Egyptian Rearmament Alarms Israel (Continued from Page 1) sis on a current review by the Administration of American aid to Egypt and reported that the Administration feels some as- pects of the Nasser regime were "not all unfavorable." The Post said the wisdom of the U.S. aid program benefiting Nasser was being questioned be- cause of Nasser's "open partici- pation in the revolt in Yemen." According to the Post, "the Israelis fear the success of the Nasser-assisted Yemeni military group in pushing out Yemen's antiquated Imamate may encour- age Nasser in other foreign ad- ventures in the Middle East." To justify its faith in Nasser, the Post said, the Administra- tion has cited Nasser's "strict silence" when the United States announced , sale of Hawk missiles to Israel; re-establishment of links with the West through af- filiation with the General Agree- ment of Tariffs and Trade; Nas- ser's Congo policy; the placement by Nasser of the Israel issue in the "ice box"; his role on Soviet nuclear policy, and his "mod- erate" stand in the Cuban con- troversy last fall. "All of these factors are said to convince Administration offi- cials that Nasser, despite his penchant for interfering in the internal affairs of his Arab neighbors, still comes out on the plus side in permitting room for reasonably friendly relations with the free world," the Post reported. Attempted Coup in Jordan Fails; Israel Is on Guard TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Israeli circles are maintaining a close watch on developments in Jor- Give LaMed Awards to Three Students Three awards for Master's The winner of the first prize tion is "very dangerous, just like Essays on a Jewish subject sub- was Vera Zabelle of New York before the Sinai campaign in mitted to American and Cana- for her essay "Joseph Ha-Cohen: 1956," was expressed here by dian Universities in 1962 were His View of World History," Anthony Wedgwood Benn—Lord announced by the National towards a degree from Colum- Tansgate — following his return Foundation for Jewish Culture. bia University. from Israel. "Israel," he re- The awards are given an- prizes were awarded ported over the radio, is "very nually by the Esther and Louis to Second Robert E. Levinson of Eu- alarmed at the Egyptian rearma- LaMed Fund of Detroit, and are gen, Ore., for his thesis "The ment and very desperate." intended to bring to public at- "Time is moving against Is- tention the work being done by Jews of Jacksonville, Oregon," rael," he said. "The Arab coun- students and young scholars in towards a degree at the Univer- tries are getting arms from both the field of Judaic • studies, as sity of Oregon; and to Mrs. sides — from the West and the well as to encourage such writ- Shulamis Yelin of Montreal. East. The differential in the ing. Want ads get quick results! morale between the Israeli and Arab troops, which used to be very important, is now diminish- ing with the acquisition by the Arab governments of more tech- nical weapons." He suggested that Israel should take • the initiative in solving the Arab refugee prob- lem by agreeing to admit one Arab 'refugee to every 10 Jews entering Israel under the Law of Is Pleased To Announce That Return. "An initiative by Israel on the Arab refugee question would have several advantages," he asserted. "There would be some technical cooperation be- tween Israel and the Arabs; Is- rael would obtain a sort of de facto recognition by the Arabs; and a category of refugees would be created who have chosen not to return to Israel and therefore would be eligible for resettle- ment in the Arab countries." The London Daily Mail re- ported that almost every Arab country in the Middle East was on the alert against President Nasser of Egypt for a possible coup. The newspaper asserted Has Been Named that "this powder keg corner of the world is nearer to an ex- plosion now than it has ever been in the year of intrigue, plotting . . . for his outstanding record of accomplishment and craving for power by the in leading the entire National Life organization in man who waits in Cairo." sales throughout Southeastern Michigan. The London Times, reporting the closing of the Syrian border Mr. Steiner k A Valued Associate Of with Lebanon, said this ap- peared to be a prelude to a strong move against pro-Nasser elements. The official explana- GENERAL AGENT credit courses in Hebrew lan- tion was the desire to prevent guage, Jewish history, Jewish infiltration . of pro-Nasser and 21500 GREENFIELD ROAD philosophy, Bible studies, and subversive elements into Syria. on a growing number of uni- PHONE: 548-9811 Want ads get quick results! versities it is now possible to major in Judaic studies. "University administrations, without exception, make ex- MEMBERS OF LANDSMANSHAFTEN SOCIETIES, B'NAI B`RITH LODGES, CHAPTERS traordinary efforts to accom- AND FRIENDS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT modate their school calendars and policies to the Jewish re- ligious needs of college stu- dents," the report stressed. Touching on the problems of growth, the report said that the annual Hillel budget of $2,- 005,477 in 1962 went over $2,- 000,000 for the first time. The money was spent on 81 full- time professional staff mem- bers; the maintenance of 52 Hillel Foundation buildings SCHAEFER AND SEVEN MILE ROAD whose value at the time of con- struction or purchase was more Guest Artist Guest Speaker Toastmaster than $6,000,000; program and maintenance funds for 243 Hil- k lel Foundations and counselor- ships; salaries for specialists in Hebrew, music and dance; stu- dent work scholarships, and the operations of the national of- fice. In the past four years, the Hillel budget had grown at the rate of $112,000 a year. Noting that the larger uni- versities were reaching the saturation point, the study said that many more Jewish students were entering small- er liberal arts colleges all over the United States. Preliminary findings of a sur- vey to determine Hillel needs CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH beyond the 200 schools already of Temple Israel on the Hillel waiting list AARON ROSENBERG showed dozens of colleges and Accompanist RABBI M. ROBERT SYME Attorney and Noted small universities with Jewish REBECCA GOLDBERG of Temple Israel Humorist enrollments of 40 to 50 stu- dents. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED The Hillel Foundations cur- rently serve—in addition to the United States and Canada—in A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE EVENING Australia, Britain, Holland, Is- Honor will be bestowed upon members of Landsmanshaften rael, Switzerland and South Africa. who have reached their Diamond Jubilee age and over. dan where, according to Beirut radio reports, an attempted coup against King Hussein has been suppressed. Unrest erupted in the old city of Jerusalem, on the Jordanian side of the border, • Jan. 13, the Lebanese radio reported. The trouble developed after Jordan's Palestine District Commissioner, Nuseibeh, resigned. Pro-Nasser- ist demonstrations followed his resignation, according to the Beirut radio. Israeli leaders have noted in connection with previous erup- tions of political troubles in Jordan that they would not sit idly by if a Nasserist coup should take place in Jordan. Israel's Deputy Defense Min- ister Shimon Peres warned that Israel would not be surprised if Egypt demonstrates a public launching of missiles: Peres said that • although "we don't yet know whether Egypt already has operational missiles" it is known that she has been very busy in this field for sev- eral years. It made no difference whether it was Egyptian or for- eign experts and scientists who developed the missiles, he stressed. At the same time, he noted that Egypt, Syria and Iraq con- tinue getting an inflow of large quantities of the best quality weapons and it was, therefore, up to Israel to equip its Army with the best known planes and tanks that could meet the Egyp- tian challenge. Israel Reported 'Very Alarmed' Over Growth of Egyptian Rearmament LONDON, (JTA) — The feel- ing that the Arab-Israel situa- Religious Identification Growing Among Jewish Students; Abandon of Negativism Seen in Hillel Report NEW YORK, (JTA)—One of the factors that has stimulated increased Jewish student in- terest in religious worship on the campuses of American col- leges and universities is that "the academic climate today favors religious identification on the part of students," the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations reported. The report said that a study of attendance at services on campuses during the past High Holy Days revealed a larger at- tendance than ever before. It cited an attendance at the Penn- sylvania State University Hillel Foundation of 1,500 Jewish stu- dents who filled the auditorium synagogue and overflowed to the outside halls and sidewalks. "At Ohio State University, concurrent services were con- ducted, one liberal and the other traditional, not only to meet the specific needs of students of different denomi- national backgrounds b u t also to provide additional seating space for the large number of students joining in worship," the report added. "Three concurrent services were conducted at Harvard- Radcliffe in the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform tra- ditions, with more than 1,400 students in attendance." Conceding that attendance at such services was "no indication of the real intensity of Jewish identification," the report con- tended that increased student attendance was nevertheless significant "because it runs counter to our experience on the campus a decade ago, cer- tainly 20 years ago. Then large numbers of Jewish students re- fused to identify themselves in any way with Jewish life and religion." The report added that the spirit of the university "is highlighted further by the growing numbers of schools at The hamburger had its origin which chairs or courses in with the Russian Tartars. Sea- Jewish studies are found. Forty men from the city of Hamburg Hillel directors teach university brought it to the western world. NATIONAL LIFE OF VERMONT FRED W. STEIN "MAN OF THE YEAR" Austin A. Kanter, C.1. U. & Assoc. . An Evening of Culture and Entertainment Thursday, January 24, 1963 at 8:30 P.M. n the Morris L. Schauer Auditorium (Labor Zionist Inst.) ; • Donation 50c No Solicitations Auspices—Committee of Landsmanshaften for JNF and Metropolitan Detroit Erma B'rith Council