x n . w: ,pi-vvri ,,,-141 Awards for "distinguished con- 1114 .- long since left school and are 177 nk.ti- pritT r),4 dated, having exhausted its con- tributions to the enrichment of oblivious to contemporary atti- tribution in the Biblical period." tZ, 1771 It 71 , Lm lnly4rj n1 the nation's democratic heri- tudes and trends, it is reported 11 /14 tage." Among his many works by the Anti-Defamation League is "Sunrise at Campobello," a of Bnai Brith. ri .17;7 rwnp It17. 17 717 "r Pi 4 r Ti Israel Opera Leader vittilr;! play based on the story of The study on fraternity bias Pleads Innocent of "ry'4 tr.rV ItgP tztg. rii”7?1p 1-T., Fr a n k l i n Roosevelt's fight r pubrined - in connection with the against paralysis. !League's 50th annual meeting, Nazi Collaboration irrixl 1? -1 - 7r) tri?inn oPilt)P z7n Born in Newark, New Jer. noted that although bias has (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) sey, the 58-year-old Schary markedly lessened since the end ri' , . ' 4 7n - P ir.r1 .?ilrl tIcq , . .; 17PT - rep !. 2.1.7 has been active in League of World War II—mostly II—mostly be- . TEL AVIV—Hirsch Birenblatt, affairs 'since 1937 when he cause of pressure from under- Israeli National Opera conductor, nilr'? , r. Wrr ► tit2n nor tt)70 ntppri helped organize an ADL chap- graduates and college adminis- pleaded not guilty Monday to n44- k.orr - ri7L7triln charges of wartime collaboration , non. ter to combat neo-fascist trators—"democracy on the cam- with the Nazis in Poland in per- activity in the Los Angeles pus"- still a long way off. of Jews and trial was ."n;' T x area. rri;W According to the survey, a bit- secution set for March 11. ter tug-of-war goes on between President Kennedy voiced PnP72 rIP1P4 'tgtt -R, .) T L2'.? -17? '? Birenblatt, who was a police, high praise for the Bnai Brith's undergraduates and educators, chief in Bedjin, Poland, in 1942, who are aware of changing social was indicted on 12 counts under i'?V 74n r' 711 z717.- ,1939 nstri ~ rrty7 Anti-Defamation League its values in the United States, and half-century of devotion to for high- the 1950 Israel law for the pun- 7,ricp: ltgx- n'trilp v: r!zri '7.17 llokt 1 7't971 Itorn est American principles of the conservative "old grads" ishment of Nazis and their col- who are contributors to the col- laborators. The charges included 7tg ntrz?1'4Ixr i_i LAP equality and freedom of all loges and have a say in prospec- rwip. 'Tr; men. He declared that ADL alleged extortion of money from tive employment of new grad- Jewish prisoners, beating Jews, ' init57 nil/tj Imep ny`l ~ j77 rn 1 7 has dedicated itself for 50 years uates. : - : • : • T to the cause for which all of compelling them to work in Nazi nt1,111 171„vi ty, ,,v Although 61 national fraterni- forced labor camps and helping riir, :m • -.: ;171-1' . T ??Pri America 200 years. has stood for the last ties have removed racial and re- the Nazis to steal sewing ma- -1.,t, 173 rii,rix"i rrtnvn ligious discriminatory clauses chines and other property of the n - 11ns7,n • - ; T '.. : T • T Kennedy's praise of ADI., from their constitutions and by- took place here at a dinner laws, and some have offered Jewish victims. He faces a max- l'pnx-rr-Inr, ittin /1i-inn Pr3 1.1 Fr 1949 1144 • , : • : • T : - Jan. 31. Henry Edward Schultz, waivers of the "socially accept- imum penalty of 10 years in national chairman of ADL, pre- able" clause to chapters requir- prison if convicted. rrrn 71'173'VZ tONLIV?:)TisVI T: Birenblatt, who came to Israel sented to the President ADL's ed by some universities to purge in 1958, was arrested after .a /v.lp "America's Democratic Legacy themselves of bias, publicly ntp. 17 Izi771 Award." The. occasion marked stated policies of non-discrimina- survivor from Bedjin said he rec- 11-1? 7.7 Ito, '7J;31 the President's first appearance tion are quietly circumvented by ognized the musician when the (n't?'7:11.7 latter appeared as a piano accom- in person on the platform of "gentlemen's agreements." panist in a concert at a kibbutz. rin.trn 4 -/, 1-1t4)4