Charles Gershenson, Al Borman Assume Leadership of '63 Allied. Jewish Drive I Thalidomide -Cure Denied in Israel (Continued from Page 1) averaged more than $5,000,000 annually. The campaign has 55 bene- ficiaries whose areas of service include health and welfare, Jew- ish education, community rela- •tions, and the three Rs of service to Jews in need over- seas; relief, rehabilitation and resettlement. Gershenson said he (Continued from Page 1) Those who have physical or possible handicap. None knew emotional handicaps that make the language of the country. produced thalidomide. The com- them unemployable or very dif- Few had ever farmed, and few mittee established that the pains ficult to employ are retrained had the physical stamina for were not due to metastasis — in our Community Workshop. heavy work. They had no tools, the technical term for the The Jewish Vocational Service seed or equipment. The land spread of a malignant tumor— specializes in finding -employ- was among the least suited to as was. apparently diagnosed in Have Your Watch ment for the difficult to place, agriculture in the world. Yet, error. and offers vocational couns el- with financial aid, the immi- Repaired Right! Deputy Health Minister Itzhak ing to people of all ages. W e grants recovered their physical Rafael also reported on the ab- . Right Here! have a House of Shelter th at vigor and their emotional scars sence of any conclusive results is a haven for those who fi nd faded. They irrigated, planted in such treatments of several Bring it in and themselves homeless in our cit y. crops, built roads, and made patients at Hadassah and Tel let our specialists . "The Resettlement Servi ce the land productive." Hashomer hospitals. The com- look it over. has a proud record of helpi ng He added that if he were mittee reported that "improve- Reliable service immigrants adjust to our w ay asked to define a gift to the ment in the general condition is our watchword. And for of life. It has helped thousan ds Allied Jewish Campaign he of these patients should be at- new beauty, re-style your of victims of Nazi persecutio n would say, "It is an act of tributed to the drug's general watch with a smart- apply for the reparations pa y- compassion, by someone who effect as a strong tranquilizer." % , ments to which they are e n- has had the extraordinary AVeister WATCHBAND The Ministry reported that it titled. good fortune to live in this had received 39 requests from "Sinai Hospital and its Shif f- country, for those with whom 12 countries for doses of the man Clinic serve the entir e fate dealth less kindly," or "It locally-made tranquilizer which community. The clinic offer is a yearly continuation of an was indicated last year as re- out-patient medical and denta ancient tradition that survived sponsible for the birth of thou- care. It has pioneered in clef through dark centuries in Eu- sands of deformed infants to Certified Master Watchmaker palate repair, and its low-visio n rope when the poor gave some- women who took the tranqui- and Jeweler clinic has found sight for hun thing to help the destitute, and lizer during pregnancy. Some of 18963 Livernois Ave. dreds of people who are legall Y the destitute found something the requests were relayed to ABRAHAM BORMAN blind. Sinai Hospital is the Jew to help the starving." UN 1 -81 84 Israel by amateur radio opera- * * * OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. tors. tells each potential contributor ish community's contribution t 0 to think of the cause that is the physical well-being of . al 1 most compelling to him and Detroiters. It has a proud recor then remember that the cam- of medical excellence. In les Strictly than a decade since its found paign covers that cause and 54 ing, Kosher it is becoming a center o f others. • Meats and medical treatment, teaching and Poultry He points out that the obvious research." Gershenson said. Specializing In: A new high mark was set for economies of a fund - raising Speaking of the overseas the Allied Jewish Campaign • Fresh, Cutup Chicken Parts drive for 55 causes are possible • Cartwheels only if the contributor realizes needs the campaign serves, Ger- when a group of women, gath- • shenson pointed out that two Ready Made Hamburger Patties • Cube Steaks ered for pre-campaign activities that his gift must be large years ago, the millionth immi- of the Women's Division at the • enough to be divided among all grant Oven Ready Turkeys • Kosher TV Dinners reached Israel. 55 causes. Great Lakes Club, on Wednes- • Mock Chicken • Veal for Scalopini . "Many of the immigrants I day, pledged the sum of $304,- Gershenson speaks with pride saw on the United Jewish Ap- • Bar.B-Q Ribs • Seasoned Meat Balls of the services the- campaign peal mission to Israel has been 325. The same group last year supports. "Right here in Detroit, so maltreated -that they could gave $275,700. Mrs. Max Fisher, chairman of our Home for Aged has been never recover physically or a pioneer in establishing proper emotionally. Some were aged, the women's pre-campaign divi- WE DELIVER — UN 1-4770 standards of residential care- for some were orphaned children. sion, presided at Wednesday's senior citizens," he emphasized. The Jews of Detroit must help meeting. The guest - speaker- Member Detroit Kosher "Other services that help older provide for their care," Ger- was Bernard Cherrick, execu- Meat Dealers. Association adults live in dignity and pro- shenson said. "The immigrants tive vire. chairman of the board of governors of the Hebrew This Shield Is Your . Protection ductivity range from camp vaca- to Israel started with every University in Jerusalem. .tions to social dancing, and from homemaker service to family . counseling. 0 "In Detroit, no child has ever been denied a Jewish education because his parents could not afford it. In the last several years, the community sponsored camp has been able to accom- modate every child whose par- ents could not pay the full fee. The Jewish Community Center is a center of recreation, good fellowship, and informal Jew- ish education for children of the very poor, the well-to-do, and all economic levels. "The Hebrew Free Loan Asso- ciation grants interest free loans to families and individuals faced with economic crises. GEORGE OHRENSTEIN . Women Set New High Mark for 1963 Campaign KAPLAN BROS 18229 WYOMING • AJC Headquarters Named for Daroff PHILADELPHIA, (JTA ) — Friends of Samuel H. Daroff, noted Jewish community leader, have purchased a midtown build- ing which will serve as head- quarters of the Delaware Valley Council of the American Jewish Congress here, and will be named "Samuel H. Daroff Congress House." Theodore R. Mann, president of the Congress council, in mak- ing the announcement, said that the new headquarters will honor not only Samuel H. Daroff but also the Daroff family, "espe- cially his two brothers, Joseph and Michael, both giants in philanthropic and communal activities." A plaque to be un- veiled in the building will pay tribute to the memory of the parents of the Daroff brothers, the late Harry and Ethel Daroff. Dedication exercises will be held at the new AJC headquar- ters on Jan. 24. Among digni- taries scheduled to participate in the event will be Governor William W. Scranton; Mayor James H. J. Tate, City Council president Paul D'Ortona and Dr. Joachim Prinz, national president of the American Jew- ish Congress. 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