• (Direct JTA Teletype Wire now "had enough of the State the education bill through Con- to The Jewish News) WASHINGTON — The ope n- Department's appeasement of gress. The money would be ing of the first session of th e Nasser?' given to the 50 states and the 88th Congress is expected t 0 A duel between the State De- church-state problem passed on produce a number of issues of partment ?lid Congress on Egypt with it for decision on a state special interest to the Amer appears inevitable. The State level. can Jewish community, amon g Department is advancing plans Growing discontent over them immigration policy, ant i- to increase loans and grants to the absence of effective moves filibustermeasures, the Rule s Nasser who incurred a huge to challenge rising Soviet Committee controversy, civi 1 debt in his Yemeni adventure. anti-Semitism will be voiced rights, Soviet anti-Semitism Congress will challenge such in Congress. This difficult Arab discrimination affectin aid every step of the way now problem will be subject of Americans and American polic that Nasser has shown his hand cautious discussion between in the Near East. in Yemen. Jewish groups and congres- An early campaign is antici Legislation will be sought to sional leaders. pated for implementation o f bar further aid to Egypt in a Since the Arabs and the State the Keating-Halpern Amend mandatory provision unless the Department have equally ig- raent of the Mutual Securit Y Executive Department imple- nored amendments to mutual Act. This amendment oppose s ments the discretionary Keat- security acts deploring Arab dis- aid to nations like Egypt which ing-Halpern clause. crimination, boycotts and block- use their own resources to pur- Jewish organizations will ades, the new bill will bring chase Soviet arms. Observe t h e anti-filibuster a question of whether it's worth Congressmen will seek to fight aware that civil rights, repeating an ignored amend- terminate aid to Egypt not only immigration re vision and ment for yet a noth e r year. because of Nasser's diversion other legislation is contigent President Kennedy, however, is of Egyptian resources to buy upon victory. If success is this year required to make a More Soviet Jets, but out of achieved by liberals, many report directly to Congress on anger caused by the active par- measures previously bottled measures to implement the ticipation of Egyptian forces in up by conservatives may be amendment. the imposition of a pro-Soviet brought on the floor for ac- Congress will hear reports regime in Yemen. It has also tion. from various senators and rep- been noted that the. Nasser pup- President Kennedy is expect- resentatives who visited Israel pet state obtained American ed to submit a request for lib- and the Arab states during the diplomatic • recognition in ex- eralization of the Immigration congressional recess. Their view change for Nasser's promise, Act of 1952 (McCarran Walter will be reflected in forthcoming DPW broken, to his withdrawal Act) in the early days of the legislation. of Egyptian forces. new session. He has the support One senator, declining- to of Sen. Philip Hart, Michigan be identified, said, "I don't Democrat, who heads the Sen- see why we should pick up ate Immigration Subcommittee. the tab for Nasser's expan- But, Chairman Francis Walter Sionist aggression. It en- of the House Immigration Sub- dangers the pro-American committee, co-author of the con- governments of Saudi Arabia troversial act, will try to block and Jordan, while financing any really important changes Nasser's acquisition of Rus- of discriminatory aspects like sian jet bombers to menace the national origins quota sys- democratic Israel." He said tem. that he and others who were The question of federal aid previously- lukewarm on the to parochial schools is expected Keating-Halpern measure had to be avoided in order to get ∎ Family Breakdowns Among Jews in U.S. General Community Reported Increasing DENVER, (JTA)—The Amer- family breakdowns among the lean Jewish family is taking on Jewish people, juvenile delin- manyundesirable characteris- q uency, illegitimacy and drink- tics from an environment in the ing. "The vast movement to the general community, Dr. Alfred suburbs," said Dr. Neumann, M. Neumann, executive director "the increasing number of wives of the Jewish Family and Chil- and mothers who are working, dren's Service, warned. He greater recreational opportuni- voiced that caution as he was ties, including bowling alleys, being honored by the commu- country clubs, and community nity on the occasion of the centers, have to a great extent agency's 15th anniversary. externalized American family There have been increasing life, including Jews," Dr. Neu- intermarriages as a result of en- mann stated. vironmental influences, he said, as well as more divorces and Want ads get quick results! oreo Adler MOWS No Smart Buyer Pays Retail BIGGEST DISCOUNT See the New 1963 IMPERIAL, CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, VALIANT LEO ADLER 18500 LIVERNOIS 2 Blocks South of 7 DI 1-7000 Mile PICKF011,1110'S CLOTHING LIQUIDATORS SPECIAL WAREHOUSE SALE 18315 Wyoming, Between 6 and 7 Mile - DI 1-1206 JNF .Foundatiop. • Sees $20 Million Potential in Pros pective Legacies NEW :YORIC, F (JTA) — The terms of from year to year, but Foundation for the Jewish Na- in terms of decades. The JNF tional Fund has amassed a po- Foundation," he added, "is a tential of - $0,000,000 in pro- long-term undertaking and the spective legaCies -:for the affore- Jews of America must adopt a station and reclamation of Is- long-range point of view in cop- rael's sail, Dr. Harris J. Levine, ing with the problem of helping Founda tion chairman, an- Israel to realize its full po- nounced. tential." He also told a meeting of the Legacies to Histadrut newly organized Foundation exe- LOS ANGELES, (JTA) — The cutive committee that the Foun- American Histadrut Develop- dation hoped to raise "within the ment Foundation in southern next decade or so" the sum of California has received gifts of $100,000,000 in potential through $100,000 from Arnold D. Skov- bequests in wills and the assign- ron, and $25,000 from Julius ment of insurance" to the Foun- Fligelman, both active suppoxt- dation. He -added that the Foun- ers of Israel's Labor Federation. dation would set up local Foun- Skovron made his bequest to dation Councils throughout the benefit Histadrut hospital s. United States in an effort to Fligelman, West Coast president realize those potentials. of the Histadrut campaign, gave Levine stressed that the JNF his contribution for scholarships. was placing "special emphasis Bernard B. Jacobson, West Coast on the Foundation because there director of the Israel Histadrut is a big job to be done in drive,. said that the Foundation, Israel. We must think, net in established in 1960, has • more than $2,500,000 in bequests, as- signment of insurance policies Javits' Family on and other gifts that do not re- quire immediate cash outlays Return from Israel by donors. - $102,000 Raised in Ottawa OTTAWA, (JTA) — The an- nual Histadrut dinner in Toronto raised $102,000 towards a mu- seum that will house documents and mementoes of the Jewish ghetto established by the Nazis. The museum will be built in Israel. by Histadrut, Israel's Fed- eration of Labor. 3 Jewish Leaders Elected in Manitoba Jacob Javits, Senator from New York; Mrs. Javits, and their children, Joy, Carla and Joshua are shown on depar- ture from LOD Airport Is- raeL The Javits family flew to. Israel for the Bar Mitzvah of their son, which took place in Jerusalem. WINNIPEG, Man., Catiada, (JTA)—Three Jews were elect- ed or re-elected to the Manitoba legislature in the recent provin- cial election. They are Saul Cherniack, a national vice-president of the Canadian Jewish Congress; M. A. Grey, a member of the Mani- toba Legislature for 20 years, and now an honorary vice-pres- ident of the CJC; and Maitland Steinkopf. SALE FRIDAY, JAN. 11 to 20 • SALE FAMOUS BRANDS DUMONT • LESLIE LLOYD PHOENIX M A - • SECOURSLAX • JAYSON JAY-R TERRIFIC SAVINGS VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS • INTERWOVEN HOSE R S UITS GOUP I EXTRA SPECIAL $34" TOPCOATS $44 88 SPORT wars ALL WOOL -- COMPARE AT 59.50 LATEST STYLES • INCLUDING 2 PANTS GROUP H SUITS NAME BRANDS • COMPARE AT 69.50 79.50 ALL WOOL IMPORTED FABRICS - ALL WOOL TWEEDS • SAXONY'S • COMPARE at $55-$65 $1988 COMPARE AT $35 - $45 ALL WOOL AND WOOL BLENDS 128 $5488 SLACKS SECOURSLAX GROUP III SUITS Imported Fa brics--Deluxe Qualify — Hand Tailored NAT'L ADVERT. FROM $85 UP 12" IMPORTED RAINCOATS COMPARE AT $24.95 VAN HEUSEN $34 88 IMPORTED FABRICS • ADV. $5 - 8.95 SHIRTS 1/2 PRICE SNAP TABS • COLORS • WHITE NAT'L. ADV. AT $22.50 IMPORTED $388 — CAR COAT OR'COAT INTERWOVEN HOSE BAN LONS — WOOLS COTTON SPO RT ADVERT. $1.00 - $1.95 SHIRTS • IMPORTED WHITE ON WHITE SLEEVES 2 FOR $ OTHERS $ 0 AT . . LONG SLEEVES 3 3 PRS. 12 Pr. for $7 SHIRTS FOR $10 Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Sunday 10 _a.m to 2 p.m. • Free Parking Satisfaction Guaranteed £961 'IT Annuef `SePRI 88th Congress to Deal with Civil Rights; Immigration, Mid-East Policy, Soviet Bias