THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, February 8, 1963 — 10 Report Yiddish 'Dynamic' in Argentina, Declining as 'Mother Tongue' in Canada . OTTAWA, (JTA) — A total of 82,448 Canadian Jews gave Yiddish as their "mother tongue" in the 1961 census, out of 254,368 who gave Juda- ism as their religion, according to a breakdown of data on the 1961 count revealed here by the Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics. While the number of per- sons indicating their religion as Jewish had more than dou- bled in the 40-year period from 1921 to 1961—from 125,445 in the former year—the percent- age of Jews giving their mother tongue as Yiddish has dropped steadily. _In 1931, 95.4 per cent of the Jews claimed Yiddish as their mother tongue; in 1941, the percentage was 76.2; in 1951, a little more than half, or 50.6 per cent specified Yid- dish; but by 1961 the percent- age had gone down to 32.4. The term "mother tongue" is defined in the Canadian census as "the language a person first learned in child- hood and still understands and, in the case of infants, - the language spoken in the home." In general, the data showed, the percentage of the Jewish population reporting Yiddish as the mother tongue is larger in- the bigger com- munities, smaller in the smaller cities or in the sub- urbs. Broken down by the three largest centers of Jewish pop- ulation—Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg—the figures showed these changes in the 20-year period, 1941-1961: In Montreal, the 1961 percentage of Yiddish- mother-tongue Jews was 37.7, compared with 79.9 in 1941; in Toronto, the 1961 figures showed 47.5 per cent as against 79.2 per cent in 1941; in Win- nipeg, the 1961 percentage was 46.5 compared with 90.1 per cent in 1941. The census data also showed that, in the 10-year period 1951- 1961, about 37,000 Jewish immi- grants had been admitted into Canada. * * * NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Yiddish language is "vibrant, alive and dynamic" among Ar- gentina's 450,000 Jews, it was reported by Samuel Rollansky, Argentine Yiddish writer, who is visiting this country on be- half of the Yivo Literature So- ciety which is currently in the process of publishing 100 books of Yiddish literature. Illustrating the strength of the Yiddish language in Ar- gentina, Rollansky cited the fact that there are in that country 110 elementary Yid- dish schools, eight high schools, two teachers' semi- naries and one college for Yiddish high school teachers. Nearly 12,000 students are enrolled in all of the schools, from elementary to college, and there are '700 teachers Israel Bond Leadership Dinner to Map Redemption Year Campaign The annual Israel Bond lead- ership dinner-meeting will be on the faculties. An indication of the accept- held 7 p.m., Feb. 14 at the Jew- ance of Yiddish as a vital lan- ish Center. guage by Argentine Jews, said A special invitation has been Rollansky, is the fact that extended to members of the about 80 per cent of all teach- executive board and of the Na- ers are under the age of 30, tional Israel Bond Honor Soci- and about 70 per cent of them eties, according to Tom Bor- are native-born. The Buenos Aires Jewish community, he said, pays about Chile, Ghana Asked 40 per cent of the Yiddish edu- to Extradite Nazis cation budget annually, the rest of the funds coming from Who Murdered Jews FRANKFURT, (JTA)—Ex-re- tuition and other fees. Students attend classes two and a half 'sistance fighters demanded in hours each day, five days a resolutions adopted at a meeting week. The Hebrew language is here that Chile extradite Dr. also taught in every Yiddish Josef Mengele, the notorious school at all levels. Additional- Auschwitz death camp "selection ly, there is a school where He- doctor," and that Ghana extradite Otto Schumann, also a notorious brew only istaught. Rollansky pointed out that Nazi participant in the slaughter the status of Yiddish is also of Jews during World War II. illustrated by the fact that Ar- The .meeting, yield by the Euro- gentina has two large daily pean Resistance . Fighters and Yiddish newspapers, one week- Former Deportees, also de- ly, five monthlies and two quar- manded that Austria extradite to terlies. One of the latter is this country the former SS Gen- devoted solely to philosophy, eral Verbelen. The resolution and is believed to be the only noted that "under peculiar cir- publication of its kind in the cumstances," this Nazi had been world. granted Austrian citizenship. man, general chairman. The dinner is being held in advance of the 1963 Israel Bond nation- al inaugural conference, slated in Miami Beach March 1-3. Plans for the 1963 Israel Bond campaign in Detroit will be discussed at the dinner. This year is the 15th anniversary of the State of Israel and the year of redemption of the first Israel Savings Bonds. Guest of honor will be Meir Sherman, former Israel Econ- omic Minister to the United States. For reservations, call DI 1-5707. ATTENTION Synagogues and Jewish Organizations $50.00 to $1,000. can be raised easily by selling MANISCHEWITZ MACAROONS and COOKIES . . . strictly Kosher for Passover. Don't delay, get started today! Write for brochure: CARUTH'S, 32-75 Steinway Street, Long Island City, N.Y. Monty Winslow Predicts 350,000 Tourists a Year for Israel by '68 On the basis of the large in Winslow, and family. creases in tourism during the Monty Winslow, a native De- past few years, 350,000 tourists troiter, has been associated with will visit Israel by 1968, it is I.T.S. Travel, and Tours, Ltd., predicted by Monty Winslow, since 1956, spending half his vice president of Israel Travel time in Israel in managing the Service, with headquarters in tourist industry and the other Tel Aviv, who visited here this six months traveling abroad, week with his brother, Dr. Max with extensive visits in this country, in behalf of his organ- ization's international sales. Winslow made the important announcement here that char- tered tours are being abandoned as of April 1 and that those planning visits to Israel no longer have to associate them- selves with an organizational have some happiness for dinner tonight Have some Teal old-fashioned tasting Kasha for dinner...and hear the family cheer! Remem- ber how deep-down good Grandma's Kasha used to taste? Do you wonder how she made it? Look on the WOLFF'S KASHA package. Just follow the economi- cal directions. Its as easy as beating an egg and chopping an on- ion put taste happiness on the •table tonight. THAT'S THE MAGIC OF KASHA! tour. "Travel agents henceforth will be able to offer rates- tan= tamount to those that were hitherto offered by organiza- tions," Winslow said. He explained that by merely applying to a local agent and by selecting a date for a tour, individuals will have the bene- fit of tours planned nationally. He also pointed out that this will simplify travel arrange- ments and he said that local groups will be able to plan spe- cial tours, the only conditions for which will be that they must leave as a group, travel and return as a group. Winslow said the Israel Tour- ist Development Corp. has made great progress in recent years, and he paid a compliment to Jacob Hilfer, executive . vice- KASHA nutritious Brown Buckwheat Groats. Also enjoy Wolff's Creamy Kernels (grits) Kasha 'N' Gravy, Kasha Soup. FREE: KASHA COOKBOOK! JuSt address request to: Phyllis Wolff, Penn Van, N. Y. president, as a man who pio- neered in establishing tourist accommodations, in increasing interest in tourism and in pro- viding opportunities for an ex- panded industry in Israel. Student traffic in Israel and the large numbers of summer camps have helped tourism, Winslow said. He said he was confident that the interest in tourism among Jewish youth also is growing. Israel's Citrus Exports Israel's annual citrus exports total 350,000 tons yielding a total revenue of $50,000,000. There are, at present, some 135,000 acres of land in Israel under citrus cultivation. Look what grows in the MANISCHEWITZ garden Eleven tempting vegetables baked inttra brand new, delightfully different, taste sensation. Try it! Mmmmm, Manischewitz Vege-Matzo. vege • MATZO WITH 100% LIQUID COR11101L .