CD v-4 1-4 Purely Commentary Among. a group of approximately seventy new settlers in Israel from a dozen countries, one evening recently, as they arrived by plane from Marseilles, were six from Poland. Two of them were young girls—one, 15 years old, arrived with her parents; the other, 23, a nurse, left her parents who had visas to go to the United States and pursued her preference to settle in Israel. The two girls spoke Yiddish well, but they did not know a word of Hebrew. Both had attended folk schools in the small communities of their origin, some distance away.from Warsaw and Krakow. The background of these two young people was proof of our contention that there must be no generalizing about Polish Jewry and its fate; that while conditions in Warsaw and Krakow, which are primarily the subjects of this analysis, are dismal, they do not mirror the situation in all of Poland where there are a number of Yiddish folk schools and where there undoubtedly are some Jews who will choose to go to Israel. But in the main, Polish Jewry appears to have ceased to be a source of human supply for the Jewish State. The reasons soon become obvious to observers who know the history of Polish Jewry and who are acquainted with the developments of the past two decades. They became apparent to this observer during his visit in Poland with the group of 35 from the United States who participated in a UJA Study Mission. * * * There were three and a half million Jews in Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War. When the Nazis began to deport hundreds of thou- sands of Jews into the concentration and extermi- nation camps that were set up in Poland, the num- ber of Jews herded for destruction, in Poland, exceeded five and a half million,. and most of them were deStroyed: Of the 350,000 who remained alive in Poland and an additional 200,000 Polish JeWs who found-Irefuge. in Russia and . returned:to Their former homes, half a million emigrated, most of them to Israel. . _ _ _ _ • • - Official figures. on the number of remaining. Jews in Poland varies. It is generally given as 25,000; some have quoted the number of 30,000, and a member •of the -editorial board of the Polish Yiddish newspaper VolkSztymme, while in London a few weeks ago, gave' . the number of 35,000. The latter is n4tp,an. "accepted figure, big the cOmparatiVely sinalt:variatiOn, in view of &;itiWretunarit...reiiitiiiiiiig- , in 'Poland from .lhe vast pre-war poptilation, hardly. matters. 41.1t,4, is,lvlsw-assame &that 4.1atze at.e.tens.-•afi-thou sands Of Jews who are hiding their Jewish origin, that they have intermarried and chose to live a life apart from their former kinsmen. Those' who refer to thein as "marranos" are defiling the Span- ish experience in which a "marano" was a secret Jew who lived the life of a Cliistian'in public while craving, under favorable conditions : to return to the Jewish fold. This is not so in relation, to the Polish Jews who have abandoned their"association with their people. These have chosen tO-lea :ve the fold and are lost to us, and it is sheer folly to speak of them as secret members of our people: . * * If one were to judge Polish Jewry by what he sees in Warsaw and KrakoW, he would have to write off an entire population as lost to us. I am inclined to believe that this is not so; that there are some— they may not number more han 5 to 10 per cent. of all of Polish Jewry, but they exist—who 'are studying what they can: Yiddish that is permitted to them and that is encouraged by their communi- ties' leaders, perhaps even a smattering of history, and in rare cases ceremonials and religious tracts. But there is little of religion- among them, there are very few religious schools and these are sparsely attended, and from the religious point of view. their interests are either nil or limited. But from the small communities there may even emanate some emi- . grants to Israel, and, contrary to the skepticism towards Israel that exists in Warsaw, the Jewish State's status may even be discussed and serioUsly considered there in as friendly a fashion as it is being viewed by the non-Jewish public officials. Yet, there is not a single Yeshivah left in Poland-- and there are no rabbis there; and without a theological seminary there won't be any theologians —unless there are some future unforseen infiltra tions of Jews from other lands into Poland. Without generalizing, therefore, this writer chooses to review experiences in Warsaw "and Krakow. . . There are 12,000 Jews in Warsaw, Their young are unseen. Intermarriage is -common. The religiouS element is scarce and seems to be begging for consideration from the predominant Social and Cultural Association of Polish Jews. What a tragic commentary on the rich heritage of Polish Jewry's cultural background during- the thousand-year his- tory of the Jews in that country that only 16 chil- dren attend the Jewish religious school in Warsaw! * * . . Nevertheless, Polish Jewry_is not persecuted, in. the sense of its being restricted. in its_ spiritual- cultural affairs. Tourists planning visits . in Soviet Russia had been told to take with them taleisim,' tephillin, prayerbooks and lukhot. They had been admonished, at least until the recent condemnation of such a practice by none other than the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Rabbi Yehudah Levin, especially to bring with them lukhot — Jewish calendars so The Tragedy of Poland's Vanishing Jewry that the Jews in Russia should know the dates of Jewish holidays. This is not the case in Poland. The religious Jewish community in Warsaw has published its own luakh and from it we learn of the existence of 22 Jewish communities in Poland, listed in the current luakh as follows: Bialystok, Przemysl, Lublin, Nowy- Sonch, Krakow, Lddz, Chenstochow, Sosnovic, Wloczlawek, Katowitz, Bielsko-Biala, Bytom, Gliwice, Wroclaw, Bielowe (Bielsko Biala), Zgorzelec, Swid- nica, Legnica, Walbrzych, Warsaw, Yelena-Nura, Szczecin. While there are only 16 pupils in Warsaw's Jewish religious school, the numbers of students in the schools in the other communities are not too readily available, but it is known that the folk schools where Yiddish is taught have at least a thousand combined Jewish students. Most of the children, however, are sent to the public schools, and that obviates their Jewish studies. In Krakow there are now 2,000 Jews and together with Warsaw the two communities form nearly half of the entire Jewish population of Poland. Krakow's status is especially tragic, 1,300 of the 2,000 being 65 and older. The reduction of Krakow Jewry's spiritual values is evidenced by the fact that the community's religious school numbers only 10. That is how the Jewish heritage is being reduced to a minimum! * * The tragedy is that it need not be so; that Polish Jewry could enjoy the "religious freedoms" that are accorded by the Polish government to the Catholic church. It is an unjustified fear, coupled in many instances with a desire on the part of Jews who have turned Communists to be "holier than thou" that accounts for the unfortunate situation. The implication in Poland's "religious freedom" is part of - a .libertarian principle applied by the. ,Polish government to the Catholic church whose influence over the people is very great and whose dignitaries have been granted many liberties. But insofar as the. Polish government is concerned it is equally apparent that the principles Pursued are those of "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's . . ." and to give the church its unrestricted sway. over its worshipers—as long as the church can be kept within its sphere and prevented from seeking or gaining a political foothold. There • is, therefore, the inevitable question: If the Catholics can utilize the religious freedoms granted them, why can't. the Jews take advantage Of similar liberties? „ ;:- The answer, to this correspondent, at least, is can have such __freedoms; that the-right they ,havg, to conduct services and to have religious schools, to publish books; to issue a luakh, indicates . that if they will it, Jews can have a strong cultural life in .Poland. Are we to assume that this will is lacking, That the tendency is toward assimilation, that intermarriage will swallow up the youth; that— and this is most vital—the Communist motivation is holding sway above all traditions? I aSked one of the top leaders of Warsaw. Jewry What the` relationshipsare with the nbajews. He understOod my question: that it related to anti- Semitisin; and his answer was that - anti-Semitism is ptinishable by law ins, Poland; but he added: "Ober as_ inen ,-eken geben shtokh git men"—"whenever any one can-dig at the Jew, he does it." In -Krakow -there are outdoor shrines at which men -and. women frequently stoop to pray, to count the -beads,- to 'give the sign of the cross,- and -then to throw coins into a church charity box. Such rights to religious observance are in evidence also for Jews. Note, as proof, the fact that the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, with the assist- ance of the Polish government, is now establishing a Jewish Home for the Aged in WarSaw. It will have a kosher kitchen with a mashgiach—a supervisor for Kashrut—and a synagogue for the residents of the home. It is evident that religion is not com- pletely• proscribed in Poland, but is, on the contrary, being abandoned by the members of the Jewish community. * * General Janusz Zarzycki, the president (Mayor) of the City Council of Warsaw, at a meeting with American Jewish leaders, spoke frankly about Israel and the desirability of continued Israeli-Polish friendly cultural relations. General Zarzycki, himself a survivor from the horrors of Auschwitz and other concentration camps; whose first wife, who was a Jewess, and most of his family perished in the Nazi extermination camps, was frank about Israel and did not hesitate to speak about the good relations with the Jewish State. Only the Jewish representatives became fright- ened every time Israel was mentioned; and the most shocking experience of all during the visit in Poland with other American Jewish representatives was that they labored under the utterly false impression that one had to speak softly about Israel in Poland and • that there was to be hush-hush about Jews when discussing them with non-Jews. It hardly added to the .self-respect of Jewish spokesmen. _A short time ago, Israel and Poland raised their restricted diplomatic exchange to embassies, and This article is being published simultaneously with its appearance in the American Jewish Con- gress Weekly of New York and World Jewry Magazine of the World . Jewish Congress of Lon- don, England. . By Philip Slomovitz. there is no apparent bias against Israel in Poland. Yet, Jewish visitors were warned officially- not to speak too much or too openly about Israel! A big why must be posed here, and an answer surely is available. The fact is that the Polish press is openly friendly to Israel and does not hesitate, unlike the press in the USSR, to report Israeli doings and to be much more than cordial to Israel. But the only Yiddish paper in Poland, the Folksztymme, is unfriendly, suspicious, often antagonistic. Again: why? When a lady in Warsaw, who gets frequent gifts fro_m American relatives and who is anxious to go to the United States, was asken why she does not go to Israel, since, as she said, she could _emigrate if she wished, her reply was:, "why don't you Ameri- can Jews go to Israel?" Why this negative attitude among Jews that is so self-deprecating? * # * Painfully, with a deep sense of inner hurt; this correspondent is forced to the conchision that the remaining remnant of Polish Jews has reverted to a medieval status of self-hatred and of fear. We have in Polish Jewry a revival today of the Mah Yohfis Jew. In the era When Jews lived at' the mercy of the Polish poritz and pan, of the landowner who granted the Jew certain rights to economic activity, the Polish master often took advantage of his Jewish subjects. When arranging parties, at which - there would be a lot of drinking, he would order his Jew who conducted business in his domain to appear before him, often dressed as a bear or in some other form of masque, and would command him to dance for him and to sing for 'him the Mah Yohfis while often flagging him as he acted the part. - The Mah Yohfis is . contained in the Jewish Zemiros, in Sabbath hymns, and it originates from the Song of Songs (Shir HaS'hirim), 7:7: "Mali Yohfis uMali NOamt, Ahava Bataatiugim" "How fair and how pleasant art thou, 0 love, for delights." It was selected . because of its paean of love and joy of life. - • - - • • Jews who submitted to 'stich indignities- Were therefore branded-, foi. all time to come, as Mah Yohfis Jews. The manner of humiliating theiriselves, of being so fearful about the very mention of Israel, of their refusal to show some dignity as Jews;' places 'many of the JeWS''of pregent-day •'Poland in this category. • • - ,)% - „' . Polish Jews boa t''espe" ciall abvnt` Aheit tatibital Jewish Theater which functions'ulider .. the ship of the world famous actress Ida Kamiriska. For the group of visiting American Jews, this theater chose to • play "Ilartiali'Y Arli$ieedanie-- "Baruch fun Ainsterdarh." pray Written - by a Communist, Chaim Slowes,' it lacks Jewish dignity, it is anti-religious and it distorts the baSic -truths about the hero of the play, - Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza, whose true aspects on TeWish traditions has been properly evaluated iri a pbSitii7e -fashion by noted scholars. But this - theater, which' is' acclaimed as Polish Jewry's greatest achievement, could 'find no other play to offer to Ametican guests - than one that is deprecatory to Jewish sensibilities! When one of the leading actors in' this 'theater suggested to this correspondent that the theater should be brought to the U.S. for a tour of Jewish communities, I asked (in Yiddish): "Would you come to American Jewry with a 'Baruch fun Spi- noza' and its antagonistic contents," he replied: "Nu, vellen mir shpielen `Mirele Efros' "—"Well, then we'll play `Mirele Efros' " (an old-time Yiddish theatrical melodrama). The fact is that this National Jewish Theater of Warsaw very often plays Polish plays, that it does not have a Jewish following, that with its govern- ment subsidies it must depend upon the non-Jewish community for audiences. (The New York Times recently carried this an- nouncement: "Yiddish Drama About Spinoza: Torus From Amsterdam' by Dr. Chaim Sloves, will open Saturday night at the Barbizon Plaza Theater. The show is being presented by the New Yiddish Theater Group Players. There will be performances on Dec. 15 and at 7:30 on Dec. 23." Is the mockery and the travesty being transported to this country?) * .* * At the unnecessarily lavish dinner given by Warsaw's Jewish "cultural" representatives to the American delegation, on the eve of their departure from Poland,. this correspondent had a brief dis- cussion with one of the leading men of the Warsaw National Jewish Theater.. The actor expressed confi- dence that his troupe could revolutionize the Amer- ican Jewish theater and could bring back to the Yiddish theater a great many Jews. This correspon- dent pointed out to him the facts of life in Warsaw proper—how inadequate the Jewish theater is on its home soil as an inspiration to Jews, especially to young Jews; what an utter failure it is, except in its ability to serve Poles in Polish; and the Yiddish leading man then said to me: "Ich zeh az fun eich zeinen nito keine seides. Iz besser az men ret tzu di vas fershtehen nit kein Yiddish, vellen mix blei- ben bei unzere seides"—"I see that from you there are no secrets. Then it is better to speak to those who do not understand Yiddish; then we will remain with our secrets." There were very few among the Continued on Page 32 . "