50 CNt — BUSINESS CARDS I. SCHWARTZ. An kinds of carpenter work, no job too big or small. BR 3-4826. LI 5-4035. TILE DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. UN 1-5075 DRESSMAKING THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S AU Kinds of Alterations Call for Appointments UN 3-8283 17175 ROSELAWN FURNITURE repairs and refinishing. Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547. LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339 VE 5-7453 NEW METHOD — Carpets cleaned; walls washed, by machine. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. KE 5- 8470—KE 8-1778. FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service TO 6-4005 526 Belmont. A-1 PAPER hanging, painting and wall washing. Work guaranteed. Imme- diate service. UN 4-0326. LARKINS MOVING AND DELIVERY SERVICE Also Office Furniture. Any time. Reasonable. 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 O n the Record It Makes Sense . . In the days of my early grow ing there was a plethora o Jewish beards. There were the rabbis with long beards and chassidim with a disarray of growth. There were the young with promise of beard and beards akin to a kametz, small but unmistakenly Jewish. There were also the well trimmed beards that were generally associated with the medical profession and there were the goatees that belonged to barbers and the convivial in the arts and letters. And then again there - were the beards that just belonged for strange reasons, it seemed, to goyim. Today the beard, the Jewish beard is virtually extinct, though I have a son who has one. There was a time when the nos- talgic for beards would meet satisfaction at a Jewish simcha, at a synagogue, even at a tern- ple at times. Today the beard is missing almost wholly from even holy sanctums. It is a rare occasion when one encounters a recognizable Jew- ish beard. There are some in the off-beat areas of our land, but they cannot deceive a good Jewish eye. These lack of aura of radiance, the savor of in- By NATHAN ZIPRIN has produced more masters in the comparatively small span of its existence than have richer and older tongues. It is a travesty on the cultural status of our community that it has not brought that treasure in adequate measure to the doorsteps of the young. Leivick was a master of Yid- dish poetry not alone because of uniqueness of theme but be- cause of a miraculous depth in poetic conception. He was a thinker, a mystic- and rooted in the tradition of Jewish ethics. In the opinion of many critics, he was the greatest poet of this generation. Leivick was a poet who forg- ed eternity with pen and he himself will remain eternal in the history of Jewish creativity. DILYENU BY HENRY LEONARD End Trials of Nazis Who Murdered Jews BONN, (JTA) — A sentence of three years at hard labor for one ex-Nazi and acquittal for another, was asked by the prose- cution in Kassel at the conclu- sion of a trial of two farmer Hitler regime police officers charged with complicity in the murder of 500 Jews in Russia during World War II. "And just because I'm seventeen today, Mom and Bobe, it doesn't mean I'm not your little baby any morel" topr. Baltimore Home for Aged Launches The prosecution sought the Day Residence Plan prison term for Joseph Lech- Dayenu Productions New Jersey Assures Jews on Covering Heads in Courtroom cense. Even where one most expects thaler, 72, a police colonel in BALTDIORE (JTA) — A new TRENTON, N.J. (JTA) — beards — among the Orthodox the Nazi forces who had served pilot program of "day residence' Governor Richard J. Hughes of PAINTING, decorating and repairs rabbis — there are virtually at Sluzk and Smolevvitsch, has been started for aged men New Jersey announced that of all kinds. DI 1-2910. none. And this is truly unfor- where he was accused of par- and women at the Levindale He- steps have been taken to per- PAINTER needs work, inside and tunate. ticipating in the slaughter of brew Home and Infirmary, ac- mit Orthodox Jews who wish outside, special price for vacan- cies. Immediate service. Refer- Removal of beards has not of Jews in October of 1941. Acquit- cording to an announcement by to cover their heads to do so ences. All work guaranteed. TO course obliterated the differ- tal, on the grounds that the Stanley Sagner, president of the while appearing in any court in 6-5485. ences between the rabbis. But charges had not been proven, Home, and Joseph P. Folkoff, the this state. 55 MISCELLANEOUS neither has it added to their was asked for Willy Papnekoft, institution's executive director. The Governor's announce- Under the program, citizens ment was in. response to pro- TURN YOUR old suits - shoes into distinction. In a world where a former police inspector with cash. TU. 3-1872. rabbis and laymen alike wear the same unit in which Lech- aged over 60 and otherwise qual- tests against an occurrence in no beards, it would be well it thaler had served. ified, come to the Home each a municipal court at Secaucus, seems for Orthodox rabbis to Testimony was concluded at day, participate in such ongoing, N.J., recently, where the judge Areas Where Jews grace themselves in that tradi- Flensburg in the trial of for- activities as they prefer, or sim- ordered a Jew to remove his Live in U.S. Are More tion if for no other reason than mer SS Major Martin Fellenz, ply rest in a lounge, then go to skull-cap. Such incidents, stated uniqueness, distinctiveness. It who is charged with murdering their homeS for the night. This Hughes, "are, no doubt, due to Likely Atom Targets WASHINGTON, (JTA) — seems only right that an Ortho- more than 30,000 Jews in the pro,gam, said the Home officials, a lack of knowledge of the court Fewer Jews would survive an dox rabbi should have a beard Krakow region in Poland in seeks to provide the opportunity official involved of the religious all-out atomic attack on the in contradistinction to the rab- 1941 and 1942. More than 140 for older people to undertake significance of the covering of United States than members of bis of other cloths. witnesses were heard. The ver- new experiences according to heads." their own capacities and inclina- other religious groups, accord- Honestly. It makes no sense dict will be rendered today. Hughes asserted he was call- ing the matter to the attention ing to a study by sociologists for Orthodox rabbis not to have The jury court, having enlist- tion. Patterned after similar "day of New Jersey's Chief - Justice of the University of California beards. ed the aid of two experts on Center for international popula- However, if you think I'm a contemporary history, will seek residence" plans in other major Weintraub "so that steps may tion and urban research work- bit looney in this advocacy, just to determine whether and to communities in the . United be taken to avoid this some- ing under contract for the listen to what an Orthodox what degree the defendant was States, the Levindale program is times innocent but nevertheless the first of its kind offered by embarrassing interference i n United States Office of Civilian Philadelphian had to say on the responsible for the crimes. any social agency in Baltimore. this religious principle." Defense. subject at the recent convention Manny Malman and Marvin The hypothetical study was of the Union of Orthodox Rab- Israel Cabinet Okays Schapiro are the co-chairmen of Israel Plans to House made for the government at bis of the United States and the pilot project. Louis M. Balk, Berkley, Calif., where the uni- Canada. Not only did this rabbi Service Credit to versity research center is lo- come up with a proposal that Underground Veterans the Home's director of social ac- 2,100 Immigrants from tivities, pointed out that no pres- cated. Dr. David M. Heer, head all Orthodox rabbis raise beards JERUSALEM (JTA) Israel's sures will be exerted on day South America in '63 JERUSALEM (JTA) — The of the research group, pointed as a sign of distinction from cabinet has decided to grant serv- residents to participate in any Housing Ministry announced it out that it was assumed a major their non-Orthodox fellow-rab- ice credit to government em- attack would kill more city bis but that the Orthodox cler- ployees who had served in the ongoing activities while they are had completed a detailed plan dwellers than ' rural residents gymen call themselves "daya- Irgun Zvai Leumi and Lechi, the at Levindale. for housing for 2,100 immigrants and hit the East and West coasts nirn," judges, instead of "rab- formerly non-recognized under- from South America expected to harder than the Midwest and bis." Indiscriminate application ground organizations active be- Bar-Ilan University arrive during the 1963-64 period. South. The housing will provide four of the word "rabbi" to the spir- fore the establishment of the Awards 65 Degrees Since Jews are concentrated itual leaders of the various state. The veterans of the two different types in size and their Sixty-five students were grant- general standard will be some- in big cities, they would be schools of Jewish faith, he said, groups will now receive the same harder hit than other groups, was a misnomer, a misleading credit for pension purposes al- ed degrees at Bar-Ilan Univer- what higher than that of most sity's fourth commencement ex- according to the accepted hy- title, a semantic error. ready granted to government em- ercises held in the Schleifer immigrant housing and the dif- pothesis. A similar situation ference in cost will be paid for I wouldn't go so far as to ployees who formerly worked for would affect Roman Catholics deprive rabbis of their well- the Jewish Agency, the Vaad Auditorium in Ramat Gan, Is- by the users. The Ministry said rael, it was announced by Prof. to some extent. The final report earned titles and designations Leumi and employees of t h e 550 of the units would be built covering the hypothetical study —not even if it meant reducing mandatory regime, and whose Moshe Jammer, rector of the in kibbutzim and the rest in university. will be submitted to the govern- confusion into clarity — but I periods of service in the pre- Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. received the degree A $4,000 mortgage will be avail- ment June 1. rather fancy the idea of Ortho- state groups are added to their of Fifty-four Bachelor of Arts in the four able for all types of the housing. dox rabbis clothed in the aura government service for pension Faculties of the University: Jew- The Assembly of David and of tradition—beards. computations. ish Studies, Linguistics & Litera- House of Shelter, organized in In Memoriam . . . H. Leivick In 1917 the Jewish Welfare ture, Humanities and Social Sci- Board, now the National Jew- 1897 by East-European Jews, is H. Leivick, who died last In 1902 the Second Biennial now the Jewish House of Shel- week in New York City at the Convention of Jewish Charities ences, and Natural Sciences and ish Welfare Board, was estab- Mathematics. Eleven received the ter, a member agency of the age of 74, was a giant in Yid- in the United States was held degree of Master of Arts in lished. It is a beneficiary of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Jewish Welfare Federation's dish literature, a literature that in Detroit. Natural and Social Sciences. annual Allied Jewish Campaign. ALTERATIONS, quality work, rea- sonable prices. By Olga. TW 3-6067. Hours 12 to 9. — • . . . ■ "•. ■ •• • • N. !;gatillggj.10?i..0155:M. HAVE A SHARE IN THE NEW BUILDING!! Send Your Contribution to THE NEW HEBREW MEMORIAL CHAPEL THE Webrew anevolent Society BUILDING FUND Being Built At 26640 Greenfield, Oak Park 2995 Joy Road Detroit 6, Michigan