• • • 1 , omen s elubs Hailed as "department store render and which have won PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT (More Clubs, Page 15) type food markets," the Dex- the esteem of the food indus- try nationally. NORTHWEST CHILD RES- CLUB will meet 8:30. p.m. Mon- Cottler opened his second CUE WOMEN will hold a rum- day at the Sholem Aleichem store on Wyoming at Curtis 13 mage sale Tuesday at the Cana- Institute. The program will be years ago. His Oak Park store dian Legion Hall. Proceeds are on "Recovery," a self-help or- is referred to as the "Fontain- ganization for nervous and for mentally retarded children. former mental patients. Ann bleu of Supermarkets." The group will equip a domestic Humphrey will moderate. Hus- In the Cottler Dexter-Davison supermarkets' management also kitchen in Beersheva. For • in- bands and friends are invited. are: George Kolarchick, man- formation, call Florence Wein- Refreshments will be served. * * * ager; John Nagrant, grocery garden, UN 4-5251. The next department; Harry Smaller, pro- DETROIT CANCER FIGHT- meeting will be Feb. 14. buyer; Tony Salvia, pro- ERS (auxiliary of the City of Norman Cottler Reuben Cottler duce * * * duce manager; Sidney Wolfe, Hope) board will meet noon REE KASS CLUB officers Monday ter-Davison Markets, on Wyom- delicatessen and fish. at the Raleigh House. will meet 8 p.m. Wednesday at Mrs. Morris Lezerson is chair- ing and Curtis and Coolidge and Cottler has been a long sup- the home of Ida Warnick, 18984 man of hostesses. Assisting her 10-Mile Rd. in Oak Park, are porter of Israel food products. Mansfield, BR 3-5170., now observing "We carry every available are Mesdames Nathan Lux, * * * two important Phillip Moss, Louis Markle, Israeli food product," he said. MISS ROXANNE GAINES anniversaries DETROIT LINK, Order of Harry Posar and Sidney Morris. Dexter-Davison is the largest —the 31st of Mrs. Lee Gaines announces the Golden Chain, will honor seller of Israeli wine in the - * * * t h e establish- United States, according to the engagement of her daugh- its present and past officers, NORTHWEST NSHEI CHA- ment of the ter, Roxanne Gayle, to Myron 8:30 p.m. Monday at Raleigh Cottler. BAD STUDY GROUP and the House. Honored will be Martin markets which Russell Morrison, son of Mr. "We go out of our way to YOUNG ISRAEL SISTERHOOD commenc ed' tell people about Israel prod- and Mrs. Ben Hirsch and the Hollander and Ethel Merchey. will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Refreshments will be served. with the store ; ucts and explain why they late Louis Morrison. the home of Mrs. A. Selmar, * * * first opened in should support them," he said. A June 23 wedding will be 17207 Cherrylawn.. Speaker will 1932 by Nor- GLENW 0 OD CHAPTER, Now serving a third genera- performed by Rabbi Moses Lehr- be Alfred Greenbaum. A special man Cottler on Women's_ American ORT, will Dexter and Raymond Cohen tion of Detroit Jews, Cottler man at Cong. Bnai Moshe. hold its annual games night, Tu B'Shvat program will be Davison, with the expansion likes to explain to young mar- 8:30 p.m. Feb. 20, at Young presented, according to Mrs. that ensued on Wyoming, and ried couples about kosher prod- E. C. Lutz Is Promoted Israel Center in Oak Park. Tzippora Baiter. ucts, and one of the markets' the Oak Park store. There will be prizes and re- specialties are kosher barbecued by Franklin Mortgage Want ads get quick results' freshments. F o r information, Norman Cottler, assisted by chickens. Benjamin Levinson, presi- call Mrs. Louis Grossman, 341- his son, Reuben, and son-in-law, "The delicatessen and fresh dent, Franklin Mortgage Corpo- 1352, or Mrs. Edward Kagan. Raymond Cohen, operate these ration, announces the promo- Diamonds - Fine Jewelry stores which have gained city- fish sections are very popular tion of Edward C. Lutz, Jr., as * * * wide fame for the services they with our customers," Cottler sales manager of his company. OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD Silverware continued. The store features a "smoke Lutz has been associated with STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 center" where customers can Franklin Mortgage Corporation p.m. Saturday at the home of purchase all of their tobacco for the past year, and has dis- Mrs. A. Saltsman, 14160 Bal- RELY ON needs; a beverage department, tinguished himself in his asso- four. Speaker will be Rabbi M. ciation with Rothenberg. Ch airmen are A featuring a large selection of real estate Mesdames A. Feldman and A. Mrs. Oscar M. Zemon, of soft drinks, imported beers and brokers and Sandweiss. 19630 Roslyn Road, was re- wines; and a non-foods section builders in the —but no meats or baked goods. "The Price elected president of Unit e d Detroit area. Pre-packaged baked goods and Is Always Community Services Women's Lutz attend- Music the Stein-Way Right" Committee, it was announced lunchmeats are carried, Cottler ed the Univer- said. at the group's at DICK STEIN sity of Detroit Cottler announces plans for 28th annual where he ma- & ORCHESTRA constructing a six-store shop- luncheon held jored in busi- ping center addition to the at Masonic ness adminis-. west side of the Coolidge mar- BR 2-0232 20010 Jas. Couxens Temple MOn- tr ati on, and ket, facing 10 Mile Road. It C. Lutz E. day. the University will include a drug store, candy Mrs. Zemon store, -children's store, book of Michigan, specializing in real is active on store, and a deli lunch counter. estate law. He served in the behalf of nu- It is expected the addition will U.S. Army for two years, and merous organ be completed and ready for was stationed in Korea. izations, in The Franklin Mortgage Cor- operation by mid-June. eluding Na- WE DID OUR BEST poration has recently entered tional. Council Mrs. Zemon into a $2 million commitment AND I'M TRULY SORRY of Jewish Women, Brandeis Shulman Announces 14 for the delivery of Detroit area BUT . . University Women's Committee, mortgages with a new bank in Red Cross Nurses' Aid Program Stores Opened by It was physically impossible to service you in our York State. With this new • and United Foundation Women's Revco Discount- Drugs New usual prompt manner during the recent cold wave! account, the Franklin Mortgage Organization. Revco Discount Drug Centers, Corporation is now servicing in Thank You For Your Patience and Understanding As president of the UCS Inc., marked its $2,000,000 ex- excess of $60 million of F.H.A. THERE IS ONLY ONE Women's Committee during the pansion into the Metropolitan and V.A. mortgages for 41 indi- Detroit market by opening 14 year, Mrs. Zemon will coming . vidual insurance companies, continue to head the volunteer stores Sunday. savings banks, federal savings activities of some 5,000 women Bernard Shulman, 37, presi- and loan associations and re- in a wide variety of year- dent of Revco and a native De- tirement and pension funds. round programs aimed at gain- troiter, announced the expan- DON'T FUSS—DON'T CUSS—CALL US "Human Brotherhood is not ing better public understanding sion and a $10,000,000 gross UN 2-9558 just a goal. It is a condition of the work of health and wel- sales goal for 1963. fare agencies. Revco, which already operates on which our way of life FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Mrs. John C. Hopp was re- stores in Ohio, West Virginia depends."—President John F. elected as financial secretary. and Michigan, is one of the Kennedy Named as new members of largest drug chains in the the board of directors of the United States, with gross sales UCS Women's Committe were totaling in excess of $25,000,000 and is the nation's only total Mrs. Victor Shiffman and Mrs. discount drug chain. James Wineman. The executive group and di- rectors of Revco include Shul- It's been three years since L'Atelier Gallery first began. We thank you CARIH New Life man, president, chief executive for giving our young artists your support and for adding to your collection officer and director; Marvin Chapter Will Meet as we have built up ours. Block, vice-president, treasurer New Life Chapter of t h e and director; Theresa Rogers, We'd like you to join us on Thursday evening, February 14, from 7-10 p.m. for Children's Asthma Research In- secretary and director; Max a SPECIAL SALE. A 10% discount off regular price on all displayed paintings ; stitute and Hospital will hold Bunin, vice-president; Sidney drawings and original prints will be allowed, for this night only, and in many an open meeting 8:30 p.m. Wed- Dworkin, director; Joseph M. nesday at the home of Mr. and McDaniel, Jr., director; Regi- cases discounts up to 50%. Mrs. Seymour Shaw, 24240 Sen- nald MacArthur, director; My- Paintings, drawings and graphics by: Szafran, Kesl, E. Fox, Picasso, Chagail, Friedlander, Lars Bo, eca, Oak Park. Renoir, Amen, Ruff, Rosen, Vertes, etc. ron N. Krotinger, director; WeiSSela4 The film, "A Trip to the Julian L. Gumbiner, director; 1-42/11t044, Seattle World's Fair," will be Louis Klein, vice - president; etiteliA0 gaft 19954 Dikectot shown. Refreshments will be Arthur Reiter, purchasing di- Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10:30-5:30 served. For information, call rector; and William J. Kirch- Phone 861-9370 berg, advertising manager. Charlotte Goldin, LI 6-9312. Mrs. Zemon Remain s Head of Women'sjGC • GEMOIOGIST • DESIGNER • APPRAISER LI 74770 T. H. GRANT, INC. SAM KOPPELMAN SAYS:. . . . 1-MILE MENDOTA SHELL SERVICE CA- 6162A- gat 3rd ANNIVERSARY tido Altkitt, The First Jewish Nursing Home In Detroit For Convalescent, Chronic and Aged. DAVID .NU.R.$.1.NG Established in 1947 132411 Ar. , CHICAGO. COR. ILITTILEIFIeLDL • • • • For Information Call: TE 4-6670 or TE 4-1192 Highly Qualified Hospital Personnel Providing Excellent Care Around the Clock Private, Semi-Private and Ward Accomodations Frances Rosenzweig, R.N. Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses on Duty Supervisor • Facilities for 55 Patients Special Diets • Your Own Physician Welcome • Attractive Economical Rates -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, February 8, 1963 Cottle6 Alfark 31s t Anniversary of Gaines-Morrison Markets, 3rd Oak Park Anniversary Engagement Told