- ";.0.4e4,14;30;44iisidliii1011011.111k, THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS — Friday, February 8, 1963 — 30 vention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, which had received the Arab propa- Thirty years after Hitler's Von Schirach and Speer "admit ganda submitted by Tarazi, had accession to power in Germany, given Israel special permission the American Jewish Congress of no mitigation." "The passage of 30 years," to file its reply after the ses- called on Secretary of State he declared, "cannot. blunt the sion had concluded. The body Dean Rusk to block new efforts agony they produced." UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. own religion and the right to (JTA) — Dr. Joseph E. John- freedom from racial discrimi- had ruled also that Syria, which to , free imprisoned Nazi war Dr. Prinz cited reports that had laid the anti-Israeli propa- son, the UN Palestine Concilia- nations. Some of these prin- criminals Rudolf Hoess, Baldur tion Commission's special trou- ciples had been aimed clearly ganda before the UN group, von Schirach and Albert Speer. the German Red Cross was ble-shooter on the Arab refugee at the Soviet Union and the will not be entitled to reply AJC President Joachim Prinz seeking clemency and imme- issue, charged as a Middle East protection of the sizable Jewish "unless the Israel memorandum —himself a victim of Nazi per- diate release for the last three emissary with trying to ease or minority in the Soviet Union attacked Syria or another secution in his native Berlin— Nazi war criminals still in find steps toward the solution without, however, mentioning State." said in a letter to Secretary Spandau prison. Hoess is serving of that touchy issue, has re- the USSR by name. Rusk that the crimes of Hoess, a life sentence for crimes The memoranda on Israel' against humanity. Von Schirach signed. The full commission — The charges against Terazi behalf, filed today by Comay and Speer are each serving comprised of France, the United were voiced by Israel's perma- bypassed mention of Syria bu 20-year prison terms. States and Turkey — met in nent mission chairman here, attacked the documents backe d Seek Representation In his letter to Secretary closed session and accepted his Michael S. Comay, and by the by Syria. One of those docu by Jewish Community Rusk, Dr. Prinz noted that, resignation "with reluctance." United States expert on the ments had emanated from th e at Immigration Parley Rudolph Hoess was "one of the Dr. Johnson's official reason Subcommission, Morris B. so-called "Palestine Arab Dele for resigning was because he Abram. They were supported in gation," a group having n o David I. Rosin, chairman of key culprits of the entire Nazi: had set a February 1963 dead- milder terms by Marcel Bou- official consultative status here the subcommittee on Immigra- conspiracy," that Baldur von line far quitting when he as- quin, of France, and Francesco That paper had dealt with tion for the Jewish Community Schirach had "initiated German sumed the PCC task in August Capotorti, of Italy, two other "Jewish immigration to occupied Council reports an all-day Con- youth in Nazi doctrine and de- • 1961. He said he scheduled a members on the 12-man body. Palestine and the right of Chris- ference on Immigration will be livered them to the Party as convened on March 8. world tour for his family be- Efforts to absolve the Syrian tian and Moslem Arabs of Pales- The Council is one of the spon- fanatic butchers," and that ginning this month. of the serious charges w e r e tine to return to their country." soring organizations of the con- Albert Speer as vice minister Dr. Johnson, who is president made by Boris S. Ivanov, of of munitions had `martialled of the Carnegie Endowment For the Soviet Union, and Dr. Woj- The second paper was a pam- ference, which is being held un- the German economy for the phlet issued in 1961 by the der the auspices of the Michigan production of armaments." International Peace, has made ciech Ketrzynski, of Poland, Arab Information Center of Committee on Immigration. several trips to the Middle East vice-chairman of the group. Jurisdiction over the Nazi New Y o r k, which,_ Comay Rosin and Walter Klein, Coun- war criminals remaining at where he visited the capitals of Comay charged that the stressed, is registered with the cil executive director, are on the Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jor- Spandau is shared by the four dan as well as Israel. Last fall, Syrian diplomat introduced two U. S. State Department as a conference planning -committee. original occupying powers — memoranda which the members foreign agency. Principal speaker at the meeting Vrance, Great Britain, The he proposed a plan for infor- In his memorandum, Co- will be Senator Philip A. Hart, U.S. and the U.S.S.R.—and no mal plebiscite among the refu- of the subcommission believed gees to determine how many to be documents of the Syrian may noted that the manner who was one of the sponsors of decision to grant clemency may might wish to return to Israel government, entitled to file of- in which the Subcommission a bill in the last session of the be taken without the concur- and be accepted by Israel. ficial papers because Syria is finally allowed Syria to pre- Congress which would have sub- reice of all four governments. a member of the United Na- sent the two documents did stituted a new basis for the The sentences now being served Neither the Arab states con- tions. Instead, it turned out, the not imply any recognition of selection of immigrants in place cerned nor Israel considered Hoess, von Schirach and papers filed by Terazi were not either the "Palestine Arab of the "national origins formula" by the plan feasible. were imposed by the Syrian documents. One of these Delegation" or of the Infor- in the present law. Hart will dis- Speer International War Crimes Tri- No Replacement Planned was a memorandum by the so- mation Center as groups with cuss proposed legislative bunal at Nuremberg. WASHINGTON (JTA) — Au- called Palestine Arab Delega- thoritative sources here indi- tion and the other was a three- consultative status here. In changes. The program will also include `The Jew in American Life' cated that no decision has been year-old pamphlet issued by the regard to the "Palestine Dele- made by the members of the Arab Information Center in gation" paper, he said "its consideration of refugee reset- "The Jew in American Life," Palestine Conciliation Commis- New York. Neither of these blatant purpose is to try to tlement problems with authorita- Rabbi Dresner, which will sion on replacing Dr. Johnson, groups has official status here. discredit the Israel govern- tive speakers on this subject. by be published by Crown on and that the PCC will probably- Comay told the Subcommis- ment and even to deny the The conference will assemble at March 25, explores the life of pursue its task on a diplomatic sion that he objected to the in- existence of Israel." He the International Institute. In a the Jew in the United States follow up communication to basis. troduction of the documents labeled the statements made and the meaning of the Jewish The feeling in the Near East- submitted by Terazi because by the Arabs regarding Jew- Council member organizations, religion. ern Division of the State De- they had emanated from non- ish immigration to Israel as Rosin asked for representation Of particular interest is the at the event by interested Jewish partment was that Dr. Johnson's official propaganda groups. He "fallacious." chapter, "The Scandal of the community groups. recommendations with regard also answered in detail the As for the Arab Information Jewish Funeral." Rabbi Dresner to a solution of the Arab refu- charges that Israel violates the Center pamphlet, Comay point- suggests several reforms to gee problem will furnish "use- rights of Arab refugees or the ed out he had himself answered Reveal German counteract abuses of Jewish ful guide posts" for the future. rights of the Arab minority in in the past here allegations by Law and tradition which occur Mayor Endorsed , Dr. Johnson never advocated Israel. Arabs who claim that Israel frequently in American Jewish any particular numerical or Nuremberg Laws violated the human rights of funeral practice. "The Syrian representative," percentage formula for refugee Israeli Arabs. Far from oppress- The chapter "The Jew and WUERZBURG, G erm a ny, repatriation, according to the said Comay, "misled the sub- ing the Arab minority in Israel, (JTA) — A request that Mayor Alcohol" is based on the Yale commission. He has filed papers Department's version. The United States remains emanating from groups that Comay pointed out, the Arabs Helmuth Zimmer give up his University studies on alcohol- unprepared to publish the pro- have no status here whatever. in Israel "live as free men" title of doctor because his doc- ism. cedure or substance outlined in To accept these papers would and enjoy full political rights. toral dissertation, written in FREE TO OUR READERS! the Johnson proposals. N o r create a dangerous precedent, t `In general," he said, "the con- 1936, had endorsed Nazi racist co u l d a prediction be made opening the door for all emigre ents of the pamphlet give a doctrines, was made by a whether the Johnson r e p or t groups who can find a friendly distorted and tendentious pic- former mayor of this city. would eventualy be published. government ready to submit t ure, which is hardly surprising According to the ex-official, their documents for them, al- n an anti-Israeli propaganda Mayor Zimmer's 1936 thesis, U.S., Israel Charge Syrian though the groups themselves 1 eaflet printed and distributed entitled "Race, Nationality and Envoy With Misleading, U.N. by the Arab League." UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. have no status here." Reich Citizenship," endorsed Abram, who, as a member of The entire record, including the Hitlerian, anti-Semitic Nu- (JTA) — The Syrian Ambassa- dor to the United Nations, the subcommission, had voted he anti-Israel attack and the remberg Laws, called for "prior- Salah el Dine Terazi, stood ac- to permit the Syrian to present I sraeli answer, now goes with ity of the German race," and cused here by a United States documentation, told the group t he Subcommission's archives declared that democracy was representative and by Israel's that he wanted the record to f or further consideration by the "an insane expression of cul- permanent representative to show he has "annulled" his pre- Human Rights Commission, the tural and biological decline." the UN of "misleading" tactics vious vote. "The subcommission arent body of the anti-bias and "subterfuge" by using a was misled," he said. "I want nit. The Commission is sched- "back door" method of slander- the record to show that I am led to meet in Geneva in Israel Hikes Bus ing Israel before the Subcom- annulling my previous decision March. Fares, School Fees mission on Prevention of Dis- to permit these documents to be JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Bus crimination and Protection of entered here, since they were Cleveland Hospital fares throughout Israel were in not presented by the Syrian Minorities. creased an average of 10 per The charges against Syria government." Starts Aged Project 24-Year Hebrew-English cent after the Finance Ministry Israel straightened out the erupted during a stormy, two- Calendar. 32 pages. All CLEVELAND, (JTA) — The hour debate which came just records of the United Nations United States Public Health turned down proposals that the dates and Hebrew equiva. bus companies receive subsidies before the Subcommission con- anti-bias unit, which com- Service has given a $160,000, lents and days of the week, Oct. 1940 to Sept, 1964. cluded a three-week session. pleted its yearly, three-week three-year grant to Mount Sinai for losses they suffered due to During this session it adopted meeting last Friday, by label- Hospital here. The funds are to the devaluation of I s r a e l's three sets of principles guaran- ing Arab papers previously be used for a demonstration pound last year. Increases of Important Jewish holidays teeing the rights of all people presented here as "fallacious" medical care program, for aged 12 per cent in fees for sec- to 1970. ondary school education have to emigrate from or immigrate a n d "tendentious" propa- residents in Springbrook Apart- For free copy write to H. J. also been approved. into their own countries, the ganda. Heinz Company, Dept. J2, ments, a facility of the Cleve- right to hold and practice their The Subcommission on Pre- land Housing Authority. Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania Want ads get quick results! Dr.Prinz OpposesFreeing of Nazis Dr, Johnson Quits UN Post; Syria Rebuked for Injecting Biased Data in Debate at UN ........ HAVE A SHARE IN THE NEW BUILDING!! . Send Your Contribution to THE NEW HEBREW MEMORIAL CHAPEL Chesed Shel Emes TITIR '2W 7011 Being Built At 26640 Greenfield, Oak Park THE glebrew enevolent Society BUILDING FUND 2995 Joy Road Detroit 6, Michigan