THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associations, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mlle Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid At Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager HARVEY ZUCKERBERG City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixteenth day of Teveth, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Wa-yehi; Gen. 47:28-50:26. Prophetical portion: I Kings 2:1-12. Licht Benshen, Friday, Jan. 11, 5:03 p.m. VOL. XLII. No. 20 Page Four January 11, 1963 Can Prejudice Be Fought Legislatively? Reports of the spreading virus of anti- Semitism, based on surveys conducted by by the World Jewish Congress, have raised anew the question whether preju- dices and incitements to' racial hatreds can be curbed by legislative actions. Opponents of resort to legislation as a means of curbing discrimination make the claim that racial hatred can be eradi- cated only by means of educational processes and that legislation would infringe upon the established rights of freedom of expression. A study of the subject made by the World Jewish Congress counters these arguments by stating that the first con- tention "rightly points to the duty of educators in our multi-racial society to promote understanding and tolerance between people of different racial origin," but "it overlooks the fact that laws, par- ticularly criminal laws, have themselves the character and purpose of social en- lightenment and often prove to be the most effective means of education." Challenging the second argument, the World Jewish Congress survey maintains that while "the sanctity of this basic freedom must be rigorously preserved and safeguarded," absolute freedom of speech or expression has never existed, and that "democratic society has always found it right and necessary to put limits on this freedom when it conflicts with higher social ideals and interests." WJC's study also asserts that the enactment of legislation by many countries reflects "the growing acceptance by the interna- tional community of the necessity to out- law incitement to racial hatred." It is primarily as a result of the recent anti-Semitic outbursts in England and the revelations of attempts by anti- Semites to internationalize the existing anti-Semitic movements in many lands that new steps have been taken to resort to legislation to fight prejudice on all fronts. A predominant skepticism exists in. Histadrut's Glory In the darkest hours of the struggle for a Jewish National Home in Palestine, the Labor Zionists were in the forefront of activities in defense of the Jewish colonies, as sponsors of Aliyah movements which encouraged immigrants to settle in what was eventually to be the State of Israel and as inaugurators of economic projects aimed at encouraging industrial as well as agricultural development in the land. Nearly four decades ago, Histadrut, the Israel Federation of Labor, inaugu- rated a campaign which was then known under the name of Gewerkshaften. It re- ferred, symbolically, to requests that were made at that time for tools and agricul- tural implements to assist in the develop- ment of Palestinian settlements. Since then, the project of aiding the Zionist-sponsored labor settlements has expanded into a much greater movement functioning under the name "Histadrut," and its funds serve many needs, espe- cially those related to the labor move- ment's health and social services and its economic development functions. The perennial Histadrut drives serve to encourage many labor-supported causes and a number of movements that have become an integral part of the Israel economy. Histadrut has served Israel well, and the support given its campaigns here is well deserved. this country on the advisability of resort- ing to law and the courts in seeking action against bigotry. The feeling is—and the Civil Liberties Union adheres to it ve- hemently—that legislation of this sort is certain to prove a double edged sword that would react as much against advo- cates of civil and religious liberties as against those who would curtail them. But—is enough being done to educate people everywhere in support of liber- tarian principles and against prejudice? There is an evident weakness in our edu- cational processes in this vital area of human relations, and until that is cor- rected there will remain a strong. faction that will seek resort to legislation against Wisdom of Two Israeli Women discriminations. In the interim, while there is greater strength in arguments against legislative action in matters in- volving our freedoms, the question must remain unresolved as long as bigots adhere to their rights to advocate their Israel has produced personalities of distinction, and women destructive views. Selected Works of Golda Meir, Ada Maimon in 2 NewVolumes Aramco's 'Denial' In spite of the fact that the Arabian- American Oil Co. has withdrawn its re- quest for a review of the New York State Supreme Court's findings which con- demned the firm that has such vast hold- ings in Saudi Arabia of discriminating against Jewish applicants for employment, Aramco's spokesmen again insist that it does not discriminate against Jews. Yet, the data provided exposes Aramco as one of the worst offenders—as part of a scheme that has permitted the most shocking abuses in the treatment of Americans who happen to be Jews, by American firms who have submitted to Arab boycott pressures. Let Aramco stand out as an example to all who yield to un-American anti- Jewish pro-Arab pressures. Let there be an end to discriminations and complete adherence to the principle that the rights of all Americans must be protected, wher- ever they may be. Aramco's policies stand for double standards in dealing with Americans ---- one for Jews and another for non-Jews. That must not be tolerated and Aramco's new claims must stand re- jected as anti-American and therefore abhorrent to the common decencies that are upheld by our established traditions. Dr. Hertz s Optimism In his address at the Conference on Open Occupancy last Thursday, Dr. Rich- ard C. Hertz sounded an optimistic note. He expressed the view that men of good will are to be found in every neighbor- hood and that if those seeking amity will link hands "they can allay the fears of the timid and set a new tone of confi- dence in welcoming new good neighbors and in promoting standards cherished by all." Even if his views are a bit exaggerat- ed, they should be welcomed as evidences of much-needed optimism. If we were to base our dealings with our neighbors, re- gardless of their racial origins, upon pes- simism, we would at once invite trouble. It is by being hopeful, by taking into ac- count the fact that we have been spared conflicts that had led to bloodshed and rioting elsewhere, that we can continue to build for good neighborliness. On this score Dr. Hertz has made a positive con- tribution to the discussion that must lead to the best relations among all races and all faiths. played important roles in the new nation's statesmanship. Chief among the distaff side of Israel's distinguished leaders are Golda Meir, her country's Foreign Minister, and Ada Maimon, educator, feminist, labor leader and a former Knesset member. Mrs. Meir's noteworthy statements appear in a volume, "This Is Our Strength," published by Macmillan. The book was edited by Henry M. Christman. Eleanor Roosevelt had written a five-page foreward to this volume and she had an opportunity to see the printed work before her death. In her foreword, in which she paid tribute to her friend Golda Meir, Mrs. FDR stated: "Golda Meir has a creative mind. She is a woman one cannot help but deeply respect and deeply love and it is a great satisfaction to feel that we will have this collection which we can keep on a table near at hand to read from time to time when we need refreshment and courage." Golda Meir Mrs. Roosevelt also wrote in honor of her Israeli friend: "It seems to me that Israel has had leaders who are constantly look- ing forward and Golda Meir herself has shown a power of de- velopment which is one of the first things we all feel in the state of Israel itself. It arises from the fact that the men and women who have been the leaders have this power of develop- ment and can move forward and meet the needs of the country and paint the picture of its situation for the world increasingly clear." Christman ; whose introduction contains a brief biographical sketch of Mrs. Meir, has incorporated in his collection of her works her major addresses before the United Nations General Assembly and in UN committees. Most appropriately, howeVer, his first selection is an article Mrs. Meir wrote 'for the Palestine Women Workers' Council in 1939 on the subject "This Is Our Strength," which became the title for the book. In this article she outlined her Zionist views, and emphasized that "here (in a Jewish State) our children will be safe." A number of her speeches in this volume were those she delivered at Labor Zionist and at women's gatherings. There . is the text of a radio address in Jerusalem on Israel's foreign relations. Her exposes of anti-Semitism in the UN, her famous evaluations of Israel's status and her address on the Eichmann case at the UN are among the major contents in this book. "Women Build a Land" is Ada Maimon's record of accom- plishments by the women of Israel, in her book published by the Herzl Press. Tribute to the "penetrating and authoritative" ap- proach to her subject by Ada Maimon is expressed in a preface to the book by Marie Syrkin. The Maimon volume is a tribute to the halutza, to Thrael working woman. It takes into account the excellence of the work that has been performed in Israel's behalf by the Pioneer Women's Organization and its collaborating forces in the Jewish State. Ada Maimon traces the activities of the working women in Israel to the era before the first world war. She describes the critical days, the challenges that tried many souls, the obstacles that threatened the pioneering tasks. Out of the struggle emerged the courageous who became the builders of statehood. The early Aliya movements, the roles played by the JNF, Histadrut, WIZO and other Zionist movements, the leadership of many prominent Israeli women, and many other factors are described in this valuable work. Services by nurses, farm workers, kindergartners and school teachers, road workers and others active in many fields of en- deavor are described here. "Women Build a Land" will serve as an inspiration to those already engaged in work for Israel and is certain to inspire others to engage in such tasks. Ada Maimon had written an inspired and an inspiring description of the woman's share in Israel's development.